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Given that little is empirically known about the use of distance education within deaf education teacher preparation (DETP) programs, the purpose of the present study was to obtain baseline data on distance education activities in these programs. Using a census of the program coordinators of the 68 DETP programs in the United States, the researcher requested and gathered data by means of an 11-item online questionnaire. A 69% response rate was achieved (N = 47). It was found that more than half of the DETP programs offered distance education courses. Respondents indicated that asynchronous technology was used overwhelmingly more often than synchronous technology, with the Internet listed most often, followed by teleconferencing. Additional results provide information about the current status of distance education within the DETP field.  相似文献   

In recent years online education doctorates have become more prevalent to accommodate the growing need for distance academic preparation. Due to the newness of these degree programs, there is a dearth of information in the literature on learner perspectives of effective online teaching and learning strategies. The authors of this paper are recent graduates of the online Doctor of Education program in Educational Technology at the University of Florida. They convey their own experiences using supporting research and the three components of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000)—social, cognitive, and teaching presence—to examine this online doctoral program. The insights in the paper are intended to promote dialogue on the student perspective and make recommendations to further the initiation and development of online education doctorates.  相似文献   

远程教育学生的高辍学率是远程教育界极为关注的问题。本研究以大连电大英语专业专科直属教学班学习一学期后放弃学业又决定复学的三位学生为研究对象,通过深度访谈对其进行第二学期的跟踪调查,并从电大一线教学亲历者的不同角度获取相关信息,利用质性研究方法深入剖析辍学又复学的学生返回校园后遇到的具体困难、阻碍其学习的各种因素及教学班的作为对其辍学行为的影响,并根据研究结果,分析这三名复学生为何有的留下来继续学习,有的离开学校再次中断学习的原因,进而提出对策,以期为远程教育机构对辍学生回来后如何作为提供思考和启示,也期待通过研究,可以帮助更多的学习者完成学业。  相似文献   

Undergraduate teacher education programs have long attempted to improve the prospective teacher's competence in implementing new curriculum programs, materials, teaching strategies, etc. The following study suggests that there are components of a lesson, other than program and materials, which may exert enough influence on the interaction patterns between teachers and pupils to be given closer consideration in the design of a teacher education sequence.  相似文献   

An online support distance-learning program in Mathematics was developed to aid first year engineering students for their transition from the secondary to the tertiary education in order to reinforce deficiencies they may have in mathematical knowledge. The aim of the present study is to examine, firstly, to what extent the attendance of such a program helped students to familiarize themselves with distance learning programs. In addition, the students’ satisfaction with the material of the program was examined as well as their attitudes towards a conventional support learning program in Mathematics. The structure and part of the material developed is presented in detail. The basic methodological tool was an appropriately structured questionnaire. The results indicate that students responded positively to the program, which was a basic way of acquainting themselves with distance learning, and were satisfied with the material. The students’ attitudes towards a conventional program was found to be related to their prior experience in distance learning programs. Statistical analysis of the research data yielded 4 basic factors related to the students’ beliefs regarding the support online learning program in Mathematics. These factors were student’s development and progress, satisfaction with the parts of the online support program, their attitudes towards a conventional program while being in the online support program and their familiarization with online distance education. These factors as well as the targeted identification of the students’ needs should be taken under consideration while designing and implementing support online distance learning programs in Mathematics.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic literature review to analyze evaluations of conservation education programs on a global scale in order to better understand (1) temporal and spatial trends in conservation education program evaluations over the last 25 years, (2) patterns in the types of conservation-related issues addressed through these programs, (3) metrics that indicate effectiveness of conservation education programs, and (4) methods and timeframes used to draw conclusions about program outcomes. Findings indicated that there is a need to better connect the types of issues addressed through conservation education programs with metrics that would indicate success in addressing these issues and the actual outcomes measured and reported. As well, there is an opportunity to employ a variety of metrics and methods for evaluating program outcomes, particularly in developing countries, by focusing on cognitive and behavioral components as well as social and ecological ones. Finally, shifting to a more comprehensive strategy for evaluating multiple outcomes in different cultural contexts would provide opportunities for utilizing mixed methods and qualitative approaches in partnership with community stakeholders.  相似文献   

School-based character education (CE) programs provide an opportunity to increase the moral fortitude of adolescents. This study is a preliminary evaluation of Inspire Aspire, a CE program that was implemented with 13- to 14-year-olds in Scotland. A relational developmental systems meta-theoretical approach and person-centered analyses were employed to understand whether teacher implementation variability is associated with student outcomes. The study aimed to: assess variation in program implementation across teachers; assess student poster quality, which served as a youth outcome measure; and, assess the relationship between variations in program implementation and poster quality. Teachers who fully integrated Inspire Aspire with the broader curriculum (as opposed to using it as a standalone program) as well as teachers who made more modifications to Inspire Aspire tended to have students with higher quality posters. This finding stands in contrast to the common narrative regarding evidence-based programs that requires teachers to strictly adhere to program guidelines in order to maintain implementation fidelity.  相似文献   

Most of the curriculum design models within the technical-scientific approach utilise the rational and sequential process of designing and inter-relating the various elements of the design process. While this procedure may be efficient and adequate for conventional education in which the designers are professional science educators, there is doubt if it satisfies the particular needs of distance education. The experience accumulated through a multi-disciplinary team approach to distance learning courseware development for higher education at the University of Southern Queensland Distance Education Centre motivated this study which primarily focused on a search for an alternative approach to curriculum development with a more satisfactory functional value. Using selected units in Engineering as a focus, an experiment was designed in which a variant of the classical Wheeler model was used. This paper reports the results of this experiment. The implications for contemporary curriculum development initiatives in science especially within distance education settings are pointed out. Specializations: science education, learning strategies, curriculum development, instructional design, research and development in distance education. Specializations: Cognitive Science, curriculum development, instructional design, expert systems, research and development in distance education. Specializations: science education, learning strategies, curriculum development, instructional design, research and development in distance education.  相似文献   

This chapter examines a distance education program to train primary schoolteachers in Sri Lanka and looks for evidence of its success. Quasi-longitudinal data on (a) teacher perceptions of the program; (b) teacher knowledge, skill, and attitudes; (c) teacher classroom performance; and (d) pupil achievement are used to compare distance education with two other teacher education programs in Sri Lanka — an institutional inservice program and a preservice approach. More specifically, the interpersonal aspects of this distance education program are examined as a possible explanation of the program's effectiveness when compared with other distance education as well as conventional approaches to educating teachers.  相似文献   

Bridge programs, in which underprepared students gain the academic and technical skills necessary for college level courses and entry-level employment, are a promising initiative for expanding access to, and success in, community college education. For career pathways related to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM), bridge programs are critical for enlarging the pool of students who are exposed to, and can aspire to, STEM preparation. This study, conducted with support from the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education program, followed four community colleges for a year to understand local factors that facilitated or impeded implementation of a bridge program in which basic skills were contextualized in biotechnology. The findings are that implementation of a contextualized curriculum requires substantial faculty learning. Implementation of these bridge programs was facilitated by instructional leadership by both administration and faculty. Administration assisted in creating the conditions that supported learning by coordinating faculty schedules and funding faculty time for initial and ongoing program development. Faculty benefitted by the support of experienced team members who could guide interdisciplinary learning. Implementation was facilitated when team members met frequently and when faculty worked collaboratively to implement the curriculum. Recommendations include planning for faculty development, both for faculty collaboration and contextualizing curriculum.  相似文献   

Distance education programs that have been around for a long time risk being caught up in a groundswell of change brought by new interest in distance education fueled by the explosive growth of the Internet. These mature programs need to understand the factors that led to their success, the issues likely to affect them over the coming years, and chart a course that brings the two together. This article looks at how factors such as eliminating service area boundaries, support from the top, focusing on large enrollment courses, moving to faculty-led course development, emphasis on instruction and not materials, and development of complete degree programs led to program success at one large American community college. It also looks at how issues such as changes in distance education faculty and students, lack of uniform access to the Internet, the increase in distance education providers, and the need for student support services will play a role in future distance education program success. Finally, it looks at several trends that are likely to emerge from the current environment including the growth of state and regional virtual campuses, increased interest in partnerships, and the role of textbook publisher developed Web sites.  相似文献   

根据远程教育项目广泛开展的现实情况,本文介绍了当前国际上远程教育项目评价的策略和方法,包括折衷策略以及由其衍生的6C评价法、AEIOU评价法及这些方法的应用实例,希望本研究成果能有助于促进我国远程教育项目评价的系统性、有效性和科学性.  相似文献   

To discover the organizational components that nurture good teaching at 2‐year colleges, the author undertook a comprehensive survey of faculty development programs at Ohio 2‐year colleges. A review of the literature uncovered several variables that need to be considered when assessing the state of faculty development in higher education institutions. The most important of these appears to be institutional support, that is, a climate that fosters and encourages faculty development. To assess these elements, a 65‐item, four‐part survey was constructed. Unfortunately, the results force the researcher to draw the conclusion that Ohio 2‐year colleges are not doing a better job of emphasizing or supporting teaching.  相似文献   

运用改良的德尔菲(Delphi)指标权重法对远程高等教育的教师能力进行研究,确认20项重要的教师能力,并对每一项教师能力进行了分析,以期为远程高等教育实践提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

Advances in technology assisted education are revolutionizing the educational process as most know it today. What impact, if any, does technology-assisted education have on the future of higher education? In this study, we examine data from an ongoing evaluation of the distance education program for graduate level business students in a private university. The study addresses the impact of technology-assisted learning on academic performance among distance learners and their on-campus counterparts. The study further explores the relationship between academic performance and students' technological adeptability. The findings indicate, when adjusted for gender (females out-performed males), there were no significant differences in academic performance between distance learners and their on-campus counterparts. Analysis also shows no significant differences in overall academic performance between technology-adept students and those without technological skills. These findings may remove at least some perceived barriers in the decision to initiate distance education programs.  相似文献   


College and university teacher education programs are increasingly required to integrate technology into teacher preparation in response to the requirements of national accreditation groups like the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Delivery of teacher education programs through pure distance education methodologies still has critics. A Web‐enhanced approach, with on‐campus courses and Web‐based information and/or testing as a supplement, is suggested as a compromise. An alternative teacher licensure program in career and technical education at Ohio State University uses this approach extensively, with positive results. This case study explores the use of an alternative teacher licensure program, defines the components of a Web‐based curriculum, and illustrates the benefits and challenges of a Web‐enhanced teacher education program. Student and faculty issues and reactions are outlined, along with strategies for integrating Web‐based activities into courses. Suggested future plans for continuing to infuse technology into teacher education are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural studies in early childhood education assist in expanding perspectives and gaining increased understanding and appreciation of programs in other countries. Because both Sweden and the United States are interested in parent involvement in early childhood programs, a survey was conducted to assess parent's perceptions of these programs. Following a review of family life and early childhood education in Sweden and the United States are the specific components of the cross-cultural study. A stratified random sample of parents whose children were involved in early childhood programs was done in St. Louis County, MN, United States, and Kronobergs Lan, Småland, Sweden. In the first section of the five-part survey, parents indicated the degree to which they agreed or disagreed with statements about such areas as governmental support of children and families. Parents in Sweden felt more support of the government, whereas parents in the United States used early childhood programs as a support mechanism to increase their confidence. In the other four sections of the survey, parents rated the importance of various types of parental involvement and the importance of various materials, activities, and caregiver actions in their children's programs. In general, parents in Sweden valued informal contact and inner-directed creative materials and activities. Parents in the United States valued more confining activities such as rote counting, community-based experiences, and compliance with adult expectations. The influence of the macro-society on parents' perceptions as well as microsystem interactions and environments is evident in this study. As early childhood educators learn about and adapt new ideas to their own programs, the potential of cross-cultural studies becomes realized in improved opportunities for young children and their families.  相似文献   

The proliferation of early childhood programs for children with and without disabilities has occurred without clear indicators or standards of program quality. Evaluations of these programs often consist of compliance monitoring or outcome assessment. Little attention is given to program context or the quality of individual components of the program. In this paper, an alternative evaluation model, a connoisseurship or professional review model using on-site observations, interviews, and document review, was used to identify exemplary practices in early childhood education in one large midwestern state. The results indicated that with proper training and support, early childhood professionals without experience in qualitative methods can become proficient in interviewing techniques, observation, and document review. The resulting case study reports were useful for identifying and describing exemplary practices across the state, demonstrating the potential for this alternative approach to evaluation in early childhood education.  相似文献   

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