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LOVE AND DESPAIR IN TEACHING   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Research indicates that school discipline policies and practices have a significant influence on both student and school functioning. The purpose of this article is to uncover how the ethical standards guiding the field of school psychology inform school decisions about discipline in a three‐tiered approach. Various discipline approaches, empirical research evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches, and the role of school psychologists in school discipline decision making are reviewed. Ultimately, this integration of theory, empirical research, and ethical standards points to the importance of creating comprehensive and individualized school discipline policies that apply ethically sound practices at all three tiers of intervention. Implications for practicing school psychologists are discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中国城镇教育收益率的变化与启示   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:47  
随着市场经济改革的深入进行及知识经济的萌芽 ,与 2 0世纪 90年代中国经济发展和教育规模扩大相伴随的是各级教育收益率水平的显著提高。对中国城镇就业人员跨年度的抽样数据分析显示 ,在中国城镇 ,教育收益率水平 90年代初期以前大大低于国际平均水平的状况基本得到了扭转。截止 2 0 0 0年 ,中国教育收益率水平虽然略低于国际平均水平 ,但已与后者逐步接近。进一步的分析发现。在竞争性的经济部门以及年轻的就业者中 ,教育具有更高的收益率。该结果从一个角度验证了在中国经济转型的过程中 ,随着劳动力市场化程度的提高 ,教育的收益率得到了提高  相似文献   

This article examines (1) the elimination of mandatory retirement in American higher education, (2) research related to retirement decisions of university faculty, and (3) the author's thoughts and feelings before and following retirement from academia. An interior monologue, stream-of-consciousness method is used to reflect the author's movement into retirement following 35 years as a university professor. Reminiscence, life review, and a pilgrimage after 50 years to the author's childhood home, are incorporated in relation to the retirement process. The subsequent decision to embrace part-time university teaching is reflected within the interior monologue and in relation to recent retirement research.  相似文献   

William Faulkner was born in New Albany,Mississippi and raised in nearby Oxford where he spent mostof his life.His family came from the old,white upper class.Though in decline in the 2 0 th century,the familyretained some of the old customs and itwas from his own family history,the southern region' s characteristicsof white social status,racial violence,honor codes,and traditional moral values that Faulkner drew the mate-rial for most of his fiction.His first novel Soldier' s Pay was publis…  相似文献   

一块磁铁断裂后,有时不但不能靠自身磁力复原,相反碎块间还有斥力。本文将详细解释这一现象。  相似文献   

从科学研究的本质、人类学习的本质和科学教育现实的视角看,建立在建构主义的基本思想上的科学探究性学习,实际上是一种回归科学和儿童本性的教育追求。  相似文献   

The examination of the transfer function at a sample of private/independent junior colleges yields knowledge helpful for the public community college. Through document analysis and survey research, quantitative and qualitative data were gathered from a representative sampling of 10 private/ independent junior colleges. The historical and contemporary role of the transfer function is examined as an essential component of the educational environment of these colleges. Research yielded evidence of the private/ independent junior colleges’ commitment to a solid general curriculum and strong academic advisement in order to prepare students for transfer. In total, the educational environment of private/independent junior colleges can provide knowledge and experience for its public counterpart in their efforts to revitalize the transfer function.  相似文献   

本文阐述了坚定正确的政治方向是编辑工作的根本指针,并着重提出了自然科学刊物坚持正确的政治方向的重要性,以期望能对广大读者、作者及编辑人员有所裨益.  相似文献   

Response styles are conceptualized as stress reactions, and the stressful school experiences of acquiescent, negativistic, self-enhancing, and self-derogating children are studied. It was found that school interpersonal stress was lower among acquiescent than negativistic Ss, while school academic stress was higher among self-enhancing than self-derogating Ss. One of the major implications of the conceptual approach and empirical results is that tests might be generally improved by identifying the kinds of stressful experiences Ss have had, and relating these to the kinds of responses Ss make to tests and testing. In addition, while the importance of the reaction of Ss to the measuring process is generally accepted, much more needs to be done on the kinds of responses individuals make to the content, in comparison to the conditions, of testing. Finally, these observations are particularly pertinent to tests and testing in schools, especially when the teacher is involved in the process and makes tests and testing stressful. This will tend to increase the effects of response style tendencies and decrease the validity of tests.  相似文献   

The numbers and proportions of ethnic and minority aged are increasing more rapidly than their age cohorts among nonminorities. This is particularly true among the old‐old, where increasing incidences of frailty and functional dependence increase the demand for health care services. In these circumstances the need for health care professionals to develop sensitivity to cultural and ethnic factors that impinge the health care of the aged is compelling. Barriers to effective cross‐cultural communication are discussed, and guidelines for culturally sensitive communication are provided.  相似文献   

在改革开放实践中坚持和发展马克思主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"只有改革开放才能发展中国、发展社会主义、发展马克思主义"。深入理解这一重要论断,对于进一步认识改革开放与马克思主义的辩证关系、马克思主义最新成果发展的历史轨迹,从而在改革开放伟大实践中不断发展马克思主义具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

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