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This article addresses why children's use of mobile phones is an unparalleled complex developmental phenomenon in hopes of providing a broad context for this special section. It first outlines mobile phones as a sophisticated personalized and multifunction technology. Then it presents mobile phone use by children as an unparalleled complex developmental phenomenon on the basis of its four behavioral elements, two mobile cultures, and two developmental processes. It further illustrates the existing knowledge about children's mobile phones use that has been accumulated over the past 23 years and highlights 12 most studied topics, especially distracted driving and radiation exposure. It concludes with three types of scientific contributions made by the 12 articles in the special section.  相似文献   

自2012年起,随着手机微信公众平台的正式上线,微信异军突起成为目前我国最为重要的广告阵地之一。但是,微信广告的真实性缺乏、垃圾信息过多等弊端也在微信的快速发展中逐渐显露出来。文章旨在对微信广告的发展进行分析,发现其存在的问题,同时尝试提出对策,并呼吁社会相关部门及有关人士对不法微信广告进行监管和控制,完善其管理体系,以有效净化手机微信广告的传播环境,促进我国手机微信广告业的健康发展。  相似文献   

介绍手机在物理课堂教学上的多种应用,范例有趣而生动.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Early morning school schedules are in the opposite direction to the sleep–wake cycle in adolescence and early adulthood. This conflict leads to sleep deprivation and irregular patterns whose consequences are scarcely explored. This article discusses the effects of three educational experiences with high school students, parents, teachers, and medical students. The first experience was developed with high school students in Natal, Brazil, to determine whether sleep habits would improve with increased awareness. Positive effects were observed in some aspects of sleep knowledge and practices. In the second experience in Atlanta, GA, sleep education activities were presented to middle and high school teachers, parents, and students to emphasize the importance of sleep. In the third program in Murcia, Spain, undergraduate medical students were introduced to chronobiology of sleep by a practical exercise that pointed out to what extent they shared most of adolescent sleep characteristics. Educational chronobiological experiences about sleep are essential to develop healthy sleep habits in the general population, particularly in students.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of 15 teachers and 103 middle school students at a progressive private school located in Mumbai, India to determine their support for the use of mobile phones in the classroom, their perceptions of the mobile phone features that are beneficial for school-related work, and the instructional benefits and barriers to mobile phone use prior to beginning a mobile phone pilot program. The results indicated that most teachers (86%) and students (92%) supported the use of mobile phones in the classroom while those remaining voiced uncertainties. The participants perceived many mobile phone features as being useful in the classroom, but the teachers and students significantly differed in their views. Participant responses revealed little concern about most of the barriers reported in the literature; both teachers and students were least concerned about the use of mobile phones causing a disruption to learning.  相似文献   

手机短信中的修辞美学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
手机短信中非公文事务型短信蕴含着丰富的修辞技巧和美学韵味,因此备受大众欢迎。它的文本建构过程也体现着表达与接受双向互动的特点。  相似文献   

This study represents an expansion of previous research investigating the prevalence of sleep difficulties in college students. Sleep quality and sleep habits were assessed via self‐report questionnaires. Poor sleep quality was reported by 22.6% of participants, whereas 65.9% replied that they experienced occasional sleep problems. More than half of the respondents noted feeling tired in the morning. Implications for counselors and their institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

钟伟轩 《湘南学院学报》2012,(4):98-100,112
近年来,继数字化学习之后出现了一种新的学习模式——移动学习(M-Learning),其最大的特点就是能实现在"Anyone、Anytime、Anywhere、Any style"(4A)下进行自由的学习。基于手机的移动学习就是利用手机移动通讯设备来进行随时随地随意的学习,其学习不受时间、空间和地域的限制。依据调查和访谈,在较全面地了解大学生对利用手机移动学习方式学习英语的态度的基础上,分析了现在大学生利用手机学习英语听力的方式,以及制约大学生利用手机来学习英语听力的相关因素。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between stress and sleep duration for adolescent females from affluent backgrounds. Participants were 218 students attending two independent single-sex secondary schools. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models (cross-sectional and longitudinal) were run to examine the association between stress and sleep duration and to determine whether any associations lasted from the beginning to the end of the academic year. In the cross-sectional models, the relationship between perceived stress and sleep duration was reciprocal and negative. Findings from the longitudinal analyses suggested that perceived stress had lingering negative effects on sleep. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study used a longitudinal design to identify how sleep habits and learning-related behaviors impact the development of cognitive skills in preschoolers (ages 3–5). Sixty- seven children with parental report and cognitive skill assessment data were included. Scores on the Differential Ability Scales (C. Elliott, 1990 Elliott, C. 1990. Differential Ability Scales: Introductory and technical handbook. New York: Psychological Corporation..  [Google Scholar]) were obtained at ages 3, 4, and 5. A Sleep Questionnaire (D. Gozal, 1998 Gozal, D. 1998. Sleep disordered breathing and school performance in children.. Pediatrics, 192: 616620.  [Google Scholar]) with 12 items from the Child Behavior Checklist (T. M. Achenbach &; L. A. Rescorla, 2000 Achenbach, T. M. and Rescorla, L. A. 2000. Manual for ASEBA preschool forms &; profiles. Burlington: University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth, &; Families..  [Google Scholar]) related to children's attention and activity levels was administered at age 3. Growth curve changes in cognitive scores were estimated using hierarchical linear modeling. Parental reports of nighttime sleep duration predicted level of cognitive skills at 3 years. The effect of sleep duration on cognitive scores was constant across age. Practice or Policy: Sleep and learning-related behaviors distinguish the cognitive skills children bring to preschool programs and impact gains made in skills while in preschool.  相似文献   

通过对大学生使用手机的情况进行调查研究,发现大学生普遍存在手机依赖的现象,对其身体健康、心理健康、学习、课外活动和社交都造成了严重的影响.在对大学生手机过度依赖的现象进行分析的基础上,从社会、学校、家庭和学生自身等四个方面提出了大学生合理使用手机、减少手机依赖的对策.  相似文献   

The use of digital technology has grown rapidly during the last couple of decades. During use, mobile phones and cordless phones emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation. No previous generation has been exposed during childhood and adolescence to this kind of radiation. The brain is the main target organ for RF emissions from the handheld wireless phone. An evaluation of the scientific evidence on the brain tumor risk was made in May 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer at World Health Organization. The scientific panel reached the conclusion that RF radiation from devices that emit nonionizing RF radiation in the frequency range 30 kHz–300 GHz is a Group 2B, that is, a “possible” human carcinogen. With respect to health implications of digital (wireless) technologies, it is of importance that neurological diseases, physiological addiction, cognition, sleep, and behavioral problems are considered in addition to cancer. Well‐being needs to be carefully evaluated as an effect of changed behavior in children and adolescents through their interactions with modern digital technologies.  相似文献   

随着手机的普及,很多中学生都会带手机到学校中。中学生使用手机不仅可以在一定程度上拓展知识层面,还能够辅助学习并且减少家长对于学生安全的担心,但是如果中学生在使用手机过程中缺少自制力,过度使用手机,也会对正常的生活以及学习带来很大的影响。本文主要对中学生使用手机的利弊进行研究,首先,从三个好的方面以及两个不利的方面提出了中学生使用手机的利与弊;然后,从学校和家长要对学生使用手机的情况进行交流、不断完善学校对学生携带手机的管理制度以及加强对学生的疏导教育三个角度提出了对中学生使用手机的管理途径。  相似文献   

大学里废旧手机的产生量大且集中,对高校学生的手机回收行为做了问卷调查。结果显示:大学生手机的使用数量高于普通家庭,淘汰周期比国内及世界一般地区的大多数居民消费者短。分析了处理废旧手机的常见做法、废旧手机长期闲置和回收率低的原因以及促使手机回收的激励措施;还分析了大学生的环境意识和支付意愿,很多大学生的环保意识较高,但环保行为较差,在能接受的处置费用比例中,大部分学生选择了较低的比例;此外,在调查分析的基础上,分别提出了提高大学生废旧手机回收率的措施和建议。  相似文献   

This study examined longitudinal acculturation patterns, and their associations with family functioning and adolescent risk behaviors, in Hispanic immigrant families. A sample of 266 Hispanic adolescents (Mage = 13.4) and their primary parents completed measures of acculturation, family functioning, and adolescent conduct problems, substance use, and sexual behavior at five timepoints. Mixture models yielded three trajectory classes apiece for adolescent and parent acculturation. Assimilated adolescents reported the poorest family functioning, but adolescent assimilation negatively predicted adolescent cigarette smoking, sexual activity, and unprotected sex indirectly through family functioning. Follow‐up analyses indicated that discrepancies between adolescent and parent family functioning reports predicted these adolescent outcomes. Results are discussed regarding acculturation trajectories, adolescent risk behavior, and the mediating role of family functioning.  相似文献   

The current study examines the association between parental support and adolescent sleep under varying levels of family stress. Participants included 316 adolescents (Mage = 16.40 years, 43% male) and their parents (Mage = 45.67 years, 91% mothers) from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Both adolescents and parents completed questionnaires and adolescents wore wrist actigraphs and completed self‐reports on their sleep for 7 consecutive days. Results indicated that under contexts of family stress, more parental support was linked to longer sleep duration, less sleep variability, and less time spent awake during the night. Findings suggest that under contexts of family stress, cohesive family relationships may provide a sense of stability and security that is necessary for healthful sleep.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the Scientific Habits of Mind Survey (SHOMS) developed to explore public, science teachers’, and scientists’ understanding of habits of mind (HoM). The instrument contained 59 items, and captures the seven SHOM identified by Gauld. The SHOM was validated by administration to two cohorts of pre-service science teachers: primary science teachers with little science background or interest (n?=?145), and secondary school science teachers (who also were science graduates) with stronger science knowledge (n?=?145). Face validity was confirmed by the use of a panel of experts and a pilot study employing participants similar in demographics to the intended sample. To confirm convergent and discriminant validity, confirmatory factor analysis and evaluation of the reliability were calculated. Statistical data and other data gathered from interviews suggest that the SHOMS will prove to be a useful tool for educators and researchers who wish to investigate HoM for a variety of participants.  相似文献   

Analyses examined academic achievement data across third through eighth grades (= 26,474), comparing students identified as homeless or highly mobile (HHM) with other students in the federal free meal program (FM), reduced price meals (RM), or neither (General). Achievement was lower as a function of rising risk status (General > RM > FM > HHM). Achievement gaps appeared stable or widened between HHM students and lower risk groups. Math and reading achievement were lower, and growth in math was slower in years of HHM identification, suggesting acute consequences of residential instability. Nonetheless, 45% of HHM students scored within or above the average range, suggesting academic resilience. Results underscore the need for research on risk and resilience processes among HHM students to address achievement disparities.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法考察了大学生手机使用和学业倦怠之间的关系,调查数据显示:大学生手机使用状况总体良好,但部分学生有过度使用的倾向;手机过度使用总分、强迫性、戒断性和冲突性都和学业倦怠总分、情绪低落、行为不当等因子呈正相关,强迫性可以预测学业倦怠状况;在学业倦怠总分及其各因子上,手机使用高分组和低分组差异显著.结果表明:大学生手机使用尚处于正常水平,日常心理健康教育应加强大学生的意志力和行为控制能力的培养.  相似文献   

文章用手机成瘾指数量表、基本心理需要满足量表和情绪——社交孤独问卷(ESLI)测查云南省5所高校492名大学生,目的在于了解大学生手机依赖与孤独感、基本心理需要内在关系机制。结果显示,手机依赖组和非手机依赖组在基本心理需要、孤独感及各维度上的得分存在显著性,手机依赖组孤独感总分高于非手机依赖组,手机依赖组在关系需要、胜任需要、自主需要得分及基本心理需要总分都低于非手机依赖组,手机依赖与孤独感、基本心理需要存在显著相关,孤独感可以正向预测手机依赖,基本心理需要可以负向预测手机依赖;基本心理需要是孤独感对手机依赖的中介变量,中介效应值为0.114。因此,可以通过满足大学生心理需要和减少其孤独感来预防和干预大学生的手机依赖。  相似文献   

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