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Knowledge and perceptions of Michigan residents about groundwater were assessed so that a comprehensive educational program could be developed and baseline information established to document the program's impact over time. Data were collected from 663 residents in urban, rural, and farm households. Results indicated that knowledge about groundwater was moderate and that a statewide educational campaign on facts about groundwater was necessary. People perceived that land use practices affected groundwater quality at the national, state, and county levels but not at their household level. Significant differences were found among urban, rural, and farm residents and between farmers and nonfarmers in their perceptions of the effects of land use on groundwater quality.  相似文献   

构建解释高等教育变迁的整体框架   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文吸收社会科学领域“研究过去的整体论方法”,特别关注“变革与稳定”的整体历史方法论,在总结分析国外经典的解读高等教育变迁模式的基础上,提出“四要素环绕互动型”的解释框架。这一框架将“知识”、“国家”、“社会”、“市场”作为影响高等教育发展的四大基本要素,利用“四要素”所具有的超越历史、地域和时代的普遍解释力,构建能够说明高等教育变迁所具有的普遍性特征的分析框架。  相似文献   

目前,我们在宣传和解释共产主义这一目标和理想时,更多的是强调共产主义消灭了私有制和剥削,以及物质财富的极大丰富。但马克思在分析共产主义实现条件时,强调的不是集体财富本身的充分涌流,而是集体财富一切“源泉”的充分涌流。社会财富的“源泉”包括人和物两方面,但居于主导地位的是每一位社会成员的全面充分发展,这既是共产主义追求的目标,更是实现共产主义的一个重要条件。基于现阶段人们对马克思人的全面发展学说的种种误解,我们有必要对这一学说重新解读,还原马克思人的全面发展学说的真面目。  相似文献   

起草法律草案是立法过程中一个必要的,极为重要的基础性阶段。在我国的立法实践中,法案一般由主管部门负责起草,这有其合理性和必然性,但又具有明显的“行政痕迹”,致使 社会缺乏亲和性,难以真正成为社会的规则,鉴于此,应从树立立法机关之权威,合理配备起草班子,实行起草回顾制度,建立立法协调制度,提供必要的经费保障等方面完善我国的法案起草制度。  相似文献   

在全球化趋势加速发展与多元文化相互激荡的复杂背景下,弘扬和培育全体人民的民族精神,具有重大的现实意义。本文结合革命老区的历史与现实的特点,以党的历代领导集体关于弘扬和培育民族精神的论述为指导,以对革命老区各阶层公民的民族精神状况的分类调查事实为切入点,以民族自信心、民族凝聚力、国家意识与民族利益等问题为研究重点,以探索民族精神教育的基本内容、基本规律和基本策略为研究主线,对革命老区公民的民族精神状况进行了研究分析,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

混沌现象已成为自然界和人类社会生活中一种普遍现象 ,混沌理论就象 2 0世纪初的量子力学一样 ,为物理学提供了一种对自然现象总体上全新的观念。本文试图勾划出那些浅显易懂的混沌理论的基本特性 ,以引起人们的普遍关注  相似文献   

1 学习目标 (1)知道声音是由振动产生的. (2)知道声音的传播需要介质,知道声音在不同介质的传播速度不同. (3)能分析一些常见的声现象. (4)知道人耳的构造. (5)知道声音在人耳的传播过程. (6)了解"双耳效应",能分析一些有关的声现象. 2 要点梳理 2.1 声音的产生与传播 (1)产生:声音是由物体的振动产生的,振动停止,声音也停止.  相似文献   

This article aims to appraise insights from participationist approaches to learning for understanding students' knowledge acquisition. The first part explicates the concepts of positioning, recognition, and identity through presenting a common ground for participationists and discussing different views on (a) the relationship between learning the content domain and positioning, recognition, and identity negotiation; (b) dynamicity of situativity; (c) relation of moment-to-moment situativity to long-term interaction patterns; (d) awareness of positioning, recognition, and identity. This allows an appraisal in the article's second part of a claim inherent to participationist views: It is necessary to adopt a system's view on learning opportunities presented to students in class because of the way positioning, recognition, and identity negotiation influence students' engagement with curricular content. A fifth issue emerges concerning the nature of this influence. Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence combine to support the conclusion that the claim holds some, not all, of the time.  相似文献   

董仲舒提出的顺气言性思想,重在以天的阴阳之气言人性,确立了性情的形上地位,肯定了情的正面价值,主张正视人有性有情的事实。这种思想不仅是哲学成果,在文学批评上也有积极影响,它为确立感性主体,打开感性、感情世界产生了极为深刻的意义。  相似文献   

生产力是一种关系量,用科学的语言说是一种能量,这种能量实际上是生产中的人和生产资料共有的。生产力不是物,也不是精神。一般意义上的生产力是指社会生产中的人们从事物质资料生产的能力,因此称社会生产力,亦即物质生产力,物质生产力不应理解为物质形态的生产力;精神生产力只能是指人们从事精神文化创作的能力,不应理解为精神形态的生产力;人才生产力(人类自身生产力)是指人们生养、培育人才的能力,不应理解为“人才这种生产力”;自然生产力是指自然生态环境的自我生产、自我更新的能力,它已超出一般的生产力(即社会生产力)范畴,“生产力系统”之说,以及认为生产力系统由社会生产力和自然生产力构成都是不妥当的。  相似文献   

孔明灯(如右图)是我国古代三国时期著名军事家、发明家诸葛亮的一项发明.它是我国古代除筝以外另一个能飞上天空的人造物体,点燃的孔明灯可腾空而起,在夜空中灯光闪闪,如同一颗闪烁的星,诸葛亮主要将它用于军事上.从物理学角度,它在以下五个方面用了物理知识:  相似文献   

对教师信念的概念性认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对当前就教师信念所做的研究基础之上,结合教学观念详细阐述教师信念这一概念。并在探讨研究教师信念的重要意义的同时,提出教师信念的相关研究应帮助促进当前教师教育和教师评估的建议。  相似文献   

对川剧现状进行调查与研究,既是对非物质文化遗产的关心和保护,也能为川剧改革与发展提供较有价值的参考。通过对川、渝一部分大学的抽样发现,作为川剧,不仅是一部分川、渝籍大学生喜欢,生活在其他地区而只要在川读书的大学生也有不少人喜欢或是较关注。充分利用现代技术丰富川剧表演手段,利用现代传媒手段,让川剧经常与人们、特别是年轻的大学生"亲密接触",让他们认识川剧、喜欢川剧。  相似文献   

嚼口香糖能有效放松紧张的神经,祛除口腔异味等功能,因而赢得了大多数人的喜欢,但随口乱吐的口香糖会粘在衣服上、沙发上、水泥地板上……。请神容易送神难,这些东西用洗衣粉、汽油等洗不掉,用刀刮刮不尽还损坏了衣料……。巧用物理知识则可以解决这个难题。若口香糖粘在衣服上,可以把衣服叠好放入冰箱的冷冻室,一会儿口香糖会凝固,从而失去粘性,轻轻一揭就可以去掉,不留任何痕迹。若其粘在地毯上、沙发上、水泥地上,我们不可能把它们放入冰箱里,解决的办法是取一块比口香糖面积稍大的冰块,放在口香糖上,一会儿口香糖同样也会凝固,用刀片轻…  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Synthetic biology is a field that leverages design, biology, engineering, and computation to genetically engineer organisms to make usable products...  相似文献   

In this article, we present a framework for assessing changes in conceptual knowledge commonly found in scientific domains. In particular, we identify the underlying organizational patterns and contents that make up pictorial, diagrammatic, process, and procedural knowledge. These patterns are called knowledge models. Once we have defined and illustrated these models, we then demonstrate how the knowledge-updating strategies of accretion, fine tuning, and restructuring (Vosniadou & Brewer, 1987) can be rendered measurable. We next demonstrate how knowledge modeling can be used to profile changes in students' conceptual knowledge as they learn about meiosis (Cavallo, 1991). We conclude by discussing how knowledge modeling can be used to provide (a) comparability and common interpretability between studies investigating knowledge acquisition, (b) a framework for teachers to organize and transmit knowledge in their classrooms, (c) a framework for students to construct understanding of scientific phenomena, and (d) a framework for designing systematic hypertext and multimedia environments. We argue that, by using the knowledge models proposed in this article, researchers, teachers, students, and instructional designers can communicate through a universal interface for organizing and updating conceptual knowledge.  相似文献   

Final year preservice teachers' perceptions of their mentoring in primary science teaching were gathered through surveys from three separate studies. The three studies (n = 59, n = 331, n = 60) provided an indication of the degree of mentoring preservice teachers perceived they received with mentoring practices linked to Pedagogical Knowledge. This research argues that mentors require pedagogical knowledge of primary science for guiding mentees with planning, timetabling, preparation, implementation, classroom management strategies, teaching strategies, science teaching knowledge, questioning skills, problem-solving strategies, assessment techniques, and developing viewpoints on science pedagogy. The key study findings (n = 331, from nine Australian universities involved in primary teacher education) indicated that 55% or more mentees had not received Pedagogical Knowledge for primary science teaching in each of the associated mentoring practices (mean score range: 2.60–2.91, standard deviation range: 1.10–1.32). The study concludes that mentors require further professional development to ensure that preservice teachers (mentees) receive adequate pedagogical knowledge for teaching primary science, which will involve significant collaboration between universities and schools.  相似文献   


This article both analyzes and synthesizes eleven articles from four volumes (eight issues) of the journal Distances et Savoirs published between 2003 and 2008. The authors of these articles present their research on several topics related to learners, learning, and tutoring in distance education while also working on innovation and access to knowledge. In the current article, the author has organized the syntheses/analyses around three major themes highly visible in the articles and then offers a few ideas for future research.  相似文献   

电磁矢势反映了场的能量、动量,而且在量子水平上可通过实验对进行直接观测,因此应该是具有物理意义的物理量。  相似文献   

对幼儿创造教育的一些认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、幼儿创造教育的内涵  (一)幼儿创造力的本质特征  创造性是人类个体普遍具有的潜能,幼儿也不例外。儿童心理学研究和大量实际观察表明,儿童拥有无限的创造潜能,儿童的创造力几乎表现在他的所有的活动之中。我们认为儿童具有创造力,但并不意味着儿童能够与成人一样可以进行科学创造发明。在承认儿童和成人都具有创造力的同时,必须看到由于儿童的特点与发展水平,儿童的创造力与成人的创造力存在着明显的差异,它有自己独特的本质特征:  1.幼儿创造力的自发性强,表现范围广泛  幼儿生活在一个心理上松弛的阶段,这为获得和…  相似文献   

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