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Two difficulties can go against the recognition of volume and estimation of its invariance in situations of immersion.
  • — The quantitative interpretation of water level rising can be confused with causal and ponderal interpretation (water goes up if solid goes down because heavy, therefore heaviest it is highest is the level).
  • — The room taken up inside water can be classed as room taken up in environment to wich social experience can have contribuate to attach the meaning of variable and relative bulk of objects according to their position, technical properties, relation of exteriority or interiority (capacity)…
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    TheGettyConservationInstituteServingtheWorld’sCulturalHeritagbyMiguelAngelCorzo(TheGettyConservationInstitute)(GCI)Iamdelight...  相似文献   

    This study examines Indonesian students’ understanding of conservation of matter, balancing of equations and stoichiometry. Eight hundred and sixty‐seven Grade 12 students from 22 schools across four different cities in two developed provinces in Indonesia participated in the study. Nineteen teachers also participated in order to validate the 25‐question survey used with all students. Significant differences in student success in answering specific questions occurred when comparing high‐achievement and low‐achievement schools. However, in general, student understanding of this fundamental principle in chemistry was low. The study found that the average score for all students on the survey was 41%. The findings suggest that students are most successful in solving problems used by teachers and textbooks that are algorithmic‐based (i.e., stoichiometry). As there were no strong positive correlations between student performance on conceptual questions and algorithmic questions, we suggest that further research should focus on teaching practices and curricula that support the development of the students’ conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

    Do You Know Nearly 97 percent of all the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2 percent is locked in ice caps and glaciers(冰河).That leaves 1 percent for all our needs.Water  相似文献   

    Research Findings: This study investigated folkbiological concepts that structure children’s moral reasoning regarding conservation. Participants (= 52; 7- and 10-year-olds, gender balanced) were interviewed regarding their values, moral obligations, and rights concerns for endangered and extinct animals. Across the 2 ages, children drew on the animal’s living status and teleology, as well as ecological relations, to ground their moral reasoning. Developmentally speaking, the younger children employed both nature-centered and human-centered moral reasoning, whereas the older children employed a complex form of moral reasoning that integrated human models of moral thinking with distinct biological understanding. Practice or Policy: The findings can improve education and policy that supports the next generation of conservationists. Educators can draw on these findings to develop class material and activities that teach children about ecological relations—knowledge children can employ to construct their moral arguments for conservation and protecting the environment. The findings revealed that children think about and value endangered animals in deep and beautiful ways. Policymakers can draw on the findings to frame their decision making—drawing more deeply on children’s values of the natural world to inform policy decisions. Drawing on children’s values in the development of environmental policy engages them in the policy process.  相似文献   

    In this conceptual article, we seek to extend the domain of the conservation of resources (COR) theory to the collegiate student–athlete population in the context of academic–athletic role conflict and stress. Aside from reviewing the direct effects academic–athletic role conflict may have on psychological strain, this conceptual study also continues to build on the theory by proposing mediational pathways of role conflict, and the moderating effects of personal characteristics and social support on the stressor–strain relationship. Although this theoretical framework has been mainly applied in the work–family context, it could be proven useful in alleviating the pressures resulting from student–athletes’ competing roles by providing stress-coping strategies. Focusing on addressing student–athletes’ challenges in managing their college careers, the study provides a theoretical foundation for enhancing student–athletes’ well-being and collegiate experiences. Implications for managerial practices and research are discussed.  相似文献   

    HainanEld'sdeer(CervuseldiHainanus)isararespeciesthathasbeendesignatedasoneofthefirstclassprotectionanimalsinChina.NowitonlyrangesinHainanprovince.Itshistoricaldistributionshavebeenhillandplainsaroundmountains,grasslandswithsparetreesincoastaltablelands,brushyplantsandetc.Thepopulationanddistributionareashavebeengraduallydecreasedduetolong-termhuntinganddistoriedcircumstances.Therewasonlyabout70HainanEld'sdeersinandaroundtheStateDatiannaturalReserve(DNR)ofDengFangcountryin1983.Underthef…  相似文献   

    This paper discusses Ernst Mach’s interpretation of the principle of energy conservation (EC) in the context of the development of energy concepts and ideas about causality in nineteenth-century physics and theory of science. In doing this, it focuses on the close relationship between causality, energy conservation and space in Mach’s antireductionist view of science. Mach expounds his thesis about EC in his first historical-epistemological essay, Die Geschichte und die Wurzel des Satzes von der Erhaltung der Arbeit (1872): far from being a new principle, it is used from the early beginnings of mechanics independently from other principles; in fact, EC is a pre-mechanical principle which is generally applied in investigating nature: it is, indeed, nothing but a form of the principle of causality. The paper focuses on the scientific-historical premises and philosophical underpinnings of Mach’s thesis, beginning with the classic debate on the validity and limits of the notion of cause by Hume, Kant, and Helmholtz. Such reference also implies a discussion of the relationship between causality on the one hand and space and time on the other. This connection plays a major role for Mach, and in the final paragraphs its importance is argued in order to understand his antireductionist perspective, i.e. the rejection of any attempt to give an ultimate explanation of the world via reduction of nature to one fundamental set of phenomena.  相似文献   

    WemadeasurveyofmammalianinGuangdongandHainanfrom1958,Theresults:3monographesand52paperswerepuplished.1Thesurveyofmammalianresources(1)ThesurveyofmammalianresourcesinHainanIsland.ThecontinuoussurveyofmammalianresourcesinHainanIslandwasmadefromMay,1960toDecember,1964.Theinvestigationswerecarriedoutandmorethan30surveysitesweresetupthere.755specimenofmammalianwerecollectedinthefield,whichrepresentedeightorder,24familiesand68species,ofwhichfivewerenewrecordsfromtheisland.ExcepttheDouelangur(Py…  相似文献   

    In arbitrary Riemannian 4-spaces, continuity equations are constructed which could be interpreted as conservation laws for the energy and momentum of the gravitational field. Special attention is given to general relativity to obtain, of natural manner, the pseudotensors of Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Mller, Goldberg and Stachel, and also the conservation equations of Komar, Trautman, DuPlessis and Moss.  相似文献   

    无锡是江苏省语文教学水平普遍比较高的一个市,其原因有很多,如重视语文学习的社会风气和教育传统,如长期积累并继承下来的好的教法和学法,等等。早在上世纪八十年代,我曾去过无锡的天一中学和梅村中学参观,有一件事至今仍然记得非常清楚,那就是恰逢两校学生的作业展览。他们每学期到一定时段,按年级顺序展出作业,为期半周(那时,周六也上课),已经成为长效制度。  相似文献   

    一年一度的中考又将来临,广大考生如何调整好自己的心态,以最佳的状态迎接考试,从而发挥出自己最大的潜能和最好的水平,一直是广大教育工作者、家长和考生最为关心的问题。  相似文献   

    A key ongoing debate in environmental education practice and its research relates to the content and goals of environmental education programmes. Specifically, there is a long history of debate between advocates of educational perspectives that emphasise the teaching of science concepts and those that seek to more actively link environmental and social issues. In practice, educators and organisations respond to these tensions in a variety of ways, often strongly reflecting the particular social and economic contexts in which they are located. Much of the research in the area, however, has tended to take a narrow focus on either purely theoretical concerns or on individual programmes in schools or protected areas. In contrast, this research used an ethnographic approach to explore debates about the content and aims of educational programmes between diverse educational actors in one community in Costa Rica. The research revealed that environmental education: (i) is an important local site for the active contestation of understandings of the natural world and humans’ relationships to it; and (ii) can be part of wider struggles over the control of processes of local development and environmental management. The study further suggests that while theoretical discussion about the relative merits of diverse approaches to environmental teaching and learning is important, if that analysis is not situated within a particular social, economic and political context, it is likely to reveal relatively little about how or why particular perspectives on environmental education may dominate or remain marginal in a specific place.  相似文献   

    The conservation of biodiversity is an important socio‐scientific issue that is often regarded as a precondition to sustainable development. The foundation for citizens’ understanding of conservation issues can be laid down in formal school education. This research focuses on decision‐making discussions about biological conservation issues among 131 15–16‐year‐old students, to address two main research questions:
    1. Can peer group decision‐making discussions, in a normal science lesson setting, help develop students’ personal reasoning in relation to conservation issues?

    2. Are there features common to high quality discussions about conservation which might be readily identified by classroom teachers?

    Findings indicate the positive value of students taking part in these short decision‐making discussions guided by a structured framework and as part of their normal science classroom activities. Students increase their quality of personal reasoning, and modify their solutions to the issues. The study begins to uncover features about students both as individuals and as members of discussion groups, which can be associated with high quality decision‐making about conservation issues, and which teachers might realistically identify. The work calls for the need to cultivate these features and to integrate them appropriately with learning about the scientific concepts that underpin the theory and practice of conservation management. Such integration will facilitate the development of teaching strategies for dealing effectively with the complex topic of biological conservation; not just in terms of science content, but also in terms of how students are expected to engage with the issues.  相似文献   

    Some commonly held erroneous notions about the terms laws, hypotheses and theories are pointed out with specific examples from different branches of science.  相似文献   

    所谓德育 ,就是按照特定时代、特定社会的道德规范来培养塑造个体的道德意识、信念和行为习惯。它具有三层意义 :第一 ,首先必须使受教育者知晓和理解社会的行为规范 ,并发展其道德认识能力 ,道德判断能力和道德选择能力 ,这便是德育中的“知”。第二 ,要使受教育者相信“知”的内容 ,把其道德认识内化 ,升华为道德信念和道德理想 ,这就是德育中的“信”。第三 ,德育的最终目标就是使教育者将道德认识与道德信念转化为道德行为 ,并培养良好的习惯 ,这是德育的“行”。因此 ,由未知到知、由知到信、由信到行是德育工作有机的三个环节 ,构成了…  相似文献   

    The present study set out to examine students’ preferences for lecturers’ personality as a function of their classroom behaviour, core self-evaluations and self-rated character strengths. Various hypotheses were tested: first, students’ Big Five traits would significantly predict corresponding personality preferences for lecturers (the matching hypothesis); second, students’ core self-evaluation scores would significantly predict preferences for extraverted, agreeable and conscientious lecturers; and third, self-rated character strengths would also significantly predict extraverted, agreeable and conscientious lecturers. We also investigated difference in preferences among two ethnic groups (South East Asian/Chinese versus Caucasian/British). In all, 264 British students completed four questionnaires. Conscientiousness was the most desired trait in lecturers, followed by agreeableness, extraversion and openness; neuroticism was the least desired trait. Preference for agreeable lecturers was best predicted by all individual difference variables. Caucasian students had a stronger dislike for neurotic lecturers, while Asians had higher preferences for extraverted, open and agreeable lecturers. There was some evidence of the student–lecturer personality match. Limitations and further research options were discussed.  相似文献   

    讲《廉颇蔺相如列传》,我说:“臣所以去亲戚而事君者,徒慕君之高义也”一句中的“亲戚”,其义如同“父母”。有人跟我指出:“你讲错了,‘亲戚’并非  相似文献   

    去年本刊发表了天门县大面积提高语文教学质量的经验,转载了秦牧同志赞扬该县成为一九八三年“全国高考状元”的文章,各地闻讯到天门取经者络绎不绝。此后,我们听到反映说:“天门能上去,主要经验是教师拼命地灌,学生死命地背,把课本记得滚瓜烂熟,所以能对付高考。如果考能力,肯定赶不上城市学生。”一九八四去年高考试题测重于考能力,天门县高考的录取人数,北一九八三年还要多,又居全省各县之首,高达一千馀人。由此可见,他们在培养能力上也是成绩显著的。本期我们编发了一组文章,介他绍们如何更新教学思想、改革教学方法、开辟第二教学渠道、不断开拓学生知识面和培养能力(包括培养创造能力)的经验,请大家看看,择其善者而从之。此外,我们还编发了一组沔阳县的文章。沔阳与天门是邻县,与天门不相上下,他们的语文教学成绩也很显著。现在这两县正在总结经验,以期进一步改进各科教学,为大面积提高教学质量作出贡献。  相似文献   

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