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The Effects of Systemic Family Violence on Children's Mental Health   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This study examines the link between different forms of family aggression and children's symptoms of psychopathology. The goal of the study was to understand what forms children's problems might take in violent homes and whether close ties within the family (to the mother or a sibling) buffered children. Interviews with 365 mothers and 1 of their children between the ages of 6 and 12 about abuse in the home, support and closeness within the nuclear family, and mother's and children's mental health formed the basis of this study. Families were recruited from battered women's shelters and the community. We found that different forms of abuse in the home were highly interrelated and that children of battered women were at risk for child abuse. Domestic violence predicted children's general psychopathology, but we uncovered little evidence for the presence of specific sorts of disorders as a result of family dysfunction. Although mothers experiencing conjugal violence were more likely to have mental health problems, their mental health did not mediate the children's response to family conflict. Finally, there was less sibling and parental warmth in families marked by aggression, although when it was present, family social support failed to buffer children. Although the general pattern of results was consistent across respondents (mother and child), there was low agreement on symptoms of child psychopathology.  相似文献   

This study conceptualizes parental migration as a dynamic family process that exposes children to parental absence and family instability. Using detailed migration histories, this study identifies the left-behind trajectories of rural Chinese children throughout childhood (age 1–12) and examines the impact on psychological well-being (N = 3,961). Results indicate heterogeneity in children’s experience of parental migration, which is characterized by both persistence (prolonged parental absence) and instability (repeated parental migration). A quarter of rural children experienced prolonged parental migration, and for half of these, by both parents. Another 50% of rural children experienced repeated parental migration. Children continuously left behind by both parents and children who experienced substantial family instability both fared worse in psychological development than those in stable two-parent families.  相似文献   

灾后儿童容易出现各种心理疾病和行为问题,长期以来,研究者对影响灾后儿童心理健康的因素特别感兴趣.这些影响因素主要围绕三个方面:个人特征,家庭特征和社会支持.家庭系统观认为个体作为家庭中的一员,其个人特征必然会和家庭特征相互作用、相互影响,所以,本文通过对家庭系统观的介绍,以家庭系统观的视角,来阐述各种家庭因素如何影响灾后儿童的心理和行为.关于家庭因素对灾后儿童心理健康影响的研究还远未达到成熟的地步,该领域的研究亟待多种研究方法的使用和统计技术的改进.  相似文献   

家庭是儿童社会化的主要场所,也是儿童接触的第一社会环境。家庭的各种因素都会影响儿童的社会化发展,因此家庭是儿童社会化的一个关键点,它对个体社会化的影响将持续一生,其主要表现在形成个体的生活习惯、态度和行为方式等方面。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the constant debate in the scientific and policy literature on the precise meaning of school readiness, research consistently demonstrates a wide variation between groups of children resulting in a gap at school entry. Recently, the teacher-completed Early Development Instrument (EDI), a new measure of children's school readiness in 5 developmental areas, was developed, tested, and implemented in Canada. EDI results confirmed the existence of a school entry gap. In this article, we explore factors in 5 areas of risk: socioeconomic status, family structure, child health, parent health, and parent involvement in literacy development. In a series of logistic regressions, we demonstrate that variables in all 5 areas, as well as age and gender, contribute to the gap. Child's suboptimal health, male gender, and coming from a family with low income contribute most strongly to the vulnerability at school entry. As the purpose of a tool like the EDI is primarily to assist in population-level reporting on children's school readiness, the results of our study provide additional and much-needed evidence on the instrument's sensitivity at the individual level, thus paving the way for its use in interpreting children's school readiness in the context of their lives and the communities in which they live.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断进步与发展,儿童的健康问题也愈来愈成为备受社会关注的焦点,由此"家庭体育"这一新兴名词也应运而生。本文以儿童健康现状为视角,通过对家庭体育干预儿童健康的相关分析,以家庭体育干预路径为突破口,并从政府、学校及社会三个层面提出改善儿童健康的建议。  相似文献   

Economic hardship can affect children's development through child–caregiver interactions, which may mediate cascading effects of other family stress processes. This study examined, simultaneously, the relations of financial strain, caregiver general stress, and child–caregiver conflict—each measured at two time points—with child self-regulatory outcomes in a high-poverty sample (age 5–7 years; n = 343). Increase in child–caregiver conflict mediated negative relations between other processes and development of executive function. In contrast, only increase in financial strain had direct, negative association with development of delay of gratification and did not significantly mediate relations between any other process and children's outcomes. Results have implications for understanding effects of family stress on self-regulatory outcomes and for interventions with low-income families.  相似文献   

儿童敏感期的身心发展将影响儿童一生的成长,而现代家庭教育对于儿童发展敏感期的重视程度依旧不高,一些错误的教学理念,教育方式方法甚至将儿童引入歧途,造成一些重要方面的缺失。为此,本文主要探讨家庭教育与儿童敏感期,及家庭教育如何做好儿童敏感期的工作。  相似文献   

Children's evaluations of decision-making procedures were examined in applications in different social contexts. Seventy-two children evenly divided into three grade levels (grades 1 – 2, 3 – 4, 5 – 6) were administered a structured interview requiring them to evaluate three decision-making procedures (consensus, majority rule, and authority-based) embedded in three social contexts (peer group, family, and school classroom) and to select the most appropriate decision-making procedure for two specific decisions: one expected to pull for procedures emphasizing children's autonomous decision making, and one expected to pull for adult authority. Judgments of decision-making procedures at all grade levels did not show a heteronomous acceptance of adult authority but rather were influenced by social context and type of decision. In general, consensus was preferred in peer and family contexts and authority-based procedures were preferred for school decisions about curriculum. Older children were more likely than younger children to consider how children's limited knowledge and competence may constrain their autonomous decision making.  相似文献   

惠菲 《海外英语》2014,(12):290-291,297
Children's skills of social interaction is a significant index of their following psychological development. Prosocial behaviors which influenced by many factors are fundamental representatives of social interaction. Present essay illustrates an indepth review of literature concerning the impacts of family,peers, school and media in Children's prosocial behaviors and also indicates the limitations of each research.  相似文献   

家庭文化氛围对孩子的学业成绩有重大的影响,因此父母要善于营造家庭良好的文化氛围:精心装扮居室,携同孩子一起学习,与孩子在一起玩出学问,端正自己的言行举止。  相似文献   

当前国家和社会的高速发展,家庭规模、结构、类型特征呈现出多样性和复杂性,家庭形态和家庭关系也发生了变化。但家庭教育并没有因之而弱化,反之在进一步加强。家风作为家教的前提条件,同样举足轻重。学前儿童家庭教育中则更是如此,良好家风的形成和传承离不开学前儿童家庭教育。  相似文献   

当前国家和社会的高速发展,家庭规模、结构、类型特征呈现出多样性和复杂性,家庭形态和家庭关系也发生了变化。但家庭教育并没有因之而弱化,反之在进一步加强。家风作为家教的前提条件,同样举足轻重。学前儿童家庭教育中则更是如此,良好家风的形成和传承离不开学前儿童家庭教育。  相似文献   

采用分层抽样的方法,抽取甘肃省13所幼儿园1000位家长测查其幼儿家庭性教育实施现状.结果显示,81%的幼儿家长认为幼儿需要进行性教育;68%的家长已经了解到性教育的关键期是幼儿期;62%的家长认为家长应该是幼儿性教育的主要教育者;性别、年龄、学历和收入会影响幼儿家庭性教育的实施.得出结论:部分家长已经意识到在幼儿期进行性教育的重要性,但是仍然存在很多客观因素影响着幼儿家庭性教育的实施.建议提升家长正确的幼儿家庭性教育观念、开发幼儿家庭全面性教育课程及建设普惠性的移动教育平台,帮助广大家长顺利实施幼儿家庭性教育.  相似文献   

在子女才能的形成和发展中,家庭教育的影响将相伴绐终,本文从家庭教育的现代入手,对家庭教育中子女素质的培养进行探讨,提出了家庭教育中子女素质培养的方向、原则和方式,为培养富于开拓性和创造力的二十一世纪的人才,如何做好家庭教育中子女素质的培养,提供了实践和理论的依据。  相似文献   

Children's representational models of self and attachment figures were investigated in family drawings at age 8–9 in a high-risk, raially mixed sample. Drawings were scored using a series of specific signs and a group of theoretically derived, global rating scales. When specific signs were treated in a combined way (versus separately), they were significantly related to early attachment history in predicted ways. Similarly, specific rating scales were found to be significantly related to early relationship history. Analyses exploring the relative contributions of early attachment history and contemporary measures of child IQ, life stress, and emotional functioning revealed that even after contemporary influences were taken into account, attachment history made a significant contribution to the prediction of negative drawing outcome. Results were interpreted as supporting an organizational perspective on development where qualitative differences in early relationships are hypothesized to shape core representational models of the self and to exert an ongoing influence on later representational processes.  相似文献   

现今学前儿童的家庭教育大多属于一种"家长判定式"的家庭教育,显现出家庭陈旧教育观念与学前儿童成长规律不相契合的矛盾和冲突,暴露出学前儿童家庭教育面临的困境,为了更好地提升学前儿童家庭教育的实效性和操作性,要采用有效的解决对策和措施,建立"关爱+适度教育"的家庭教育模式,全面促进学前儿童身心健康发展和成长,提升学前儿童家庭教育的效率和质量。  相似文献   

为了解学前儿童的家庭系统功能及与其成长经历的关系,以家庭画为主题的绘画测验作为测评工具,探讨绘画投射技术在学前儿童的家庭系统现状研究中的应用。通过质化研究,在了解学前儿童的思想、感情,以及其家庭、幼儿园等社会环境、文化背景等基础上,对被测的家庭画作品进行解读,以家庭系统理论为基础,从家庭亲密度、家庭适应性和家庭沟通三个方面对家庭系统功能进行分析描述。  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between teachers' report of family involvement in school and children's social and academic competencies during kindergarten, after accounting for the contribution of socioeconomic status and early maternal sensitivity. Teachers reported on the family involvement for 223 children. Two dimensions of family involvement with school were measured: families' attitudes toward schools and families' activities with schools. Children's social and academic competence was assessed through classroom observations and teachers' reports. Results describe the contribution of socioeconomic status and maternal sensitivity in predicting some aspects of kindergarten competence, and the association of family involvement and child competence after accounting for these covariates. Findings suggest that teachers' reports of family attitudes are a more consistent predictor of outcomes than teachers' reports of family involvement activities. These findings support the position that families and schools can collaborate and provide a social resource to children in kindergarten.  相似文献   

留守儿童是由于父母外出打工而长期与父母分离形成的一个特殊群体,由于其身份的特殊与越来越庞大的数量而受到社会关注。为了深入了解现今留守儿童的心理健康状况,本文对扬州地区和宁夏地区的中学生进行了问卷调查,并对结果进行分析。调查分析结果表明:(1)目前我国中学生的学习压力普遍较大,出现学习焦虑的可能性较高;(2)留守儿童心理出现严重问题的几率比非留守儿童大,具体表现在过敏倾向和冲动倾向方面;非留守儿童在学习焦虑和对人焦虑问题的检出率则略高于留守儿童;(3)留守儿童的心理健康状况在性别、监护类型、父母在外工作年限上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

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