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This article is part of a set of papers generated from a keynote presentation by Dr. Jack Frymier at the 1997 CREATE annual meeting. Dr. Frymier dealt with several reasons, that, as he saw it, invalidate the use of student achievement data in teacher accountability systems. This article first notes problems with Dr. Frymier's conception of accountability. Next, it summarizes some of the recent evidence showing the strong connection between school and teacher effectiveness measures and student achievement. It then notes some of the benefits of school and teacher effectiveness measures external to their function as measures of performance. Next, policy issues arising from the use of student data and the associated research are considered. Finally, it concludes with some cautions about using effectiveness measures in teacher accountability systems.  相似文献   

The article analyses the context and content of current national education sector policy documents from four African countries (Ethiopia, 1994; Mozambique, 1995; Namibia, 1993; Zambia, 1996). These documents are examined in relation to the educational policy agenda presented in World Bank publications and in the documents of the Jomtien Education for All conference. In all four cases a considerable degree of agreement is found between the national documents and the donor agenda, particularly in the countries undergoing structural adjustment programmes. The analysis also suggests that this influence is moderated by multi-party politics, and by remnants of previous socialist ideology.  相似文献   

It is always instructive to hear about the experiences of those seeking to promote inclusion in a range of cultures and countries around the world. In this article Dr Gaad, Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of the United Arab Emirates, reports on her Government-funded research into the education of children with Down's syndrome in her country. As an Arabic speaker, Dr Gaad was able to gather the views of parents, professionals and policy makers in some depth. As an educator, she brought a critical level of analysis to the lessons she observed.
In the following pages, Dr Gaad reflects on the attitudes, values and beliefs that impact upon the education of children with Down's syndrome in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). She discusses the educational services that are currently provided for these children and gives focused consideration to the issue of inclusion. The article closes with Dr Gaad's recommendations for future practice.  相似文献   

Mario Bunge is one of the most prolific philosophers of our time. Over the past sixty years he has written extensively about semantics, ontology, epistemology, philosophy of science and ethics. Bunge has been interested in the philosophical and methodological implications of modern psychology and more specifically in the philosophies of the relation between the neural and psychological realms. According to Bunge, functionalism, the philosophical stand of current psychology, has limited explanatory power in that neural processes are not explicitly acknowledged as components or factors of psychological phenomena. In Matter and Mind (2010), Bunge has elaborated in great detail the philosophies of the mind-brain dilemma and the basis of the psychoneural identity hypothesis, which suggests that all psychological processes can be analysed in terms of neural and physical phenomena. This article is the result of a long interview with Dr. Bunge on psychoneural identity and brain-behaviour relations.  相似文献   

This article is written as a response to Dr. Leighton Whitaker's article: “Bias: Thinking about College Student Psychotherapy versus Drug Treatment and Disability.” The author attempts to summarize the main arguments made by Dr. Whitaker and to highlight areas of agreement as well as differences. Although the current psychiatric diagnostic nomenclature has its weaknesses, this author makes a case for using the DSM as a starting point of understanding psychopathology, but not an end point. Also, although research data on psychopharmacology trials have concerning funding and design biases, a case is made for seeing medications as a helpful adjunctive treatment for some college-aged patients, but never superseding the need for an empathic therapist–patient relationship.  相似文献   

This article examines current in-school pregnancy policy in Mozambique, Decree 39/GM/2003, discussing how it discursively constructs in-school pregnancy as a problem, thereby raising the need to regulate its occurrence. Decree 39/GM/2003 indicates that pregnant schoolgirls should be transferred to night courses in order to complete their education. Although progressive in some respects, as it allows pregnant girls to remain in education, the Decree reflects a global tendency to see education and pregnancy as oppositional. As a consequence, the practical implications of transferring pregnant girls to night courses have the perverse effect of encouraging dropout. Stimulated by this contradiction, I reflect on how the policy text produces a deficit view of the pregnant schoolgirl. This Foucauldian process of subjectification results in a strengthening of the opposition between pregnancy and education. As a result, pregnant schoolgirls are ‘thrown out’ of their education, defeating the inclusive aims of the national policy.  相似文献   

There has been particular interest in Chinese child rearing practices since the Open Door Policy was established in 1975. The Chinese government's “one child family” policy has increased this interest. Indeed, speculation on the results of this policy has occurred in China as well, as reflected in an article inChina Daily, Friday, August 21, 1987, which asks, “Are We Spoiling Our Children?” Concerns raised in this article include children becoming undisciplined, self-centered, and even overweight. Another article in this newspaper discusses the necessity of allowing individuals with handicaps to enter colleges, hold jobs, and enjoy equal opportunity. Cohen and Rae (1987), in discussing educational considerations, state that Chinese parents dislike their children engaging in fingerpainting and playing in mud puddles. I did not encounter these parental characteristics, so I want to share my experiences regarding Chinese customs toward children and individuals with special needs.  相似文献   

Teachers' perception of the educational policy is vital to understand the success or failure of the policy's implementation. In this article, we describe the development and use of the Policy Characteristics Scale to measure teachers' perception of a new teacher evaluation policy. An exploratory factor analysis (n = 347) and a confirmative factor analysis (n = 263) revealed a three-factor structure of teachers' perception of the new educational policy: policy's practicality, need, and clarifying function. Our research results indicated that teachers confirm the policy's need. They perceive the reform as clear but they have questions about the policy's implementation. Implications for policy makers and school leaders are discussed.  相似文献   

It has come to the attention of the Editor that the article ‘Problematic nature of school purposes: implications for pre‐service teacher training programmes’ in volume 29, issue 2, in 1997 inadvertently contained substantial unacknowledged material belonging to Dr Petersen. The Editor would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to Dr Petersen. The article published below is based upon Dr Petersen's paper originally submitted by him at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Atlanta, Georgia, in February 1994.  相似文献   

The "administrative voice" of the psychotherapist referred to in Dr. May's article is only one of the administrative voices heard in the institution when a student is in crisis. Deans often become involved in a student's departure from the institution or in articulating the terms under which a student may remain or return. The extent of a dean's collaboration with the counseling center and his or her ability to respond independent of the counseling center, depend in large measure, on how the institution has defined the role and authority of the dean. In this commentary article I have generally concurred with Dr. May's view that deans can and should respond independent of the counseling center to a student's disruptive or alarming behavior, but I have also attempted to illuminate the constraints which often exist on our ability to act. In addition, I have attempted to give voice to the need for regular conversation between deans and psychotherapists on matters of general policy.  相似文献   

One of the primary goals of Freirean theory is the achievement of a higher level of political and social consciousness amongst participants in educational programming. Freire himself only loosely defined this sense of consciousness, and interpretations of how this abstract concept might look vary widely. In some organisations, the politically radical goals of Freirean facilitators do not match the desired outcomes of participants. Other organisations may use Freirean methods to pursue their programming, but without subscribing to Freire's revolutionary educational project. This article provides case study examples of both extremes in Brazil and Mozambique, concluding with the argument that applying Freire's notion of critical consciousness organisationally can help to make sense of the diversity of interpretation among Freirean nonprofits.  相似文献   

This article identifies four areas of ethical concern in counselor education. Counselor educators in the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) region were surveyed regarding their attitudes and practices concerning these four areas. Survey results with conclusions and recommendations are given. Vignette 1: J. Jones, a single counselor education professor, is told by K. Adams, a single female graduate student in one of his classes, that she finds him very attractive. She then invites him to her home for dinner. Vignette 2: J. Smith, a student and advisee of counselor educator M. Thompson, is taking a group dynamics course from her this semester. He believes that participation in the course has triggered his desire to work on some issues in his personal life. He approaches Dr. Thompson to be his counselor. Vignette 3: Counselor educator F. Rogers suggests an idea for a research study to graduate student P. Collins. Ms. Collins carries out the study and submits a paper describing it in order to meet a requirement in Dr. Rogers's class. Dr. Rogers later decides that with some revision this paper could be publishable. He spends many hours revising the paper so that it is suitable for publication. When he submits it, he lists himself as first author. Vignette 4: Counselor educator A. Johnson is serving on C. Young's dissertation committee. Ms. Young, who is a training director at a major business in the community, offers Dr. Johnson a lucrative consulting contract with her company.  相似文献   

This Forum article addresses some of the issues raised in the article by Ying-Syuan Huang and Anila Asghar’s paper entitled: Science education reform in Confucian learning cultures: teachers’ perspectives on policy and practice in Taiwan. An attempt is made to highlight the need for a more nuanced approach in considering the Confucian education tradition and its compatibility with education reforms. In particular, the article discusses issues concerning the historical development of the Confucian education tradition, challenges in reform implementation that are in reality tradition-independent, as well as opportunities and points of convergence that the Confucian education tradition presents that can in fact be favorable to implementation of reform-based pedagogies.  相似文献   

二十世纪末,西方国家政府市场化民营化改革的浪潮尽管取得了一定效果,但是一些原来被忽视的问题随之出现。乔治&;#8226;弗雷德里克森指出问题的所在,即公共行政的基本价值的偏离:政府在追求效率而不是社会公平;公务员缺乏公民精神。论文主要对其为代表新公共行政的行政文化观的理路进行剖析,评析它的实践和理论意义。  相似文献   

孔祥熙在抗战之前对通货膨胀的否认虽然在学理上讲不通,但其目的是为成功谋划和推行法币政策创造良好的舆论氛围;孔祥熙在抗战初期虽然对通货膨胀政策持谨慎和保留的态度,但掩盖不了他当时密谋采用此政策解决财政困难的事实;孔祥熙在抗战中后期虽然找出种种理由来否认通货膨胀的客观存在,但都掩盖不了他企图在通货膨胀问题上自欺欺人、推卸责任的思想本质.  相似文献   


The specialist schools programme is currently seen by policy makers as a way of transforming the comprehensive education system, and meeting the local needs of parents for diversity and excellence. Insofar as this policy has an evidence-base this has been provided by studies showing higher levels of attainment among existing specialist schools. This article shows that if these advantages occur then there is a danger that they do so at a cost in terms of inclusion. The existing specialist schools have also shown a greater tendency to take proportionately fewer children from poor families over time, especially where these schools are also their own admission authorities. If this trend continues it will exacerbate the pre-existing social and economic segregation in the education system. The article ends by considering some of the implications for school organisation.  相似文献   


This article is the first part of a debate with David Hargreaves about the ideas expressed in his article ‘Diversity and choice in school education: a modified libertarian approach’. It discusses the difficulties of using cost‐benefit analysis in education, examines in detail some of the documents on which Hargreaves's argument is based and traces the development of policy on school choice. It is argued that policy on choice must be understood within a consideration of the wider social and political context in which that policy has arisen. The article then documents the various new forms of selection that have accompanied increased choice and considers problems of social segregation. The article concludes with suggestions on how the system might be reformed.  相似文献   

在新贸易理论的主要内容及战略性贸易政策的具体措施的基础上,对此做出简要评价:新贸易理论比传统的贸易理论更符合国际贸易现实,并提出了一些重要理论创新,从而丰富和完善了国际贸易理论的内容;战略性贸易政策的实质是保护主义在贸易领域的体现,在实际运用中具有一定的借鉴意义和局限性。  相似文献   

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