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缄默知识是相对于显性知识而言的,也就是"只可意会、不可言传"的经验知识。在人类的整个知识世界中,缄默知识要比显性知识显得更为根本。教师教育活动中存在大量的缄默知识,但是在具体的教师教育活动中大量的缄默知识往往被忽视,这也是导致教师教育活动低效问题的一个重要原因。基于缄默知识理论,要实现教师教育效率的提高,我们必须实现缄默知识与外显知识的协同,必须重新审视实践性教学的重要价值。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how to develop prospective teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in science teacher education. The main focus is on the knowledge transformation process and on the cognitive strategies used to shift prospective teachers' explanations within the domain of modelling thermal physical phenomena. This study investigates the development of PCK within a group of 28 pre-service physics teachers during the first semester of their two-year post-graduate teacher education program. It focuses on the central issue of the relationships between observable phenomena, like macroscopic thermal properties of matter and their interpretation and/or explanation in terms of corpuscular characteristics and/or thermodynamics theory. The strategy is based on the consideration that knowledge transformation is not a one-way process from subject matter knowledge to pedagogical content knowledge, as literature suggests, but a bidirectional process involving deepening of subject matter knowledge and increasing awareness of pedagogical issues.  相似文献   

学科教学知识:一个教师专业发展的新视角   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
学科教学知识概念的提出,对教师教育的理论与实践产生了重大影响。文章在探讨了学科教学知识的内涵、特征、建构等问题,并分析了学科教学知识对教师专业发展的意义的基础上,进而提出以学科教学知识概念指导我国教师教育改革的若干对策。  相似文献   

本文从教师专业化理论的视角,结合三年制专科特殊教师教育实践,主要对特殊教师教育专业化发展的必要性、特殊教师教育培养目标和培养模式做一探索。  相似文献   

数学教师专业发展的新视角——数学教学内容知识(MPCK)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学教学内容知识(MPCK)是关于某一特定的数学内容该如何进行表述、呈现和解释,以使学生更容易接受和理解的知识.它作为数学教师知识结构的核心,是区别数学教师与数学家、数学教师与其它学科教师的重要特征,是数学教师专业成长的重要体现.依据我国数学教师的特点,通过数学知识向数学教学内容知识的转化不失为一条发展教师MPCK的直接而有效的途径.  相似文献   

群体知识观对传统的个人主义知识观进行了批判.群体知识观视域下的教师专业社群,关注整个教师专业社群的发展和教师群体实践培训.教师专业社群为教师教育提供了新的探索方向.  相似文献   

The title of a lecture or address is often the least important part of it. Sometimes, indeed, it is almost an after-thought. In the case of my address today, however, the words of the title are important. What one puts between ‘research’ and ‘teacher education’ — on, or and, or in – makes a great deal of difference to the subject matter.  相似文献   

A couple of years ago I attended a presentation at a professional meeting that made a major impact upon my life. The session, “Ways of Achieving Excellence in a Global Community,” included presentations by early childhood educators from Australia, Hungary and Finland. At the conclusion of this sharing of ideas regarding what other countries are doing to improve the lives of children, I overheard an American colleague whisper to her neighbor in amazement, “My God! We're a Third World country when it comes to child care.” Without contrasts brought out by this session, however, this educator might have never been open to the world of ideas for improving children's lives.  相似文献   

教师专业认同:教师教育改革的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育理论研究的深入和教育实践的迫切需要使得对教师专业认同的研究成为当今教师研究的重点之一。教师专业认同具有动态发展性、个体性和能动性,是提升教师生命意义的内在基础。我们应从关注教师的自我认同、注重职前专业学习和初任教师实习的经历、注重教师的实践性知识三方面反思和改善教师教育。  相似文献   

The foundations of teacher education in the Philippines were laid by the Spanish government during the mid-eighteenth century. It is said to have begun on August 4, 1765, when King Charles of Spain issued a Royal Decree requiring each village to have a “maestro.” On November 28, 1772, another Royal Decree specified the qualifications of teachers. However, it was not until 1863 that there was a specific attempt to systematize and update the education of Filipino teachers. That year, another Royal Decree was passed to modernize different aspects of Philippine education.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a review of the available literature and the issues and problems concerned with research on teacher education in Malaysia. Three reference appendices provide the basis for the discussion and represent a serious attempt in outlining the scope of the field. It should be noted at the outset that these reference appendices are not comprehensive nor exhaustive but represent a personal effort with the assistance of the Faculty's bibliographical and documentation assistant who was able to obtain a miscellaneous collection of documents from various sources.  相似文献   

教师知识管理作为一种新的管理策略,将其融入到教学中,对于改善教师知识结构体系,提升教师工作效率,促进学生学习能力的发展有重要意义。将教师知识管理融入到教学中,在课堂准备阶段、课堂实践阶段、课后提升阶段分别探讨教师知识管理策略,以达到促进有效教学的目的。  相似文献   

师范教育中的特殊教育与特殊教育学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育不等于教育学。师范院校的教育专业不等于教育学专业。对于特殊教育来说 ,特殊教育学专业同样也不能代替聋校语文、聋校数学、聋校外语、聋校体育等面向具体学科的专业。学科特点与教育学相通的特殊教育学只是应该设置的面向特殊教育的专业中的一个部分。师范院校设置的有关特殊教育的专业中 ,除了应该包括特殊教育学专业之外 ,还应该包括其他面向基层特殊学校特定课程的各种专业。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

学科教学知识(PCK)的核心因素及其对教师教育的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从多种同类研究中汲取学术资源,聚焦于探索学科教学知识(PCK)内涵中的核心因素,并将其确定为"从学生立场出发实现知识转化".受此启发,我们主张:(1)重视并拓展知识的育人价值,而不局限于认知维度的知识学习;(2)关注并提升教师教育的学术品质,而不局限于将其仅看作技能训练的传统认识.  相似文献   


Physical education teacher education (PETE) programs are encouraged to develop teachers capable of delivering technology integrated learning experiences. Technological pedagogical content knowledge provides a framework for integrating technology into teacher education programs. Occupational socialization theory describes an educator’s recruitment, training, and socialization in the teaching profession. The purpose of this article is to propose a conceptual framework for helping preservice physical educators develop technological pedagogical content knowledge that is grounded in occupational socialization theory. We specifically recommend a four-phase approach to help preservice teachers (a) build their knowledge and learn to value technology in physical education, (b) observe and explore through instructor modeling and integration, (c) experiment and collaborate with mentoring and scaffolding, and (d) discover through innovation and utilization. These suggestions acknowledge the sociopolitical aspects of learning to teach with technology and implications are discussed along with the need to help preservice teachers transfer technology integration into their professional careers.  相似文献   

默会知识视阈下的教师专业发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在教师知识结构中,默会知识是非常重要的一种知识类型,它与显性知识一样在日常生活和教育教学活动中普遍存在。但由于这类知识是内隐的、难以言明,往往被人们所忽视。实践证明,默会知识是影响教师专业发展的一个重要因素,促使教师默会知识的显性化是教师专业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

中国远程教育的新视角:远程农村教师教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从令人痛楚:中国农村教师教育现状;当务之急:加大农村中小学教师培训力度;快捷高效:中国远程教师教育特色;迫切需求:中国农村开展远程教师教育等4个方面对农村教师教育问题进行了研究,提出了改变当前我国农村教师教育现状的若干思考和对策,对我国在新世纪充分发挥现代远程教师教育手段开展农村教师教育作出展望。  相似文献   

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