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This paper explores Paul Brandwein’s contribution to the concept of conservation education in America. It examines the evolution of the concept to today’s environmental education. It then identifies some of the weaknesses of current environmental education and presents ideas on how to move past them to a point where conservation education is integrated into every classroom discipline, which brings conservation closer to Brandwein’s concept of conservation education to create a sanative environment. The paper looks at place-based learning as a step in that direction, giving several examples. It concludes with the 24 scientifically based conservation concepts compiled by the Society for Conservation Biology that can serve as curriculum for the 21st Century and beyond.  相似文献   

教育世界与生活世界:从“隔离”到“融通”   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教育世界源自于生活世界,又与生活世界有着一定的区别。近代以来,随着自然科学的发展和学校的制度化,教育世界与生活世界产生了隔离。在中国当今的基础教育领域,教育世界与生活世界的隔离是一个严重的问题。而融通教育世界与生活世界,既是现实的呼唤,又是当代教育发展的要求。  相似文献   

刘云生 《中学教育》2009,(11):20-24
推进区域基础教育重大改革项目,有利于探索路径,深化改革;树立标杆,引领发展;贡献经验,形成品牌。确定区域基础教育重大改革项目要体现民本政治、教改趋势、教育规律和区域实际的要求。当前,可以从体制与机制、统筹与均衡、内涵与质量等维度去筛选重大改革项目。选定项目以后,可采取政策建构、项目直推和综合推动等模式开展工作。  相似文献   


We used a cluster-randomized, wait-list controlled trial to examine impacts of a school-based social-emotional learning intervention on Congolese students and teachers. Seventy-six school clusters in two groups (A and B) were randomized to treatment or control. The groups differed in geographic location, accessibility, exposure to violence, and external donor investment. We estimated causal impacts in Group A, tested whether those impacts were replicated in Group B, and conducted sensitivity analyses on the pooled sample. Pooled analyses had higher statistical power and were therefore more likely to represent the true average impacts of the program. Improvements in students’ perceptions of school predictability and in addition and subtraction, geometry, and reading performance were specific to Group B. Only the effect on addition and subtraction remained significant in the pooled analysis. Improvements in teachers’ sense of accomplishment were found in Group A and remained significant in the pooled analysis. We detected no impacts on other outcomes. School-based interventions embedding social-emotional learning principles into the academic curricula are a promising but not yet proven approach to improving children’s outcomes in low-income countries affected by war.  相似文献   

One of the aims in the Singapore Green Plan is to maintain a more proactive and environmentally conscious population. This can be met through the education of the people. The Plan recognises that one of the most important target groups is the student population. For this to be achieved, a case can be made for the teaching of biology as a core subject in both the primary and secondary schools. According to the Biological Science Inquiry Model, a teaching model designed for instructing and nurturing the learning process of students, a good foundation in biology will enable students to be more open minded, more inquiring into related issues and apply biological principles to rationalise such issues. A good grounding in biology will therefore help students to have a better understanding of environmental issues as these issues are extensively related to biological principles. This can be illustrated by the ten issues concerning the global environment highlighted at the United Nations Conference on the Environment in June 1992. Through a systematic discussion of each of these issues, this paper illustrates the importance of biological knowledge in understanding the problems, implications and consequences of these issues.  相似文献   

俄罗斯高教强国之路始于18世纪初叶彼得一世的改革,崛起于20世纪50年代后的美苏争霸。俄罗斯高等教育的改革与发展始终是在传统的“大国意识”和“强国精神”的背景下展开的,处理本国传统和西方经验一直是其建设高等教育强国的首要问题。俄罗斯建设高等教育强国的主要经验有:实行高等教育管理部门所有制。调动部门办学积极性;采取超常规措施,迅速扩大高等教育规模;大力发展研究生教育,建设一流师资队伍;开创专业教育模式,坚持高等教育为经济社会发展服务。  相似文献   

近年来,由于旅游业快速发展,人类旅游活动对环境的破坏不断加剧,对从事旅游专业的群体进行环境教育就显得非常重要了。尤其是对接受旅游职业教育的学生进行旅游环境保护教育更是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

美国走向高等教育强国的发展史是“光荣与梦想”和“危机四伏”并存的景象,然而借鉴他国经验、结合本国特色自主创新始终是美国高教改革与发展的主线。美国实现高等教育强国的主要经验有:奉行实用主义高教理念,积极为社会服务;政府积极作为,以立法形式资助高等教育;重视教育质量,狠抓质量工程建设;专业教育与职业教育并举,贯通通识教育。  相似文献   

本讨论了在化学教育中加强环境保护教育的必要性,并提出了在化学教育中渗透环境保护教育的思考和做法.这有利于培养和提高中学生的环保意识和综合素质乃至有利于提高全体公民的环保意识.  相似文献   

从“大师精神”看大学精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章从大师精神引导出大学精神——大学应该是培养全面和谐发展的人的殿堂,而不是打制工具的作坊;大学教育的本质在于教人如何做人,做一个完善的人、全面的人、高尚的人,其次才是教人如何做事;“人”是大学教育关注的重心和中心。  相似文献   

法国走上高等教育强国的历程及其经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据世界科学技术活动中心与世界高等教育活动中心的有关研究,法国走上高等教育强国始于18世纪的启蒙运动,崛起于拿破仑的第一帝国,18世纪下叶至19世纪上叶是其巅峰时期。其发展历程清晰表明法国走上高等教育强国的主要经验有:建立法国特色的高等教育系统,坚持高等教育多样化,重视科学教育和研究。大力发展高等职业技术教育,建立适合法国国情的中央集权教育管理体制并以立法形式推动高等教育改革。  相似文献   

论大学生环保社团在环境教育中的作用和发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生环保社团以充满活力的形式,活跃在学校和社会的环保舞台上,渐渐成为群众性环保活动的生力军。大学生环保社团在发展和推动高校环保事业中起到了重要作用,也得到了一定的发展,但还普遍存在一些问题。大学生环保社团应努力通过各种渠道提高大学生环境素质,采取切实有效的措施,加快环保社团的发展。  相似文献   

美国高校环境伦理教育探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境教育的最终目标之一是改变人们的环境行为,而环境教育研究表明,单一的“知识-态度-行为”转化模式是难以取得预期效果的,环境行为的核心涉及到人们的环境态度和伦理责任,环境教育的重心也需放在环境伦理教育上。美国高校自20世纪70年代初就开展了环境伦理教育,在30多年的发展过程中积累了很多值得我们学习的经验和教训。  相似文献   

二十一世纪的合格人才最主要的特点之一是具备有效的沟通能力。就如何在体育教学过程中对大学生进行沟通教育进行初步研究,分析体育教学过程中人际沟通的特点及模式,体育教学对学生进行沟通教育的有利因素,并提出了具体的途径和方法。  相似文献   

印度在近代曾一度沦为英国殖民地,独立后一直致力于增强国力并谋求在国际上的地位。为树立其大国形象,印度政府大力发展高等教育,以此为基点带动整个国民经济的发展,取得了较大的成绩,但同时过分倾斜的高等教育政策也使整个教育发展走向畸形的道路。分析印度高等教育发展过程中的成绩与问题,有助于对我国高等教育的发展进行反思,保证我国高等教育沿着健康向上的轨道发展。  相似文献   

Our schools and educators face a compelling responsibility to serve society by fostering the transformations needed to set us on a path to sustainable development in the 21st century. Education for sustainability is a new paradigm for a life long learning process that leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem solving skills, scientific, technological, and social literacy, and commitment to engage in responsible actions that will help ensure an environmentally sound, socially just, and economically prosperous future for all. This paper and the preceding paper, from a soon to be published book, Education for a Sustainable Future: A Paradigm of Hope, edited by Keith A. Wheeler, focus on the need to have science imbedded at the core of the education for sustainability paradigm and the need to increase and enhance teacher education to better be able to develop the necessary interdisciplinary thinking and transformative learning for the new millenium.  相似文献   

从领导、教师、学生、教材、资金设备、评估手段、社会环境等方面 ,分析落后地区大语文教育滞后发展的原因 ,并着重从教师的课外阅读指导方面 ,论述在落后地区实施大语文教育的重要性和可行性  相似文献   

环境保护,教育为本。我国的环境教育在理论和实践层面都取得了一定的成果,但仍存在环境教育理念陈旧、环境教育研究相对滞后、环境教育师资缺乏等问题。通过分析现状,针对问题,提出更新环境教育理念、加强环境教育体系建设、加快环境教育立法等等适合我国国情的环境教育对策和建议。  相似文献   

Paul F-Brandwein was a visionary who looked at education broadly. He left us with an insightful view of the ecology of education in which he identified three ecological systems: school–family–community, postsecondary, and cultural. The first part of this lecture, by Dean B. Bennett, examines Brandwein's ideas related to environmental education and explores the relationship of environmental education with science teaching in the K-12 school–family–community ecosystem. Focusing particularly on the middle-secondary level, evidence suggests that the goals of environmental education, since their emergence in the late 1960s, are today strongly evident in science curricula, instructional resources, educational assessment, and teacher education. But the author points out that more must be done and provides some fundamental suggestions. The second part of the lecture, by Sheila K. Bennett, examines the role of distance education in the teaching of science in the postsecondary ecosystem and addresses its value as a viable tool in promoting scientific literacy. The lecture focuses on a successful statewide, interdisciplinary laboratory science course delivered by interactive television, the Internet, and computer network. Now in its ninth year, the course reflects Brandwein's thinking about effective classroom teaching and is based on national standards for scientific literacy.  相似文献   

永恒主义“名著”课程观及其对我国读经教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,读经教育在我国已成为社会和学术界所关注的热点问题。西方永恒主义教育流派将经典称为名著(Great Books),认为名著代表了人类精神世界和物质世界的永恒性,并提出了“名著”课程观。借鉴永恒主义的“名著”课程观,我们可以从读经的价值、读经的选择和读经的方法三个维度得出有益启示。  相似文献   

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