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培养学生的演讲能力,首先,要明白如何确立演讲主题;其次,要明白演讲中需注意的问题:一是克服怯场,二是选择恰当的表述方法,三是注意语言的运用,四是模糊语言的运用,五是要运用几种修辞法,六是要节制几种情绪,七是不卖弄学识和才华,八是要突出个性,九是要善始善终;最后,要明白如何做好演讲中的动作表情.  相似文献   

在新形势下开好就业指导课,一要理论联系实际;二要形式灵活多样;三要课内模拟训练,课外模拟市场;四要注意点面结合;五要注意就业准备与技巧的指导;六要与就业指导工作保持协调。  相似文献   

目前汉语授课加授蒙语学生普遍学不好蒙语文。其原因何在?笔者认为,最根本一条就是语言障碍问题。那么,如何排除语言障碍提高学生的蒙语文学习能力?一要给学生创造一个新的学区环境;二要继续加强双语教学或三语教学;三要注意直观教学,讲课要生动形象;四要引导学生学会蒙文同音异义词、同形异音词,并能恰当运用;五要注意培养学生的阅读和背诵能力;六要为学生创设一个学习蒙语的良好环境;七要注重加强作文训练。  相似文献   

目前中小学教师的继续教育工作存在着诸多问题,对此,今后如何扎实有效地开展工作,应注意以下几点:一是继教内容应与时俱进;二是将新课程培训纳入继教范畴;三是继教方法要灵活,手段要先进;四是优化继教师资队伍;五是注重研、训、培、导有机结合,优势互补;六是注重评价机制的客观性、激励性;七是注重培训基地的示范性建设;八是落实继教经费.  相似文献   

一、面试中应该注意的六个细节原则1、要让自己受欢迎在面试中如何受到欢迎,要记住7个要素:诚信的品质;积极正面的心态;热爱自己的职业,工作有主动性;注重团队合作,有社会责任感;端正职业观念,愿从基层做起;敢于承担责任;敢于改变自己,适应公司。  相似文献   

目前中小学教师的继续教育工作存在着诸多问题,对此,今后如何扎实有效地开展工作,应注意以下几点:一是继教内容应与时俱进;二是将新课程培训纳入继教范畴;三是继教方法要灵活,手段要先进;四是优化继教师资队伍;五是注重研、训、培、导有机结合,优势互补;六是注重评价机制的客观性、激励性;七是注重培训基地的示范性建设;八是落实继教经费。  相似文献   

研究<商颂>逸诗体,既要注意一章成篇的<周颂>体,也要注意多章成篇的<大雅>体;研究<商颂>逸诗,要沿用王国维的双重证据法;研究<商颂>逸诗,要注意吸收现当代学者研究商族先祖、先公、先王的研究成果.<商颂>逸诗七篇探讨如下:一,关于契的颂诗;二,关于冥的颂诗;三,关于上甲微的颂诗;四,关于成汤的颂诗--<大濩>;五,关于成汤的祷旱诗<桑林>;六,关于太甲的颂诗;七,关于祖乙的颂诗.  相似文献   

在财经写作中,分析评述经济论文的文章写作是个难题。在写作中,首先要审察清楚所给条件的要点及其内涵,确定立论的依据;其次要用所给的条件对照阅读原文,找出有针对性、有说服力的论据;其三,要列出简要的提纲,设计出评析文章的逻辑框架图表;其四要考虑如何先概括阐述,后分别评析才有条理;其五要注意将基本理论知识与具体引文相结合,才富有说理效果;其六要重视总结评议,才能使文章结构完整、逻辑严密。  相似文献   

魏翔 《教育教学论坛》2012,(28):136-137
转变乱班、差班要做到以下六点:一是赢得家长和孩子的信赖;二是制定明确细致的班规;三是激发学生个人自尊心、自信心;四是正确地表扬和批评;五是注意家校、师生之间的沟通交流;六是营造良好的班风、学风。  相似文献   

张金山 《考试周刊》2012,(57):137-137
课堂演示实验是中学物理实验教学的重要组成部分,在教学中要注意以下问题:一、课前准备要充分;二、操作要规范;三、实验用语要准确;四、要让学生参与配合;五、实验现象要容易观察;六、不能用模型代替演示。  相似文献   

鄢锋 《丽水学院学报》2007,29(2):118-121
以浙江省部分高校一、二年级女生为研究对象,运用问卷调查、数理统计分析等研究方法,对高校实施体育选项课后,女生参与体育课学习的状态进行调查和分析.结果表明高校女生有"厌学"状态的依然占相当高的比例,分析了造成高校女生体育课"厌学"的原因,提出了消除高校女生体育课"厌学"的对策.  相似文献   

新农村建设的关键在于如何提高农民收入,而农民收入的提高依赖农民的素质,农民素质的提高有赖于农民科技教育培训。课题组以农民科技教育培训为研究对象,对部分农民素质及教育培训进行了一次调研,力求提出一些针对性建议。  相似文献   

坚守马克思主义信仰是铸就“中国梦”高度自信的基础,用马克思主义信仰武装青年大学生,才能使马克思主义在当代中国焕发活力,才能使中国梦早日实现。以安徽某高校学生为研究对象,通过问卷调查的形式,对大学生马克思主义信仰情况进行实证研究,提出高校在多元文化背景下对于坚定大学生马克思主义信仰教育应该把握的问题。  相似文献   

通过调查问卷和访谈,研究贵州省普通高中新课程实施中物理教师新课改的适应情况。调查结果表明贵州省普通高中物理教师对新课改有了一定程度的认识,对课改目标、课程标准、课程结构和对新课改的支持在逐年上升,但总体适应水平不高,导致这一现状的主观因素是教师难以转变教育理念,客观因素主要在于课程资源紧缺,教师培训、教学和课程的评价方式等与新课程改革的要求还存在一定的差距。  相似文献   

Adopting activity theory as a theoretical and methodological framework, this case study illustrates how a teaching and learning situation is planned and implemented over a series of nine 75-min biology classes by a high school science teacher in the context of pedagogical reform. The object of this study emerges within a favourable context of science education curricular reform in Quebec, Canada. By examining the interaction between the poles of an activity system sharing the same object, this case study illustrates how one teacher’s teaching practice is redefined and how some aspects of her teaching personality orient the ways in which she contextually mobilizes new tools and members of her school community in order to implement an awareness campaign on the risks of tanning salons.  相似文献   

疫情当前,面对计算机基础较为薄弱的文科生,程序设计语言课程如何顺利开展在线教学并保障教学质量,是一个值得探讨的问题。以韩山师范学院3个专业6个文科班的学生为调查对象,运用问卷调查法从个人基本信息、以往在线学习经历、对本门课的在线学习需求3个维度进行数据统计与分析。基于调查结果,提出在文科生程序设计语言课程在线教学中,可通过搭建课程框架、组织针对性的课程资源、采用异步教学方式、积极创设课堂活动、关注学生学习进度5个方面提升教学质量。  相似文献   

Teachers’ learning in a learning study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The point of departure in this study is the question: do teachers who develop theoretical knowledge of the variation theory change the way(s) they offer their pupils the object of learning due to the theoretical framework. The aim of the study is to describe this development, i.e. to find if and how teachers developed theoretical knowledge when planning instruction, and in what way(s) this has an impact on the pupils’ learning outcome when using contrasts in the instruction. The theoretical framework is strongly content related, and by analysing the learning object’s critical aspects the teachers are guided to focus on the content in this particular way. The question “what does it take to develop knowledge about the object of learning?” has to be answered by the teachers before choice of teaching method is made. The research method used is Learning Study, a fusion between lesson study and design experiment. The teachers (6) have carried out nine research lessons in three Learning Study cycles (containing three lessons each). The pupils belong to three different classes and are between 9 and 11 years old. The result shows how the teachers gradually use the variation theory when planning instruction and how the learning outcomes shown by the pupils improve. The developed theoretical insight seems to affect the teachers’ ways of seeing the object of learning, such as subtle changes of how to organize the critical features of the learning object, are discerned. In every learning study cycle contrasts are used in one lesson, and in the analysis of the effect of the contrasts, the two remaining lessons are used as control groups. The results show the impact of contrasts in the pupils’ learning outcomes. The need to complement a lesson study with a theoretical perspective on learning is that the teachers are then given the opportunity to make use of the theory when planning instruction individually, not only in a lesson study. There again, the Learning Study model seems to be a powerful model with which to develop teachers’ understanding of the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

本研究运用问卷调查法,对广州市3—6岁幼儿家庭亲子冲突的现状及其处理策略进行考察。结果发现,幼儿家庭亲子冲突以语言冲突和情绪冲突为主,并主要集中在幼儿的学习与行为习惯上;母亲与幼儿冲突的发生水平高于父亲;男孩与父亲的身体冲突显著地多于女孩;随着幼儿年龄的增加,父母与幼儿在学习习惯上的冲突频率与强度逐渐增强。在处理策略上,父母多采用协商策略,幼儿多采用回避与妥协策略;母亲比父亲更容易采取妥协策略;父亲倾向于对女儿采取妥协和协商策略。为改善亲子互动,父母应加强对亲子冲突功能的认识,尊重幼儿合理需要和独立人格,引导幼儿自我表达,形成稳定的家庭行为与交往规则,建立有效的亲子冲突处理机制。  相似文献   


This paper offers a detailed consideration of how the theoretical scope of the boundary object concept fits within an actor-network theory (ANT) sensibility when researching ‘messy objects’. Messy objects are artefacts whose relational effects are inherently slippery and complex. As the aim of ANT is to show how non-human and human actors are co-constitutive in performing social activity, the uptake of boundary objects in ANT studies may appear to be an expedient analytical endeavour. However, scholars have raised concerns that the boundary object concept has lost some of its original analytical bearing, and that it is theoretically incompatible with ANT. This paper argues that a more careful reading of boundary objects’ conceptual origins can provide useful insights for an ANT study. To illustrate this argument, findings are presented from an ethnographic study of engineers’ knowledge practices in an emerging industry. Specifically, it shows that when a messy object – a signature on a contract – is foregrounded as a boundary object, particular knowledge practices are made visible. However, due to the complexity and messiness of the signature’s performance, this paper contends that a pluralist theoretical approach to analysing messy objects may be more helpful to address issues of professional practice and knowledge.  相似文献   

本研究以怀化学院360名大一、大二、大三学生为调查对象,就他们对课余生活的满意度、课余生活是否有计划、课余活动选择、课余生活方式、课余阅读书刊类型和对院系的建议七个方面进行了问卷和访谈调查。结果显示:大学生对自身课余生活质量的满意度不高;学习、上网与聊天居大学生课余生活活动的前三位,社会实践活动受到了不应有的忽视,大学生对科技类书籍关注亦不够。针对这些问题,提出了相关的对策。  相似文献   

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