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The transition from school to work, in the form of a trade-based apprenticeship, is one with a long history. Recent socio-historical changes include increased use of technology, the changing nature of work and shifting patters in the employment market are influencing both the apprenticeship journey and its destination. In this article, the contemporary apprenticeship experience is described and explored using the metaphoric phases consisting of belonging to a workplace, becoming a baker and eventually being a baker. These phases are derived from a longitudinal case study of 13 baking apprentices as they entered bakery work mainly by happenstance and began to belong to the workplace; became bakers through various processes of skill acquisition, knowledge consolidation, dispositional transformation and occupational identity formation; and continued to be bakers, with many attaining a strong sense of vocation and identification with bakers’ occupation. An updated understanding of apprenticeship may inform the development of entry pathways into apprenticeship; improve workplace learning opportunities; and widen the means for recognition and certification of skill/knowledge attainment and dispositional transformation.  相似文献   

The economic stimulus enacted during President Obama's initial weeks included a down payment on his ambitious education reform agenda. By combining short-term policy with reform, the strategy gained his administration three advantages: a discretionary funding source with little Congressional scrutiny; flexibility in pursuing education reform goals without crowding out other policies on his agenda; and the ability to shape the national reform discussion for more than a year, without being constrained by negotiations over a specific piece of legislation. This article details the strategy and discusses whether the Obama administration's political dexterity can be matched by skill in fashioning institutional arrangements to ensure the long-term sustainability of these reforms.  相似文献   

Job crafting makes people’s work rewarding through meaning making. This article discusses the ways in which a field director may use job crafting to address a common challenge in field education. Field placements are based on various institutional expectations; however, many students have preconceived notions of what social work and social work education should be, and they complain that their placements are “not clinical ” enough. Through the application of job crafting, students can reframe their field learning experiences in a meaningful way. Using the case study method, this article demonstrates one way to support MSW students, highlighting common challenges and practices at a large public northeastern university.  相似文献   

This study analyzes new forms of student social interaction and dialogue within asynchronous communications of six middle schools and six high schools participating in the World School for Adventure Learning. In the World Forum component of the World School, students discussed, questioned, and debated with Arctic explorers, researchers, World Forum mentors, and peers about environmental issues while assuming identities of famous people. One of the three key tasks, Flash Points, generated more lengthy dialogue than other techniques (i.e., Arctic Alerts and Questions to Explorers). Analysis of the forms of learning assistance provided to students indicated that mentor electronic interactions with students typically involved feedback, questioning, and cognitive structuring of the lesson or activity; however, minimal task structuring, direct instruction, and modeling of how to interact occurred. Whereas most student questions to explorers about envir onmental issues or expedition activities were lower-level knowledge and comprehension queries, many also were at the evaluation level. Despite the restricted assistance and limited student questioning, student role-taking activities within their environmental discussions enhanced the degree of perspective-taking exhibited in their conversations. Examining these interaction patterns, forms of mentor assistance, levels of questioning, and degrees of perspective-taking provides new insights into the impact of electronic communication on student learning when role playing, though many questions remain.  相似文献   

教育部颁布的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划(试验修订稿)》,将“研究性学习”作为“综合实践活动”四项内容之首定为必修课,且占有比较多的课时。“研究性学习”的开设是我国基础教育改革,特别是课程改革深入发展的必然产物。它为以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育提供了新思路和生长点;势必引发学生学习方式的深刻变革,为学生个性和创造力的充分发展开辟新天地和新途径。本文拟从现代教学论的视野,对研究性学习的一些主要问题试作探讨。一、研究性学习的基本涵义研究性学习是当今世界性基础教育改革和发展的一个共同关注的…  相似文献   

In 2012, I proposed the apprenticeship model as a promising catechetical model for church communities in which catechists might be hope generators, and the church community becomes a community of hope. This article argues that the original meaning of the apprenticeship model is challenged by an emphasis in youth ministry practices on the individual relationship between youth ministers and youngsters and on finding individual forms of religious sense in life in favor of the ideal to acculturate a new generation in faith communities. The article discusses the implications for religious education practices that teach young people to learn to hope.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects on student motivation and cognitive learning strategies of an approach involving an undergraduate learner-centered community of learners approach to instruction. Six learning communities were created using the following objectives: integrated courses, active and collaborative learning, and opportunities for learning through information technology and library resources. Instructors attended ten workshops designed to assist them in developing the learning communities according to the objectives of the program. Results indicate significant changes in motivation and cognitive strategy use by the end of participation in the learning community. Within the motivation subscales, students in the learning communities reported significantly higher levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, more internal control of their learning, and self-efficacy, along with significantly lower levels of test anxiety and task value. Within the learning strategies subscales, students reported increases in their use of rehearsal strategies, organization strategies, critical thinking, time management, and the use of peer learning and help-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

Educational institutions are increasingly encouraging faculty to design classroom projects that take learning outside the ivory tower and into the real world. An emphasis is placed on engaging both students and community partners in a mutually beneficial project that fosters a life-long commitment to actively helping the community and people in need. This article describes an engaged learning activity utilized in an adult development psychology class. Results indicate that having the engaged learning component significantly improves students’ participation in the class content. The focus is on the logistics of the project, inherent benefits to the students, and practical implications.  相似文献   

Over 25 years ago, Brown and Duguid (Organisation Science, 2(1), 40–57, 1991) highlighted the differences between the way organisations formally describe and delineate jobs and the actual practices of their employees. This paper combines ideas from their seminal contribution with theories of ‘job crafting’ and identity to examine the agentic behaviour of employees in low-grade, ‘dirty work’ as they utilise their expertise and practices to (re)frame their occupational identities and challenge their prescribed job boundaries. The evidence for the paper comes from a qualitative study of hospital porters in the UK’s National Health Service. It argues that this combined theoretical approach provides a potential research and employment framework to challenge the abstracted and stereotypical conceptions of the expertise related to low-grade jobs.  相似文献   

“师徒制”教师学习:困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管师徒制是促进新教师学习与成长的重要方式,但我国现行师徒制尚存在若干需要克服的困境,包括:师傅的脚手架功能难以充分发挥、教师共同体的促进作用受到限制、新教师进行创造的机会减少和师傅促进新教师发展的动力不足等。这些问题反映为人们在理解师徒制教师学习时存在异化、窄化和僵化等认识上的偏差。要改造现行师徒制可以考虑多种途径,如积极试行师徒同台上课、灵活实施多层议课和多方引入发展资源等。  相似文献   

网络学习认同感结构初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程学习者对网络学习的认同感是影响网络远程学习顺利开展的重要因素.本研究首先对网络学习认同感的概念进行界定,在这一基础上提出了网络学习认同感的结构构想.通过编制网络学习认同感量表.使用探索性因素分析的方法对这一结构构想进行验证.因素分析表明,网络学习认同感的结构包括情感、行为和认知三个因子,与网络学习认同感的结构构想基本一致.  相似文献   

在语言教学中,通过教而学是公认的事实.然而,这还远远不够,仅仅通过教来学习并不能充分活化知识.因此,英语语言教学应注重培养学生语言知识的运用能力.本文通过对非英语专业学生和大学英语教师进行问卷调查的形式找出"教而学"存在的弊端,并提出相应的解决方法.  相似文献   

借鉴英国的现代学徒制度培养高技能人才   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从英国实地考察得知:学徒制度是英国古老的职业教育制度,这一制度几经延续、继承,发展到今天,从形式到内容都演变成了现代学徒制度。这主要表现在其内涵的深化与外延的拓展,政府宏观调控意识的日益强化,立体化、网络化协调机制的逐渐完善及灵活的实施过程等方面。它对我国高职教育人才培养模式的借鉴意义是:准确定位培养目标,紧紧依靠行业组织和行业协会办学,打通“校企互动”的人才培养途径,搭建工具学科、专业基础理论和专业技能三级教学平台,造就“理论型”、“技能型”和“双师型”三支各具特色、协调发展的教师队伍,建立一流的实训工厂,为全面建设小康社会培养现代制造业和服务业急需的高技能型人才。  相似文献   

基于詹姆斯·玛西亚的同一性理论,可以将大学生职业认同状态划分为职业认同弥散、职业认同早闭、职业认同延缓与职业认同达成四种.大学生职业认同发展就是大学生向职业认同达成状态转化,度过职业认同危机,确定并努力实现职业目标的过程,具有结构的层次多样性、机制的主观能动性、过程的动态发展性、动力的多元复杂性.高水平的职业认同对提升大学生专业发展水平、毕业生就业质量与创新创业教育质量具有重要意义.  相似文献   

失地农民在我国城市化进程中做出了巨大的牺牲,但其自身却面临着严峻的再就业压力。而目前我国的征地制度与就业政策,以及失地农民自身所拥有的社会资本和人力资本,又制约着其向非农领域的职业流动。因此,国家应尽快完善土地征用和社会保障制度,积极搭建失地农民职业流动的社会网络平台,广泛开展多种形式的职业培训,以切实提高失地农民的再就业能力,并使其最终真正实现向市民的转变。  相似文献   

语言学习策略在大学英语教学中有着重要作用,对语言学习策略知识贫乏的大学生进行学习策略培训有助于提高学习效率,促进学习自主性.在大学英语教学中,了解和掌握学生的语言习得过程,发现其学习特点,并根据实际情况,进行切实有效的学习策略教学和培训,是当前大学英语教学中的重要课题。  相似文献   

This exploratory research study aimed to understand teacher candidates' experiences and perspectives in a global class project and to explore a way to develop global understanding in a teacher education program, by means of technology rather than study abroad. Using a qualitative approach, seven U.S. education majors were given opportunities to communicate online with teacher candidates in South Korea, while creating and discussing a concept map and movie presentation about “good teaching” on the Learning Management System. Results showed how the preservice teachers' global perspectives of education were developed through the project, and confirmed the significance of instrumental and communicative learning in transformative learning as well as direct communication and comparison with people from a different context using a carefully designed task-based course and immersive learning environment.  相似文献   

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