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This study investigated the association between sex stereotypes and the sexual behaviour of Nigerian school-going adolescents. It also ascertained the effects of age and sex on adolescents' beliefs about sex stereotypes. The study sample consisted of 658 (male = 287, female = 371) adolescents from nine randomly selected secondary schools in three urban towns in Osun State, Nigeria. A survey questionnaire consisting of items describing various misconceptions about sexuality to which respondents were to indicate their levels of agreement on a five-point Likert scale was used to collect data. The instrument measured the extent to which respondents engaged in risky sexual behaviour such as casual sex, multiple sexual partners and unprotected sexual intercourse. Data were analysed using simple percentages and chi-squared statistics. The results showed that Nigerian adolescent students strongly believed in sex stereotypes and demonstrate a tendency to engage in risky sexual behaviours. Results also indicated that respondents who reported a level of sex stereotypes showed a tendency to engage in risky sexual behaviour and that respondents' sex had a significant relationship with their belief in sex stereotypes. A large majority of respondents who reported a high level of stereotypes were males.  相似文献   

A total of 247 American children between 6 and 10 years of age (126 girls and 121 boys) completed Implicit Association Tests and explicit self-report measures assessing the association of (a) me with male (gender identity), (b) male with math (math-gender stereotype), and (c) me with math (math self-concept). Two findings emerged. First, as early as second grade, the children demonstrated the American cultural stereotype that math is for boys on both implicit and explicit measures. Second, elementary school boys identified with math more strongly than did girls on both implicit and self-report measures. The findings suggest that the math-gender stereotype is acquired early and influences emerging math self-concepts prior to ages at which there are actual differences in math achievement.  相似文献   

A questionnaire concerned with gender issues was completed by 2029 women and 2137 men students at a Scottish University. Of the women respondents, 1252 answered a question about whether they thought of themselves as feminists; 5% ticked 'always', 9% 'often', 59% 'occasionally' and 27% 'never'. Women in the 36-45 year old age bracket and postgraduate women were most likely to identify as feminists. This question was included in a factor analysis with items concerning gender roles. It loaded strongly only on the third factor, which linked strong feminist identification to an endorsement of an essentialist model of gender differences. Analysis of extended comments in response to a question about the image of feminism indicated that both male and female students were affected by negative stereotypes of feminism in the media. It was concluded that the study showed a somewhat stronger level of identification with feminism than previous studies.  相似文献   

从性别刻板印象的概念入手,从性别刻板印象的影响因素开始,分析了学校教育中性别刻板印象的现象及其影响,并针对这些现象及其影响提出了突破学校教育中性别刻板印象的策略。最后,性别刻板印象对学校教育的启示呼之即出。  相似文献   

外语学习从某种意义上来说就是一个文化学习的过程,外语学习的一个重要目标就是培养学生目的语言文化意识和文化敏感性,使之发展成为学生的跨文化交际能力,为此就必须概括两种文化的差异,建立某种文化定型。所以我们应该不断地探索帮助学生打破旧的、偏见的文化定型的教学方法和途径,从而建立新的、客观的文化定型。  相似文献   

性别刻板印象在一定程度上反应了男女性别角色的不平等性,同时使这种不平等性固化和合理化。文章通过分析性别刻板印象的内涵以及学生管理工作中性别刻板印象的表现、影响及矫正途径,试图为提高学生管理工作的有效性及教育平等提供一点思考。  相似文献   

Teacher retention of stereotypes of exceptionality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper explores the possibility that a suitable mix of instrumental and expressive personality traits‐the concept of psychological androgyny — are required to allow a complete mentoring relationship. The discussion seeks a solution to a mentoring paradox which arises from the argument that instrumentality is necessary in reaching positions of influence, power, authority and experience ‐from which pool mentors may be selected in organisations ‐yet expressiveness as necessary for mentoring behaviour.

A comment on research into mentoring and psychological androgyny is offered, and this concept is discussed in regard to the experienced mentor combining such instrumental and expressive personality traits. A review of the literature on gender and mentoring is also offered and reveals several causes for concern. However, such literature rarely focuses upon what both genders can do. This paper offers the hypothesis that the experienced mentor will be androgynous‐thus being able to display both instrumentality and expressiveness according to situation‐specific demands.  相似文献   

When I was four my mother, father, sister, and I moved to California. My mother wrote my grandmother often, partly because she missed her terribly and partly because my mother relishes writing letters. Whenever she wrote, I sat beside her at the kitchen table and composed as many pages as she did, page after page of squiggly lines.Kathy Roskos is Assistant Professor, Department of Education, John Carroll University. Carol Vukelich is Associate Professor and Director of Inservice Education, College of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.  相似文献   

In the context of the recent controversy and confusion around sex education in Britain, I argue that an understanding of how boys and girls talk about sex and an awareness of the different and changing social worlds boys and girls inhabit, are crucial starting points for formulating sex education policies. Sex education is often embarked on without adequate understanding of the social context of sexuality and of the significance of changes in sexual practice that have occurred over the past few decades. Drawing on interviews and group discussion with male and female adolescents, I illustrate the difficulty boys and girls have communicating with each other and how for boys, to be intimate is to forego their dominance. I argue that there is a need to develop ways in which the power relations between boys and girls can be addressed and the derogatory way menstruation, pregnancy, and girls are perceived by boys can be challenged.  相似文献   

Perpetuating gender stereotypes in the classroom: a teacher perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper discusses findings from a study funded by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (NI) to explore the promotion of gender equity in the classroom and the extent to which initial teacher training and in-service courses address gender issues. Data from a questionnaire survey of 344 teachers and the qualitative dimensions of the study suggest that teachers are generally aware of gender stereotypes in the classroom and that, despite their lack of training in gender issues, where appropriate, most attempt to challenge this type of behaviour. Concern was expressed with the role of teachers in unconsciously perpetuating stereotypes and the extent to which equality issues are directed more towards girls than boys.  相似文献   

Understanding playful pedagogies,play narratives and play spaces   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper is a tentative attempt to unwrap and understand one aspect of playful practice and the influences which determine its existence in early years settings. ‘Storying’ events, those occasions when teachers and children together ‘make up’ stories or parts of stories, develop roles or co‐construct fantasies, occur moment by moment in some settings and with some teachers. Understanding the place of such playful pedagogies at a moment in history when both curriculum content and teaching methods are the focus of considerable political dominance is also important. This paper will consider both the nature of storying events and the nature of the practice in which storying is allowed to occur. Influences on teaching will be examined, including architecture and play spaces, politics and policy, as well as the idea that storying with children is possibly intuitive practice. The notion that teachers' own values and principles have a key role to play in making and shaping pedagogical choices will also be considered. The term ‘teacher’ has been used in an inclusive way to encompass all those adults working in educational settings with young children.  相似文献   

数学成就的性别差异一直以来广受关注,许多人持有"数学是男性学科"的刻板印象,这一认知偏差会使女性在数学领域遭遇刻板印象威胁,发挥失常,从而强化原有的社会刻板印象.鼓励自我肯定、降低群体认同程度、丰富反刻板印象样例是降低女性数学-性别刻板印象威胁的有效策略.  相似文献   


在当今中国,信息发展已经非常发达成熟,外来音乐对中国的影响已经非常巨大。国人已经不能仅仅满足于民族音乐的需求,爵士音乐作为当今世界最知名最受欢迎的音乐,在中国受到大众欢迎并且得到发展已经是必然的趋势。本文是笔者通过了几年的累积,总结爵士萨克斯的发展历史以及如何用学习演绎萨克斯爵士摇摆音乐的经验与方法,本文详细介绍了爵士萨克斯与古典萨克斯的音色区别,介绍了爵士萨克斯的吹奏技巧,详细分析爵士摇摆音乐的曲式结构特点,就如何更好的学习并且演奏爵士摇摆音乐经行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

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