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我国大学生环境意识研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以最近10年高校大学生环境意识的研究为依据,综述了我国高校大学生环境意识的现状研究、存在问题、策略探索等方面,并提出未来研究发展的建议,以期进一步提高我国高校大学生环境意识水平。  相似文献   


This research investigated environmental literacy and nature experience among 1433 children and adults in Chengdu, China. Utilizing a standard measure of environmental literacy modified to be culture- and age-appropriate, we found almost universal agreement that nature should be protected. Although our results showed that older groups were less likely to enjoy experiences in nature compared to the younger ones, this was not reflected in a reduced appreciation for nature, which was high in all age groups. Within each category of student, age was associated with increased knowledge but decreased enjoyment of nature experiences and environmental concern. In contrast, among the adult residents, increasing age was associated with less objective knowledge but with more liking and concern about nature. Based on these results, we provide recommendations for environmental education that incorporates time in nature in order to foster environmental concern and behavior as well as knowledge.  相似文献   

This study is a comparative analysis of the environmental philosophies of college undergraduates enrolled in a Midwestern university. Two courses were used for the research, one from a recreation management curriculum and the other from environmental studies. The study utilized a survey instrument called the Environmental Action and Philosophy Matrix to determine the extent to which students’ environmental attitudes are based on scientific or religious rationale, as well as anthropocentric or biocentric perspectives. Findings show students to possess scientific underpinnings for their viewpoints, regardless of anthropocentric or biocentric tendencies. In addition, the environmental studies students displayed more biocentric attitudes than the recreation management students.  相似文献   

Significant life experience research suggests that the presence of role models, time outdoors, and nature-related media foster pro-environmental behavior, but most research is qualitative. Based on a random sample of middle school students in North Carolina, USA, we found limited positive associations between presence of a role model and time outdoors with behavior and a negative association between watching nature television and environmental knowledge. The strongest predictors of environmental knowledge and behavior were student/teacher ratio and county income levels, respectively. We also found that Native Americans engaged in environmental behaviors more than Caucasians, and that African American and Hispanic students had lower levels of environmental knowledge. Accordingly, life experiences appear less important than promoting small class sizes and addressing challenges associated with lower incomes in schools.  相似文献   

近年来,由于旅游业快速发展,人类旅游活动对环境的破坏不断加剧,对从事旅游专业的群体进行环境教育就显得非常重要了。尤其是对接受旅游职业教育的学生进行旅游环境保护教育更是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

近年发生在动物园的虎患事件,彰显了人与自然的伦理关系及其价值取向。即人在自然面前,必须保持适度的距离、节制和敬畏感。环境道德教育应该转向人对于自然的感恩情怀和敬畏精神,以体现生态文明建设的最高宗旨。  相似文献   

论旅游高校学生职业素质的养成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据“以市场为中心、以就业为导向”这一高等职业教育的核心理念,从旅游企业对人才素质标准这一特殊要求,论述了旅游高等职业院校学生职业素质养成的重要性,剖析了职业素质的构成要素,初步探讨了职业素质养成的方法与途径。  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的环境教育,是培养少数民族大学生具有正确的环境意识和可持续发展思想的有效手段。环境教育中渗透环境伦理观教育是为了更有效地培养少数民族学生将爱护自然环境、保护自然环境作为日常的行为准则与操守,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether differences in social support, submissive behaviors, and loneliness existed among Turkish university students who had had premarital sexual intercourse and those who had not. Using self-reported questionnaires, students who had experienced sexual intercourse were contrasted with those who had not. Data were gathered on 420 university students in Ankara, Turkey. MANOVA statistics were used in the data analysis. Results indicated that more than 75?% of the total respondents reported that they had never had sexual intercourse; the frequency of sexual intercourse was higher among males than females. It was found that students who had had sexual intercourse reported less perceived support from family. The two groups were not significantly different, however, in perceived support from friends, submissive behaviors and loneliness. Possible interpretations of these data and implications for future study are suggested.  相似文献   

This article reports on a longitudinal study of a two‐semester middle school environmental learning course that departs from traditional Mexican expository pedagogies through the incorporation of experiential and service learning approaches. In the short term, course participants acquired a heightened awareness of environmental issues, augmented their environmental perceptions and consciousness, and complemented all this with environmentally responsible behaviours. Two years after completing the experiential course, students retained pro‐environmental attitudes and behaviours and unexpectedly exhibited an expanded role in intergenerational learning. The research adds to the handful of studies in this cross‐disciplinary field through qualitative methodologies that refine our understanding of the outcomes of experiential environmental learning.  相似文献   

采用环境关心量表(ECS)和自我中包含自然量表(INS)对613名蒙汉藏大学生进行测试,以探讨蒙汉藏大学生在环境关心的结构,并检验大学生环境关心上存在的民族、性别以及城乡差异。验证性因素分析表明环境关心的三因素模型存在于蒙汉藏大学生中;INS得分与ECS及其分量表得分显著正相关;被试在INS、ECS及其分量表上的得分存在显著的民族和城乡差异,在ECS得分上存在显著性别差异。研究结论有力地证明了环境关心三因素结构的跨文化一致性,并检验了民族、性别和城乡差异对于环境关心的影响。  相似文献   

人文关怀视域下高校贫困生思想道德教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在以人为本的和谐社会构建中,贫困生作为高校的特殊群体,已引起了普遍关注,而贫困生的思想道德教育问题是高等教育所不能忽视的。为此,文章以人文关怀为理论视角,从贫困大学生思想道德教育的目标、模式、载体、手段等角度进行分析,以达到培养健康、自强、感恩之人的目的。  相似文献   

户外环境教育模式,是环境教育理论研究与实践相结合的重要课题。结合旅游地理学中的研究重点———自然风景区,综合运用文献调查法、田野考察法、统计数据分析法、问卷调查、典型访谈及专家咨询法等,从“自然风景区户外环境教育的内涵、自然风景区户外环境教育的一般模式、和典型案例区户外环境教育的模式”三个方面,探讨户外环境教育模式问题,这是一个介于旅游地理与环境教育的综合交叉型研究课题,可丰富旅游地理学关于自然风景区、以及环境教育学的基础理论研究成果;同时,也可为自然风景区户外环境教育基地建设,提供方法上的参考,具有一定的实践价值。  相似文献   

论大学生环保社团在环境教育中的作用和发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生环保社团以充满活力的形式,活跃在学校和社会的环保舞台上,渐渐成为群众性环保活动的生力军。大学生环保社团在发展和推动高校环保事业中起到了重要作用,也得到了一定的发展,但还普遍存在一些问题。大学生环保社团应努力通过各种渠道提高大学生环境素质,采取切实有效的措施,加快环保社团的发展。  相似文献   

由于学生在中学阶段进入实验室的机会比较少,实验室安全知识和安全意识较弱。进入大学后,实验室是化学类专业学生的重要学习场所。本文在分析化学类实验室安全教育重要性的基础上,提出了实验室安全教育在形式上要分层次、多种形式相结合,在内容上要加强学生的安全意识教育、安全知识教育和安全技能教育,在制度上要实行实验室准入制度。  相似文献   

由于学生在中学阶段进入实验室的机会比较少,实验室安全知识和安全意识较弱。进入大学后,实验室是化学类专业学生的重要学习场所。本文在分析化学类实验室安全教育重要性的基础上,提出了实验室安全教育在形式上要分层次、多种形式相结合,在内容上要加强学生的安全意识教育、安全知识教育和安全技能教育,在制度上要实行实验室准入制度。  相似文献   

大学生的环境意识如何,对国家的可持续发展具有重要影响,对提高全民族的综合素质具有非常重要的作用。通过调查,对当代大学生的环境意识现状进行分析基础上,从大学生环境意识教育、环境合理性理念树立、环境实践教育与自我教育等方面提出提高大学生环境意识的对策。  相似文献   

人文关怀不仅是人的本性的基本要求和时代发展的客观要求,还是促进学生全面发展的现实需要,更是把握大学生思想政治教育核心理念的内在需求。高校思想政治教育过程中融入人文关怀,应确立大学生的主体地位,塑造独立人格;关注学生个体差异,加强因材施教;转变教育方式,增强教育互动;整合人文教育资源,提高教育效能。  相似文献   

人与自然的和谐是构建和谐社会的基础,加强农民的环境道德教育也是构建和谐社会的内在要求。但是我国部分农村经济文化的相对落后,干群文化素质普遍低下、环境道德认知与行动不一,环境道德教育的内容乏味及方法单一、基层干部作用发挥的不充分,影响着农村环境道德教育的进行,要解决这些问题必须发展农村生产力,把生产实践与环境道德教育相结合、重视农村基础教育、提高基层干部素质。  相似文献   

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