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中国学术一直遭受问题贫困。对问题观念的专题性反思表明,问题由一个提问概念和一组认识对象内容构成,因而抽象的概念思维方式具有拉动提问的巨大力量。据此,思维形式绝不是没有认识价值的纯粹认识个性,相反,正是决定认识潜力的一种重要思想品质。根据提问概念的不同性质,提问分化为生活提问与逻辑提问,它们构成完整的提问方法体系。其中,逻辑提问以其一致于抽象概念思维的本质而具有更大的提问力量,同时大幅提高问题质量。  相似文献   

参照Verschueren 的语言顺应理论,可探讨机构权力和动机等语境因素对庭审提问中语言选择的动态顺应关系。通过描述语言选择的动态过程,解释和说明庭审提问这一互动言语现象的复杂性及其所实现的各种功能,并描述整个法庭提问特别是中国法庭提问的运作过程,对民事纠纷的解决和刑事案件的审判具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

The paper is a philosophical analysis of experimentation. The philosophical framework of the analysis is the interrogative model of inquiry developed by Hintikka. The basis of the model is explicit and well-formed logic of questions and answers. The framework allows us to formulate a flexible logic of experimentation. In particular, the formulated model can be interpreted realistically. Moreover, the model demonstrates an explicit logic of knowledge acquisition. So, the natural extension of the model is to apply it to an analysis of the learning process.  相似文献   

Hawaii is often perceived as the “Land of Aloha”, a racial paradise where everyone gets along. But do we? The author explores Hawaii's distinct cultural dynamics with pre-service teachers in a multicultural education course that problematised race and ethnicity. Using an inquiry approach and culturally relevant activities, the class examined the social inequity that exists between privileged “non-minorities” like Japanese, Chinese and Whites, and “disadvantaged minorities” like Filipinos, Native Hawaiians and Samoans. This study found that living among diversity in Hawaii made recognising racism and social inequity difficult. Patterns of student engagement reflected one's positioning in Hawaii's racial and socioeconomic hierarchy. Students from privileged groups minimised and deflected their role in contributing to racism, while students from disadvantaged groups assumed a more critical stance towards society. This study reframes the dialogue on race in education and provides implications for multicultural teacher education.  相似文献   

The following article was written in French as a keynote speech at the IGIP Symposiumat the Biel School of Engineering (University of Applied Sciences, in Biel, Switzerland), held in March 2000. The topic of this symposium was 'Unique and Excellent'. It aimed to show that engineering education cannot really head towards unification, but will reach uniqueness and excellency if there are many different ways of educating engineers. What happens on the spot, in each technical university, in each course, is much more important for excellence than the fact that all curricula can be compared directly at an international level. Owing to the very particular way of educating engineers in France, it was considered most important to learn about this particular organization. André Béraud accepted presenting it to the audience. His contribution had a very lively echo. The text presents a short outline of the history of French engineering education and its very particular ways and means. Engineering is not taught at technical universities but at Grandes Ecoles (Grand Schools), which represent a very high level of education open only to the very best. They will form the élite of the public servants of France, much more than what is generally considered the task of an engineer. In consequence, the education is broadly based with humanities as an important element in it; it is also very scientific, with mathematics and theoretical physics as central topics. The disadvantage of such a system lies in the fact that it is most rigid, not very open to the needs of industry and of foreign students. There have been, however, some changes.  相似文献   

在教学中,对学生质疑能力的培养,是学生创造能力形成的一个重要的环节.学生在学习的过程中,不仅要敢疑,更要善疑.不仅要发现小疑,更要追求大疑,这就要求教师在教学过程中加强对学生质疑意识的培养和质疑方法的指导.  相似文献   

一常识告诉我们技术是达成目的的手段。这种手段论至少造成一种错觉:技术是“硬”的物质性工具、仪器,或是“软”的非物质性的方法、程序。  相似文献   

该文以提问这一重要交流形式为研究对象,指出提问是与提问的对象、场合、目的等各因素密切相关的系统工程,分析总结了提问中经常出现的问题并提出了在较正式场合的提问策略。  相似文献   

深度阅读的表现是学生能够对文本进行冷静审视和辩证思考,从而引发对文本的质疑。学生在阅读过程能够具有分析、推理、判断、质疑的能力,可以有效地将学生的思维引向深处。结合教学经验,简要论述在教学中有效质疑文本的方法,从而让学生对文本有更深层的认知和体悟。  相似文献   

本实验研究以上海市聋哑青年技术学校的 3 3个学生为被试 (男 1 5名 ,女 1 8名 ,平均年龄为 1 6 8岁 ) ,进行了为期一年的“提问训练”。实验结果表明 ,实验班聋生在提问能力、思维灵活性、学习方法、学习习惯方面都超过了对照班 ,且差异显著  相似文献   

课堂提问是数学教学活动的重要组成部分,是激发学生积极思维的动力.教师必须依据学生的心理状态,顺着学生的认知规律和课堂的教学内容,在课堂提问中要激"疑"、巧"问"、示"错"、设"障"、求"变",促使学生"注意"与"卷入",提高教学效果.  相似文献   

没有提问就没有学问,问题是学术的中心,具有绝对的优先性.学术提问应遵循"三无原则":就对象言,"学无新旧",就方法言,"学无中西",就价值言,"学无有用无用".发现学术问题有多种途径,研究者可以在"经典细读"学术论争"相互照明"基本理论的具体运用"和"人生体验"中发现学术问题.人文学科的问题大多是"老生常谈"或"经典常谈",但又必须根据新的时代、新的语境、新的读者需求,对"老生常谈"的经典问题和"隐而未发"的学术课题,通过命题提炼、学理阐释和拓展深化,不断地加以创造性的重新再思考.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education -  相似文献   

课堂提问是教师在课堂教学中不可缺少的教学手段,更是化学教学中学生自主学习,合作探究新知的前提。教师提出问题的质量直接影响学生学习知识、提升能力的效果。在课堂教学中有些教师的课堂提问仍存在着这样或那样的问题,这值得高度重视并认真分析解决。  相似文献   

教学过程是师生问互动的过程,教师提问和学生应答构成了师生间语言交流、学生语言实践的主要形式。研究教师课堂提问策略对提高教学效果以及培养学生的创新精神和实践能力都具有十分重要的指导意义。探讨了目前教师课堂提问存在的问题,阐述了课堂提问的目的,对如何改进和优化课堂提问提出了建议。  相似文献   

从问题解决的心理过程来看,解决问题的关键在于建立合适于问题解决的问题空间的类型。而能否有效地解决问题,常常取决于问话者的提问方式。从心理空间的视域出发研究提问,我们可以为教学提问建立一套策略原则:依据提问的目的拟建问题空间的类型,依据问题解决的策略来选择提问方式。  相似文献   

科学自身不能定义什么是"科学"。"科学"概念已非科学范畴,而是哲学范畴。科学与非科学没有明确的分界线,所以"伪科学"与科学也没有明确的分界线。"伪科学"缺乏"可操作性"。不具"可操作性"的概念或命题不应该列入法律条文,否则将使法律失去应有的尊严。所谓"伪科学"实际上是科学发展链条中"潜科学"阶段的产物,应该谨慎对待。  相似文献   

研究性学习是思维的训练,为了达到新的高度,需要提出问题,认真探讨,疑、悟、创是学习的流程.  相似文献   

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