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This article explores how art and design education can contribute to the imperative of climate change and help societies adapt to living more sustainably. Drawing on methods from arts‐based research and qualitative case study, it reports on an investigation into what can be learned from creating environmental art installations with preservice teachers (those training to be K‐12 teachers), as part of an environmental art education programme in a leading Canadian university. Findings support that preservice teachers experienced behavioural and attitudinal shifts towards sustainability after engaging in the processes of creating environmental art; involvement in the programme also provided opportunities for building community, engaging multiple domains of learning, modelling sustainable art‐making practices and prompting environmental activism. The results of this study inform a developing pedagogy for environmental art education in higher education settings.  相似文献   

面向基础教育和服务基础教育的师范教育改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的师范教育因其终结性特征受到越来越多的挑战,我国目前师范教育的改革不在于是否建立定向或非定向性的师范教育模式,而在于改革其终结性的特征。改革这一特征,重要的是沟通职前教育与职后教育,加强教育理论与实践的联系,这就需要以基础教育为中介,树立面向基础教育、服务基础教育的思想,坚持可持续发展和终身教育的原则。  相似文献   


The Watershed Learning Center (WLC) was developed by the Brandywine Valley Association (BVA) to provide outdoor environmental lessons to schools on their own properties or on sites close by. Teachers are trained to take over the lessons by observing BVA instructors and attending workshops. The program was evaluated to discover how the WLC was introduced and expanded in the schools, the program's impact on students, and the effectiveness of the teacher training for program take-over and continuation. The accomplishments and challenges of the WLC program are described and insights provided that can serve as a model for replication.  相似文献   

论教育基本原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育基本原则是教育理论中一个相当重要的研究领域,其主要价值在于它是教育基本规律和教育实践之间的一个不可或缺的理论中介。教育基本原则主要包括一致性与多样性相结合原则、历史继承性与创新性相结合原则、国际性与民族性相结合原则、民主性原则、可持续发展原则等。  相似文献   

Over the past four decades, numerous professionals in the field of environmental education (EE) have attempted to take stock of conditions within and outside of EE. In turn, many used the results of their analyses to describe challenges to and opportunities for EE. Many of these challenges and opportunities continue to ring true today, although the purpose of this article is not to explore those, but to explore several contemporary challenges and opportunities. The first challenge posed is to continue to expand and make use of the range of professional development opportunities within the field, such as is apparent in several of NAAEE's sets of Guidelines and related initiatives, particularly as the field continues to grow in numbers and in different directions. A second challenge pertains to the need for increased attention to sustainability in developed and developing nations' contexts, the rapid growth of “Education for Sustainability” (ESD) since UNCED, and the need to maintain clarity over the complex and dynamic relationships between EE and ESD with respect to sustainable development needs. A third challenge pertains to climate change as the most recent “environmental crisis” and set of problems we face, as evidence continues to mount. However, climate change represents a different kind of challenge, and underscores the challenge of preparing citizens to participate in problem-solving and in envisioning desirable futures through EE. In addressing these challenges and opportunities, we must continue to seek out and affirm the best of what is traditional and innovative, as well as effective and adaptive, within the field.  相似文献   

The 1995 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 1996) Science report concludes that evidence now available points toward a discernible human influence on global climate (p. 439). Reductions in emissions will require changes in human behavior. This study assessed whether gains in global environmental change knowledge would lead to changes in human behaviors that could be deemed environmentally responsible. The study assessed the impact on participant behavior of a two-and-one-half day National Informal Educators Workshop and Videoconference held November 14–16, 1994. The workshops were located in seven down-link sites around the continental U.S. and Hawaii. The program utilized a variety of pedagogical techniques during five hours of satellite programming with national expertise on global change topics (natural variability, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, ecosystem response, and population and resource distribution) and applications of that information with local experts in regional workshops. Participants implemented many personal and professional behavior changes after participation in this program. Six behavior change scales were created from assessment of survey responses (four coefficient alphas were above .7, one was .68, and one was .58). Personal behavior changes grouped into three categories: Use of Fewer Resources (acts of everyday life generally under volitional control), Purchasing Choices/Options (less frequent acts, not under total volitional control, with significant environmental effect over the lifetime of the decision, e.g., an automobile) and Increased Awareness and Discussion (indicating changes in habits of mind). The professional behavior changes also grouped into three categories: Curriculum Development (developing/revising curricula including new knowledge); Networking (with colleagues from the program); and Office Procedures (reflecting environmentally responsible behavior). The statistically significant behavior changes implemented correspond with increases in content knowledge, confidence, a developing national network, regional applications, and satisfaction with the program.  相似文献   

发展我国环境教育的关键是抓好高等师范院校的环境教育。环境意识从浅层次向深层次发展的过程,赋予环境教育以新的内容,对环境教育提出了新的要求。推进高等师范院校的环境教育工作是适应可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

对高等师范特殊教育师资培养问题的探讨   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本通过对我国特教师资培养的历史回顾及对国外特教师资培养的分析,探讨了我国高等师范特殊教育师资培养在新形势下所面临的问题及国外可借鉴的经验,在此基础上,结合我国的实际情况提出改革高等师范特殊教育师资培养的几点建议,以期引起广大同行的共鸣。  相似文献   

我国心理健康教育师资培养的模式及存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国学校心理健康教育有科班式的学校专业培养模式和半路出家式的继续教育培养模式等两种典型师资培养模式,但存在与社会的需求和发展相脱节、把心理健康教育教师的培养与心理咨询师的培养混为一谈等问题,因此应引起高度的重视。  相似文献   

本文从教师专业化理论的视角,结合三年制专科特殊教师教育实践,主要对特殊教师教育专业化发展的必要性、特殊教师教育培养目标和培养模式做一探索。  相似文献   

实施学前全纳教育是实现学前特殊儿童受教育权利的有力保障。学前全纳教育对幼儿教师提出了新的挑战,为了应对这个挑战,需要培养全纳型幼儿教师。结合我国幼儿教师教育现状,对全纳型幼儿教师的培养提出以下建议:改革职前教育体制,培养合格的全纳型幼儿教师;加强在职培训,促进全纳型幼儿教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

The notion of essentialised racial difference was a keystone of apartheid education which served to cement white supremacy in South Africa. More recently there is a need for socially-just education that requires a robust analytical orientation in interrogating power, privilege and difference. Therefore this article engages the following questions: What are the philosophical, epistemological and pedagogical underpinnings of diversity in education in South Africa?; and What is the possible role of diversity literacy in fostering an active and participatory citizenship in the years ahead? We engage conceptually with the understanding of diversity in education in South Africa, followed by the presentation of a framework – Critical Diversity Literacy (CDL) – and a series of curricular questions emerging from this framework that might be pedagogically useful when engaging issues of power, privilege and difference in teacher training. CDL potentially addresses the weaknesses in previous approaches to engaging with issues of diversity in education and offers grounded, contemporary, and authentic opportunities for decolonising classroom content and practice.  相似文献   

高等教育民主化是社会政治民主在高等教育上的体现。高等教育民主化,无论是作为一种信仰或理想,还是作为一种制度或改革行动或过程,都必须要遵循一些基本原则。这些原则包括平等原则、学术自由与宽容原则、自主与自治原则和民主参与原则。  相似文献   

近年来我国对特殊教育教师教育研究综述   总被引:11,自引:15,他引:11  
特殊教育教师教育问题是当代世界各国特殊教育界人士共同关心的热门话题。本文主要对近年来我国学者对国内外特殊教育师资培育的总趋势、目标和方向、培育的模式、培育的课程及特教教师任职资格、制度的研究状况进行综述 ,并总结出“一体化、开放化、多元化和制度化”是当前特教师资培育的必然趋势。我国的特教师资培育研究应以此为鉴  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革与教师教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基础教育课程改革决定了必须加速推进教师教育改革,教师教育改革要坚持为现代化建设服务的方向,强调师范学校在教师教育中的主体地位,实现教师教育资源的合理配置。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法对体育教师非言语行为教学进行了探讨。合理运用非言语行为进行教学,要遵循四大基本原则:终极目标——服务教学原则,健康得体原则,师生共识原则,言语与非言语行为优化搭配原则。  相似文献   

基础教育的本质是民族人格化。师范教育应把师范教育人才培养终身化、社会化、师范化作为目标。师范教育应保持其师范性与民族性特征,并通过"智慧教师素质"的培养与"大师范教育体系的构建"确定其自身的时代定位。  相似文献   

网络教育过程是一个教师和学生利用计算机网络的各种功能和丰富的网络教育资源开展教学活动的过程。包含四个要素:教育者(网络教师)、学习者(网络学生)、计算机网络和教育内容(网络课程)。面对全球网络化的大潮,经济全球化趋势和信息技术的广泛应用正深刻地改变着人们的生产、生活以及学习方式,迫使我们重新思考“教育要素”。  相似文献   

特殊教育师资专业化培养的问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在教师专业化思潮的推动下,特殊教育教师专业化问题不容回避。本文在综合教师专业化一般概念和特殊教育特点的基础上,提出特殊教育教师专业化内涵:包括掌握科学系统的知识,有效解决实际问题,有充分的专业自主权、恪守职业道德四个方面。从专业化的角度审视当今我国特教师资培养的目标、模式和课程设置存在的问题,并提出相应的对策:完善培养目标,实行课程分层和分流,增强课程实用性,力求课程综合化,加强行动研究能力的培养等。  相似文献   

新一轮的基础教育课程改革的基本目标、特点及四个“转变”对高师教育提出了紧迫的挑战:培养集人本型、指导促进型、合作型、综合型、创新型、研究型特征为一体的高素质的新型教师,高师应积极应对,探索相应对策。  相似文献   

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