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Themes of place, situatedness, and locale are increasingly prominent in environmental education literature and practice. Sense-of-place research, which considers how people connect with places and the influence of those connections on engagement with the environment, may have important implications for environmental education. Prior place studies have proposed that people’s place connections have various dimensions. This paper explores four place dimensions, analyzing data from a survey (n?=?712) conducted in three ecoregional sites in which we investigated residents’ sense of place. We examine how our data fit a proposed typology of place dimensions – a four-dimension (biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, and political-economic) categorization based on previous conceptions of the dimensions of place. We use structural equation modeling to question whether a 4-factor conceptualization of the dimensions of sense of place is superior to plausible alternatives. In comparing the four-dimension model with alternative models, we find that the four-dimension model is the best fit for these data. Our findings suggest that environmental and place-based education may benefit from an understanding and consideration of this four-dimension conceptualization of place in program design, implementation, and evaluation.  相似文献   

想象是在人脑中对已有表象进行加工改造而创造新形象的过程,想象是一个复杂的心理过程,可分为五个阶段,即接受刺激、唤起记忆表象、加工改造、产生新形象、检验想象.  相似文献   

中国文学想象力萎缩问题已成为文艺理论界的热点问题。对此文章认为应主要从作家角度来追根溯源,寻找问题的病因。文章指出,首先,当代小说叙事仍停留在模拟现实的阶段,而在写作技法上则耽于学习西方;其次,当代小说的题材狭窄,多滞留于写实的层面,未能处理好写实与想象的关系问题;第三,当代作家缺乏理论自觉意识、反思意识和问题意识。  相似文献   


Augé defined non-place as space lacking meaningful relations with other spaces, historical presence, or concern with identity—space divorced from anthropological place. Rather than space as historically-centered, marked and fashioned by social bonds, Augé’s non-place represents a de-centering of space, a movement away from cities, dwelling places and dwelling-in-places, and even embodied experiences, into capitalist, often technologically-mediated, spaces of “circulation, consumption, and communication.” Non-place presents fundamental and existential challenges to the field of place-based education, an educational approach dedicated to instilling place-consciousness and, correspondingly, pro-ecological attitudes and behaviors, by rooting education within the local environment. But how can education become “rooted” in place when place itself is increasingly ephemeral, non-existent, or untethered to a geolocation? This question is a defining ontological and epistemological question for place-based education in supermodernity.  相似文献   

教育史学的想象力是一种教育史研究者所应具备的心智品质,它帮助处于当代教育场域中的研究者带着现实教育问题回到过去,并在理解过去教育的基础上研究与重构教育史,从而厘清与引领当代的教育改革。教育史学的想象力不仅能够帮助我们完成知识生产,而且能使教育史研究立足当下、重塑过往与走向实践。  相似文献   

想象在文学中的作用切实存在,但目前对其如何发挥作用以及发挥作用的特点和规律尚少有清晰论述。在欣赏文学作品时,欣赏者的想象分为三个阶段,即“知觉想象”、“再造想象”和“创造想象”,并对这三个阶段的想象进行了分析,阐明了其在想象的线性发展中所起的作用。结合文学欣赏的过程阶段,即“感知阶段”、“想象阶段”、“理解阶段”和产生审美感受的阶段,着力探究想象在各阶段的或隐或显,或灵动活泼或低沉蕴蓄的作用方式,最后得出结论:是否能创造出引发读者诸多心理因素的和谐自由运动的艺术形象是文学创作成败的关键所在。  相似文献   

英语,如其他语言一样,涉及到方方面面.在英语听力中,图式理论还可应用在涉及到常识、话语背景、时间模式、习语、俗语、谚语、空间顺序、推测、语篇等方面的听力材料中,合理地联想,以便理智筛选信息,针对性地捕捉信息.  相似文献   

文章主要研究了美国私立教育财政资助诉讼,诉讼的焦点是政教分离问题,诉讼的宪法依据是美国宪法第一修正案的立教条款,法院审查的标准由莱蒙托准则演变为政府中立性标准,并最终导致了教育券项目的合法化。  相似文献   

王勇 《外国教育研究》2005,32(10):7-10,62
比较教育学是想象的产物。受本质主义和现代性思维模式的诱导,比较教育学一直在方法论上纠缠不休,忽视了其想象和人为建构的学科性质。其中,民族认同、文化认同的历史生成过程和文化教育间存在着的权力逻辑则促成了比较教育学想象的可能。它使我们进一步认识到比较教育学不仅仅是一个学科知识体系,更重要的是一套拥有权力关系的话语系统。这种学科的“他者”想象和自我想象让我们认清比较教育学长期以来的虚假形象的同时,也为其学科觉醒和自我意识的形成找到一条新的突围之路。  相似文献   

教师所从事的是创造性劳动,想象力在教师劳动的过程中显得特别重要。教育工作的各个方面都要求教师要具有想象力。在平时工作中,教师应通过一些途径锻炼自己的想象能力。  相似文献   

音乐教育中的想象与科学创造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类的发展和科技的进步都是想象辩证运动的产物。而音乐教育对人大脑的想象能力的开发作用是其它艺术门类所达不到的,音乐教育中想象实际融入了一种思想、一种理念、培养了一种创造素质,它缩短了科学想象与现实创造之间的距离,同时也结出了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

This article reports on recent case-study research that examined teacher- and student-level processes in nine Australian arts classrooms. The selected classrooms, based on the results of a connected longitudinal study, demonstrated strong positive links between arts participation and academic motivation, engagement and achievement. The focus here is on how teachers supported their students to conceive, shape and present imaginative work. Although different approaches were apparent in the dance, drama, film, music and visual arts classrooms, patterns were detected in the processes used to transform imaginative ideas into a creative work. The research indicated that important skills were being developed as the students encountered the ambiguity of the creative process. Furthermore, insights were gained into how work drawing on the imagination can be initiated and sustained through the highs and lows of development to become both a work of art and a learning experience that will augment future creative work.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的语境下,在文化转型的这样一个关键时刻,教育必须将其置身于"文化中国"的语境中,直面民族共同体的文化命运。而对文化的重新领会、重新进入,并在这种进入的过程中有所觉悟、有所发明,这就是教育的原初含义。而教育、文化、想象与人四者具有相同的时间结构,它们都将过去、当下、未来构成一体。教育、人、文化和想象本来就是一体相通,真正深刻地成为某个人也就与一种文化的命运不可分割地联系在一起。人的可能性中天然地包含着对文化的可能性的关切,人的自我想象中内在地具有文化想象的品格。教育就是要使得个体将自我的理解与一种文化的命运自觉关联起来。  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to contribute to ongoing work to uncover the ways in which settler colonialism is entrenched and reified in educational environments and explore lessons learned from an urban Indigenous land-based education project. In this project, we worked to re-center our perceptual habits in Indigenous cosmologies, or land-based perspectives, and came to see land re-becoming itself. Through this recentering, we unearthed some ways in which settler colonialism quietly operates in teaching and learning environments and implicitly and explicitly undermines Indigenous agency and futurity by maintaining and reifying core dimensions of settler colonial relations to land. We describe examples in which teachers and community members explicitly re-engaged land-based perspectives in the design and implementation of a land-based environmental science education that enabled epistemological and ontological centering that significantly impacted learning, agency, and resilience for urban Indigenous youth and families. In this paper, we explore the significance of naming and the ways in which knowledge systems are mobilized in teaching and learning environments in the service of settler futurity. However, we suggest working through these layers of teaching and learning by engaging in land-based pedagogies is necessary to extend and transform the possibilities and impacts of environmental education.  相似文献   

想象是人类认知的重要心理现象,想象在历史学家认知历史的思维过程中是结构性的;历史研究中的想象具有推构性、前瞻性和有据性;历史研究中的想象是历史认知的方式,体现了历史学家的价值观,是推动历史研究发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

秦容 《重庆师专学报》2006,5(6):101-102
歌唱中正确的理论和认识,完全依靠思维与想象(也即语言思维活动)。而想象本身也伴随着大量的思维活动,歌唱者清晰、准确的形象或意象,来自思维中的想象活动。  相似文献   

大多数的初中生在写作时因缺乏联想,写出的文章常常立意不深,意境不远,内容空泛.因此,在作文教学中,通过环环相扣、辐射和跨度的联想法,对学生的联想能力进行培养,这样,不仅可以激起学生的写作兴趣,让他们有话可写,文思如泉涌,而且还可以使学生写出的文章内容丰富,意境深远.  相似文献   

科学想象是指根据现有的科学知识和事实,发挥高度的抽象和联想能力,超脱现实条件,猜测未知的客观规律,设想未知的变化过程,描绘科学发展和人类征服客观世界的奇妙远景,提出一种为人们所向往的目标和理想的思维过程,具有现实性、形象思维、组合等特点。教师在成人教育过程中要关注成人生理状态,训练记忆力;营造宽松教学环境,激发能动性;运用案例教学模式,培养创新性。  相似文献   

浅谈物理教学与想象力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
想象力的培养是素质教育的一个重要方面,培养学生的想象力,造就开拓型、创造型的人才,是现代教育的主要目标之一。而物理学是一门概念性、逻辑性和系统性都很强的基础课程,在培养学生的想象力方面有其独到之处。本文基于上述背景,对想像力的本质特征及其意义进行分析,并结合教学实践,提出了在物理教学中培养学生的想像力的一些尝试和探索。  相似文献   

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