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The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach to research on gender differences in science that uses the work on expertise in science as a framework for understanding gender differences. Because gender differences in achievement and participation in the sciences are largest in physics, the focus of this review is on physics. The nature of expertise is first discussed and a framework that focuses on factors that influence the emergence of expertise in physics is presented. This is used to interpret what is known about gender differences in science, particularly physics. Next, the potential contributions of the research on gender differences to our understanding of expertise are discussed. Using what is learned from these two areas of research, recommendations are made for future research examining gender differences in physics. It is suggested that such an approach be used for other areas of science, such as chemistry, where large gender differences in achievement and participation also exist.  相似文献   

This study compares the performance of Singapore boys and girls in Ordinary (‘O’) level Mathematics (Syllabus D). A sample of 88 boys and 88 girls was used to identify some areas of concern as regards gender and Mathematics attainment. The findings of the study were as follows:

  • (i) Boys performed better than girls on Paper I questions.

  • (ii) For the compulsory questions on both papers boys did significantly better than the girls on the following topics – mensuration, statistics, arithmetic, geometry and probability while the girls out-performed the boys on algebra and graphs.

  • (iii) Boys also surpassed girls on the compulsory questions which tested spatial ability.

  • (iv) In Paper II, section B, girls showed a marked preference for questions on algebra and graphs, and vectors in two dimensions while the boys' only marked preference was the question on mensuration.

The pupils' grades in Mathematics were also compared with those of the other subjects they took in the English medium examination and it was found that grades in Physics, Science (Chemistry, Physics) and Metalwork – the so called Mathematics-related subjects – did not correlate to the same degree for the two sexes.

The Mathematics results of the Singapore candidature in ‘O’ level Mathematics examination revealed that on the whole boys performed better than girls.  相似文献   

拟从礼貌原则出发,通过收集《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中男女会话,对比研究男女会话在遵守与违反礼貌原则上的差异,分析男女语言差异产生的原因,并提出几点可行性建议以减少性别语言差异,促进跨性别交际的顺利进行。  相似文献   

女性主义本身是围绕"性别问题"发展起来的,至今经历了三次浪潮。在论述和解决"性别问题"时,女性主义有三条清晰的线索:一是关注点从侧重生理性别转到强调社会性别,从性别本质论转到性别建构论;二是围绕"性别差异"与"性别平等"的关系,从主张通过缩小、消除性别差异,转到主张通过承认乃至张扬性别差异来实现性别平等;三是从对男性与女性之间差异产生的根源及不平等表现的反思,发展到对整个传统西方哲学中根深蒂固的二元对立思维的批判与颠覆。  相似文献   

进化发展心理学是在现代生物学、生态学等学科的影响下形成的一个新的学科分支,走一种从种系发生来解释人类发展的新理论视角。它试图以达尔文进化发展的机制来解释人类各种心理与行为的进化意义,并通过汇总各个领域的研究资料、设计进化实验等途径和方法来探讨人类心理和行为产生与发展的机制。  相似文献   

教育理论的发展经历了主体性阶段、主体间性阶段与公共性阶段.这种发展不是理论逻辑自身的单纯演进,而是历史发展趋势的反映.对这一历程作历史性解读与判断,揭示其中的问题生成与转换、理论演变与发展的内在逻辑,有助于把握当代教育研究的生动的发展生态.  相似文献   

This study examined whether changes in children's self‐reported Big Five dimensions are represented by (developmental) personality types, using a cohort‐sequential design with three measurement occasions across 5 years (four cohorts, 9–12 years at T1; = 523). Correlates of, and gender differences in, type membership were examined. Latent class growth modeling yielded three personality types: Resilients (highest initial levels on all Big Five), Overcontrollers (lowest Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Imagination), and Undercontrollers (lowest Benevolence, Conscientiousness). Gender differences in type membership were small. Warm parenting, but not overreactive discipline, in childhood was associated with type membership. The types differed in adjustment problems by the end of middle adolescence. Personality change more likely occurs at the level of dimensions within types than in type membership.  相似文献   

This article analyses educational research on gender inequality carried out in the Netherlands between 1982 and 1991. It can be regarded as a case study on the conceptualisation of the problem of gender inequality in education. In the Netherlands two types of research can be identified: policy‐orientated research, which was largely concerned with primary and secondary education, and action research which developed from within and focused on adult education. In the beginning most researchers in both types of research were aware of the problems related to the concept of ‘disadvantage’. Later on, policy‐orientated research on gender and education has increasingly approached education primarily as a means of preparing for a promising position on the labour market. The concept of disadvantage, which at first appeared to have been superceded, has been frequently applied in the analysis of gender in education. Action research, however, focused on the learning processes of women considering feminine qualities to be positive and valuable. We discuss the criticism from women's studies of the research carried out. Finally, the central concepts of the Dutch research are related to the classifications used in England.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test a four-wave sequential mediation model linking mother–child attachment to children's school readiness through child executive functioning (EF) and prosociality in toddlerhood and the preschool years. Mother–child attachment security was assessed when children (= 255) were aged 15 months and 2 years, child EF at age 2, prosocial behavior at age 4, and finally cognitive school readiness in kindergarten (age 6). The results revealed three indirect pathways linking attachment to school readiness: one through EF only, one through prosocial behavior only, and a last pathway involving both EF and prosocial behavior serially. These findings suggest that secure attachment may equip children with both cognitive and social skills that are instrumental to their preparedness for school.  相似文献   

家庭背景如何影响教育获得:基于居住空间分异的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量经验研究表明,教育在中国人地位获得中的作用在加强,与此同时,人们也发现来自家庭背景,或者说阶层背景的差异对人们的教育获得的影响也是不可忽视的.那么家庭背景是如何影响人们的教育获得的呢?通过对人们居住空间分异的分析可以发现,家庭背景对人们教育获得的影响,有一部分是通过对教育资源的选择与争夺来实现,而这种选择和争夺又可以通过对基础教育资源分布不均的城市空间的竞争来实现.  相似文献   

The relative age effect (RAE) refers to that children born early in their year of birth show higher performance compared to children born late in the same cohort. The present study evaluated whether RAE exists within non-competitive physical education (PE) attainments, change in RAE magnitude with age, and possible gender differences. The results show a drop in PE attainment and a difference in number of high and low marks between the first and second half-year. Of the pupils who attained the highest mark, 73% were born in the first 6 months. In lower-secondary school, RAEs were larger in girls compared with boys. A possible explanation for the results is that the PE-teachers might be inspired by product-oriented criteria.  相似文献   

Personality and intelligence associated with depressive symptoms in 23-year-olds were evaluated using prospective data from preschool through adolescence. Gender moderated the prospective relations between personality/intelligence and age-23 depressive symptoms. Young men with elevated age-23 General Behavior Inventory (GBI) scores manifested as early as in preschool allocentric behaviors: undersocialization and interpersonal antagonism. This pattern remained highly stable over the following 15 years. Prospective correlates of depressive symptoms in young women—not reliably identified until adolescence—were more likely than in young men to express autocentric concerns: oversocialization and introspective concern with self. These gender differences continued to persist but decreased in strength after puberty. Intellectual competence displayed significantly stronger negative correlations with age-23 GBI scores in males than in females. Findings were discussed in terms of gender differences in the development of chronic depressive symptoms, with special emphasis on equifinality in developmental pathways.  相似文献   

Science is not value-free, nor does it provide the only model of objectivity. Epistemic values guide the pursuit and methods of science. Cultural values, however, inevitably enter through individual practitioners. Still, the social structure of science embodies a critical system of checks and balances, and it is strengthened by a diversity of values, not fewer. Science also exports values to the broader culture, both posing new values- questions based on new discoveries, and providing a misleading model for rational decision-making. Science teachers who understand the multi-faceted relationship between science and values can guide students more effectively in fully appreciating the nature of science through reflexive exercises and case studies.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether participation in the Chicago Child-Parent Center (CPC) Preschool Program associated with higher educational attainment (high school completion, highest grade completed, and college attendance) at age 22. The study sample included 1,334 youth (869 in the preschool group and 465 in the comparison group) from the Chicago Longitudinal Study. Probit regression was used to examine the group differences in educational attainment controlling for child and family characteristics, including gender, race/ethnicity, and family risk status. Results indicated that CPC preschool participation was significantly associated with more years of education (11.33 vs. 10.93, p < .001), a higher rate of high school completion (Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma [GED], 66.9% vs. 55.3%, p < .001), and a higher rate of college attendance (23.0% vs. 17.9%, p = .055). Only gender subgroups showed an interaction effect with program participation on high school completion among all subgroups. Males benefitted more from the preschool program than females on high school completion. Findings demonstrate that large-scale school-based programs can have enduring effects into early adulthood.  相似文献   

Latino students are significantly underrepresented in higher education. As the largest and fastest growing racial/ethnic population in the US, this is cause for national concern. Additionally, this rapid population growth is a call for community and school leaders from underserved communities to assess their service areas and focus on interventions to increase the college-going rates of youth. Maywood is a city located in Southeast Los Angeles. Like many other urban areas, Maywood’s largely Latino population is underrepresented in higher education. This research focused on interviewing Maywood’s community and school leaders (n = 24) to gain insight into their perceptions of their role and responsibility to address issues surrounding their community’s low levels of educational attainment. A key theme emerged revealing that leaders understand their community’s educational issues but do not see their role as leaders to directly address this issue to build a college-going culture. Implications for practice in strengthening community partnerships and developing a college-going culture are provided and a series of recommendations for the creation of a college-going culture are discussed.  相似文献   

以社会性别理论视角来考察和分析教育机会均等的问题,发现学生在入学机会、教育过程和教育结果上存在着种种性别不平等现象。要真正实现男女两性的教育机会均等,就必须要进一步完善相关的法律法规,建立各级性别公平化教育的监测机制,重新审视编订学校的教材,培养教师的性别平等意识并掌握相应的教育教学方法和技能,以有效促进性别公平化教育的实施和开展。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育规模的扩大,大学生就业形势日益严峻。其中,女大学生就业难的问题尤为突出。从劳动力市场供求失衡、机会成本与预期收益以及统计性歧视这三方面对女大学生的就业难问题切入研究,国家应大力发展现代化经济,积极创造就业岗位,完善社会保障制度和社会服务体系,女大学生要全面提高自身素质,才能切实解决女大学生就业难的问题。  相似文献   

The restructuring of the Australian labour market decreased demand for low‐skilled workers and increased demand for highly skilled workers and professionals further strengthening the relationship between educational and occupational attainment. To satisfy the demand for highly educated workers, the government reorganised the higher education sector increasing the number of universities and trebling the number of places for domestic undergraduate students. Analysing data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, this paper examines the association between parents' education and the likelihood of graduating from university for six birth cohorts of Australians. Overall, the findings suggest that although the expansion of the higher education sector in Australia provided alternative pathways into university, differences in educational attainment, on both quantitative and qualitative dimensions, persist.  相似文献   

Warmth as a Developmental Construct: An Evolutionary Analysis   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
This paper provides an evolutionary account of the human affectional system as indexed by the construct of warmth. It is argued that although warmth and security of attachment are often closely intertwined in actual relationships, warmth must be distinguished from security of attachment. Warmth is conceptualized as a reward system which evolved to facilitate cohesive family relationships and paternal investment in children. Individual differences in this system underlie the dimension of warmth in parent-child research as well as a similar dimension revealed in factor-analytic studies of personality traits. Warmth plays an important motivational role in children by facilitating compliance and the acceptance of adult values, and is viewed as one of several discrete evolved systems underlying personality development. Although securely attached children typically have affectionate relationships with caregivers in many societies, it is hypothesized that warmth is complexly related to attachment classification. Consistent with a discrete systems perspective, research is reviewed indicating that relationships based on warmth and affection are often highly compartmentalized and can coexist with relationships based on exploitation and aggression.  相似文献   

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