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Career counseling must be provided for the student with a strong singular artistic talent as well as for the student who demonstrates a multiplicity of artistic talents.  相似文献   

This research note is a brief summary of a survey carried out into the training of teachers in one area of science where recruitment to courses in Britain is extremely difficult: physics (see Fig. 1). The summary is based on information received from physics tutors in university departments of education (UDE) of England, Wales and Ireland. All figures refer to replies received (just over 80 per cent of the sample), and to the 1979‐80 year only. The courses referred to are one year professional preparation courses for university graduates leading to the Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE).  相似文献   

江泽民同志在庆祝北京师范大学建校一百周年大会上指出 :“教师在教育创新中承担着重要的使命。教师富有创新精神 ,才能培养出创新人才 ,教师应具备求真务实、勇于创新、严谨自律的治学态度和学术精神 ,努力发扬优良的学术风气和学术道德。”因此 ,基础教育应加强教师队伍建设 ,加大创新型教师的培养力度 ,为教师的可持续发展搭建平台 ,使之成为贯彻基础教育课程改革、实施新课程、全面推动素质教育进程的骨干力量。一、教师队伍现状基础教育是一场涉及转变教育思想、破除传统教学模式、探索一系列未知领域的深刻变革 ,在这场变革中 ,没有哪…  相似文献   

This article describes the development, with the help of international aid, of a distance education course for secondary school teachers located in a number of Caribbean countries. The course was designed to cover both content and teaching methods, and was able to introduce difficult and challenging ideas with some degree of success. The author of the course, and of this paper, Paul Ernest, is now at the University of Exeter.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt at training a group of school teachers in counselling. The aims were to monitor and evaluate the training process so that effective ways of training can be evolved. The implications of the study and applicability of the methodology for similar other programmes elsewhere are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted wherein an interactive, multimedia-based instructional system was piloted with preservice elementary school teachers. Mathematics methods classes experienced conventional instruction with a new interactive technological-instructional system as supplemental course material. An analysis of interview data indicated that students were more likely to incorporate the knowledge they acquired from the system into their teaching repertoire. Many students thought that this mode of presentation enhanced their learning of mathematics teaching methods and their teaching in other fields.This project was supported, in part, by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award # TPE-8950317) and International Business Machines.  相似文献   

The Israeli army has an educational system in which disadvantaged soldiers who have not completed elementary school, receive some weeks or months of additional schooling. The teaching is mainly done by women soldiers, some qualified teachers, but most of them volunteers who have finished secondary schools, but are without training in education. All teachers go through a special 3‐month course to prepare them for work with the disadvantaged soldiers. The article describes the special problems the teachers have to confront in bridging the various gaps between themselves and their pupils, in dealing with problems of discipline and motivation; and the manner in which these problems and ways of solving them are presented during the preparatory course.  相似文献   

This article presents several questions, reflections and suggestions on pre-service and in-service teacher training that arose during the project “Curricular innovation and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa”. While recognizing that the situation in the nine countries taking part in the project, and in many other countries in the southern hemisphere, is marked by a huge lack of teachers, with the attendant urgency and pressure, it must also be stated that the economic and social status of teachers is not always equal to the needs of the schools and societies. In this project on the place of the school in poverty alleviation and the promotion of peace, the role of the teachers was soon seen to be crucial. The analysis of the common areas of the demands made on teachers from the northern hemisphere and of the specific needs and realities of the countries from the south enabled us to start building possible responses in the short and medium term in the countries where Education for All (EFA) is not yet a fully fledged reality.  相似文献   

口语表达在现代信息社会中是应用最广泛的交际方式。师范学校应重视对学生口语能力的培养,在对学生进行口语能力培养的过程中,语文教师担负着不可推委的责任,语文教师不仅要自己能说会道,而且还要培养学生能讲会说,因此在对学生进行口语训练的过程中,语文教师首先应端正认识,其次要作示范,其三要提供方法,只有这样,对学生的口语训练才会卓有成效。  相似文献   

An increasing interest in nonverbal communication as an aspect of teacher training reflects the steady accumulation of research evidence regarding its importance for effective teaching. The present review of training research shows that nonverbal behaviors not only serve to communicate teacher expectations and attitudes and to regulate classroom interactions, but also to promote pupils' understanding of verbal material by structuring and illustrating its contents. With few exceptions, nonverbal behavior training programs have employed direct training strategies designed to influence specific rather than global classroom behaviors. The available evidence shows that these programs are effective, while the effectiveness of programs using indirect training is uncertain given its limited research base. By extending this approach to incorporate an indirect-global dimension it should be possible to broaden and deepen the impact of training. This chapter argues that improvisational play and game-like activities constitute one such extension and simultaneously provide for a multidimensional conceptualization of the classroom teacher's role.  相似文献   

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