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The effect of phonology and semantics on word learning in 5- and 6-year-old children was explored. In Experiment 1, children learned to read words varying in spelling-sound consistency and imageability. Consistency affected performance on early trials, whereas imageability affected performance on later trials. Individual differences among children in phonemic awareness on the trained words were related to learning, and knowledge of a word's meaning predicted how well it was learned. In Experiment 2, phonological and semantic knowledge of nonwords was manipulated prior to word learning. Familiarization with a word's pronunciation facilitated word learning, but there was no additional benefit from being taught to associate a meaning with a nonword.


Speech disfluencies can convey information to listeners: Adults and children predict that filled pauses (e.g., uhh) will be followed by referents that are difficult to describe or are new to the discourse. In adults, this is driven partly by an understanding that disfluencies reflect processing difficulties. This experiment examined whether 3½‐year‐olds' use of disfluencies similarly involves inferences about processing difficulty. Forty children were introduced to either a knowledgeable or a forgetful speaker, who then produced fluent and disfluent utterances. Children exposed to the knowledgeable speaker looked preferentially at novel, discourse‐new objects during disfluent utterances. However, children who heard the forgetful speaker did not. These results suggest that, like adults, children modify their expectations about the informativeness of disfluencies on a speaker‐specific basis.  相似文献   

英语动词过去时除表达事件或状态发生在过去的某一具体时间这一典型意义之外,还具有表示现在时间或将来时间等非过去时间的非典型意义,即假设性和表态性.根据概念隐喻的理论,过去时隐含的距离隐喻是其非典型意义的概念隐喻.距离隐喻导致的语言间接性是形成虚拟和礼貌用语的认知理据.  相似文献   

Knowledge, Concepts, and Inferences in Childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of knowledge in children's inferences was investigated in 3 experiments. Experiment 1 examined developmental changes in the role of categorical membership, perceptual appearance, and item complexity in inferences for natural kind and artifact concepts. Preschoolers (5-year-olds), second graders (8-year-olds), and fourth graders (10-year-olds) were taught novel properties about target concepts and asked whether each of 4 probes had those properties. Probes varied in category membership and perceptual appearance relative to the target item. Item complexity also varied. Experiments 2 and 3 examined inferences with known and unknown concepts for familiar and unfamiliar properties. Older children's knowledge led to differential weighting of categorical information over appearance but only for known concepts and/or familiar properties. Preschoolers made no distinction between category and appearance for either known or unknown concepts. Additionally, as target item complexity increased, older children made more inferences than preschoolers. No differences between inferences about natural kind and artifact concepts were found. The role of theories and knowledge in children's drawing of inferences is discussed.  相似文献   

The need for research is asserted, and its essential features (if it is to be useful) are described. The need for co‐operation between schools and research departments is stressed and explained. Three experiments, linked by their common basis in J. S. Bruner's work, are described. These illustrate some of the features of research set out in the opening section. Their ‘pilot’ nature is used to show how research may suggest further lines of fruitful enquiry.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着经济和科技的发展,知识管理逐渐成为一门显学。为了进一步了解、认知这一学科,具体解析知识管理这一概念,重点分析知识地图在知识管理中所充当、起到的分享管道、使用者界面及知识分享等角色和作用,指出知识地图在发展中存在知识能否正常分享及人才流失导致的知识无法传承等一系列问题,阐述为知识地图建立更新机制的必要性和迫切性。  相似文献   

通过设计故事与被试访谈法,以124名3-6岁儿童的心理特质为中介,探究其对性别角色与攻击行为关系作出推理的能力。得出:特质推理现象存在于3-6周岁儿童对于性别角色与攻击行为关系的认知过程中;随着年龄增长,3-6岁儿童在该方面的特质推理能力发展趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Three experiments examined 4‐ to 6‐year‐olds' use of potential cues to geographic background. In Experiment 1 (N = 72), 4‐ to 5‐year‐olds used a speaker's foreign accent to infer that they currently live far away, but 6‐year‐olds did not. In Experiment 2 (N = 72), children at all ages used accent to infer where a speaker was born. In both experiments, race played some role in children's geographic inferences. Finally, in Experiment 3 (N = 48), 6‐year‐olds used language to infer both where a speaker was born and where they currently live. These findings reveal critical differences across development in the ways that speaker characteristics are used as inferential cues to a speaker's geographic location and history.  相似文献   

The Development of Children's Knowledge about Inner Speech   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies demonstrated that preschool children have little knowledge and awareness of inner speech. Study 1 showed that, in contrast to 6-to7-year-olds and adults, 4-year-olds usually did not infer that a person silently engaged in such intrinsically verbal mental activities as reading, counting, or recalling items from a shopping list was saying things to herself. They also tended to deny that covert speech is a possible human activity. Study 2 demonstrated that 4-and 5 year-olds are much poorer than adults at detecting their own inner speech. Children seem to acquire this sort of knowledge and awareness during the early school years, perhaps through experiencing their own inner speech while reading, writing, adding, and subtracting.  相似文献   

语用能力决定了儿童语言的实际表现,目前有关儿童语用能力的构成及内涵还缺乏明晰的界定。通过文献研究、比较研究和理论研究等方法,对国内外学术界关于儿童语用能力的构成及内涵进行探讨,在此基础上,综合语言学、语用学及教育学的相关理论,将儿童汉语语用能力构成要素概括为语篇组织能力、言语行为能力、间接含义理解能力、会话能力、社交情感调节能力和非言语交流行为能力几个方面。儿童语用能力对学前教育的启示为:充分认识儿童语用能力发展的重要性,创设良好的语用能力学习环境,全面培养儿童的语用能力。  相似文献   

默会知识观丰富了实践导向的厚实认识论的思想源泉,揭示出技术认知中默会维度的重要性,促进了对技术认知过程中默会知识的本质及其形态的更深刻理解。从默会知识观的视角发掘技术知识的特点,分析技术默会知识的具身性、亲知和动态觉知等认知特征,可为技术默会认知及其实践培育提供思路与策略:"情境+实践"是技术默会认知的应然场域,"感觉+经验"是技术默会认知的亲知途径,"实例+整体性"是技术默会认知的模式识别,"示范+练习"是技术默会认知的优先策略。  相似文献   

图书馆在知识创新中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了知识经济时代,知识创新是知识经济社会的核心,知识创新需要图书馆发挥作用以及如何在知识创新中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Children's ability to read and spell their own and classmates' personal names in and out of context in Hebrew was studied. Preliterate children aged 4 to 6 years (N = 60) showed high knowledge of their own names but varied greatly in knowledge of others' names and emergent literacy skills. Reading and spelling of names was primarily related to letter knowledge rather than to phonemic awareness. Superior performance with initial over medial/final letters occurred despite no capitalization in Hebrew names. Names of two letters were read better than longer names, which were read equally well, indicating use of partial cues. These results bear on Ehri's (2005) phase theory. We speculate that informal learning of names is founded on letter knowledge plus exposure to names and is fueled by children's interest in names.  相似文献   

Two experiments (total = 195) examined third-party inferences about friendship and shared preferences from reported dyadic information. Four-year-olds (= 48) inferred friendship between individuals based on reports of prosocial behavior, and similarity, but not based on arbitrary links. Children privileged prosocial behavior over similarity when asked to adjudicate between the two. Adults (= 120) were tested online and showed the same overall pattern of inferences. Furthermore, 4-year-olds (= 27) expected individuals who had engaged in prosocial behavior to be playmates as well as friends, and to share preferences for novel games, but not novel foods. These findings shed crucial light on preschoolers' third-party friendship inferences, and add to our knowledge of their concept of friendship.  相似文献   

语言与文化密不可分,语言学习与文化学习也是相辅相承的.语言学习离开了文化学习就显得毫无意义,就会出现语用失误,导致交际的失败.因此对中西文化差异的学习与了解,对跨文化交际意识的培养应贯穿在英语学习的过程中.通过从语用失误的角度,从礼仪文化、交际文化和知识文化的学习三个方面分析英汉语言与文化的不同,论证文化知识学习在英语学习与使用中的必要性和重要性.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a target child's gender typicality on different aspects of preadolescents' inferences and judgments. The secondary purpose of the study was to investigate the relation between children's self-endorsement of traits and their inferences and judgments. Fifth and sixth graders were shown a video film, portraying a child playing either a gender-appropriate game with members of the same sex or a gender-inappropriate game with members of the other sex. In addition, subjects completed an adapted version of the BSRI and were categorized into sex-typed, androgynous, and undifferentiated subjects. Subjects made a number of different types of judgments and inferences about the target, including inferences about traits, popularity, choice of gift and name, and willingness to engage in activities with the target. All types of inferences and judgments were affected by the variations in the targets' gender-related behaviors, whereas self-endorsement of traits was not related to the inferences and judgments. The results suggest that the gender typicality of the target behavior is salient to preadolescents, regardless of their sex-role orientation.  相似文献   

Seven and nine year olds were asked to draw two three‐dimensional objects (a cube and a wedge). When there was disjunction between their knowledge of the object's structure and its appearance (cube), they depicted the invariant rather than the variant features and produced rectangular solutions. When differences between the structure and the appearance of the object were minimised (wedge) most children drew a converging form. They could also accurately copy a two‐dimensional converging form. However, the children's knowledge of what the line drawing was supposed to represent did have an effect: in particular, they drew fewer converging obliques when the same line drawing was called a ‘building block’ (a rectangular object) than when it was called a ‘shape’ or a ‘house’ (an object known to contain obliques). A similar pattern of results was observed in a second experiment in which a selection task was used.  相似文献   

This study examined how informants' traits affect how children seek information, trust testimony, and make inferences about informants' knowledge. Eighty‐one 3‐ to 6‐year‐olds and 26 adults completed tasks where they requested and endorsed information provided by one of two informants with conflicting traits (e.g., honesty vs. dishonesty). Participants also completed tasks where they simultaneously considered informants' traits and visual access to information when inferring their knowledge and trusting their testimony. Children and adults preferred to ask and endorse information provided by people who are nice, smart, and honest. Moreover, these traits influenced the knowledge that young children attributed to informants. Children younger than 5 years of age reported that people with positive traits were knowledgeable even when they lacked access to relevant information.  相似文献   

对于听障儿童的语言发展来说,唇读具有非常重要的作用。唇读需要对口形进行观摩,这就需要口形模仿,想要把唇读做到理想的效果,则需要做好相应的口形模仿训练。对于语言发展来说,唇读不是一个简单的感知过程,而是一个复杂的心理过程。因此,把口形模仿作为唇读训练手段的第一步时,必须对口形模仿行为的作用进行具体分析,这样才能确保口形模仿在双语唇读语音训练中的有效性。本文通过介绍口型模仿的定义与过程,结合笔者自身的语言训练经历来分析口形模仿在听觉障碍儿童汉语与英语语音学习中的作用。  相似文献   

关于学前儿童戏剧教育活动的定义有很多种,其中不乏许多误解,例如,把学前儿童戏剧教育活动片面地理解为角色扮演、表演游戏等。研究者通过实际观察,发现教师在学前儿童戏剧教育活动中扮演"无微不至"的导演、"不懂孩子"的编剧、"颠三倒四"的演员等这样一些错位角色,根据这些错位角色分析总结出在学前儿童戏剧教育活动中教师应该扮演掌控全局的"导演"、接地气的"编剧"、多角色的"演员"这些角色。为了使这些错位表现减少、应然表现增多,研究者总结出在学前儿童戏剧教育活动中教师应做一位明智的引导者、勇敢的探险者、谦虚的学习者,不断完善自己,明确自己的角色定位,尊重儿童的主体地位,让幼儿在学前教育戏剧教育活动中真正做到率真天性的解放、心灵智慧的启迪,真正体会到自由和快乐。  相似文献   

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