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 This paper deals with a taxonomic study of two diatoms collected in Xizang (Tibet) and, based upon the peculiarities of their rapheal system, a new taxonomic system of the Class Pennatae is proposed.      One of the diatoms was found in fifteen specimens collected in various localities (alt. 4100--5300 m) in eight counties in southern, western and northern Xizang, and has been identified as Amphiraphia xizangensis Chen et Zhu, a new genus and a new species, including a variety, major Chen et Zhu. This species is epiphytic in habit (sometimes becomes freefloating) and characterized by its two valves of a frustule dissimilar in structure: the epitheca has a dotted-line shaped shaphe with a more or less reduced central nodule and without the polar nodules, whereas the hypotheca has a typical raphe with both the well developed central nodule and polar nodules. These most striking structures have not been discovered in all the known species. Thus, based upon the pecularities of this genus, the authors have established not only a new family, Amphiraphiaceae Chen et Zhu, but also a new order, Amphiraphidales Chen et Zhu.        The other is a well known and widely distributed species, Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kütz.) Grun. This genus has always been placed in the Achnanthaceae. As We know that the alga does not have frustules with a pseudoraphe on one valve and a true raphe on the other  as stated by Boyer (1927) and Smith (1950). In fact, it has only a rudimentary short raphe near each pole on the epitheca and a fully developed raphe on the hypotheca as mentioned by Cleve-Euler (1958), Hustedt (1962), and Patrick and Reimer (1966) and obse rved by the authors in the Xizang specimens. The alga is really similar to Amphiraphia xizangensis Chen et Zhu in having two valves dissimilar in rapheal type. Thus, based upon its generic characteristics the authors have established another new family, Rhoicospheniaceae Chen et Zhu, and placed it in the order Amphiraphidales Chen et Zhu too.       Regarding the systematic position of the Amphiraphidales, the following principles are considered:       1.  It is evident that the free-floating or motile diatoms existing in the geological periods are really older than the epiphytic ones. This has been proved by some discoveries of the fossil diatoms.       2.  Both epitheca and hypotheca of frustule of all the free-living diatoms, induding both centric and pennate species, are symmetrical in both valves and girdle-views, but, the epiphytic forms are usually asymmetrical, especially in a girdle-view.       3.  The characteristics of rapheal system are often used by former algologists as a main taxonomic basis for considering category of pennate diatoms and affinity among them. The authors agree with this consideration.       4.  In this paper Hustedt's classification of pennate diatoms is used as a basis for considering the phylogenetic problems of these diatoms, but the authors cite Schütt's  Class Pennatae, instead of Hustedt's order Pennales; Sieminska's orders, Araphidales, Raphidioidales, Monoraphidales, and Biraphidales, instead of Hustedt's Suborders, Araphidineae, Raphidioidineae, Monoraphidineae, and Biraphidineae.       5.  The rapheal system on the epitheca of the Amphiraphidales is really a reduced structure derived from a typical form represented by the Biraphidales, and may be regarded as a transitional type from that of the Biraphidales to that of Monoraphidales.       6.  Owing to the epitheca of the type genus Rhoicosphenia Grun. of the family Rhoi- cospheniaceae lacking the central nodule and a great part of its axial area becoming a pseudoraphe, the authors consider that the family is more close to Monoraphidales than Amphiraphiaceae is in phylogeny.      According to the principles set forth above, a taxonomic system of the Pennatae is proposed as follows:      Class Pennatae Schütt            Order    I. Araphidales Siem.            Order   II. Raphidioidales Siem.            Order  III. Biraphidales Siem.            Order   IV. Amphiraphidales Chen et Zhu, ord.nov.            Family  I. Amphiraphiaceae Chen et Zhu, fam. nov.      Family  2. Rhoicospheniaceae  Chen et Zhu, fam. nov.            Order    V. Monoraphidales Siem.  相似文献   

将Plantago erosa Wall. var. fengdouensis Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang提升为一独立的种,即丰都车前P. fengdouensis (Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang) Y. Wang & Z. Y. Li。该种由于花冠无毛,花丝着生于花冠近基部,子叶在种子中与腹面(种脐面)相平行,应属于车前亚属subgen. Plantago。丰都车前P. fengdouensis以植株干后变黑和种子较大的特征接近湿生车前P. cornuti Gouan,但其叶具牙齿或羽状锐裂,具3脉,苞片三角状卵形,花冠裂片狭三角形,蒴果纺锤状椭圆球形,近中部周裂,种子腹侧具1纵槽而不同于后者。  相似文献   

  A new psilophytic plant, Hsüa robusta, is found in the Xujiachong Formation  (Emsian) of the Lower Devonian from the Qüjing (= Kütsing) district of Yunnan,  China.  This plant is tentatively referred to the Cooksoniaceae of Rhyniales.       Hsüa gen. nov.       Type species: Hsüa robusta (Li et Cai) C. S. Li.       Diagnosis:  Plants erect and then creeping. Main axes dividing pseudomonopodial- ly and bearing dichotomous lateral branches which somewhat differentiate into vegeta, tire and fertile ones, with dichotomous root-like and rhizophore-like appendages.  Spo- rangia terminal, round to reniform or wide reniform, dehiscing along distal margin into two equal halves.  Spores homosporous, trilete.  Stomata anomocytic.  Protostele cen- trarch.       Hsüia robusta (Li et Cai) C. S. Li, comb. nov.       Cooksonia zhanyiensis Li et Cai, Acta Geologica Sinica, 52 (1) 1978, p. 10, pl. II, fig. 6.——Taeniocrada robusta Li et Cai,ib. p. 10, pl. II, fig. 7—14.       Diagnosis:  Characters same as in generic diagnosis. Main axes 6—10 mm wide and at least 24 cm long, with vascular strands 1.2—2.4 mm acr  oss.  Fertile branches 3—4 times equally or unequally dichotomous, 10—1.5 mm in width and up to 11 cm in length, possessing a vascular bundle of 0.5 mm in its greatest diameter.  Branches circinately coiled in apical regions.  Axial tubercles, root-like and rhizophore— like appendages aris- ing from the main axes usually anterior to the lateral branches. Axial tubercle round with a diameter of 2.2—2.4 mm, having a vascular bundle about l mm across.  Root- like branches 3 times bifurcate, 1—0.3 mm wide and up to 1.5 cm long, with a vascular bundle about 0.1 mm across.  Rhizophore-like appendages forked, 3—1.7 mm in width, possessing a vascular bundle of 0.7 mm in its greatest diameter. Root-like protuberances sometimes arising from rhilzophore-like branches.   Epidermal cells of axes generally elongate, measuring 60—290μby 25—60 μ.  Stomata mainly fusiform, 90—110 μ long and 50—60μ wide, consisting of a pair of guard cells enclosing a pore 6—15μ  in length and 1—3μ  in width.  Cuticle of guard cells quite thick.  Stomatal density about 5 per mm2.  Sporangia 0.8—4.2 mm high, 1.0—8.2 mm across, usually having a dehiscent distal border which measures 50—100μ broad.  Demarcation between sporangium and its stalk quite clear.  Epidermal cells of basal part of sporangial walls elongate, about 100 μ long and 30μ wide, but those of distal part isodiametrally polygonal, about 50μ in diame- ter.  Stomata, radially arranged scattering over sporangial walls, generally round about 50μ in diameter and 50 per sporangium.  Spores round, 18—36μ (average 27μ) indiameter, and smooth.  Tracheids of protoxylem about 10μ across; those of metaxylem about 30μ across, with scalariform thickening.      This plant is similar to Renalia hueberi Gensel in general morphology, but differs from the latter in possessing root-like and rhizophore-like branches.      The generic name is derived from Prof.  Hsü Jen.     This paper is a thesis for M. Sc.  相似文献   

报道了樟科油丹属一新种,即黄连山油丹Alseodaphne huanglianshanensis H. W. Li & Y. M. Shui。它产自中国云南东南部绿春县黄连山海拔840-1300 m的热带阔叶次生林中,在体态上与同一分布区内的云南油丹A. yunnanensis Kosterm.十分相似,但叶为长圆形或倒披针状长圆形(5-13×(0.8-)1.2-2.8 cm),明显较狭,两面几无蜂窝穴,总梗及果梗无毛,密被灰白色小瘤而不同。该新种也与油丹A. hainanensis Merr. 相似,但叶长圆形至倒披针状长圆形,坚纸质,先端锐尖或渐尖,两面几无蜂窝穴,侧脉每侧7-8条,果梗长5-7 mm,密被灰白色条形的小瘤而不同。  相似文献   

描述了湖北省神农架地区发现的石竹科一新种——神农架无心菜Arenaria shennongjiaensis Z. E. Zhao & Z. H. Shen,并绘出了线图。该种与秦岭无心菜A. giraldii (Diels) Mattf.相近,为柔弱草本,具纺锤形块根,花瓣顶端齿裂;不同之处在于其茎有1列腺毛,花瓣顶端具4齿裂,裂片又2浅裂。  相似文献   

描述了湖北省神农架地区发现的石竹科一新种——神农架无心菜Arenaria shennongjiaensis Z. E. Zhao & Z. H. Shen,并绘出了线图。该种与秦岭无心菜A. giraldii (Diels) Mattf.相近,为柔弱草本,具纺锤形块根,花瓣顶端齿裂;不同之处在于其茎有1列腺毛,花瓣顶端具4齿裂,裂片又2浅裂。  相似文献   

报道了产于中国新疆天山的翠雀属(毛茛科)一新种——文采新翠雀花Delphinium neowentsaii C. Y. Yang。该种的叶为肾形,叶柄基部不扩展,花较小,组成稀疏总状花序,花梗被贴伏短柔毛,上萼片的距圆锥状钻形,长13-15 mm,基部宽约3 mm,外面疏被短柔毛,萼片蓝色,与西伯利亚的疏花翠雀花D. laxiflorum DC.很相似,但其花瓣和退化雄蕊均为淡黄色而易于区别。  相似文献   

报道了产于内蒙古的腺鳞草属(龙胆科)一新种——红纹腺鳞草Anagallidium rubrostriatum Y. Z. Zhao, Z. Y. Zhu & L. Q. Zhao。 该种因花4基数,花瓣中下部具2个腺窝,外侧中央具角状突起,花丝基部背面两侧具流苏状长柔毛而与A. dichotomum (L.) Griseb.相似,但因花冠橙黄色,具红色脉纹,叶质厚,多皱,边缘稍成皱波状而不同。  相似文献   

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