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Based on 30 syllabi and 108 questionnaire responsesfrom randomly selected U.S. colleges and universities,college geometry courses were analyzed with respect tocontent, pedagogy, and assessment. About 40% of thecourses start with elementary axioms and emphasizeEuclidean geometry or a mix of Euclidean andnon-Euclidean geometry; 23% employ a survey approach;and 20% employ an analytic or projective geometryapproach. In about 63% of the courses, the instructorlectures most or all of the time; in 36% of thecourses a substantial amount of class time is devotedto group work; and about 27% of the courses reflectnearly all the characteristics of good mathematicsteaching as defined by the NCTM Professional TeachingStandards. In most courses, in-class examinations,homework, and a final examination are the primaryevaluation tools; in about half of the courses atleast one alternative assessment contributes to thefinal grade. Common characteristics are evident butwide diversity exists also. A typical geometry coursedid not emerge from the data.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Teacher Education -  相似文献   

日本文部科学省自2019年4月1日起开始实施对中小学教师培训课程的变革。主要变革内容为提高教师信息活用技术和外语能力、强化教师的教育理解并关注特殊学生群体、增加对教师的综合学习时间课程的指导以及允许高校自主设置一定的培养课程,提高了教师队伍质量。而我国目前的教师资格考试制度存在种种弊端,例如教师准入门槛低、缺乏教学实践经验和理论知识的积累以及教师信息技术手段活用能力不足等问题。它山之石,可以攻玉,借鉴日本经验有益于我国发展教师队伍建设,提高我国教师专业素质。  相似文献   

面向中学教师培训的环境教育课程体系建设是落实国家环境教育方针政策、解决中学环境教育的现实问题的需要,是大中学环境教育对接的根本.从课程建设的基本原理、一般程序和重要节点三方面分析了技术框架,提出了从确立课程目标、改革课程结构、加强教材建设、优化教学内容、创新教学模式和完善评估机制等六方面采取措施,加强面向中学教师培训的环境教育课程体系建设的若干建议.  相似文献   

This paper describes an attempt to infuse an environmental dimension into a science course through which prospective primary teachers are trained. The innovation concerns teaching science concepts not in the context of the discipline, but within a context of everyday life, and as such the focus chosen was drinking water. In formulating the course, learners’ ideas about aspects of the issue were taken into account. The evaluation was based on a post‐course questionnaire. The main conclusions to be drawn from this evaluation is that the science knowledge learned through this approach helped students gain a better understanding of a variety of aspects which concern that issue. The majority of students appreciated such an integrated approach and thought the approach taken was more promising than the stereotypical one that they had been accustomed to up to that point.  相似文献   

师德对于一名合格教师来说应是其灵魂,但是有些教师在师德方面却存在欠缺,我们应抓住中小学教师继续教育这一时机,加强师德的培养和教育。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of a professional development program based around commercially available inquiry science curricula on the teaching practices of 27 beginning elementary school teachers and their teacher mentors over a 2 year period. A quantitative rubric used to score inquiry elements and use of data in videotaped lessons indicated that education students assigned to inquiry-based classrooms during their methods course or student teaching year outperformed students without this experience. There was also a significant positive effect of multi-year access to the kit-based program on mentor teaching practice. Recent inclusion of a “writing in science” program in both preservice and inservice training has been used to address the lesson element that received lowest scores—evaluation of data and its use in scientific explanation.  相似文献   

This essay summarizes the author's 10 years of experience at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation mentoring secondary school science teachers during 8-wk Summer Research Institutes. The summary is presented as a learning model, which we call the research dynamic. This model consists of three interlocked components: specified ignorance, peer interactions, and gateway experiments. Specified ignorance is based on the work of the sociologist Robert K. Merton. It is essentially the art of highlighting what is not known about a phenomenon but must become known for further progress. In practice, specified ignorance is framed as a hypothesis, a prediction, or a question. It is commonly the outcome of peer interactions, which are the second essential component of the research dynamic. Peer interactions are the inevitable outcome of having teachers work together in the same laboratory on related research topics. These topics are introduced as gateway experiments, the third component. The most important attribute of gateway experiments is their authenticity. These experiments, when first carried out, opened new scientific vistas. They are also technically, conceptually, and logically simple. We illustrate the research dynamic with a line of seminal experiments in biochemical genetics. We provide evidence that the research dynamic produced significantly positive effects on teachers' confidence in their professional preparedness.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The problem was to identify topics and concepts for a computer literacy course for preservice teachers in Singapore, to develop curriculum materials, and to evaluate the course in terms of achievement, attitudes towards computers, and reactions to the course by the participants.

The syllabus was designed and curriculum materials were developed for the course. The results of the study showed that the course had been effective in raising the computer literacy achievement of the preservice teachers but not attitudes towards computers. Reactions to the course were favourable and hands-on experience on the computer was considered the most effective aspect of the course.  相似文献   

张逸 《教师教育研究》2005,17(2):18-21,37
在语言学和英语教学理论不断更新的今天,如何对中学英语教师进行继续教育,是当前师资继续教育亟需解决的新课题。中学英语教师均已受过正规的8评议训练,具有独立的分析能力,喜欢课堂交际,对继续教育有明确的个人目标。根据中学英语教师的这些特点,在继续教育的课程开发中,过程模式,任务型教学大纲和内容型教学大纲更加适合中学教师的需求,因为学习者在解决问题和学习各种理论知识的同时锻炼了评议的实际运用能力,提高了教学和科研能力,在教学大纲的实施中,须贯彻八项原则:1.教学现场相结合;2.理论与教学实践相结合;3.解决中学教学中的难点;4.课堂交流与讲解并重,鼓励学员在课堂上进行讲座;5.内容学习和言语学习并重;6.与现代化教学手段接轨;7.注重能力的培养;8.鼓励创造性的学习。  相似文献   

对中小学教师继续教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学教师继续教育工程已全面启动,但其体系尚不完善,效果并不明显。中小学教师继续教育要创新教育理念,统筹规划,完善各项教育制度,改革课程设置,重视校本培训,加强国际间的交流与合作。  相似文献   

This study examined changes in personal science teaching self-efficacy (PSTE), outcome expectancy (STOE), and science conceptual understanding and relationships among these in preservice teachers. Seventy preservice teachers enrolled in science teaching methods courses participated in this study. PSTE, STOE, and science conceptual understanding increased significantly during participation in the course. The study established that novice learners with minimal prior knowledge could not be expected to understand and employ core concepts in their learning schema without extensive guidance. The relationship between science learning confidence and science teaching confidence has not been theoretically delineated in the area of science teacher education. Findings suggest there may be important connections between the 2 for preservice teachers that would be fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine changes in personal science teaching self-efficacy (PSTE), outcome expectancy (STOE), and science conceptual understanding and relationships among these in preservice teachers. Seventy preservice teachers enrolled in science teaching methods courses participated in this study. PSTE, STOE, and science conceptual understanding increased significantly during participation in the course. The study established that novice learners with minimal prior knowledge couldn't be expected to understand and employ core concepts in their learning schema without extensive guidance. The relationship between science learning confidence and science teaching confidence has not been theoretically delineated in the area of science teacher education. Findings suggest that there may be important connections between the two for preservice teachers that would be fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

随着教师培训走向多元化和开放化 ,作为地市级教师继续教育培训机构要以全新的理念和创新的精神 ,不断增强功能 ,充实内涵 ,全方位地为基础教育新一轮改革与发展服务 ;在认真总结教师继续教育工作基本经验基础上 ,创造性地推进新一轮教师继续教育工作 ,为中小学教师继续教育工作提供丰富而鲜活的实践经验与理论成果  相似文献   

Given the high attrition rate of beginning science teachers, it is imperative to better prepare science preservice teachers, so that they can be successful during the early years of their teaching. The purpose of this study was to explore science preservice teachers’ views of themselves as a future teacher, in particular their hopes and fears for science teaching and the experiences that help to shape their possible selves. Employed were qualitative methods, which included open-ended surveys and face-to-face interviews. Eleven preservice teachers who enrolled in a secondary science teacher preparation program participated. Findings showed six categories of future selves with the most frequent category being for effective/ineffective science teaching. When their hoped-for and feared selves were not balanced, participants articulated more fears. Regarding the primary influence in shaping their hopes and fears, diverse past experiences related to teaching and learning appeared to be more salient factors than science teacher education program. Given the enriched understanding of the science preservice teachers’ perceptions, we provided suggestions for science teacher educators.  相似文献   

Becoming an effective literacy learner requires a bit of slowing down and appreciating the reflective nature of reading and writing. Literature circles support this instructional direction because they provide opportunities for immersing students in discussions that encourage their personal responses. When students feel their personal responses are nurtured and respected, they develop confidence to grow beyond status-quo thinking and to engage in critical perspectives on meaning making. These reflective practices from personal to critical are important ingredients for effective literacy learning.  相似文献   

Sarah Hean  Roger Garrett 《Compare》2001,31(3):363-379
The paper aims to augment the limited literature on teacher job satisfaction in developing countries, specifically in Chile. The nature of job satisfaction in Chilean secondary science teachers is investigated and causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction identified. Teachers mentioned most often their satisfaction with interactions with students, relationships held within the school and opportunities to contribute to the development of society, future generations or the individual. Sources of dissatisfaction are poor salary, excessive workload, student characteristics, resources and infrastructure. Associations between teachers' characteristics (age, gender, experience), the type of school administration and job satisfaction are also made and suggestions on how to address the issues of teacher satisfaction and dissatisfaction are discussed.  相似文献   

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