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目的:研究育龄期功能失调性子宫出血女性子宫内膜组织中性激素及其受体的变化。方法:随机采集2005.8-2006.11月河北北方学院附属第一医院妇产科门诊35例育龄期功血患者的静脉血及子宫内膜功能层组织,以正常月经健康女性20例排卵后期设为对照组。①采用放免法测定功血组及对照组女性血清及子宫内膜组织中雌二醇(E2)、孕激素(P)的含量;②HE染色后对子宫内膜进行组织学诊断;③用免疫组化法检测子宫内膜中雌、孕激素受体(ER、PR)的表达。结果:育龄期功血女性以排卵型为主(30/35),其子宫内膜组织中E2含量高于对照组,有统计学意义(P〈0.05),而P含量低于对照组(排卵后期的子宫内膜),有统计学意义(P〈0.05);两组血清中E2、P含量无统计学差异(P均〉0.05),但血清、子宫内膜中E2和P呈正相关(rE2=0.74 PE2〈0.01,rP=0.65 Pp〈0.01)。结论:育龄期功血绝大多数可能是由于体内作用于子宫内膜的性激素产生的时间、数量及其受体比例失衡所致。  相似文献   

DATA FROM the Mother‐Child Project, a longitudinal study of high‐risk children, indicated that the percentage of children referred for school‐based problems was approximately 40% in grades one, two and three. Basically all of the children who were referred were receiving some form of educational services. Similarly, the majority of children achieving below the 25th percentile on a standardized achievement test were receiving special educational services. The reasons some of the low‐achieving students were not receiving services were higher social adjustment, better work habits and a past educational history of success as compared to those low‐achieving students who were receiving services. Greater differences between served and unserved groups were found on historical rather than current measures, which suggests that the chronicity of educational problems had a major impact in determining which students received services. The results suggest that across the large number of schools serving high‐risk children in our sample, excellent decisions were made in terms of who received special educational assistance. There did not appear to be any bias in the referral process or in making the decision of whom to serve. This finding contradicts the results of other investigators in this area. The results from the current investigation indicate that a high proportion of high‐risk children were having difficulty in school. We were encouraged to find, however, that the high‐risk students in need of special assistance were being served.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the same component processes are involved in reading acquisition for children with varying levels of proficiency in English in kindergarten and the first grade. The performance of 858 children was examined on tasks assessing basic literacy skills, phonological processing, verbal memory, and syntactic awareness. There were 727 children who were native English speakers (NS children) and 131 children who spoke English as a second language (ESL children). Although ESL children performed more poorly than NS children on most measures of phonological and linguistic processing in kindergarten and first grade, the acquisition of basic literacy skills for children from both language groups developed in a similar manner. Furthermore, alphabetic knowledge and phonological processing were important contributors to early reading skill for children from both language groups. Therefore, children learning English may acquire literacy skills in English in a similar manner to NS children, although their alphabetic knowledge may precede and facilitate the acquisition of phonological awareness in English.  相似文献   

Previous studies implicate suprasegmental phonology in reading acquisition. However, little is known about how suprasegmental sensitivity develops or how it contributes to reading. Here, 130 Spanish primary-school children participated in this 2-year longitudinal study. Nonlinguistic rhythm, lexical-stress sensitivity and metrical-stress sensitivity, along with phonological awareness, vocabulary, nonverbal intelligence, and reading aloud, were assessed on five occasions. Results suggest that prosody abilities have different developmental trajectories and that prosody explains unique variance in reading beyond that explained by other factors. There was some evidence that the contribution of each prosody skill occurred at different phases in reading development. Nonlinguistic rhythm, lexical-stress sensitivity, and metrical-stress sensitivity assessed at the end of kindergarten, the start of Grade 1, and the end of Grade 1, respectively, predicted reading performance 6 months later. Nevertheless, sample size and reliability temper the conclusions that can be made. The implications of prosody skills for literacy development are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是建立中国人的性别角色量表,并探索不同性别角色类型的个体其心理社会适应水平的特点。研究一根据5000多名被试对中国人人格量表项目的反应挑选出男女被试有显著差异的项目,经过因素分析建立了各由30个项目组成,分别由七个和六个因素构成的中国人男性化和女性化量表,并据此将被试划分为未分化、女性化、男性化和双性化四种性别角色类型。研究二则比较了不同性别角色类型与心理健康的关系,表明在中国被试中双性化的个体心理社会适应水平最低、女性化个体心理社会适应最好。这一结果与Bem关于双性化的假设是截然相反的。本研究从中国文化与性别角色的关系对这一结果进行了解释,提出了中国文化是女性化文化,同时又是反男性化文化的假设,并对进一步研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

学前儿童焦虑状况的追踪研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究采用问卷法分别于2005年6月、2006年6月对346名4—5岁学前儿童的焦虑状况进行了追踪研究。结果显示:(1)一年之后,学前儿童的焦虑水平明显下降;(2)从两次测查的情况看,学前儿童最高水平的焦虑症状为躯体伤害恐惧,其次为分离焦虑,再次为社交恐惧和广泛性焦虑,最低水平的为强迫性神经症障碍;(3)5岁组儿童第一次测查的焦虑水平存在显著的性别差异,男孩的焦虑水平高于女孩,而5岁组儿童第二次测查的焦虑水平以及4岁组儿童第一次和第二次测查的焦虑水平都无显著的性别差异。  相似文献   


Studies of student risk of school dropout have shown that present predictors of at-risk status do not accurately identify a large percentage of students who eventually drop out. Through the analysis of the entire Grade 1–12 longitudinal cohort-based grading histories of the class of 2006 for two school districts in the United States, the author extends past longitudinal conceptions of dropout to a longitudinal risk perspective, using survival analysis, life tables, and discrete-time hazard modeling to appropriately account for student graduation, transfer, or dropout. The risk of dropout began in Grade 7, with the most hazardous years at Grades 8 and 11. A novel calculation of teacher-assigned grades, noncumulative GPA, is identified as a strong predictor of student dropout.  相似文献   

This study investigated the cognitive development of counseling students during their training program. Results suggest a need to emphasize student cognitive development as strongly as skills development in graduate programs.  相似文献   

The responsibility for effective transfer of training falls into a gray area between trainers, trainees, and management. It is easy for trainers to point fingers at management and say that they are not supporting transfer of learned skills in the work environment. But this assumes that management views training as an integral component for improving organizational performance, which is often not the case. Training is more often managed as a cost than as an asset. One Training section at Intel has been experimenting with increasing transfer and improving organizational performance by directly influencing the trainee population during and after training. The rationale is that the best way to generate interest from upper management, is to demonstrate business results. This article describes a series of tactics for improving transfer of training. Each tactic was driven by the training function in an attempt to directly influence the transfer of specific management skills to the work environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations of early working‐memory abilities (phonological and visual‐spatial short‐term memory [STM] and complex memory and episodic buffer memory) and later developing reading skills. Sixty Hebrew‐speaking children were followed from kindergarten through Grade 5. Working memory was tested in kindergarten and reading in Grades 1, 2, and 5. All memory measures, but phonological STM, correlated with reading up to Grade 5. Regression analyses (with intelligence quotient controlled) demonstrated that phonological complex memory predicted all reading skills in Grade 1, and accuracy in Grade 2. The rather understudied visual‐spatial memory predicted comprehension in Grades 2 (STM) and 5 (complex memory). The results point to an important role of the phonological complex memory in early assessment, and suggest a long‐lasting role of early visual‐spatial memory in predicting variance in reading. Whether this role of the visual‐spatial memory is unique to the Hebrew orthography because of its visual features requires, however, further investigation.  相似文献   

本项研究以58名理工科学生为实验对象,考察了不同的教学方法对言语行为语用能力发展的效用。这些受试接受了持续12周、每周半小时的关于13种言语行为的语用知识的明示和暗示教学。前测和后测结果的t值检验表明,在明示教学的四个测试项目上受试有着显著进步,暗示教学则未带来任何显著变化。在大多数课堂教学中未涉及的言语行为测试项目上,受试或表现退步,或困惑不解。本项研究亦表明语用能力测试问卷的信度和效度还有待提高。  相似文献   

A short-term longitudinal design and the probabilistic latent class method of analysis were used to study the development of young children's understanding of death. 99 first and second graders were interviewed individually in the fall and spring. The results support the notion that the subconcepts of death--irreversibility, cessation, causality, and inevitability--need to be studied separately and in relation to one another. Children first understand the subconcepts of irreversibility and inevitability. Development of these subconcepts does not seem to be conditional on each other. However, at least one of these subconcepts must be understood before the child understands the subconcepts of cessation or causality. The pattern of development of these subconcepts is different when the referent object is human versus animal. The overall methodology offers promise in understanding the development of these concepts in young children.  相似文献   

Given limitations in the integrative scope of past research, basic questions about the organization and development of preschoolers’ living kinds concept remain open to debate. This study was designed to address past limitations through use of a longitudinal design, extensive stimulus set, and alternate indices of understanding. Thirty‐five English‐speaking 3‐year‐olds from middle‐class families in Albuquerque, NM participated in four testing sessions over 1 year. Indices of understanding included statements that preschoolers generated about various living and nonliving objects, biological properties they attributed to the objects, and their characterization of objects as “alive” or not. Results reveal a multifaceted picture of developmental change in preschoolers’ living kinds concept involving both the construction and elaboration of a core biological understanding.  相似文献   

性不仅具有生物性的一面,亦具有社会性的一面。本文认为文学对性的描写,能揭示性与生命之间的深层联系,但这种描写应该是健康的、审美性的,而不能滥写。  相似文献   

The development of cognitive control during adolescence is paralleled by changes in the function of the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). Using a three‐wave longitudinal neuroimaging design (= 22, Mage = 13.08 years at Wave 1), this study examined if youth's stereotypes about teens modulate changes in their neural activation during cognitive control. Participants holding stereotypes of teens as irresponsible in the family context (i.e., ignoring family obligations) in middle school showed increases in bilateral ventrolateral PFC activation during cognitive control over the transition to high school, which was associated with increases in risk taking. These findings provide preliminary evidence that youth's conceptions of adolescence play a role in neural plasticity over this phase of development.  相似文献   

Developmental theorists have made strong claims about the fundamental prosocial or aggressive nature of the human infant. However, only rarely have prosocial behavior and aggression been studied together in the same sample. We charted the parallel development of both behaviors from infancy to childhood in a British community sample, using a two-construct, multimethod longitudinal design. Data were drawn from the Cardiff Child Development Study (CCDS), a prospective longitudinal study of a volunteer sample of parents and their firstborn children. A sample of 332 mothers was recruited from National Health Service (NHS) prenatal clinics and general practice clinics in Wales, UK, between Fall of 2005 and Summer of 2007. Potential participants represented the full range of sociodemographic classifications of neighborhoods. Participating families were divided about equally between middle- and working-class families, were somewhat more likely to have sons than daughters, and the majority (90%) were in a stable partnership. In response to standard categories recommended for use in Wales at the time, the majority (93%) of mothers reported themselves as Welsh, Scottish, English, or Irish; most others named a European or South Asian nationality. Of the 332 families agreeing to participate, 321 mothers (Mage = 28 years) and 285 partners (Mage = 31 years) were interviewed during the pregnancy and 321 of the families contributed data at least once after the child's birth. After an initial home visit at 6 months, data collection occurred in four additional waves of testing when children's mean ages were approximately 1, 1.5, 2.5, and 7 years. Data collection alternated between family homes and Cardiff University. Of those families seen after the child's birth, 89% were assessed at the final wave of testing. Data collection ended in 2015. Methods included direct observation, experimental tasks, and collection of reports from mothers, fathers, other relatives or family friends, and classroom teachers. Interactions with a familiar peer were observed at 1.5 years. Interactions with unfamiliar peers took place during experimental birthday parties at 1 and 2.5 years. At 7 years, parents were interviewed, parents and teachers completed questionnaires, and the children engaged in cognitive and social decision-making tasks. Based on reports from parents and other informants who knew the children well, individual differences in both prosocial behavior and aggression were evident in children. Both types of behavior showed stability across the second and third years. The association between prosocial behavior and aggression changed over time: at 1.5 years, they were not significantly related (the association approached zero), but they became negatively correlated by 3 years. Different patterns were seen when children played with familiar versus unfamiliar peers. At 1.5 years, when children were observed at home with a familiar peer, prosocial behavior and aggression were unrelated, thus showing a pattern of results like that seen in the analysis of informants' reports. However, a different pattern emerged during the experimental birthday parties with unfamiliar peers: prosocial behavior and aggression were positively correlated at both 1 and 2.5 years, contributing to a general sociability factor at both ages. Gender differences in prosocial behavior were evident in informants' reports and were also evident at the 1-year (though not the 2.5-year) birthday parties. In contrast, gender differences in both prosocial behavior and aggression were evident by 7 years, both in children's aggressive decision-making and in their parents' and teachers' reports of children's aggressive behavior at home and school. By age 7, children's aggressive decision-making and behavior were inversely associated with their verbal skills, working memory, and emotional understanding. Some children had developed aggressive behavioral problems and callous-unemotional traits. A few (12%) met diagnostic criteria for conduct disorder or oppositional-defiant disorders, which had been predicted by early angry aggressiveness and lack of empathy for other people. Taken together, the findings revealed a gradual disaggregation of two ways in which children interact with other people. Individual differences in both prosocial behavior and aggression revealed continuity over time, with gender differences emerging first in prosocial behavior, then in aggression. Restrictions in the participant sample and the catchment area (e.g., all were first-time parents; all were drawn from a single region in the United Kingdom) mean that it is not possible to generalize findings broadly. It will be important to expand the study of prosocial behavior and aggression in other family and environmental contexts in future work. Learning more about early appearing individual differences in children's approaches to the social world may be useful for both educational and clinical practice.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study modeled lexical development among children who spoke Vietnamese as a first language (L1) and English as a second language (L2). Participants (= 33, initial mean age of 7.3 years) completed a total of eight tasks (four in each language) that measured vocabulary knowledge and lexical processing at four yearly time points. Multivariate hierarchical linear modeling was used to calculate L1 and L2 trajectories within the same model for each task. Main findings included (a) positive growth in each language, (b) greater gains in English resulting in shifts toward L2 dominance, and (c) different patterns for receptive and expressive domains. Timing of shifts to L2 dominance underscored L1 skills that are resilient and vulnerable to increases in L2 proficiency.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine the role of social relationships in the home as predictors of social functioning in the first years of school. Longitudinal data gathered on 156 children from urban, low-income families were used to examine the unique contributions of mother-child attachment classification at ages 1 and 2 years, the child's relationship with another adult caregiver, the child's closeness to a sibling, and the child's status in the family relative to siblings between ages 3 and 4 years, to teacher reports of their own relationship to the child and the child's social skills in the classroom and peer relations. The role of family-based relationships as possible protective factors for children at social or demographic risk for problems in school was also tested. Results indicate that quality of different family relationships provides relatively independent and complementary information about early social functioning in school, with more limited evidence for compensatory or protective processes at work.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine the role of social relationships in the home as predictors of social functioning in the first years of school. Longitudinal data gathered on 156 children from urban, low-income families were used to examine the unique contributions of mother-child attachment classification at ages 1 and 2 years, the child's relationship with another adult caregiver, the child's closeness to a sibling, and the child's status in the family relative to siblings between ages 3 and 4 years, to teacher reports of their own relationship to the child and the child's social skills in the classroom and peer relations. The role of family-based relationships as possible protective factors for children at social or demographic risk for problems in school was also tested. Results indicate that quality of different family relationships provides relatively independent and complementary information about early social functioning in school, with more limited evidence for compensatory or protective processes at work.  相似文献   

This research examined the overtime reciprocal relations between maternal and paternal harsh discipline and children's externalizing behavior. Seven hundred two father–mother dyads of children (6–9 years of age at baseline) completed measures of parental harsh discipline and children's externalizing behavior at five time points, 1 year apart. Autoregressive latent trajectory models revealed that maternal and paternal corporal punishment predicted subsequent children's externalizing behavior (parent‐driven effects), whereas children's externalizing behavior predicted subsequent maternal and paternal psychological aggression (child‐driven effects). The parent‐driven effects became stronger, whereas the child‐driven effects were equally strong across time. Furthermore, the parent‐driven effects for corporal punishment were found for both boys and girls, whereas the child‐driven effects for psychological aggression were found only for boys.  相似文献   

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