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The authors performed an interdisciplinary literature review of research on communication and climate change. The authors reviewed STEM, social science, and risk analysis journals to synthesize recent publications on climate change communication which could support research in technical communication. Several applications are proposed for technical communication research, including using this review to contextualize local qualitative work, to spur interdisciplinary projects and address gaps in multidisciplinary literature, and reconsider a role for advocacy in technical communication.  相似文献   

伴随工业活动而生的温室气体对全球的气候产生了恶劣的影响:自然灾害的频发、极端气候天气的不断涌现。这引起了地球人的恐慌。但大气作为一种特殊的全球公共物品,仅仅依靠某一国或某几国的努力也很难应对全球的气候变化,因而这就需要世界各国尤其是大国的密切合作。《京都议定书》的生效是国际气候制度发展的重要里程碑,它标志着应对气候变化的国际合作迈出了重要的一步,其对世界经济和国际政治关系也产生了重大影响。但无论是从其内容还是效力上看都有其局限性,尤其是世界第一大二氧化碳排放国——美国拒绝批准,在《京都议定书》下的应对气候变化的国际合作并不如人所愿。本文正是从应对气候变化的国际合作的问题着手,分析其原因并为之后国际合作谋出路。  相似文献   

School is a very important element of society. Students and teachers learn many lessons, academic and otherwise, that influence their personal well-being and academic success. Often, however, school does not provide the positive learning or working environment that is most beneficial for our students and teachers. As a first year principal, Pepper realized that a more positive school climate was the key to confronting many of the challenges in the school where she worked. Through an autoethnographical approach supported by her personal journals, Pepper's experiences are described as she witnessed the negative effects that an authoritarian leadership style had on school climate and, subsequently, the morale and success of students and teachers within the school setting. As she made the change to a transformational leader, she came to realize that this leadership style had a more positive effect on the learning and working environment. Her change in leadership style and guidance, with input from teachers, staff, students, parents, and community members, resulted in the school becoming a more positive, caring place to learn and work for everyone involved. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most serious global environmental problems and for that reason there has been lately a great interest in educating pupils, the future citizens, about it. Previous research has shown that pupils of all ages and teachers hold many misconceptions and misunderstandings concerning this issue. This paper reports on research concerning student teachers' perceptions about aspects of climate change as well as about greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion. The aim of this research is to take findings into account for teaching student teachers about these issues. An open-ended questionnaire was used in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their thought. From their answers it appeared that these students believe that climate change is under way and base their beliefs on their own experience. They are unaware of the proper actions to be taken for slowing down the climate change, they also hold the misconception that ozone depletion, acid rain, and pollution in general are conducive to climate change. They confuse greenhouse effect with ozone depletion as far as the mechanisms through which they occur is concerned and the causal compounds. By taking into account these research findings the possible implications for teaching are discussed and some suggestions for more effective teaching are made.  相似文献   

The products of modern biotechnology processes such as genetic engineering, DNA testing and cloning will increasingly impact on society. It is essential that young people have a well-developed scientific understanding of biotechnology and associated processes so that they are able to contribute to public debate and make informed personal decisions. The aim of this study was to examine the development of understandings and attitudes about biotechnology processes as students progress through high school. In a cross-sectional case study, data was obtained from student interviews and written surveys of students aged 12 to 17 years. The results indicate that students' ability to provide a generally accepted definition and examples of biotechnology, cloning and genetically modified foods was relatively poor amongst 12–13 year old students but improved in older students. Most students approved of the use of biotechnology processes involving micro-organisms, plants and humans and disapproved of the use of animals. Overall, 12–13 year old students' attitudes were less favourable than older students regardless of the context. An awareness of the development and range of students' understandings and attitudes may lead to a more appropriate use of biotechnology curriculum materials and thus improved biotechnology education in schools.  相似文献   

应对气候变化已经从科学层面转向国际政治、国际法律乃至国际经济的综合治理。当气候变化引发环境危机与金融动荡引发全球经济衰退的时候,国际社会需要在环境治理与经济发展之间寻求均衡点,以实现环境的可持续发展和经济的稳定繁荣。通过法经济学的分析方法。以应对气候变化的国际环境法为分析对象,明确法经济学的分析前提,探讨国际环境法的发展路径,进而剖析国家参与国际环境法的发展策略,将促进包括中国在内的新兴发展中大国建立科学有效的应对机制.并推进“后京都时代”应对气候变化国际环境法的发展。国家参与国际环境法的发展必须建立国际气候环境合作秩序,促进多层次的国际政治合作。完善政治目标经济化的手段和路径。  相似文献   

气候变化问题是重要的国际政治经济问题。中国是国际气候制度的重要制定者和气候治理的关键参与者。中国参与国际气候合作是一个包括环境、经济、政治和社会的综合的利益取舍过程,在参与全球气候变化治理时,中国应在明确自己的基本立场的基础上,对怎样参与国际气候合作做出重要的战略选择。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in addressing moral aspects in the research and education of socio‐scientific issues. This paper investigates students' interpretations of climate change from a moral perspective. The students were 14 years old, studying at Green Schools in the Beijing area, China. The study was based on semi‐structured group interviews and the data were analysed from an intentional perspective, which means that both cognitive and situational aspects were taken into consideration in the analysis. Previous research has revealed a close relation between morality and socio‐scientific issues and also advocated the need for addressing ethical aspects in science education. However, empirical studies exploring the question of what students' moral reasoning might look like at the individual level have not yet generated enough attention. In this study this is the core focus of interest. The findings show that the students conceptualise the solutions to mitigating climate change in relation to two different stances. That is, they contextualise the problems and solutions by addressing the individual, where the individual is either ‘myself’ or ‘someone else’. The different notions of the individual become crucial as the students' views and considerations for the environment, as well as society, change according to the different contexts. From a moral point of view, the students seem quite unaware of their varying consideration for others, the environment and society. The paper ends with a discussion of implications for practice and research.  相似文献   

戴震是我国18世纪百科全书式的学术巨擘,被后世诸多学者奉为中国启蒙先驱。戴震出生地徽州,18世纪以商贾兴盛、儒风帜盛、宗法礼制完备著称于世,有东南邹鲁之称的美誉。戴震思想重知的特色,与徽州地域文化有千丝万缕的联系,本文试图在学术观念史和徽州区域文化的双向中来展开对戴震重知思想形成的深层区域社会背景的探究。  相似文献   

气候变化和随之而来的一系列自然灾害严重影响了人们的生产和生活。越南也是受气候变化影响深重的国家之一。由于海平面上升、洪水、旱灾的频繁发生,越南的农业、渔业、人民生命财产和健康都受到严重威胁。本文对此作了详细分析,并提出高校在应对气候变化过程中应尽的责任和可能发挥的作用。  相似文献   

气候变化引起自然资源环境变化,进而影响社会和经济的发展。在全球气候变化中,北极气候变化最明显,开始影响生态变化;而北冰洋这块“净土”也随着海冰的减少,使得夏季通航和资源开发成为潜在工程行为,多国纷纷对北冰洋的主权要求施展本领。北极气候变化对加拿大自然生态环境和社会经济的影响引起了加拿大政治界、科学界、工程界、民间的高度重视,并采取了相应的应对措施。从加拿大和中国的国情出发对两国在气候变暖的共性问题上做比较分析,将为国内外同仁提供宝贵借鉴。  相似文献   

文章从经济发展与环境变迁关系,人类文明兴衰与环境变迁关系及气候、水、动植物资源变迁及灾害与疾疫四个方面,回顾了30年来新疆环境史研究的状况。同时对存在的问题及今后研究的方向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

采用自编大学生心理健康知识问卷(MHKQ)和一般健康问卷(GHQ-20)对800名大学生施测,以分析心理健康知识水平对大学生心理健康的影响,结果显示,大学生心理健康知识对“焦虑”和“忧郁”有负向预测作用,对“自我肯定”和“心理健康”总体水平有正向预测作用;专业在心理健康知识与“焦虑”、“忧郁”和“心理健康”总体水平的关系间有显著的调节效应。  相似文献   

国外关于儿童特质稳定性理解研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在结合早期研究的基础上,集中介绍国外关于儿童特质稳定性理解研究的新近研究成果,在总结其研究现状的同时,思考这些研究对于认知与个性、社会性研究的意义,并对未来的研究工作提出了展望。  相似文献   

从语境与词义的定义入手,结合相关语料,剖析语境对词义演变和词义运用产生的影响。结果表明,语境不仅是导致词义演变的一个重要因素,而且还会影响到词义组合在语言中的具体运用。  相似文献   

知识理论构成教学理论的重要基础。传统知识取向导致教学理论的种种偏误。当代知识发展与变迁引发知识观念的变革,呼唤着教学理论的转型与教学概念的重建。  相似文献   

采用自编问卷,对湖南省大学生的媒介素养现状进行了调查.从614份有效问卷中发现,大学生媒介消费类别呈现多样化趋势,网络和手机已经成为最受他们欢迎的媒介,但是大学生媒介素养现状不容乐观,很多大学生没有接受过系统的媒介素养教育,其媒介素养水平处于自发状态.开展媒介素养教育,开设媒介素养课程是提高我国当代大学生素养必不可少的措施.  相似文献   

采用随机分配实验班对照班前后测的实验设计,对40名大二学生进行团体心理辅导干预实验研究。实验研究结果表明,与对照班相比,采用心理讲座+团体训练+心灵茶座+自创报刊的综合团体心理干预方式可以显著改善实验班大学生心理健康理念及其状况,并且干预后间隔2个月有延续效应。这说明,综合性团体心理辅导干预对于改善大学生心理健康理念及状况是有效的。  相似文献   

在大学学习科学研究中 ,应重视学习兴趣及其对创新人才成长影响的研究。学习兴趣在学习过程中具有元动力作用 ,对创新学习与创新人才成长极为重要。高等教育应重视大学生学习兴趣尤其是专业兴趣的培养 ,尊重大学生的兴趣爱好 ,为创新人才成长营造环境  相似文献   

As teachers' knowledge determines to a large extent how they respond to educational innovation, it is necessary for innovators to take this knowledge into account when implementing educational changes. This study aimed at identifying patterns in the content and the structure of science teachers' knowledge, at a point in time when they still had little experience in teaching a new subject, that is, Public Understanding of Science. We investigated three domains of teacher knowledge: Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), subject-matter knowledge, and general pedagogical knowledge. A semi-structured interview and a questionnaire were used. From the analysis of the data, two types of teacher knowledge emerged. One of the types was more integrated and more extended in terms of PCK. Teachers who represented this type of knowledge had developed PCK that connected the various programme domains of the new science subject. In both types, PCK was found to be consistent with general pedagogical knowledge. In both types, however, subject-matter knowledge was similar, and not directly related to the other knowledge domains. Implications for the implementation of the new subject are discussed.  相似文献   

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