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片段:1.T:I’m tired.Boys and girls,let’s go to my home.OK?S:OK!T:This is my home.It’s nice.Shall we watch TV?S:Good!T:Let’s go to the sitting-room.(教师在预先画好的一所漂亮的房子上,贴上客厅的图片,教学新单词sitting-room)2.生在师的引导下以各种形式读新单词。3.T:What’s this?S:It’s a sofa.T:Where’s the sofa?S:It’s in the sitting-room.  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.课件出示六个形状类单词以及各自所代表的图形。师指着长方形问:What shape is it?S:It’s a rectangle.生生之间问答其余的图形。2.课件出示餐桌、围巾、太阳、蛋糕的图片,师问:What shape is the table/scarf/sun/cake?S:It’s a square/rectangle/circle/triangle.3.师出示书签、钟、手表、风筝、窗户等图片,请生生之间用"What shape is the…?S:It’s a…"进行同桌操练。4.生生上台表演,师给予适  相似文献   

1.What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?(1)这是一询问“某物用英语怎么说”的常用句式。是一个特殊疑问句,回答时常用“It’s…”结构。其中What’s是What is的缩写形式,It’s是It is的缩写形式。例如:—What’s this?这是什么?—It’s letter A.它是字母A。—What’s that?那是什么?—It’s a hat.它是一顶帽子。(2)其中in English意为“用英语”。类似用法的还有:in Chines“用汉语”;in Japanese“用日语”等等。例如:—What’s this in English?用英语说这是什么?—It’s milk.是牛奶。—What’s that in Chinese?用汉语…  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身谜语:猜食物。激发学生的思维,同时为呈现下面的表格作铺垫。如:It comes from the hen,but not from the cock.What is it?People say it’s a dog,but it can’t walk.You can eat it.What is it?二、导入教师出示一份学校食堂菜单(如下)。Look,this is the school menu.让学生学说新词menu。Menu for This Week1.教师提问:What do you have for lunch on Mondays?引导学生理解后  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.T:Look at the book.S:It’s new.Work in pairs:Look at the…It’s…2.T(指着月亮图片):Look at the picture.What’s this?引导S:It’s a moon.(熟读并拼写单词moon。)3.T:Look at the moon.引导S:Oh,it’s big/bright/round/yellow.4.T(画一轮小月亮):Look at the moon.引导S:Oh,it’s small.5.同法教学单词sun,star,并操练句型"Look at the…Oh,it’s…"。  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.warm-up 1. 教师问候学生。 2. 师生同唱儿歌"The clock"。 Step 2.Presentation 1.Lead-in (1)多媒体出示 12 张钟面图片,让学生数钟的个数。 T:Clocks can tell us time. 2. 教授" What time is it ? It’s … o’clock "。 (1)通过多媒体出示钟面并呈现句子" What time is it ?"。 T:Look , what’s this ? S:It’s a clock. T:What time is it ? S:It’s one o’clock. (教学生认读 o’clock ) (2)教师再通过多媒体呈  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身1. Brainstorming What’s the weather like today?Which season is it now?How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?Which month is it now,do you know?  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.What must you keep after giving it to someone else? 2.Who can stop a truck with one hand? 3.What are the strongest days of the week? 4.Where does Friday come before Thursday? 5.Which travels faster,heat or cold? 6.Why did he throw a clock out of the window? 7.When should you kick about a birthday present? 8.It is yours,but others use it more than you do.What is it ? 9.What room has no walls,no doors,no floors,and no windows? 10.How are a teacher and a railroad conductor (列车员) alike? 11.Why are we always tired (累) on the first of April? 12.What is the longest sentence in the world? 13.What is the difference between a hill and a pill (药片) ? 14.What part of a clock is always old?  相似文献   

一、常见用语1.询问时间与应答What’s the time? What time is it? What’s the time? /What time is it by your watch? What time do you have?It’s...o’clock/halfpast.../aquarter to(past).../etc. It’s time for...2.询问星期几与应答  相似文献   

1.一这是什么?-这是电脑。误:-What’s this?-This is a computer.正:-What’s this?-It is a computer.析:对于What’s this/that?这样的问句,其回答要符合英语的习惯,即It is…。同理,其复数问句What are these/those?的回答,要用  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming-up 1.Daily talking (1)T:What day is it now? S:It’s Monday. (2)T:What’s the weather like today? S:It’s windy and sunny. T:It’s windy and sunny in winter.T:What season do you  相似文献   

猜一猜,看你是否猜得中1.What is in the middle of England? 2.How many letters are there in“Eng-lish”?3.Which is the longest word in English?  相似文献   

A Dialogue     
阅读下面的对话,从A,B,C中选出符合对话内容的选项: (M: Ma Lili K: Kate Green) M: Good morning! K: Good morning! M: What' s your name, please? K: My name is Kate Green.I'm American.  相似文献   

SCIENCE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(1) Q:How many planets are there in the solar system? 太阳系中有多少颗行星? A:There are nine of them. 共有九颗。(2) Q:Which is the world's largest fish? 世界上最大的鱼类是什么? A: It is the whale-shark. 鲸鲨。(3) Q:Which is the world's biggest bird? 世界上最大的鸟类是什么? A: It is the ostrich. 鸵鸟。(4) Q:Which is the world's largest animal on land? 陆地上最大的动物是什么? A: It is the African elephant. 非洲大象。(5) Q: Which is the world's longest river? 世界上最长的河流是哪一条? A: It is Egypt's River Nile. 埃及的尼罗河。(6) Q:Which bird lays me biggest egg in the world? 哪一种鸟生下世界上最大的蛋?  相似文献   

一、what引导的问句1.问物名What’s this?What are these? 2.问姓名What’s your name? 3.问年龄What’s the age of you? 4.问职业、身份What’s your father? 5.问具体时间What time is it? / What’s the time? 6.问星期几What day is it today? 7.问日期What’s the date today? 8.问颜色What colour is his car? 9.问怎么样(征求意见或询问消息)What about the red coat? 10.问用何种语言表达What’s the English for“桔子”? 11.问天气What’s the we…  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.请生欣赏5A第二单元E部分的动画。2.T:Watch the cartoon again and answer my question:What is the cartoon talking about?S:A mouse.3.分段欣赏动画,并回答问题:(1)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s in the desk.(2)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s on the chair.(3)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s under the desk.(4)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s near the school bag.(5)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s behind the door.(6)Where is the mouse at  相似文献   

(1)Q:Which is the world’s largest gulf?世界上最大的海湾是哪一个? A:The Gulf of Mexico.墨西哥湾。(2)Q:What is the home of an Eskimo?爱斯基摩人的家是什么?  相似文献   

放学后,Jimmy、Kate、Tom和Bob一起走在回家的路上。他们边走边聊。Tom问Bob课后都做些什么:A.What’s wrong with you? B.What do you do after school? C.Whose violin is this? D.Who lives in China?  相似文献   

I come from England.where do you come from?What’s the climate like inyour country?It’s mild,but it’s notalways pleasant.Sue:你来自哪个国家啊?Hans:我来自英国。Sue:你们国家的天气怎样?Hans:挺温暖的,不过很少有晴天的时候。Which seasons doyou like best?I lik  相似文献   

1.—_____?—He’s our physics teacher.A.What does your uncle doB.Who’s the man in blueC.Do you know the man in blueD.Is he your physics teacher答案:B,易错选A错因:混淆了Who’s he?和What’s he?所表达的含义。解析:Who’s he?是问和对方的关系。What’s he?表示“他是干什么的?”2._____?—It’s a sunny day.A.What day is it todayB.What’s the date todayC.What’s the temperature todayD.How is the weather today,答案:D,易错选A错因:混淆了询问天气与星期几的交际用语。解析:从所给答句来看,是在问天气。A…  相似文献   

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