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第二次世界大战以后,人类社会发生了许多新变化、面临一系列前所未有的挑战,教育必须为大量儿童、青年和成人提供教育和学习机会.传统的精英教育模式已经过时,传统教育转变为现代教育--这就是终身学习,只有终身学习才能满足所有群体的教育和学习需求,这是教育公平的根本.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the associations between parental distress with conduct problems (CPs) and prosocial behaviors (PBs) are moderated by children's skin conductance (SC) and heart rate (HR) reactivity to fear. Participants were 147 Greek-Cypriot children (Mage = 7.30, 44.2% girls), selected from a larger screening sample (data were collected from 2015 to 2018). Longitudinal associations suggested that children with high HR reactivity to fear were more likely to display PB, whereas those with low SC reactivity were more likely to engage in CP behaviors. In contrast, interaction effects suggested that children high on SC reactivity to fear were more susceptible to the effects of parental distress, as indicated by their higher vulnerability to engage in CP (cross-sectionally) behaviors and their lower scores on PB (cross-sectionally and longitudinally).  相似文献   

汉代尊老养老教育与社会和谐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汉代尊老养老教育在继承先秦的基础上有了很大的发展。汉代皇帝扮演了重要角色,将“以孝治天下”定为基本国策,朝廷将《孝经》列为儒家经典,命天下诵读,因而《孝经》起到了指导尊老养老的重要作用。除了学校教育,政府还重视社会教育,通过多种途径向社会全体成员灌输尊老养老思想。举孝廉从选官的角度为全社会制定了敬老尊贤的行为准则,成为鼓励人们尊老养老的强大精神武器。把尊老教育与法律尊老相结合,运用礼法对不养老、侮老、弃老者予以严惩。尊老养老教育对于家庭和睦与家庭保障、培养“尊老”风尚、保障社会和谐安定等等,都有着巨大的积极作用,但将道德教育置于绝对支配地位的弊端也不应忽视。  相似文献   

This paper problematises the concept of social mobility through an exploration of it in relation to Higher Education policy in England. Based upon a content analysis of a number of key policy documents from distinct eras, it identifies definitions and understandings of social mobility within them, exploring how such references have changed over time, and critiquing the differences between the imagined ideals of what policy rhetoric seeks to do and the reality of policy implementation. In particular, it considers the characterisation of social mobility as an individualised concern; it positions aspirations of improving social mobility within the market of Higher Education; and it ultimately asks whether Higher Education can solve the government's social mobility problem.  相似文献   

Dynamic skill theory was utilized to explain the multiple mechanisms and mediating processes influencing development of self-regulatory and language skills in children at 14, 24, and 36 months of age. Relations were found between family risks, parenting-related stresses, and parent-child interactions that contribute either independently or through mediation to the child's acquisition of self-regulatory skills even when accounting for the influence of language development. Variation in impacts between control and Early Head Start (EHS) intervention samples was compared to explore the sequence of developmental mechanisms over time. Findings indicate that EHS protects parenting, child language, and self-regulatory development from the effects of demographic risks and parenting stress, and thus supports parents to raise healthy children.  相似文献   

The concurrent and predictive relations of sensorimotor behavior and play to language in the second year were assessed. 19 preterm and 20 full-term infants were tested at 13 1/2 and 22 months of age. Functional play directed toward dolls and other persons and meaningfully related sequences of functional and symbolic acts at 13 1/2 months were associated with language measured at 13 1/2 months and 9 months later. Concurrent positive relations between sensorimotor behavior and language were found only at 22 months for object-permanence skills. There were no significant positive relations between sensorimotor behaviors at 13 1/2 months and language at 22 months. The consistent relations found between play and language in this research derived from the infants' ability to translate experience into symbols that are used as a means of interacting and communicating with others. Sensorimotor behavior and language were much more loosely associated in the same age period.  相似文献   

学术史上对社会权力来源的研究基本上通过两条路径展开:即价值判断的路径和事实判断的路径.每条路径都有其合理之处,因此在研究社会权力来源时,把价值判断与事实判断进行有机结合,才是符合马克思主义的做法.  相似文献   

Fetal movement and habituation were examined in relation to behavior and development in early infancy. 39 fetuses were evaluated between 28 and 37 weeks gestation. A vibrating stimulus was repeatedly applied to the maternal abdomen until the fetus habituated (i.e., ceased moving in response). Fetal movements were observed on an ultrasound monitor by 2 observers who recorded their observations onto a strip chart. Using a median split, fetuses were placed into high- or low-movement groups and fast- or slow-habituating groups. The groups were compared after birth on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Preliminary evidence is presented that fetal rate of habituation predicts some aspects of infant behavior and development.  相似文献   

地方高校已经成为我国高等教育的主体部分,在推进我国高等教育大众化进程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。地方高校应该根据本地区的实际情况,确定自己应该履行的社会责任。从高校的人才培养、科研创新能力和社会服务三方面来分析地方高校目前存在的问题,研究地方高校在社会经济发展中面临的战略任务与社会责任,应是当前高等教育研究中的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

The quality of the home environment is widely recognized as a strong contributor to young children's emergent literacy and social competence and to their subsequent educational success. The present study examined the relationships between family variables (socioeconomic status (SES), social risk factors, and home learning variables) and children's emergent literacy competence and children's social functioning. The sample for this study was obtained by randomly selecting 48 classrooms within three Head Start programs and, then, randomly selecting five girls and five boys from each class. The final sample consisted of 325 families for which information about both child and primary caregiver was obtained from multiple sources (teacher, outside assessor, and primary caregiver). A mediational model was hypothesized and tested using structural equation modeling. The findings are consistent with the hypotheses that family social risk and home learning experiences mediate the association between SES and Head Start children's school readiness in the areas of emergent literacy competence and social functioning.  相似文献   

Three experiments considered student commitment to school, IQ, and school organization type in relation to student task behavior and to school achievement. The first two correlational studies indicated the relationship between student commitment and student task behavior; the third study used student task behavior, student commitment, IQ, and school organization to predict achievement. This prediction equation was quite robust with a final R2 = .85. School achievement is predicted by intelligence and academic time on task in traditionally structured schools, and by intelligence and student commitment in open structured schools. Increasing the amount of teacher directed time would increase achievement in traditional schools, but decrease achievement in open schools.  相似文献   

The application on a massive scale of various population, family planning, sex education measures in China is a societal feature that is quickly evident to the country's visitors. For anyone concerned with population limitation on a national scale, the Chinese experiments and progress are of particular interest. In China there is a clearly discernible 3 step program: the minimization of sexual interest or enforced "national abstinence standard" in the teen years; a period of intense propaganda to postpone marriage until the mid 20s and avoid sexual intercourse outside marriage; and a concerted educational campaign aimed predominantly at married females for the 20 year span covering the fertile ages of approximately 25-45 to limit families. The Chinese approach to family planning and sexual education is direct and ubiquitous. One of the more paradoxical aspects of China's campaign to enforce their severe and particular natalist policy is the relatively high level of preventive sex knowledge among young married couples and the virtual absence of any major form of sex education for teenagers in the schools. In the past few years there has been a modest yet detectable change in this approach. Some middle school students are now being introduced, albeit on a sexually segregated basis, to somewhat wider aspects of population knowledge and human population studies. For the most part these units fall into the traditional teaching areas utilized in many western nations, i.e., physiology, biology, and physical education courses. The development and expansion of such courses may foreshadow the gradual introduction nationally of new material into the middle schools, but the predominant aim of sex education will remain the limitation and control of population. Some of the answers to sex education questions posed by this author in various schools and to a range of senior education officials are reported. The answers represent a recent sample, extracted from a number gathered during various visits to China in the past 3 years. The topic of sex education is viewed within special parameters. The target for sex education, particularly as it relates to birth control, will remain for the foreseeable future the young adult of marriageable age.  相似文献   


Much research has been done into the relationship between students’ motivation to learn and their basic psychological needs as defined by the self-determination theory (autonomy, competence, relatedness). However, few studies have explored how these psychological needs relate to different types of maladaptive behavior in the classroom. To prevent or remedy such behavior, more insight into its relationships is required. The present study attempted to determine the relationship between maladaptive behavior of secondary school students (grades 8 and 9) and the degree to which both teachers and peers address their needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Results show significant, negative correlations between maladaptive student behavior in the classroom and the extent to which students’ basic psychological needs are met by teachers and fellow students. Both teachers and fellow students play a role in students’ maladaptive behavior toward school and withdrawn behavior. When it comes to unfriendly behavior, the perceived support of teachers appears to be particularly relevant, while the role of peers is an important factor in delinquent behavior.


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