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当年羔羊育肥出栏是发展养羊业的一项新技术,在鲁西南地区推广后,取得了显著的经济效益,很受农民的欢迎。鲁西南高腿小尾寒羊属肉用型绵羊品种,成熟早、生长快、体型大、产肉多,很适合当年育肥出栏。现将山东单县经济动物养殖场肉用羊圈养育肥技术介绍如下:羔羊出生后,经初步鉴定,不符合留作种公母的个体,一律在右耳下沿打一缺口,定为育肥肉羊,一星期后训练吃料,利用新鲜蔬菜或青草切丝拌上高蛋白混合料,在隔离的羊圈内自由舔食,对不习惯舔食的人工喂2-3次就行了。三月龄转入舍饲后,按育肥肉羊营养需要喂给草料,至6—8月体…  相似文献   

为研究日粮精粗比对湖羊羔羊早期育肥生产性能和经济效益的影响,采用完全随机区组设计,选择日龄相近(80±2 d)、体重相近(21.91±0.64 kg)、健康状况良好的湖羊公羔80只,随机分为试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ4个组,每组20只,分别饲喂精粗比为40∶60、50∶50、60∶40、70∶30的日粮,试验期为40 d,分析短期育肥阶段各组羔羊的生产性能和经济效益.结果表明,采用不同精粗比日粮对湖羊羔羊进行短期育肥,育肥效果存在极显著差异(P<0.01);精粗比为50∶50(试验Ⅱ组)日粮的饲喂效果最佳,可有效提高湖羊的生产性能和经济效益.  相似文献   

李宁 《初中生》2006,(5):40-41
阿根廷蒙特迪奈罗是一个优良的高山牧场。托迪先生在这里拥有1.2万头良种绵羊。南半球的冬天,大雪会下到1.5米厚。终年放养在开阔草原上的羊遇到这种天气,总是默默地、顺从地任大雪把它们埋上,这倒能使它们免受冰冻和暴风雪的侵袭。在白色的“被子”底下,它们用蹄子刨出草来吃,既饿不着也冻不着。  相似文献   

城市每天都有意外的事情发生。 今天,在市中心碧绿的圆草坪上,出现了一只雪白的羔羊。她的飘荡着山野气息的眼神,第一次闪现出犬牙参差的楼厦以及纵横交错的车流。起初,她感到新奇,似闯入一条不曾啃过野草的峡谷,环视这样的悬崖,顾盼这样的溪水,颈上的两个小铃铛欢快地碰来碰去,还甜甜地叫唤两声。  相似文献   

60年前的那个冬天,当我们家最小的妹妹来到这个世界的时候,我弟弟才6岁,我也只有8岁。在家里,我总是扮演“大姐姐”的角色照顾弟弟,而他作为家中最年幼的孩子,只有权利负责照顾布娃娃。 小妹妹的到来让我们俩都无所适从,妈妈不再爱我们,而把她全部的爱都给了小妹妹。  相似文献   

全饲粮颗粒饲料除全价性好外,还能提高家畜采食量并具有饲喂简便,减少草料抛撒、浪费,有效地利用多种饲料资源等优点。对颗粒饲料肥育羔羊的研究背景和现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

中国人习惯于把动物的某些生物特性与人的道德观念相比附 ,赋之以人的某种品德。这种“禽兽比德”观照方式 ,实质上是中国古代“天人合一”“天人合德”的自然价值观的一种具体表现。“羔羊主义”是一个典型实例 ,人们在羔羊身上比附“善群”“好仁”“死义”“知礼”等多种美德。  相似文献   

这是一款引人入胜的动作解谜游戏,一群可爱的小羊由于贪玩走迷了路,找不到回家的方向。要是碰到了饥饿的狼或是掉进陷进可就惨了。不过我相信,以你的聪明才智,一定可以帮助小羊们穿越迷宫,回到它们的家。  相似文献   

挪威有一座大教堂,占地宽广,外形壮观,是挪威最负盛名的观光胜地。不过,令人好奇的是,教堂屋顶上却放着一头黑色羔羊的雕像。按理说,基督教的圣洁标志是十字架,教堂屋顶安放十字架很常见,却没有听说过在屋顶上安放羔羊的。导游告诉他,这间教堂原本  相似文献   

在我任教的生涯中,我曾遭遇到我工作后的第一件头疼事:我第一次收学费,就少了800元钱,当时我就懵了。我刚正式上班不足两月,当时我工资每月不足450元,在当时,仅够维持基本的生活,忽如其来的打击让我无所适从,  相似文献   

浅析日语教学中的同形类义词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语和日语是两种不同的语言体系,但是两国都使用汉字,而且在各自的语言中产生了大量字形相同的词汇,即中日同形词。然中日同形词中有部分是意思相同的,也有许多似同又不尽相同的,更有些是意思完全不同的。因此,中日同形词是中日两种语言的一个客观存在,也是日语学习和日语教育中的一个不可回避的问题,而同形词里最复杂、最难掌握的同形类义词则是更值得我们深入研究和探索。本文使用误用分析的方法探明汉语对以汉语为母语的日语学习者们中日同形类义词习得方面的异同,最后试着对中日同形异义词的教学提出建议。  相似文献   

北魏发展农业生产措施述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北魏拓跋氏建立政权后,随着自身封建化过程的进展,对农业经济的发展有了更深刻的认识。北魏政府把劝农督课政策与有条件的土地分配政策相结合,在推动农户垦荒,发展农业生产,积累社会财富诸方面取得了很大成绩。这对加快北魏拓跋氏游牧民族的封建化过程起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of cross gender relations on the construction of boys' masculine identities. The findings are based on data gathered from a year long empirical study of 10 to 11‐year‐old boys set in three UK junior schools. Although masculinity is defined against femininity and boys needed to mark out a set of distinctions from themselves and girls, I found that most boys categorized girls as different (they are not us) rather than oppositional, and the most common reaction was one of detachment and disinterest. Rather than maintaining that there are two separate worlds, I argue that there are two complementary gendered cultures, sharing the one overall school world, which are further nuanced by social class and race/ethnicity. Although there was a tendency of boys to dominate space and girls were often excluded from playground games, many girls refused to be dominated by boys, and some were able to deliberately exercise power over them.  相似文献   

The course for the final year project for engineering students, because of its strongly research-based, open-ended format, tends to not have well defined learning outcomes, which are also not aligned with any accepted pedagogical philosophy or learning technology. To address this problem, the revised Bloom's taxonomy table of Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) is utilised, as suggested previously by Lee and Lai (2007), to design new learning outcomes for the final year project course in engineering education. Based on the expectations of the engineering graduate, and integrating these graduate expectations into the six cognitive processes and four knowledge dimensions of the taxonomy table, 24 learning outcomes have been designed. It is proposed that these 24 learning outcomes be utilised as a suitable working template to inspire more critical evaluation of what is expected to be learnt by engineering students undertaking final year research or capstone projects.  相似文献   

坚持南方三年游南击战争的原因是多方面的。各游击队制定了游击战争的战略方针,树立了坚定的革命信念,依靠广大人民群众,采取灵活机动的战略战术原则才在艰难困苦中生存下来,保存了革命火种,并成为抗日战争的主要力量。  相似文献   

We tested the criterion-related validity and potential bias of two measures of pupils' academic achievement: the Teacher Rating Scale (TRS) and the Mathematics and Literacy Achievement Tests (MLTs). These measures are representative of assessment methods largely used in the elementary school. The aims were: (1) to verify the extent to which TRS and MLTs can be predicted by external criteria collected at kindergarten and (2) to estimate the degree to which each measure might be biased by family, teacher and children's characteristics. A total of 239 children were assessed during kindergarten. At the end of the first grade, they were tested for social-emotional adjustment and academic achievement (TRS and MLTs). Results suggest that family socioeconomic status and children's school readiness at kindergarten were associated with both measures; however, the predictors accounted for significantly more variance in TRS than in MLTs. Regarding the presence of bias, results indicate that TRS seems more sensitive to children's social competence, whereas the MLTs appears to be more sensitive to pupils' anxiety.  相似文献   

关于五年制特师课程建设走向的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程是体现学校教育思想的最有效的载体之一,加大对课程的改革,合理设置课程,是当前教育改革的一项十分重要的内容。针对当前特殊教育发展的趋势和社会需要的实际,坚持以大的教育观和开放的教育观来探索建立起适应教育需要的特师教育课程体系,培养符合当前特殊教育发展需要的“双师型”教师,是特师院校面临的急需解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

《沧桑岁月》是《姚维荣文集》中分量最重的一部,也是作者心血凝成的精华之果。全书内容主要包括“艰辛岁月的苦难叙事、苦涩婚恋的沉重书写、血泪历史的无畏反思”三个方面,展示了作者直面历史、深刻反思的勇气,具有珍贵的文学价值和史料价值。  相似文献   

翻译的过程中,"异"与"同"矛盾的重要性不言而喻。异同之间,体现的是翻译的方方面面。对翻译中"异"与"同"矛盾之辩证关系进行论述,分析文化视阈下对"异"的思考。当前全球经济趋于一体化,各国间文化交流非常频繁,译者应把握时机,正确对待"异"与"同"的矛盾关系,积极发挥创造性,做文化传播的使者。  相似文献   

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