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Difficulties in students’ understanding of the spherical model of the Earth have been shown in previous studies. One of the reasons for these difficulties lies in beliefs and preliminary knowledge that hinder the interpretation of the scientific knowledge, the other reason may lie in the low level of verbal and visuo-spatial abilities. The study aims to investigate the effect of verbal and visuo-spatial abilities, but also that of preliminary knowledge on the later development of the knowledge of the Earth in school. 176 schoolchildren (96 boys and 80 girls) from five schools were tested; the mean age of the children during the first interview was seven years and eight months. All students were interviewed twice – in grades 1 and 2, before and after they had learnt the topic in school. Factual, scientific and synthetic knowledge was assessed. The facilitative effect of visuo-spatial and verbal abilities and preliminary factual and scientific knowledge on students’ knowledge of astronomy after having learnt the topic in school was shown. In contrast, the hindering effect of synthetic knowledge was not found.  相似文献   

知识冲突与教育发展规划的制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育发展规划制定的过程就是一个知识冲突不断地产生与消解的过程。在教育发展规划制定过程中存在着三类非常重要的主体,即规划决策者、规划研究者与规划评价者。这三类主体在教育发展规划制定过程中所承担的角色与职责是不同的。其中,起主导与支配作用的主要是规划决策者与规划研究者。在教育发展规划制定过程中存在的知识冲突主要是由于规划决策者与研究者对于理论知识与实践知识、规范知识与实证知识、战略知识与策略知识、显性知识与隐性知识的选择、表达与应用的不同而产生的。根据对理论知识与实践知识、规范知识与实证知识、战略知识与策略知识、显性知识与隐性知识的选择、表达与应用的不同,可以把知识冲突分为选择性冲突、表达性冲突与应用性冲突三种形式。知识冲突在教育发展规划制定过程中的存在不仅是必然的,而且也是必需的。它的存在不仅有利于赋予教育发展规划以更多的合理性与进一步重构教育发展规划的合法性,而且也有利于保障与提高教育发展规划的有效性。  相似文献   

Creative drama activities designed to help children learn difficult science concepts were integrated into an inquiry-based elementary science program. Children (n?=?38) in an upper elementary enrichment program at one primary school were the participants in this action research. The teacher-researcher taught students the Full Option Science System? (FOSS) modules of sound (fourth grade) and solar energy (fifth grade) with the integration of creative drama activities in treatment classes. A 2?×?2?×?(2) Mixed ANOVA was used to examine differences in the learning outcomes and attitudes toward science between groups (drama and non-drama) and grade levels (4th and 5th grades) over time (pre/post). Learning was measured using the tests included with the FOSS modules. A shortened version of the Three Dimension Elementary Science Attitude Survey measured attitudes toward science. Students in the drama treatment group had significantly higher learning gains (F?=?160.2, p?<?0.001) than students in the non-drama control group with students in grade four reporting significantly greater learning outcomes (F?=?14.3, p?<?0.001) than grade five. There was a significantly statistical decrease in student attitudes toward science (F?=?7.5, p?<?0.01), though a small change. Creative drama was an effective strategy to increase science conceptual learning in this group of diverse elementary enrichment students when used as an active extension to the pre-existing inquiry-based science curriculum.  相似文献   

本文从跨学科知识引用的视角,对发展经济学的课堂教学方法提出了相应的看法,并结合几个相关的实际教学案例,阐明了跨学科知识引用教学方法在培养学生多向思维能力,提高发展经济学课题教学效果中的作用。最后就如何有效的实施跨学科知识引用教学方法提出了几点参考性建议。  相似文献   

新颁布的《数学课程标准》中明确指出,义务教育阶段的数学课程,其基本的出发点是使学生获得对数学理解的同时,在思维能力、情感、态度与价值观等方面都得到进步和发展.其中关于态度问题,我们过去关注得比较少.  相似文献   

“兴奋剂”在国际上从来没有准确的定义,关于它的界定范围也各有不同。有关部门应加大反兴奋剂的宣传教育力度,通过报刊媒体、新闻广播、学校课堂等广泛开展有针对性的反兴奋剂的教育活动,以提高大学生对兴奋剂的认知水平。反兴奋剂工作应本着区别对待的原则,从注重改善大学生对使用兴奋剂的态度入手,加大对使用兴奋剂行为的查禁、惩罚力度,加大社会监督,净化社会环境,从而最大程度地防止使用兴奋剂行为的发生。  相似文献   

本文讨论了开发土质学与土力学课程测试与指导课件 (SMCAI)的意义和课件开发研制的指导思想 ,同时 ,介绍了SMCAI软件的特点及其在土质学与土力学教学领域中的应用  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe findings from a three-year evaluation of a well-developed mathematics professional development program that is commercially available on a wide scale. The professional development is designed to improve teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching and to enable them to elicit more student thinking and reasoning during mathematics lessons. Specifically, it focused on helping teachers (a) learn more mathematics, (b) understand how children learn math, (c) use formative assessment to develop insight into what specific students know and do not know, and (d) develop effective classroom instructional strategies that enable student problem solving. Participants included 105 fourth- and fifth-grade teachers teaching in 19 low-income schools within a single district. Teachers were randomly assigned within schools either to a “business as usual” control group or to receive the professional development. The training consisted of a week-long summer institute and four to six in-service days during the school year. The training was run by full-time trained associates. We find some limited evidence of positive impacts on teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching, but no effects on instructional practice or student outcomes.  相似文献   

Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in the medical field is an important factor for good clinical outcomes and should be taught as early as in undergraduate medical education. Since implementing IPC training is an organizational challenge, students are often limited in their opportunities to experience real-life IPC. Therefore, an approach where students observe successful IPC activities of role models in an applied anatomical format was proposed. It was studied whether observing IPC activities in undergraduate anatomical education has an impact on both students' attitude toward IPC and on knowledge acquisition. Further, it was examined whether the attitudes and knowledge of students from different medical disciplines were influenced in different ways. Therefore, 75 medical students and thirty-eight physiotherapy students participated in a study with the task of observing a live broadcast of an interprofessional teaching session. Participants were asked about their attitudes toward interprofessional learning, their evaluation of professional responsibilities, and their profession-specific knowledge before and after observing the IPC session. The participants' attitude toward interprofessional learning improved for both groups of students. Moreover, students of physiotherapy adjusted their evaluation of their own and others' professional responsibilities after observing IPC. In both student groups, knowledge increased, in particular, with respect to the field of knowledge in other professions. So, observing IPC can modify students' attitudes and support knowledge acquisition. The implementation of IPC observations provides students from various healthcare disciplines with a clearer impression of professionals' responsibilities and gives learners the opportunity to acquire knowledge from healthcare fields unfamiliar to them.  相似文献   

知识经济的发展与图书馆知识信息服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科技的进步,知识、信息在人类社会经济生活中的作用越来越重要,特别是在21世纪知识经济条件和现代信息环境下,是离不开及时、准确的知识信息服务的,图书馆正是这种环境下知识信息的主要传播渠道。  相似文献   

在国外地球科学教育相关文献的基础上,文章结合国内现状,从地球科学教育改革入手,着重从课程新的计划目标、内容设置以及保护野外实习基地等三个重要方面来进行讨论,其中特别强调了地球系统科学、社会科学的作用,给我国地球科学教育事业以借鉴,以使高等地球科学教育朝着符合社会经济和生产的适应性、实用性方向健康发展。  相似文献   

地球的形状主要是由地球引力和自转产生的离心力决定的.地球在自转时,由于不同纬度处的速度不一样,在两极处速度最小,在赤道处速度最大,它们产生的惯性离心力也就不同,在这种自转作用下,必然使地球成为一个在靠近赤道处向外凸起的椭实验教学方法  相似文献   

首先简要地介绍分布式应用程序的体系结构描述语言——NEWCOM,通过实例说明NEWCOM的应用方式和方法.其次,提出转换机制的系统设计与实现的基本思想;简明地阐述了功能模块划分与各个模块实现的技术,利用中间代码实现分布式应用程序的体系结构,在知识库的支持下生成NEWOOM文本,编程语言为VC .  相似文献   

探究小学生认知角度下的师生关系对学业自我效能感的影响,采用结构方程模型验证课堂态度在师生关系和学业自我效能感关系间的中介作用,结果发现:小学生认知角度下的师生关系对课堂态度具有正向影响作用;小学生认知角度下的师生关系和课堂态度均对学业自我效能感具有正向影响作用;学生的课堂态度在师生关系和学业自我效能感关系间具有部分中介作用.基于此,教师在教学过程中应当着力与学生建立良好的师生关系,引导学生养成积极的课堂态度,同时帮助学生认识自我,提高学业自我效能感.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济占主导地位的时代,知识经济引起社会经济的巨大变化,将对会计系统的方方面面产生巨大影响,本文针对知识经济对会计航会计如何迎接知识经济的浪潮,进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

地球科学在众多门类知识体系中具有基础性和先导性,不仅肩负着培养地学专才的学术责任,而且负有社会发展和人类生存所赋予的神圣使命。本文根据地球科学的特点和中国发展的时代要求,阐明我国高等院校普及地球科学教育的重要性和亟须性,并就目前地球科学教育存在的主要问题,提出教育改革的措施。  相似文献   

对分析化学实验教学中学生学习态度方面存在的问题进行分析,提出在分析化学实验教学中渗透科学态度 养成教育的几点做法。  相似文献   

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