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在英语中表示“说话”的词很多,到目前为止,我们就学了“say、speak、talk和tell。现在我们将这四个词的用法一起讨论如下: 一、say用语言传达思想感情。即强调说话内容,常作及物动词,宾语可以是名词、代词或从句;在直接或间接引语的前后也常用say。例如: 1.How do you say it in English?这个用英语怎么说? 2.Please say goodbye to your teacher afteryou leave school.放学后请跟老师道别。3.He said that he would go there with hisparents the next week.他说下周他将和父母一起去那儿。4.He said.“I often watch TV in the evening.”他说:“我晚上常看电视。”5.“They have gone to Shanghai.”said Jack.“他们已去上海了,”杰克说。  相似文献   

say,speak,talk和tell都含有"说"的意思,但"说话"要看对象,也要分"场合": ★say是及物动词,强调说话内容,后接名词、代词或从句;在直接或间接引语的前后也常用say.例如:  相似文献   

say、speak、talk与tell这四个动词都有“说”、“讲”的意思,其主要区别如下: say意为“说”,是及物动词,其宾语可以是名词、代词或从句,着重说话的内容,指用语言表达思想。例如: 1.What did he say?他说了些什么? 2.He said he would come on time.他说他会准时来。speak意为“说、讲”,只表示发音或发言的动作,着重指说话的动作本身。除语言文字及truth等少数词可作它的宾语外,一般作不及物动词。其后不  相似文献   

“what 15山e rea一good?,,1 asked in musing①mood.0全der,said the law eourt;Knowledge,said the school;Truth,said the wise man;Pleasux·e,said the fool;Lov乌said the maiden;Beauty,said the Page;Freedom,said the drea〔ner;H帅e,sa记山e sage‘③:Fame。:,aid the suldier:乞q山ty,,tne seer/.Sna奴mv heart full sadlV: Ine 80SWer 15 not nere.Then within my bosom④、this 1 heard;aCh hesrt holds theSeCret:Kindness 15 the word.”“什么最宝贵?”我百思不得其解。:秩序;:知识;:真理;:享乐;:爱情;:美貌;说:自…  相似文献   

We broughtour newborn son,Adam,to the pediatrician for his firstcheckup.A s he finished,the doctortold us,“You have a cute baby.”Sm iling,I said,“Ibetyou say thatto allnew parents.”“No,”he replied,“justto those whose babies really are good-look-ing.”“So whatdo you say to the others?”I asked.“H e looks justlike you.”He Looks Just Like You$河南大学附中@康琪…  相似文献   

一、say,speak,talk,tell1.say意为“说出”,着重说的内容,而tell意为“告诉”。它们后面都可跟直接宾语,但tell后还能接间接宾语,而say后面则不能。例如:H e says goodbye to his teacher after school every day.他每天放学后都向老师说声再见。Please tellus a story.请给我们讲个故事。2.speak意为“说话,讲话”,着重开口发声,不着重说话的内容。用作及物动词时,宾语只能是表示某种语言的名词。“与某人谈话”用“speak to sb”或“speak with sb”表示。例如:The baby can蒺tspeak.这个婴儿不会说话。I speak English and he speaks …  相似文献   

1.speak,talk二者都有“说”、“讲”之意。其区别是:speak常作不及物动词用,意为“说”、“讲”,不注重说话内容,也可指正式场合中的发言、讲话。多是一人说,其他人听。作及物动词用时,意为“说”、“讲”、“操”,后常接表示语言的名词作宾语。例如:The baby can tspeak yet.这孩子还不会说话。W ho llspeak atthe m eeting?谁将在会上发言?H e speaks E nglish very w ell.他英语讲得很好。talk意为“谈话”、“交谈”,多指不太正式的谈话,一般含通过谈话来交流思想的意思。例如:H e refused to talk w ith m e.他拒绝和我谈。A SC H…  相似文献   

In the doctor's waiting room ,sick (患病 )men and women were sitting on their chairs.Bob,a school boy,was among them.They alllook very sad1Bob.He was reading an2 storybook,just then the doctor came in and said hewas ready for the next person.Bob jumped upand3into the doctor's room.“What's your trouble?”said the doctor.4Bob could say a word,the doctor made him 5down on a bed.“Now let m e listen to yourheart”,Bob tried to speak,the doctor let him 6say anything.“I'll7your temperature(体温…  相似文献   

“说”在英语中有多种表达法,不同场合下我们可以用不同的动词来表达“说”这一概念。现将中学课本中出现过的“说”粗略归纳如下:1.say“说”、“说道”,着重说话的内容。如:He said“Good morning”to his teacher.他向老师说了声“早安!”2.tell"告诉”,“告诉某人说……”。如:I told her that the bike was broken.我告诉她说自行车坏了。3.speak"说话”,指说话的能力和方式;“说(某种语言)”。如:If you can speak English,please9pezlk at the meeting;要是你会说英语,请在会上发个言。4.talk指相互之间的“说话;谈话”。如:Let’s sit down and talk.让我们坐下来谈。5.report"报告说”,“告发说”。如:  相似文献   

1.A s the sun w as setting,a w olfroam ed by the m ountainside.H e was lookingfor som ething to eat,but he found nothing.H e felt hungry.太阳快要落山的时候,一只狼在山坡下徘徊。他正在找点东西吃,可是什么也没找到,他的肚子很饿。2.Shone by setting sun,he found hisown shadow long and big,then he said tohim self,“W hy should Ibe afraid ofthe lion,being one hundred feettall?”在落日的斜照下,他忽然发现自己的影子又长又大,于是他自言自语地说:“啊!我身长百尺,难道还要害怕狮子么?”3.So excited washe thathe…  相似文献   

有句话一直没敢对你说,可是新年再不说就没机会了:你真的好讨厌……讨人喜欢,百看不厌。I have severalwordsdifficult to say to you.But there w ould be nom ore opportunities if Ididn't say this N ewYear:You really attractm e and...are not boringeven seen hundredtim es.他在餐厅坐了很久,看到别的客人吃得津津有味,只有他仍没有侍者招呼。于他便起身问老板:“对不起,请问,我是不是坐到了观众席上?”H e sat in the restau-rant very long,seeing oth-er guests enjoy their food,but only he was not served.So he stood u…  相似文献   

1.O ne day,a tiger fell into a trap.H e cried,“H elp。H elp。”2.A m ouse saw him and said to anelephant,“Let’s help the poor(可怜的tiger.”The elephant said,“H e is going toeat you.”“B ut he needs our help,”saidthe m ouse.3.A snake cam e and said,“I can helhim .” The snake and the elephant helpethe tiger out.4. “Thankyou,m y friends,”said the tiger.“B ut I’m hotand hungrynow.” Suddenlythe tiger ate thesnake.The elephant and the m ouse w ere veryangry.They said,“Y ou’re a…  相似文献   

英语是世界上词汇量最大的语种之一,英语中有极为丰富的同义词。利用同义关系来记忆英语单词,是扩大词汇量的重要途径。英语中最常用的“说”,恐怕要算是say了。如: Marx said,"A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life." 表示声调高低和感情,可以用"say ina+形容词+voice"这一结构。如: The boy who had made faces, however. went up to Mr. Crossettt's desk and in a tremble voice said:"I'm sorry,sirl”(SII.P.5)  相似文献   

1. One Sunday, Jack's mother told him to go to his aunt's. It was quite far away, so his mother let him take some sandwiches along for his lunch. 星期天,妈妈让杰克到姑姑家去,因为路很远,妈妈让他带了一些三明治做午饭?2.O n the w ay to his aunts,he said tohim self as he walked,“M y aunt is sure togive m e a rich m eal.”在去姑姑家的路上,他一边走一边自言自语:“我的姑姑今天一定会招待我一顿美餐的。”3.Suddenly he saw som e sandwichesin his hand,he said,“W hats the use ofthese dry sandwiches?”A s…  相似文献   

In a peace w ayX iao H ua cam e back hom e w ith the report card from school.H e saidto his father,“Y ou are a m em ber ofPeace Council,aren tyou?”“O f course.”“So I suggestw e solve som e quarrellings in a peace w ay,O k?I didn tdo wellin this exam .”M aking experim ent on the spotA salesm an visited a general. H e took out a suit of uniform andboasted of it.A tlast,he said,“This uniform can protect your body fromanything.”“Excellent! Putit on yourself.” Then the gerneralsaid …  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Goldfish Stan:I won 92 goldfish.F red:Where are you going to keepthem?Stan:In the bathroom.F red:B ut what w ill you do whenyou want to take a bath?Stan:Blindfold them。金鱼斯丹:我赢了92条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办?斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛!I N eed Y our FootballG eorge knocked at the door of his friend’shouse.W hen his friend’s m other answ ered,he asked,“C an A lbertcom e out to play?”“N o,”said the m other,“it’s too cold.”“W ell,then,”said G eorge,“can his footballcom e out to play?”我要玩足球乔冶敲着他朋友家的门。当朋友的妈妈来应门时,他问:“阿尔伯特...  相似文献   

在英语中,有多种提建议或征求对方意见的表达方式,这些方式大多语气比较委婉,显得客气而有礼貌。1.shall,用于第一、第三人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见。如:Shallw e go sw im m ing this afternoon?今天下午我们去游泳好吗?ShallIopen the w indow and close the door?我把窗户打开,把门关上,好吗?Shallhe com e in and see you?让他进来见你好吗?2.可以用“let’s…”来提出建议或征求对方意见。如:Let’s m ake ita little earlier,O K?我们就早一点吧,好吗?Let’s go and say hello to M rSm ith,shallw e?我们去向史密斯先生打声招…  相似文献   

1.health说:“有一种东西我们不能透支,它就是健康!” 2.stand说:“站的时间长了,你就不能忍受。” 3.Super对supper说:“你也想了不起?你最好先去瘦身,去掉一个p!” 4.like对朋友说:“不像我的是unlike,不喜欢我的是dislike。” 5.think对thank说:“我经常帮助人们思考,而你却常被挂在嘴上说。” 6.do对say说:“说起来容易,做起来难。你可别光说不做啊!” 7.say,says,said说:“虽然我们都是说,但您要记准了,谁说,什么时候说可不一样。”  相似文献   

I Have No Money!     
A man went into a bar, sat down, called the barman and said to him, "Give me a drink before the trouble starts."一个人走进酒吧坐了下来, 然后叫 来服务生, 并对他说“:先给我一杯喝的 吧, 待会儿麻烦就来了。”The barman was busy with other peo- ple, so he did not say anything, but he gave him the drink, and the man drank it quickly. Then he put his glass down, called the barman again and said to him, “Give me another one before the trouble starts.”服务生忙着招待其他的客人, 所以他什么也没有说, 把一…  相似文献   

Bedtime PrayersJulie was saying her bedtim e prayers.“Please G od,”she said,“M ake N aples the capital of Italy.M ake N aples the capital of Italy.”H er m other interrupted and said,“Julie,w hy do you want G od tom ake N aples the capitalofItaly?”A nd Julie replied,“Because thats w hatIputin m y geography paper!”Jesus s T V SetchoolardenfnghA child on C hristm as tim e asked for som e paper and crayons inorder to draw a crib(耶稣诞生像).Eventually the artistic m asterpiecewas …  相似文献   

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