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在建立开放大学成为我国教育改革发展中的新焦点之际,本刊就开放大学建设的意义、开放大学建设应关注的主要问题、开放大学建设过程中的改革与创新等问题,采访了国家教育咨询委员会委员周稽裘先生。周先生从我国发展方式的转变和我国教育战略的视角,对开放大学建设中许多热点问题进行了高屋建瓴的系统解读。经周先生同意,将访谈录要点在此刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

In reply to a question from Liberal and Social Democrat parliamentarians, the federal government has summed up experience with the Fachlochschulen (colleges of advanced technology, comparable to the British polytechnics and the French university institutes of technology), created a decade ago.  相似文献   

From its inception as a disability category in the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, serving students under the special education category Emotional Disturbance (ED) has been a challenging task for school psychologists. In particular, the vague and ambiguous federal definition has created an environment in which inconsistent assessment practices and decision making are almost inevitable. In this study, we examined school psychologists’ (N = 214) assessment practices when determining initial eligibility for ED, as well as their perceptions regarding the language contained within the federal ED definition. Findings indicated that although school psychologists recognize the need for a multimethod, multisource assessment model when ED is a classification consideration, in many instances, their actual assessments are missing commonly recommended sources of data for making eligibility decisions, including classroom observations; parent, teacher, and student interviews; and behavior rating scales. The results from the study provide a useful overview of school psychologists’ assessment practices and are couched within the questions and confusion that have surrounded the federal ED definition since its codification into law.  相似文献   

钱南扬先生的《〈宦门子弟错立身〉校注》对《宦门子弟错立身》中的生字难词、戏剧术语和方言俚俗语等详加解释,多所创发,但是仍然存在一些缺陷。文章主要讨论《〈宦门子弟错立身〉校注》中"敷演"、"却"和"且"的词语释义问题。  相似文献   

This paper critiques discourse surrounding language learning strategies within Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and argues for the creation of new definitions of language learning strategies that are rooted in the socio-political and socio-economic contexts of the marginalized. Section one of this paper describes linguistic imperialism theory and post-colonial education's responses to allegations therein: multicultural education theory, critical race theory, and technological egalitarianism. This section also highlights the difference between formal and informal learning in order to validate multiple learning strategies. Section two of this paper then analyses two prominent works by Oxford [2002. Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. 2013. Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. South Melbourne: Heinle Cengage Learning]. This section suggests that even though Oxford [2002. Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa] made attempts to incorporate diverse voices into language learning strategy theory, her efforts in turn potentiate those who already have access to education. Finally, the concluding section postulates five principles for including marginalized voices in the discourse of language learning strategies in order to propose contextualized definitions: (1) incorporate non-extractive research among the marginalized, (2) document local knowledges and practices in marginalized communities, (3) confront one's own identity of privilege before, during, and after research, (4) allow those on the margins to define learning strategies, and (5) develop diversity within TESOL.  相似文献   

戴望舒的诗歌创作虽然深受法国象征主义诗歌流派的影响,但他积极吸取中国古典文学的丰富营养,使其诗歌创作呈现出从抽象难懂到明晰典雅,从外在韵律到内在情绪,从病态美学到浅吟低唱等的转换,在创作中表现了丰富的民族元素。  相似文献   

In 2005, the United States Supreme Court rendered a closely divided opinion that extends the protections against discrimination provided by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to include a private cause of action for retaliation in Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education. Therefore, “whistleblowers,” or employees who report allegedly discriminatory practices, can file suit against employers who retaliate against them on the basis of their complaints under the auspices of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination “on the basis of sex” by recipients of federal education funds. Unlike other federal anti-discrimination laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, retaliation is not expressly mentioned within the text of Title IX, and the Supreme Court reasoned that the broad language of the statute encompasses implied protections against retaliation, regardless of the gender of the employee who alleges retaliatory action. As a result of Jackson, the first generation of litigation against colleges and universities under this expanded standard has begun to navigate the federal courts. This article analyzes the Supreme Court’s opinion in Jackson and the related cases representing the first application of the retaliation standard articulated therein to colleges and universities. The article concludes with suggestions for insulation from liability associated with alleged retaliation claims against administrators and educational institutions.  相似文献   


In 1874, 6000 Old Colony Mennonites, an ethno-religious minority sect, immigrated to the Canadian prairies from Russia, after negotiating a charter of privileges with the federal government. Chief among these freedoms was the right to educate their children without government interference. Between 1890 and 1922, tensions mounted between the Mennonites and the government over issues related to schooling, culminating in the 1922 exodus to Latin America. Archival evidence – school inspector reports, personal correspondence and German and English-language newspapers – illustrates how a lack of identity with a nation-state rendered government attempts at assimilation through schooling ineffective. The transnational lens elucidates why these Mennonites were not moved by state efforts; their allegiance was to their own community and to the kingdom of God, but not to any particular nation. Successive legislation – the 1890 Schools Act, the 1907 law mandating that the Union Jack flag be flown outside schools, and the School Attendance Act – though not directed solely at the Mennonites, made it harder for them to conduct their schools according to tradition. Schooling served as the primary locus through which their language, religion and worldview were transmitted and these goals often conflicted directly with predominant concepts of education.  相似文献   

上海震旦大学是与圣约翰大学齐名的西方教会大学。在发展演变过程中,震旦大学从天主教大学逐步转变为一所世俗性的高等教育机构,而且具有鲜明的法国教育特色,反映了法兰西民族对文化教育事业的一贯重视。震旦大学在学科设置上与法国传统学科的呼应、对本国语言的重视,政府和工商界对文化活动的参与和支持,是法国从古至今一以贯之的传统,充分体现了植根于法兰西民族的一种文化禀性。震旦大学是近代中法教育交流史上的一项重要合作案例。  相似文献   

1800年《土地法令》为美国土地制度史上最重要的一项法令。该法令确立的分期付款售地制度有力地促进了联邦土地的销售,活跃了联邦的土地市场,促进了西部的快速开发。但该法令又造成了购地者大量拖欠联邦地款的问题,致使购地者和政府处于两难的窘境,国会被迫于1820年废除了该法令中的分期付款制度。  相似文献   

关于中法战争清政府乘胜即收的原因 ,近年来有学者进行了新的研究 ,提出了一些有说服力的理由。分析镇南关大捷后法国的对华政策 ,可以从一个侧面审视这一问题。其实 ,茹费理下台的直接原因虽然是法军在越南的失利 ,但其根本原因却是法国无产阶级与统治阶级的矛盾 ,以及统治阶级内部各派系的矛盾斗争的结果。茹费理刚下台 ,议会便通过了增兵加饷案 ,说明法国没有改变对华战争政策 ,这促使清政府决定乘胜即收。  相似文献   

For initial certification in French, German, and Spanish, teacher candidates in most states are required to pass one of the Praxis II subject matter tests. As of October 2010, a new test was added to the Praxis Series. This Praxis II: World Language Test represents a significant change from previous versions and relies heavily upon the Program Standards developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the National Council of Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Given the novelty of the World Language Test, and based on my experience with previous versions of this subject matter test, I registered for and took this test. Suggestions for test-takers and those responsible for preparing foreign language teacher candidates are provided.  相似文献   

政教分离原则和新教思想引领了殖民地和建国时期美国联邦政府自由放任的高等教育财政资助政策。宪法对联邦政府教育权力的回避使得创办国立大学的计划破产,达特茅斯学院案再一次维护了私立大学的合法地位,刺激了州立大学的广泛创建。这段时期,联邦政府基本徘徊在高等教育门外。《莫里尔法案》开启了联邦以土地赠予形式干预高等教育的时代。随着一战的爆发,联邦政府通过军事服务全面介入高等教育,逐渐形成了以资助军事研究和人员培训为主要形式的早期联邦高等教育财政资助体制。  相似文献   

Language in Use     
The conference set up one commission to look at the particular place of the English lesson within a framework of Language across the Curriculum. Such a view of language in school could have awkward implications for English: that either a pupil's growth in language might be provided for by the work of the whole curriculum, or that the English lesson should ‘service’ a pupil's language for his work in other studies. Two questions arise: are there certain responses and experiences which pupils need time for and which can only be allowed for in the English lesson ? And are there particular studies in language that only the English lesson can take responsibility for ? In order to set this discussion on its way, Peter Doughty was invited to talk about the special work which his team at University College, London, had been doing on language in English, and which has now been incorporated into material known as Language in Use. We print here an extract from his paper, published by the Schools Council, a fuller version of which is available on application from Great Portland Street, London, W.1. Fred Inglis took issue with this point of view about language in English.  相似文献   

论弗里德约夫·南森对国际难民事务的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弗里德约夫·南森是国际联盟第一任难民事务高级专员。在1921—1930年任职期间,南森主张难民问题紧急救助与长远解决相结合;界定难民的法律地位,通过立法保护难民权益;设立专门机构,加强国际合作;审时度势.重视方法创新。南森为后人留下了众多弥足珍贵的经验和财富。  相似文献   

In his book,More Than an Academic Question, Cameron offers a framework within which to understand the relationship between universities and government. He presents a thorough summary of the development of universities across Canada, exploring both public policy and changes in the governance and management of universities. Focussing on the transformation of universities from post World War II to the 1980s, he discusses the evolution of direct federal involvement in the core funding of universities, the reforms within the internal governing structures of universities, and faculty unionization. Although he presents suggestions regarding a more deliberate selection of membership of university governing boards, on the whole Cameron does not offer resolutions to the issues he raises, but rather lays the foundation for discussion.  相似文献   

Kedmon Hungwe 《Compare》2007,37(2):135-149
This article analyses issues pertaining to language policy in Zimbabwean education beginning with the establishment of formal education under colonial rule. English is the official language of business, government and education, and the dominant language in the media. Official policy, before and after independence, has been characterised by continuities, rather than change, providing limited support for the development of indigenous languages. Furthermore, the capacity to support the development of indigenous languages has declined in recent years. The curriculum policy has progressively served to provide avenues for engaging and locking into limited networks of opportunities within and outside the country.  相似文献   

谈沃尔夫语言学中的“意义”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沃尔夫在对印第安语,尤其是霍皮语等语言长期、细致研究的基础上,在积极探求语言结构在人的心理层面的反映过程中,逐渐形成了"语言学本质上是对意义的探寻"的语义观,并先后提出了一系列跟语言和心理相关联的隐性概念。揭示不同语言表达意义的方式,尤其是对语言中隐型或隐性范畴的深入挖掘,是沃尔夫具体语言研究的主要手段,也是他进一步探求不同语言使用者思维方式的重要途径。"意义"在沃尔夫的语言研究中占有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

The entire deaf prison population in the state of Texas formed the basis for this research. The linguistic skills of prison inmates were assessed using the following measures: (1) Kannapell's categories of bilingualism, (2) adaptation of the diagnostic criteria for Primitive Personality Disorder, (3) reading scores on the Test of Adult Basic Education, and (4) an evaluation of sign language use and skills by a certified sign language interpreter who had worked with deaf inmates for the past 17 years. Deaf inmates with reading scores below the federal standard for literacy (grade level 2.9) were the group most likely to demonstrate linguistic incompetence to stand trial, meaning that they probably lacked the ability to understand the charges against them and/or were unable to participate in their own defenses. Based on the language abilities and reading scores of this population, up to 50% of deaf state prison inmates may not have received due process throughout their arrest and adjudication. Despite their adjudicative and/or linguistic incompetence, these individuals were convicted in many cases, possibly violating their constitutional rights and their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  相似文献   

人才培养模式是学校为实现其培养目标在培养过程中对专业设置、课程建设、教学设计、培养途径等方面所采取的优化组合方式.当前,紧密结合社会需求,构建以就业市场为导向的人才培养机制,是地方高校提高毕业生就业竞争力的有效措施.本文以三峡大学外国语学院为例,针对当前外语专业本科教育教学现状,制定以就业市场为导向的地方高校外语专业人才培养方案.  相似文献   

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