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大学的价值观教育与文化认同   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以大学的价值观教育与文化认同之间的关系为核心,主要以美国为例,描述了大学价值观教育的目标和手段及其所认同的文化,并且从文化生态与教育理念两个关键层面比较了中美两国大学的价值观教育,旨在理解其中存在的根本性问题与危机,从而使大学能够改善其价值观教育。  相似文献   

教育中的仪式:演示、模仿、跨文化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从文化的演示性路径出发,对教育活动中的仪式进行了探讨,重点报告了"柏林仪式研究"项目的研究成果,重点讨论了仪式对教育和社会化过程的推动作用、仪式的模仿学习过程、仪式的跨文化学习功能以及仪式研究的方法论。  相似文献   

Philosophers of education have had a longstanding interest in the nature and value of reason. Literature can provide an important source of insight in addressing questions in this area. One writer who is especially helpful in this regard is Fyodor Dostoevsky. In this essay Peter Roberts provides an educational reading of Dostoevsky's highly influential shorter novel, Notes from Underground. This novel was Dostoevsky's critical response to the emerging philosophy of rational egoism. In this close reading of Notes from Underground, Roberts compares rational egoism with neoliberalism, analyzes the experiences of the central character (the Underground Man), and considers the need for harmony in our educational development as reasoning, feeling, and willing beings.  相似文献   

Understanding film and television through study is a distinct educational activity, but hardly integrated into the education system. This, it is argued, is due to a separation maintained by narrow institutional definitions of education and culture. In attempting to reconceptualize a relation, a shifting history of education is first described, in which clear links are discernible between changing financial fortunes of the education system and changes in successive political policies in this century. The inheritance of that history, it is argued, is a largely static curriculum.

Secondly, in investigating curriculum issues, the centrality of a subject‐based timetable is seen as inadequate; instead, a curriculum constructed in terms of ‘fields of knowledge’ is suggested, an idea exemplified by broadening the language base of English teaching and refocussing on the study of systems of signification.

Thirdly, in describing a tradition of intellectual and educational debates that underwrites such a shift, BFI Education ‐ an agency whose function in part is to promote education in film and TV studies ‐ is positioned in that tradition, and its policies and practices accounted for.

An annotated bibliography of key texts charts the context of the article, for readers for whom that context is unfamiliar, and as a potential reading list for educational courses.  相似文献   

文化素质教育与通识教育关系的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,大学生文化素质教育与通识教育在中国高等学校同时展开,两者是否一致?有什么差别?应当如何对待?本文在对这两种教育进行历史回顾的基础上,对这些问题提出了自己的看法。作者认为,从"名正言顺"的角度,在高等学校本专科教育的整体层面上,无论在教育理念、模式和内容上,"通识教育"的名称都是不合适的。而文化素质教育则是统贯本科教育的全过程的,它既是一种新的教育思想观念,也可以成为一种教育模式,具有可操作的运行方式。但是,作为高等学校本专科教育的一部分或一个阶段,通识教育从理念、模式和内容上都是有意义的,其目标是为了培养负责任的公民和有教养的人。这与文化素质教育是相通的。通识教育可以作为文化素质教育的一种实施方式,与养成教育共同构筑起文化素质教育的实施方式。作者提出了包含通识教育的文化素质教育架构图,并对不同类型高校提出了多样化的通识教育与文化素质教育的实施意见。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Marvin Lynn explores a range of perspectives on African American education, with particular focus on three works: Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement , by social anthropologist John Ogbu; African-Centered Pedagogy: Developing Schools of Achievement for African American Children , by teacher education expert Peter Murrell; and African American Literacies , by Elaine Richardson, professor of English and applied linguistics. Lynn draws on Charles Valentine's sociological framework for understanding culture in order to interrogate how the concept of culture is used in these works. Lynn concludes that critical race theory in education — a rapidly emerging discourse on schooling and inequality — may be a useful tool for lucidly framing the conditions under which African Americans are educated as well as the possible solutions to the perennial problems faced by this historically marginalized group.  相似文献   

Making traditions “accessible” and making the connections between traditions and transformation “manifest” (this is Boys's definition of religious education), is a challenging endeavor in mass mediated popular culture contexts. Although definitions of “tradition” may differ from community to community, there is generally a sustained pattern of practice over time that shapes the religious identities of the people in question. Religious educators need to engage this pattern in multiple ways, some of which may extensively if not completely rework it. This essay illustrates such engagement by considering two examples of the televisual mediation of rituals following September 11, 2001, as well suggesting useful digital resources for religious educators in this context  相似文献   

The author stresses the fact that the English educational system has perpetuated or exacerbated already existing social differences. According to him, the English school system is still denying the possibility of a true and active citizenship. Looking at the basic principles of Education Acts and reform ‘campaigns’ in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and at the re‐structuring processes of English education, he states (pointing at his own work and that of Shrosbree and Allsobrook) that differentiation once and again took place along social class lines.  相似文献   

It gives me great pleasure to be with you this evening as part of your Annual Conference. The Conference theme. Television in Education and Training, is a demanding one, but one to which we are all able to contribute from our different backgrounds and experiences  相似文献   

中国义务教育财政面临的挑战与教育转移支付   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
自 1 98 5年开始的义务教育财政改革是以分权化和经费来源多样化为主要特征的。这一改革取得了很大的成功 ,也在一定程度上导致了不同地区之间教育质量的日益不平衡以及贫困地区公共教育资源不足。这使得建立一个切实的、经常性的政府间转移支付制度成为必要。本研究利用 1 997年和 1 999年县级数据研究了 90年代后期教育资源的使用状况和教育投入的地区间不平衡。在此基础上对分权化财政系统中政府间转移支付的作用进行了综述 ,并进一步探讨了在中国建立经常性的、切实的义务教育政府间财政转移支付的有关问题  相似文献   

世界的发展和关于世界的知识充满了不确定性。在不确定性视野下,需要对长期追求的普遍性知识和客观规律重新认识,对科学理论的解释和预测功能持审慎态度。对知识的生产和传播方式从方法论上进行反思。无论是宏观层次还是微观层次的教育,都有自身的确定性和不确定性。不确定性视野下的教育研究,坚持主体建构式认识论,关注探索教育实践中具体的因果联系。  相似文献   

论述地理作为一门跨学科综合基础课程在素质教育中的特殊地位和作用.  相似文献   

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