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刻板印象是人们社会活动中认识他人的角色图示,随着全媒体时代的到来,大众传媒成为了人们形成角色图式的重要途径之一,其所传播的观念和行为方式对受众有着内在的、深层次的、潜移默化的影响,在一定程度上强化或改变着受众的刻板印象。文章以"媒介女性形象"的实地调查问卷为主要分析文本,试图了解受众对当今媒介女性形象的认知状态,并探讨消费主义文化于媒介女性形象塑造过程中在受众心理的映射,以此彰显大众媒介在传播女性形象上的效果问题,为我国媒介改善女性刻板印象报道,塑造真实女性形象提供可行性策略。  相似文献   

图式理论对社会心理学研究的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
图式是信息加工的认知心理学中的一个重要概念,它对人认知有4个方面的功能:注意、编码和检索功能,整合功能,理解功能和计划功能。社会心理学家在自己的研究中,引进图式概念,用“人的图式”解释人格,用“自我图式”解释自我概念,用“群体图式”解释刻板印象,对产生社会认知偏差的原因也通过图式概念有了新的阐述。从图式理论的相关研究可以发现,社会心理学的研究已经越来越多的融合了信息加工认知心理学的观点。与传统社会心理学单纯研究个体、群体的外部行为方式来预测心理现象的方法相比,图式加工的观点深入到人类大脑内部的信息加工过程,揭示了个体或群体根据已有知识来解释外界新信息的方法和过程。  相似文献   

性别刻板印象是人们在性别角色上所持有的刻板印象,是一种特殊的社会刻板印象,具有相当的稳定性。人们对于典型的男性或女性是什么样的看法会影响到对事物的认知。性别刻板印象常常使被认知的对象受到先入为主的对待,对人们的认知和行为产生重大的影响。本研究用发送调查问卷方法和观察法,并将采集到的数据语料运用SPSS 16.0从实证研究角度来分析汉语性别刻板印象的称谓语刻板印象以及由此引起的性别接受道歉频次的差异。  相似文献   

本文介绍了儿童内隐社会认知研究的主要领域--刻板印象的研究及其相关的理论模型(认知图式模型、样例模型和分类系统模型),并从主观和客观两方面对内隐社会态度的形成进行了分析.  相似文献   

本文介绍了儿童内隐社会认知研究的主要领域——刻板印象的研究及其相关的理论模型(认知图式模型、样例模型和分类系统模型),并从主观和客观两方面对内隐社会态度的形成进行了分析。  相似文献   

国外刻板印象研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刻板印象是社会认知领域的研究热点之一,自1922年这一概念首次被提出之后,就得到了广泛的探讨,特别是20世纪70年代以后受认知心理学的影响,其研究又得到了进一步的深化,从开始的内容界定向新近的机制探讨转移。这方面的研究主要集中在刻板印象的理论解释、心理表征以及在信息加工中的功效等方面。  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁发生机制的认知神经科学研究发现,女性数学刻板印象抑制了受威胁个体下前额皮质、左下顶叶皮质、两侧角回等数学学习时所用脑区的激活,激活了与情绪加工有关的脑区扣带前回腹侧;刻板印象威胁使受威胁个体终止对其学业表现的监控,进而从学业表现中脱离出来;刻板印象威胁导致受威胁个体对自我控制进行不恰当地调节,从而把其影响外溢到与当前刻板印象无关的任务中.未来研究应加强刻板印象威胁影响社会任务机制的认知神经科学研究,进一步整合刻板印象威胁发生机制的行为研究与认知神经研究各自获得的成果.  相似文献   

刻板印象信息的具体加工过程尚无定论,研究者已经提出了三种不同理论来解释之。文中阐述了用以解释刻板印象信息加工过程的三种理论:序列加工理论、平行加工理论以及基于目标决定的刻板印象加工理论。最后提出认知神经技术可能解决这一争论,并着重阐述了认知神经技术在刻板印象加工领域的应用成果且展望了今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

刻板印象是存在的,作为社会认知心理学的一个重要部分,对其的研究主要包括职业刻板印象、种族刻板印象、性别刻板印象。而对刻板印象的测量方法也从早期的直接测量发展为后来的间接测量,尤其是内隐刻板印象。近年来,随着研究的发展,Fiske等人提出的刻板印象内容模型理论,充实了刻板印象的研究。  相似文献   

内隐刻板印象是指调节某一社会类别成员的属性的不能内省辨别或不能准确辨别的过去经验的痕迹。通过对国内外内隐社会认知、内隐刻板印象研究进展情况的分析,分别介绍了内隐种族刻板印象、内隐性别刻板印象以及内隐地域刻板印象三个研究方向的具体内容。  相似文献   

认知语境与超常搭配词组的语义推导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知语境是语用者系统化了的语用知识, 它包括语言使用涉及的情景知识、语言上下文知识和背景知识, 也包括社会表征。而超常搭配是一种特殊的语言现象, 它指的是一种突破了词与词之间语义搭配常规的搭配关系。根据超常搭配词组语义的可推导性, 它可以分为两种: 一是必须借助社会表征才能推导出语义的超常搭配; 另一种是必须利用构成认知语境的诸因素才能推导出语义的超常搭配。  相似文献   

自科举制度创立以来,对科举制度的评价褒贬不一,此局面从科举制度实施的科举时代一直延续到科举制度废止后的后科举时代。从社会归因偏差理论视角,存在于科举评价中的刻板效应、错觉关联、晕轮效应是导致将科举制度"妖魔化"的深层原因。分析三个效应在科举评价中的表现及影响,从文化自觉、加强科举研究及增强科举信息传播角度切入是矫正科举评价中归因偏差的根本举措。  相似文献   

文化定势是一种文化现象,也是一种思维认知。从英语习语的角度分析文化定势,探讨自我文化和他文化认知定势的不同特点,进而了解定势认知既是一种普遍认知,却也是一种过度概括,可以更好地把握英语习语的文化意义,减少跨文化交际障碍。  相似文献   

定势现象是人类认知世界时使用的一种普遍的、基本的认知模式,是一种复杂的社会和心理现象。从框架理论视角出发,讨论定势认知的社会文化框架意义,并进一步分析定势的认知建构,为了解定势的认知本质和理解定势现象存在的必然性提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

Evaluation is an inherent part of education for an increasingly diverse student population. Confidence in one’s test‐taking skills, and the associated testing environment, needs to be examined from a perspective that combines the concept of Bandurian self‐efficacy with the concept of stereotype threat reactions in a diverse student sample. Factors underlying testing reactions and performance on a cognitive ability test in four different testing conditions (high or low stereotype threat and high or low test face validity) were examined in this exploratory study. The stereotype threat manipulation seemed to lower African‐American and Hispanic participants’ test scores. However, the hypothesis that there would be an interaction with face validity was only partially supported. Participants’ highest scores resulted from low stereotype threat and high face validity, as predicted. However, the lowest scores were not in the high stereotype threat/ low face validity condition as expected. Instead, most groups tended to score lower when the test was perceived to be more face valid. Stereotype threat manipulation affected Whites as well as non‐Whites, although differently. Specifically, high stereotype threat increased Whites’ cognitive ability test scores in the low face validity condition, but decreased them in the high face validity condition. Implications for testing and classroom environment design are discussed.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat has primarily been studied with regard to test performance in academic settings, testing aptitude, ability, and intelligence, and it has been found to cause both behavioral and cognitive decrements. Although there is research on stereotype threat in the workplace, this too is usually conducted in upper‐level or more academically based job tasks. This article concentrates on how stereotype threat affects those in manual labor workplace settings. This research, however, sought to test subjects on a behavioral task in a workplace setting to see if the results mirror those in academia. Stereotype threat in academic settings has been shown to cause both behavioral and cognitive decrements. It was theorized that stereotype threat would cause performance decrements for the African American participants. Participants were undergraduate students—60 Caucasian and 60 African American. All performed two manual labor tasks, sorting and assembling nuts and bolts, and a math test, half while under stereotype threat and half without stereotype threat manipulation. Results yielded significant differences between the two conditions for African Americans on both the academic and nonacademic/manual labor tasks.  相似文献   

民族地区的传播学课程教学隐性地存在着“族群刻板印象”的问题。造成“族群刻板印象”的成因,主要来源于教师或学生个人获取的信息与大众媒介建构的族群刻板印象,但成因背后却是权力的影响。在教学改革过程中,教师需要注重培养学生的批判精神,尽量去除针对少数族群“边缘化”的刻板印象,培养他们的人文关怀精神,才更有利于建构少数族群的形象。  相似文献   

文化定势是跨文化交际中一种普遍存在、不可避免的认知方式,它是直接影响交际效果的重要因素之一。基于高校学生对文化定势和跨文化交际认知的调查,分析文化定势对跨文化交际产生的影响,尝试从教师和学生的角度提出解决办法,以帮助学生更好地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

Research in science education has documented achievement gaps between men and women in math and physics that may reflect, in part, a response to perceived stereotype threat. Research efforts to reduce achievement gaps by mediating the impact of stereotype threat have found success with a short values-affirmation writing exercise. In biology and biochemistry, however, little attention has been paid to the performance of women in comparison with men or perceptions of stereotype threat, despite documentation of leaky pipelines into professional and academic careers. We used methodologies developed in physics education research and cognitive psychology to 1) investigate and compare the performance of women and men across three introductory science sequences (biology, biochemistry, physics), 2) document endorsement of stereotype threat in these science courses, and 3) investigate the utility of a values-affirmation writing task in reducing achievement gaps. In our study, analysis of final grades and normalized learning gains on content-specific concept inventories reveals no achievement gap in the courses sampled, little stereotype threat endorsement, and no impact of the values-affirmation writing task on student performance. These results underscore the context-dependent nature of achievement gaps and stereotype threat and highlight calls to replicate education research across a range of student populations.  相似文献   

Two studies including an ethnically diverse sample of 202 children ages 6 to 10 examined the development and consequences of children's awareness of others' stereotypes ("stereotype consciousness"). Study 1 revealed that between ages 6 and 10, children's ability to infer an individual's stereotype increases dramatically. Children's awareness of broadly held stereotypes also increases with age, and children from academically stigmatized ethnic groups (African Americans and Latinos) are at all ages more likely be aware of broadly held stereotypes than children from academically nonstigmatized ethnic groups (Whites and Asians). Study 2 revealed that among children from stigmatized ethnic groups aware of broadly held stereotypes, on 1 of 2 challenging cognitive tasks and self-reported effort, diagnostic testing conditions led to stereotype threat effects.  相似文献   

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