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Human Brain     
D uring the 19th century, scientists found that when certain parts of a person s brain w ere injured, he would lose the pow er to do certain things.A nd so,people thought that different parts of the brain did differ- ent jobs.But m odern research has disc…  相似文献   

Human Cloning     
In November 2001, an American company annouced it had cloned the first human embryo(胚胎)using the same technique(技术)that produced Dolly the Sheep(多利羊)back in 1997.  相似文献   

If you are like most people,your intelligence varies from season to season.You are probaby a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year.A noted scientist concluded from other men's work and his own that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.  相似文献   

The construction of the modern subject and the pursuit of human freedom and autonomy, as well as the practice of human science has been pivotal in the development of modern education. But for Foucault, the subject is only the effect of discourses and power–knowledge arrangements, and modern human science is part of the very arrangement that has given birth to the subject who is thoroughly subjected. In his final years, however, a strong passion for human liberty reemerged, and he proposed that a different truth game, the ancient ethical truth practices may actually constitute a self that is free and enjoys self-mastery. In this article, I analyze how modern human science, exemplified by Piaget's child developmental research, has become the means of unfreedom and domination and discuss the ancient ethical truth games Foucault so admired and how they bring self-mastery and freedom to the self. Furthermore, I discuss whether liberal education can ground its notions of autonomy and liberty on the Foucauldian concept of the subject and truth games.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The problem of creating a virtual human has received a lot of attention in the last few decades, due to the increasing popularity of applications involving human figures, such as movies and computer games. There are many approaches to create a virtual human body. Traditional ways for creating a virtual human figure include employing 3D body scanners or using 3D modeling techniques based on understanding of human anatomy. Detailed 3D human body model can be acquired easily us…  相似文献   

1.HeadTheheadisconsideredasthemostimportantpartofthehumanbody,oftencomparedtoaruleroraleader.SowecallthepresidentoftheU.S.AandthePrimeMinisterofGreatBritainheadsofgovernments(政府首脑).Wecanalsosaytheheadofafirmorafamily.Theheadiswherethebrainislocated.Thebrainhasthepowertocontroloneselforonesactivity.Therefore,theheadisassociatedwithideasandintelligence.Ihaveagoodheadforsomething,thatis,Imcleveratsomething.Ifayoungmansbehaviorislikeanexperiencedperson,peoplewillcallhimanoldheadonyoungsho…  相似文献   

If you think traveling to Alaska in the wintersounds cold today,imagine what it was like thousandsof years ago.Before the invention of central heating and hot co-coa,it would have been too cold for people to migrate to  相似文献   

邓小平人力资本开发理论,对中国特色社会主义人力资本理论作出了重大贡献,有着深刻的历史背景和时代特征;强调要加大人力资本生产的投入,强化人力资本生产路径的制度设计,从而达到提升人力资本效率、促进社会生产力发展的目的;提出了政治与舆论、体制与制度、评价与竞争、物质与精神等激励举措,大力开发人力资本。  相似文献   

Dear human beings,I used to be a happy frog living carefreely in a beautiful pond.Every day my fellow frogs and I would enjoy ourselves by killing pests in the fields during the daytime,while at night we would sing sweet songs,with which the locals would go to sleep soundly.  相似文献   

head头eh已或胸neck脖子back背腼eecap膝盖骨b拍in脑鱿。maeh胃forehead额evebrow眉毛ear耳朵nose鼻子mouth口throat喉咙,咽喉a叼omen腹部sho山der肩waist腰,oint关节heart心脏11ver肝脏temple太阳穴e夕e眼晴cheek面颊liP嘴唇ehin下巴Adam’5 aPP他tongue舌thumb大拇指锹、、forefinger食指third finger无名指Palm手掌baek手背elbow肘knee膝盖foot脚toes脚趾heel脚后跟middle finger中指圃efinger小指knue祀e指关节认川St手腕thjgh大腿shank小腿insteP脚背an记e跺arch脚掌心Human Body身体部位名称的英文表达@蒋时莲$湖南省新宁县回龙…  相似文献   

Human Library,即真人图书馆,其特点在于通过面对面的交流完成阅读,以此促进人们之间的理解与包容,达到"反对暴力、鼓励对话、消融偏见"的目的,因而在国内外均受到推崇。本文在对比国内外开展Human Library活动现状的基础上,分析了我国高校图书馆开展Human Library活动的必要性,并对高校开展Human Library活动状况进行了初步探究。同时,进一步提出了完善Human Library活动的管理规范制度,加强宣传合作共建,搭建创新平台的相关策略,以期对这一领域的探究有所助益。  相似文献   

If you judge the progress of humanity by Homer Simpson, Paris Hilton, and Girls Gone Wild videos, you might conclude that our evolution has stalled-or even shifted into reverse. Not so, scientists say.……  相似文献   

This article describes a graduate‐level course entitled “Human‐Computer Interaction.” The theme of the course was development of students’ ability to be critical and creative, within the context of human‐computer interfaces. The aim throughout the course was to expose students to the vagaries of a real‐world human‐computer interface development environment since one learns design best by doing design. This was accomplished through a semester‐long interface development project in which groups of students defined, specified, designed, prototyped, evaluated, and iteratively refined an interactive system with a significant human‐computer interface. The purpose of the interface development project was to give students exposure to the complete process of interface development, not necessarily to develop a complete interface. Other assignments supplemented lecture materials. Student assessments of the course were very positive, indicating that, in particular, the development project was of great use in exposing them to all the phases involved in developing a quality human‐computer interface. The course format and content presented here appear to be a viable model for teaching an effective and enjoyable course on human‐computer interaction.  相似文献   

Does rhetoric have a place in the discourse of human rights? Without certain reply, as the dilemmas of defining, claiming, and promoting human rights appear both to include and exclude the rhetorical gesture, this question invites inquiry into the preface of the contemporary human rights regime, the moment of the aftermath that provokes a struggle with language. Grasped partly through Richard McKeon's extended thought on human rights and conflict resolution, including his collaboration with a committee of philosophers charged by UNESCO to assess the grounds for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this preface opens the work of discovery, an inquiry that recognizes how the hypocrisy of “acting words” constitutes a potential for expression which beckons being toward its human rights.  相似文献   

Human library是图书馆的一种模式创新。文章分析了高校推广Human library的价值意蕴,认为其具备了延伸传统图书馆服务阵地、完善人才培养模式、增强学生求学幸福感等价值,但刻板性的社会认知、功利性的价值观以及不规范的管理是高校推广Human library的影响因素,进而提出加大宣传与培训力度,建立志愿与激励相结合的运行机制等措施。  相似文献   

A review through the origination,development and prospect of Human resource accounting(HPA) is presented based on the study of plentiful literatures about if.HRA is defined as an accounting procedure and method to discriminate and meaure the data of human resources,aiming to provide information which is concerned with the change of human resources for the outside people to serve human resource management,It is experiencing a nearly frozen period following its hot time in 1970s after its origination in America in 1960s.The theoretic foundation of HRA is classical plutonomy dated back to 17th century,There were two preeminent persons in the higtory of HRA,One was Theodore Schultz who established his human capital theory relating education that improves the human capital value with economy;the other was Eric G.Flamholtz who enriched the concept,research methods and application of HRA,In China,the research on HRA started i 1980s beginning with introducing overseas achievements.Multiple views coexist i the academy on whether human resources should be taken as accounting assets and on where to put the HRA information in financial statements.The application of HRA is constrained by the absence of ull-blown theories and methodological systems about it as well as difficulties in evaluating human resources and the obstacle of conventional understandings,However,with the coming of intellective economy,the globalization of competition and the entry of China into WTO.The day of HRA will surely come.  相似文献   

黄燕 《海外英语》2013,(15):233-235
George Herbert is one of the great metaphysical and religious poets in the seventeenth-century history of British literature.Herbert becomes well-known for his devotional religious poems,his famous collection of devotional lyrics,The Temple in which Herbert expresses his piety towards God and manifests that the love of God is an everlasting subject for verse,has won enduring popularity among readers since its publication in 1633.The present paper will focus on Eucharist and human body showing in Herbert’s poetry,and attempts to explore the deeper implications existing behind Eucharist and human body with reference to some specific poems which are chosen from The Temple in detail.  相似文献   

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