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数字时代王船山思想的传播,虽面临着大众化的挑战,但仍有着巨大的文化价值和商业价值。传播文本的多样化、传播主体的大众化和传播机制的产业化,是王船山思想传播走出困境的重要策略。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the digital writing practices of a Grade Three primary school student as he used an iPad to plan, produce and share digital texts. The case study acknowledges that writing is undergoing a period of great change in many classrooms and works to show how a student author has interpreted and produced digital texts with new technologies. In particular, the specific practices, digital materials and literacy concepts will be explicated through analyses of two digital texts created by this author. This focus acknowledges the ways texts can be planned, produced and shared using multiple modes and media. These social practices and the wider learning opportunities afforded through the flexible and recursive ways students produce text have yet to be fully explored. This paper also extends current understandings about digital writing practices through its examination of the connections between and among multiple apps as an author crafts digital text.  相似文献   

This article outlines the knowledge and skills students develop when they engage in digital media production and analysis in school settings. The metaphor of ‘digital building blocks’ is used to describe the material practices, conceptual understandings and production of knowledge that lead to the development of digital media literacy. The article argues that the two established approaches to media literacy education, critical reading and media production, do not adequately explain how students develop media knowledge. It suggests there has been too little focus on material practices and how these relate to the development of conceptual understanding in media learning. The article explores empirical evidence from a four-year investigation in a primary school in Queensland, Australia using actor–network theory to explore ‘moments of translation’ as students deploy technologies and concepts to materially participate in digital culture. A generative model of media learning is presented with four categories of building blocks that isolate the specific skills and knowledge that can be taught and learnt to promote participation in digital media contexts: digital materials, conceptual understandings, media production and media analysis. The final section of the article makes initial comments on how the model might become the basis for curriculum development in schools and argues that further empirical research needs to occur to confirm the model’s utility.  相似文献   

音频与文本同步是设计开发数字语音教室的一个关键问题。通过对多媒体同步方法的研究,结合基于嵌入式技术的数字语音教室的实际情况,提出了一种新的应用于数字语音教室的音频与文本同步的方法。  相似文献   

The past decade has seen the evolution of physical educational resource collections into digital libraries, a process which has opened up a whole new range of uses beyond the traditional ones of reference and individual study in a fixed location. It is becoming more common for institutions of learning to regard their teaching and learning resource materials as important assets that can be shared, incorporated into new courses and accessed remotely by students. With the inclusion of multiple media (text, video and audio), the potential of digital libraries is further enhanced. Early adopters of this technology are information specialists and authors of learning materials, and in some cases, students. Evaluations of digital libraries that are currently underway at various institutions are aiming to determine whether the technology is usable and cost‐effective. We also see a focus on the kinds of learning activities that can be supported with digital resources and the best ways of organising and describing them. The evaluation described in this paper is primarily concerned with issues of usability and identifying potential areas of use. A planned second phase of the project will delve more deeply into costs and benefits for users in specific contexts of use.  相似文献   

随着数字化阅读的迅猛增长,传统纸质媒体与数字化媒体已经成为学习者获取学习资源的两种重要介质。电子课本作为数字化阅读与学习范式变革在基础教育领域中应用的产物,其应用效果受到人们的期待。电子课本如何促进学习?它对人的影响与纸质课本有何不同?基于梅耶多媒体学习理论,以电子课本和纸质课本两种阅读介质为例,对未成年人阅读过程中的眼动行为进行比较实验,结果表明:未成年人阅读纸质课本和电子课本的注意力分配有差异;电子课本阅读促进了更积极的交互,其测验成绩显著高于纸质课本,正文的观察时间和注视次数与测验成绩显著相关,但同时也增加了外在认知负荷。因此,设计人员在设计电子课本时应该兼顾学习者注意的广度和深度,实现各种多媒体学习内容的优势互补;家长和教师应该了解数字化阅读特点,适当引导未成年人的电子课本使用。  相似文献   

In this article I bring artistic production into the learning sciences conversation by using the production of representations as a bridging concept between art making and the new literacies. Through case studies with 4 youth media arts organizations across the United States I ask how organizations structure the process of producing autobiographical digital art through a focus on representational tasks and how learning can be traced by examining youth artists' representations over time. Using a distributed cognition framework I analyze data on the process of making digital art in terms of the macro and micro tasks performed in order to identify occasions for external representation construction and use across organizations. I then examine how individual youth engage in these macro and micro tasks by producing representations that demonstrate their understanding. These analyses show that youth media arts organization production processes engage young artists in a representational trajectory that begins with developing a story about the self, moves toward a focus on how the tools of the medium afford representation of that story, and culminates in digital representations that reflect an understanding of the relationship between story and tools.  相似文献   

Studying with digital media, learners often struggle because of inadequate self-regulation. Previous research presented clear evidence of metacognitive prompts being effective in supporting learning with digital media. This study examines the potential of motivational regulation prompts, which are assumed to additionally support self-regulated learning. During a 50-minute learning session in a digital media learning environment, 215 university students received either no prompts, only metacognitive prompts, only motivational regulation prompts, or both types of prompts. Task value, metacognitive control, task-related learning activities, and knowledge were assessed at a pretest, posttest, and follow-up. The results replicated known positive effects of metacognitive prompts and revealed additional supportive effects of motivational regulation prompts on all dependent variables. Path modeling of the experimentally induced changes was in line with a theoretical model specifying proximal and distal effects of both prompts. Altogether, this indicates that especially motivational regulation prompts could be an effective scaffold to support SRL with digital media.  相似文献   

In light of the increased usage of instructional media for teaching and learning, the design of these media as aids to convey the content for learning can be crucial for effective learning outcomes. In this vein, the literature has given attention to how concurrent on-screen text can be designed using these media to enhance learning performance. The present study sought to examine whether utilizing concurrent on-screen summarized text (CST) could improve students’ learning performance while estimating their perception of performance when learning with educational multimedia content. Although the findings did not show a significant improvement in students’ performance on the retention test among the CST groups, students exhibited a considerable higher level of confidence toward their performance. The findings suggest that students who learned with CST educational media may have overestimated their performance. Further analysis and discussion are included.  相似文献   

The city provides a rich array of learning opportunities for young children. However, in many urban schools, often it can be logistically difficult to get young children out of the building. But when elementary children are encouraged to view the city as a classroom and use digital media to explore and represent their neighborhoods, they can be inspired by the unpredictable events of daily life to ask naïve, critical and sometimes troubling questions. This paper presents a case study of a teacher in an informal media literacy learning environment who worked with a group of 9-year olds in Philadelphia. It documents the experience of a novice teacher who, flummoxed by an accidental encounter between her students and a homeless person, transformed an uncomfortable experience into a teachable moment. Children's questions about homelessness became the organizing frame for learning experience, as the instructor helped children make sense of the information on the Internet, analyze popular culture films and news media, and conduct interviews with community leaders and advocates for the homeless. The inquiry process resulted in a collaboratively produced multimedia project, created by children. The case study has implications for pre- and in-service teacher education for digital and media literacy. This paper suggests that improvization and strategic risk-taking must be conceptualized as a set of socio-emotional and experiential competencies that teachers need when using digital media in an urban community as a tool for learning.  相似文献   

教材是实现教育目标的重要工具和核心资源。它的载体经历了从纸媒到电子介质,再到基于电子介质的教学资源集成的过程,并逐渐走向富媒体化和平台化,下一代数字教材将朝开放、个性化、社群化和智能化方向演进,智能型数字教材系统应运而生。本文通过文献研究法、实证研究法、软件工程法,厘清了智能型数字教材系统的概念、特征及其现实意义,并从知识结构图谱化、资源组织系统化、学习数据可视化、学习管理智能化四个维度提出了智能型数字教材系统的核心理念,提出了融入学习模型、教学策略模型、学习者画像和知识图谱四个核心组件的智能型数字教材系统的技术实现路径及其推进机制,以支撑不同学科教师和不同学习者的自适应学习服务需求,将教材的解读弱中介化,促进教育公平和学生学习效能的提升,以期引发教育教学模式和教育供给方式的大变革。  相似文献   

In light of the present‐day proliferation of digital texts and the increase in situations that require active digital text reading in learning, it is becoming increasingly important to shed light on the comparison between print and digital reading under active reading conditions. In this study, the active reading abilities of 93 university students (83% females) were examined. Participants were asked to read, edit, recognize errors and improve the quality of short papers (600 words each) on the topic of environmental awareness, in both print and in digital formats. Surprisingly, and in contrast to many recent reports about print versus digital reading, no significant differences were found between the performances of participants in the two formats. Similarly, no significant differences were found for all categories of text errors as well as for gender. It was found that the digital readers completed their tasks faster than the print readers but their performance was not lower. Results of this study have important implications for the current debate in higher education concerning the use of digital text for learning and for designing, reviewing and editing academic works.  相似文献   

This paper examines what new materialist and posthumanist frameworks can offer learning science research in diverse maker learning environments. We explore what is gained by grappling with the entanglements between humans, non-humans and more-than-humans. To do this, we draw on Karen Barad's ethico-onto-epistemology and agential realism where she redefines connections to the shared world by attuning to the entangled matter that is created within intra-actions. We use this framework across four international cases: digital media camps, a university-level classroom-based makerspace, a Saturday outdoor makerspace workshop and a classroom-based museum makerspace. Each case study attends to how intra-actions enact agential forces in maker education research—forces that posthuman and new materialist frameworks help us see. In so doing, these case studies challenge many of the assumptions prevalent in the learning sciences about mattering and its implications in research sites.  相似文献   

As today's digital applications hold our gaze and become increasingly ubiquitous, it is easy to dismiss the previous technologies and processes that provided yesterday's creative opportunities. Photography has been revolutionised by digital capture and transmission in the past decade. It could be argued that there is a digital orthodoxy in education, which has democratized and engaged increasing numbers of students, and has had a particular influence in A Level Photography. Over the past decade many traditional darkrooms have been replaced by computer suites. My concern is that if secondary schools and colleges with the facilities to teach film are forced to convert to a singular digital mode, we may be throwing the negs out with the bathwater. This study uses qualitative and quantitative research that I have undertaken at a Further Education college in England. It explores students' attitudes to learning Photography with an artistic curiosity, which includes experiential learners, and those that eschew the digital age who are content with the organic variety of analogue learning that film offers. They make their own case for maintaining the opportunity to learn through hybrid activity that embraces both media, for a multiplicity of learning opportunities and media that are not limited by any orthodoxy, digital or otherwise.  相似文献   

纸质语文教科书知识呈现静态化、助学形同虚设和缺乏交互功能等弊端已经成为制约其发展的瓶颈,应运而生的新媒体技术肩负着教科书内容更新和载体换代的任务。纸墨书香与新媒体联姻,在刷新着课程内容和文化重构的同时改变着学习者的认知方式,形塑其价值观和精神风貌。语文教科书与新媒体融合经历了渗透媒体技术的纸质教科书、纸质教科书电子化、以电子阅读器或计算机存贮技术为载体的多媒体教科书和多功能集于一身的电子教科书等不同阶段,每次教科书的升级换代都离不开以纸质教科书为蓝本,因此新媒体与语文教科书融合还应该关注教科书内容如何与时俱进,在文本选择、插图设计、实践活动设置等方面凸显媒体文化。  相似文献   

Comics are popular with adolescents because of their features of humor, narrative, and visual imagery. The purposes of this study were to examine the learning outcomes and emotional perceptions of reading a science comic book and a science text booklet for students of different levels of achievement, and to explore the main factors of the two media which attract high-school students to learn science. A mixed-method quasi-experimental design was adopted. The participants were 697 grade ten students from eight schools with different levels of academic achievement. Two similar classes in each of the eight schools were assigned as the comic group or the text group. The results indicated that the science comic book benefited medium achievers more than the science text booklet did, but the contrary result was found for the high achievers. In comparison, the two media benefited the low achievers equally, but both had only a limited effect due to the students’ lack of prior knowledge. We conclude four kinds of evidence, including perceived difficulty of comprehension, reasons for interest/disinterest, emotional perceptions of learning science, and learning time, to support the phenomenon of the learning benefit of media specific to certain achievers’ science learning.  相似文献   

Lynde Tan  Beaumie Kim 《Literacy》2019,53(4):196-205
While current research points out that young people are developing emerging culture of learning in informal spaces, less is known about such digital literacy practices in the Asian contexts where the notion of literacy tends to refer to school literacy. Research on young people's online participatory culture continues to suggest that social media offer affinity spaces where extensive knowledge is acquired, constructed and produced outside of schools. In this paper, we use two case studies on social media as illustrative examples to understand how adolescents shape their learning online. We aim to contribute to the ongoing dialectics on social media and learning by examining how adolescents exhibit agency online. We argue that social media such as Facebook offer high learner agency environments for adolescents to participate in self‐initiated enterprise and allow them to develop personal trajectories for learning. The case studies presented in this paper suggested that the adolescents' pursuit of their passions on online affinity spaces gave rise to intellectual friendships and the development of personal pedagogies.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical discussion on voice and representation in youth digital media production in educational settings. The paper builds on existing calls from digital media and visual studies scholars to approach youth-made media with greater attention to context in production practices. In this discussion, the author addresses the importance of technological tools, media genres, settings, and program design in the construction of voice and representation for children and youth making digital media. The paper presents a case study derived from a three-year ethnographic research project and feminist intervention in one under-resourced school in Toronto, Canada. Through the examples presented in this paper, the author presents a critical discussion about the process and content of digital video created by girls making media in particular contexts, under distinct conditions.  相似文献   

现代远程教育中的多元文化教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字技术在不断加快全球文化同质化的同时,也给以它为核心的现代远程教育赋予了当代社会进行多元文化教育的最有效的功能。由于传统教育在历史习惯和时空等方面存在着进行多元文化教育的各种桎梏,不能构建不同民族文化深层次的课程展现模式,而形式多样的动态化数字文本却可以在教育机会均等、民族同一性、文化理解等多元文化教育方面虚拟出准实境化的、传统教育欠缺的、富有层次感的多维教育环境,以使远程学习者在核心价值、态度情感方面养成具有批判力的媒体素养。本文即是对现代远程教育日益作为工具和手段,在多元文化教育中具备的性质和功能的阐述。  相似文献   

As higher education institutions seek to prepare an increasingly diverse population of students for a rapidly changing future, makerspaces offer a pedagogical approach for engaging all learners in active thinking and hands-on learning while promoting creativity, problem solving, and collaboration skills. In this paper, we discuss ways to integrate makerspaces and maker-centered learning within undergraduate and graduate college courses that reach students from majors ranging across the college and university curriculum. We highlight four courses, each taken by students at different points within their academic programs of study: a) digital media production & 3D modeling in a first-year seminar, b) poetry writing and 3D modeling and printing in a flipped learning course, c) wiki page building workshops for future teachers, and d) learning, media, and technology undergraduate/graduate courses. Makerspace experiences are ongoing features of each course, but not in the same ways, offering models that faculty can use in adapting their courses to include more active and applied learning for students.  相似文献   

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