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Learning through active participation and engagement in education and workplace settings is a prerequisite for effective professional competence development through Vocational Education and Training (VET). Equally important is that learning from multiple sites and sources needs to be purposefully connected and integrated to construct meaningful knowledge and understandings. The quality of connectivity and learning outcomes is influenced by conceptions of the different actors. The aim of the research reported in this article was to gain an understanding of key stakeholders’ (learners, teachers, trainers and managers/coordinators) conceptions of connections between school-based and work-based learnings which offer the main sources for developing vocational competence, and are the main sites for the enacted and engaged curriculum for VET. We identify and compare conceptions of vocational learning and teaching across education and workplace settings in Swiss and Australian VET actors. Differences and similarities are discussed and implications for VET research and development of teachers and trainers are outlined.  相似文献   

Swiss vocational education and training (VET) is defined as a dual-track system where apprentices weekly alternate between vocational school and a (real) workplace. At the workplace, they have to keep a learning documentation throughout their training, in which they are expected to regularly document their professional development. The actual use of this documentation remains limited, however, and its potential for learning is clearly underexploited. The study presented in this paper sheds light on the current practices and issues related to the use of such a learning documentation in the Swiss VET system. Semi-structured interviews (N?=?29) were conducted with representatives of all the main actors of the Swiss VET system for various professional domains (Industrial & Handicraft, Commerce, and Health & Social Care). The study shows that although they all tend to see the potential of the learning documentation, the different actors of VET do not share a same conception of the aims and functions, both within and across professions. Based on their answers, possible improvements for this tool are discussed, and suggestions are made to enhance its use as a boundary object throughout the training.  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》强调"十二五"期间要大力发展职业教育,增强职业教育吸引力。为了高职提高教学质量,使高职教育更好地为区域经济发展提供服务,笔者从十个方面对"十一五"期间高职三个生物类专业工学结合教学改革实施情况和实施效果进行问卷调查,通过对调查结果的分析,总结高职生物类专业工学结合教学改革现状,并从改革发展趋势、人才培养方案、课程改革、师资队伍建设和质量评价体系五个方面为"十二五"期间高职生物类专业工学结合教学改革的发展提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

现代学徒制作为一种现代职业教育制度,强调教育界与产业界之间的深度融合,也要求职业学校教师与企业培训师傅两支队伍共同培养高质量的职业技术人才。当前,我国企业培训师傅队伍仍存在先天发展不足、后天建设失衡等问题,具体表现在能力不足、发展受限、标准失效、收益不高、支撑欠缺等方面。现代学徒制对未来企业培训师傅队伍的建设提出了更高的要求,如理实一体化的素质结构、合格的教育教学能力、高效的师资团队合作、有效的师傅资格标准等。  相似文献   

在扩招背景下,高职招生对象已经扩充为中职生、普高生和社会生.这种多元化的高职生源结构,给实训设备、师资队伍建设、教学与管理带来新的挑战.基于问卷调查的数据,分析现阶段中职生源的心理素质和学习情况.目前中职生对职业教育有主见,但自主学习能力弱.本文以中职生学情问题为导向,提出了高职教师角色转变、教学模式改革和校企合作促进等创新实践,以适应高职教育新的变化,更好地促进高职的发展.  相似文献   

邹吉权 《成人教育》2011,31(11):127-128
德国职业教育享誉世界,这与高素质的师资队伍密切相关。为了全面地了解德国职业教育师资队伍建设,文章详细介绍了德国职业教育中的师资类型、工作任务、任职资格和专业发展情况,同时介绍了职业教育中的兼职教师情况。  相似文献   

培养高职学生的自主学习能力,对于提高高职学生终身自主学习能力,促进高等职业教育教学质量具有重要意义。在教学实践中,高职教师应通过培养学生形成自主学习的意识、掌握自主学习策略、开展多元化的自主学习方式,以及培养学生的学习评价能力,让学生逐步走上自主学习的道路。  相似文献   

能力本位(CBE即Competence-Based Education)的高职教育观,是指在高职教育中,强调以能力培养而不是以学术知识体系学习作为课程教学的基础、培养目标和评价标准。针对目前高职高专学生的英语现状以及公共英语教学改革现状,探索能力本位的应用人才培养的教学模式,以职业性作为高职公共英语课程发展的方向,实践性作为高职公共英语课程的实现方式,树立工学结合的概念,从而解决高职高专学生的英语课堂教学问题,提高高职高专非英语专业学生应用英语的能力和水平。  相似文献   

There is a notable difference in occupational injury rates in the two Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Denmark, with the latter having a 40% higher rate of fatal occupational injuries in the construction industry. This study explored differences in the vocational education and training (VET) systems between Sweden and Denmark that may be important for students’ safety learning and practice during VET. In both countries, students participate in full-time education, and the curriculum includes school-based as well as company- based training. However, during company- based training Swedish students retain their student status, whereas Danish students are employed as apprentices. From a perspective of viewing safety as a social practice developed through interactions of different social and institutional bodies, the analysis points to this difference in employment status as important for their safety practices and also for the teachers’ position to influence safety learning and practices during company-based training. An analysis of interview and survey data focusing on how VET students enact safety ‘knowings’ across learning sites, suggest how different forms of connectivity models in VET promote various forms of safety learning among students.  相似文献   

国外职教教师教育的特点及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外职教教师教育呈现出教师教育机构专门性与综合性相结合、师资学位证书体系完善、教师培训与进修制度化、强调教学素养形成与实践经验获得等特点。其启示在于:建立健全职教教师教育体系,推进教师教育一体化;规范职教师资生源标准,完善教师教育制度建设;加强校企合作,创新职教师资培养模式;改革课程体系,提升教师职业能力。  相似文献   

工学结合模式下高职院校创新人才培养体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校在培养创新人才的过程中存在着教育理念滞后、教育资源紧缺和运行机制不健全的制约因素,应在工学结合人才培养模式下,从更新教育理念、优化专业体系和创新课程体系、构建系统的实践教学体系、加强教师队伍建设、健全教学管理体系和考核评价体系等方面探讨创新人才培养体系。  相似文献   

职业生涯学习作为高职院校青年教师进行主观自我与职业世界互相适应的主动选择,是适应经济社会发展、技术不断革新、服务学校发展、实现职业价值的有效方式。青年教师职业生涯学习的基本逻辑是明确职业生涯学习目标,进行职业生涯学习,检验职业学习效果,青年教师在学习实践中表现出个体凸显、阶段演进、教研相长、组织支持等特征。为更好地促进高职院校青年教师的职业生涯学习,需要青年教师树立终身学习理念,认同教师职业价值,需要通过参加培训、提升学历、参与项目建设、服务行业企业拓展职业生涯学习,需要高职院校提供有力的组织保障。  相似文献   

While learning journals (LJs) have been shown to support self-regulated learning strategies, reflection and learning outcomes in academic contexts, few studies have investigated their relevance in vocational education. A mobile and online learning journal (MOLJ) was developed to support reflection on workplace experiences. However, acceptance of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices and supervisors is not trivial. This study investigated how apprentices use the mobile and online learning journal and why they use it that way. The mobile and online learning journal was developed for apprentices in the field of bakery and contains a recipe book, a smartphone app to take pictures of workplace experiences, and a learning journal for reflection. Apprentices’ workplace supervisors have access to the mobile and online learning journal to provide support and feedback. A mixed method study was conducted with 16 apprentices. Indicators of their use of the mobile and online learning journal were recorded, while reasons for use were studied by questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Four kinds of users of the mobile and online learning journal were identified: Multifunction users, picture takers, learning journal users, and overall low users. The most determining factors for the acceptance and use of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices were their interest in the use of a smartphone at the workplace, their acceptance of reflection on workplace experiences through the mobile and online learning journal, and supervisors’ participation and provision of feedback. Promoting the use of learning journals by apprentices requires strong guidance in the design of the learning journal as well as support and feedback from supervisors. Taking pictures from the workplace proves useful for learning and sharing experience in vocational training.  相似文献   

论高职教育实践教学体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实践教学是培养职业经验和职业综合能力的最主要途径和手段,在整个高职教育教学体系中占有极为重要的地位。高职院校应当以培养学生实践能力和创新精神为重点,在实践教学体系的构建,即校内外实践教学基地建设、实践教学师资队伍培养、职业资格的培训与认证等方面进行摸索、改革,逐步形成自己的办学特色。  相似文献   

借鉴多元智能理论开发职校生学习潜能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加德纳的多元智能理论,对于开发职校学生学习潜能的重要意义在于,针对职校学生的个别差异和遵循职业教育的规律,力求突破传统偏见(失败者的教育),张扬职校学生的优势和潜能,改变学生观和评价观,创建多元智能学校.激励每一个职校生,力求在职业教育教学和培训过程中彰显学生的个性,使拥有不同天资和智能优势强项的学生都能够得到最适合其自身特质的发展,从而最终实现人的全面发展.  相似文献   

德国有非常完善的职业教育师资培养和任职资格考核认定体系,要求教师具备四大领域的能力,并完成12项工作任务。要成为一名职业学校的教师,不仅要有高学历,而且必须有企业工作经验和教育教学能力,要经过三个阶段严格的系统培养,并通过各项考核才能达标。建立我国现代职业教育体系,提高职业教育质量,满足经济社会发展对各类技能型人才的需求,德国的做法和成功经验值得借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

This study examines Finnish apprenticeship training stakeholders’ perceptions of vocational expertise and experiences of workplace learning and guidance. The semi-structured interview data was collected in 2015 in two vocational fields: the social and health care services sector (five workplaces) and the technology sector (five workplaces). The sample (N = 40) consisted of apprentices (n = 10), their co-workers (n = 10), workplace trainers (n = 10) and employers (n = 10). The study applies the classifications of natural abilities and self-regulation to identify the most important individual characteristics related to vocational expertise. The socio-cultural approach to workplace learning and guidance illustrate that vocational expertise also develops from external support through participation and guidance in everyday interactions in the contexts of education and work. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that individuals with fluent cognitive skills (e.g., problem solving skills) combined to advanced social skills, self-awareness and self-regulation are perceived as vocational experts. The apprenticeship training was considered to draw upon an extensive learning environment to facilitate an apprentice’s vocational development by offering access to authentic work tasks and collective support by experienced workers. Yet, the lack of time, resources and pedagogical approaches were found to hinder individual guidance and reciprocal workplace learning between apprentices and experienced workers. The workplaces were shown to provide fruitful learning possibilities for those apprentices with strong self-regulatory skills.  相似文献   

从人本主义的视角出发,素质教育应具有平等性、系统性、个体性、先天性、发展性、基础性和开放性等特征。基于人本主义原则设定多元化教学目标和创设多样化教学手段,能将素质教育贯穿在"备学生"、英语课堂教学设计和教学手段创新等具体环节当中。基于人本主义原则创设高中英语课堂环境并把握课堂导入模式创新、素质教育课堂活动创设和开放式作业设计等关键环节,将有助于素质教育落到实处,使素质教育贯穿于"教与学"的全过程之中。  相似文献   

在师范教育向教师教育转轨的背景下,职业学校教师教育体系应该是一个以独立设置职技高师为核心,其他高校共同参与,培养和培训相衔接的半封闭、半开放的教师教育体系.应充分发挥职业技术师范院校师资培养的特点,充分认识职业技术师范院校在职教师资培养中的优势和不可替代性,并逐步建立开放的职教师资培养体系,适应向开放式师资培养模式转轨.  相似文献   

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