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正近来,杨永信事件又引起了人们的广泛关注。7年前他开创的"电击治疗法"——对青少年进行电击以治疗网瘾被媒体曝光后,被卫生部紧急叫停。然而,这期间全国类似的网瘾戒治中心仍在招生。为什么这类网瘾戒治还会有市场?一些家长说,卫生部和外界并不理解他们的"绝望"和"无助"。在他们看来,"电击治疗法"并没有什么不安全,且效果非常好。那么电击对网瘾治疗到底有效吗?本文将尝试从脑科学和心理学的角度回答这个问题。  相似文献   

储节旺  李善圆 《现代情报》2014,34(11):49-52
在当今网络社会,虽然信息传播的速度越来越快,信息量也越来越大,但是无法否认信息不对称依然是较为广泛存在的事实.本文根据现实案例以及问卷调查,分析信息不对称对消费者的二次伤害(连锁伤害),并从信息传播环节的角度提出相应对策.  相似文献   

近年来,幼儿意外伤害事故屡屡发生,对幼儿的身心健康造成严重威胁,事故发生后,媒体的不当采访和报道造成幼儿心理压力过大,进一步刺激和破坏幼儿的心理机制。除此之外,家长在面对事故所表现出的冲动情绪与不当行为不但对问题的解决没有帮助,对幼儿的心理和社会性发展等方面还会造成不可逆的影响,最终导致幼儿的二次伤害。  相似文献   

In the August 2020 issue of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Giuseppe Lippi and Mario Plebani proposed a definition of laboratory medicine, which ends with this sentence: “The results of these measurements are translated into actionable information for improving the care and/or maintaining the wellness of both a single individual and an entire population”. Nevertheless, the selfishness of individuals may, sometimes, jeopardize the interest of whole populations. The virtue of justice being within the reach of the entire human community more than of single individuals, the final sentence in the definition proposed by Giuseppe Lippi and Mario Plebani, should therefore, in our view, be rewritten, less selfishly, for example like this: “For a given investment, these measurements are preferably made when they bring as much beneficence, and non-maleficence, as possible to the whole population”.  相似文献   

Lazear (2005) suggests that entrepreneurs should be generalists, while those who work for others should be specialists. Many prospective entrepreneurs will develop varied skills by engaging in a variety of employment activities prior to becoming an entrepreneur, and incomes are higher for those that do so. An alternative view predicts that those with greater taste for variety are more likely to become entrepreneurs. Varied employment prior to becoming an entrepreneur is simply an expression of this taste, and is associated with lower earnings. Data from a survey of 830 independent inventors and 300 individuals from the general population are used to discriminate between these two theories. The results show that inventor-entrepreneurs typically have a more varied labor market experience, and that varied work experience is associated with lower household income.  相似文献   

2007年1月21日,辽宁省科协六届六次全委会议在省科技馆隆重召开,会议由省科协主席王天然主持,省科协党组书记,常务副主席两向东作了题为《努力增强科协组织“三服务”能力 为全面振兴辽宁与构建和谐社会做出新贡献》的工作报告;会上传达了中央书记处关于科协工作的几点意见和中国科协七届二次全委会会议精神。  相似文献   

通过比较三台发电机主保护定量化设计的结果,进一步指出在大中型发电机定子绕组初步设计过程中,需要将发电机中性点侧的引出方式、内部可能出现的故障特征以及主保护方案等结合起来,进行综合、全面的考虑。发电机设计和继电保护彼此分离,很容易使发电机在整个运行过程中出现安全问题。因此,将两者结合起来,利于定子绕组计划的优化设计。  相似文献   

牡丹江市自来水公司构建二次供水统一管理、区域加压供水新模式,破解二次供水难题,化解吃水难矛盾,提高运营效率,实现供水企业持续发展。  相似文献   

浙江省民营企业众多,是浙江经济发展的重要组成部分。在1992年小平同志发表南方谈话以后,浙江省的民营企业经历了一个从开始起步到实现第一次飞跃的发展历程,进入新世纪新阶段,面对经济全球化和国际国内市场竞争日趋激烈的发展大趋势,民营企业的发展质量和水平亟待提升,正面临着努力实现第二次飞跃的历史性任务。在分析了浙江省民营企业自身现存的问题、面临的新形势以及外商投资企业优势的基础上,提出民营企业可通过引进外资、与外资企业合作,提升发展水平,实现第二次飞跃。  相似文献   

2月24日上午,台州市科协组织全体干部职工学习贯彻省科协九届二次全委会精神,并部署2012年的台州市科协工作的重点。  相似文献   

A large amount of literature provides empirical evidence in support of Marshall or Jacobs theories regarding the specialization or diversity effects on the economic performance of regions. This paper surveys these scholarly contributions and summarizes their results according to their similarities and differences. The reviewed empirical work presents a diverse picture of possible conditions and circumstances under which each kind of externalities could be at work. The wide breadth of findings is generally not explained by differences in the strength of agglomeration forces across industries, countries or time periods, but by measurement and methodological issues. The levels of industrial and geographical aggregation together with the choice of performance measures, specialization and diversity indicators are the main causes for the lack of resolution in the debate. The 3-digit industrial classification seems to be the level at which MAR and Jacobs effects are undistinguishable from one another, and this is often exacerbated by a high level of geographical aggregation.  相似文献   

<正>美国当地时间4月12日下午3点,前国务卿、前第一夫人、前参议员希拉里·克林顿宣布参加2016年的美国总统大选,向美国总统宝座发起第二次冲击。7年前,希拉里在民主党党内初选中败给了名不见经传的奥巴马,在争夺权力的道路上,止步于爱荷华州。2014年9月,希拉里再次回到爱荷华州,当她回答再次参加总统选举的可能性时,不无感慨地说道:"我们等不起另一个7年了。"对于已经年满68岁的希拉里来说,或许这真的是她最后的机会了。这一次,会是希拉里吗?  相似文献   

The goal of the study presented in this article is to investigate to what extent the classification of a web page by a single genre matches the users’ perspective. The extent of agreement on a single genre label for a web page can help understand whether there is a need for a different classification scheme that overrides the single-genre labelling. My hypothesis is that a single genre label does not account for the users’ perspective. In order to test this hypothesis, I submitted a restricted number of web pages (25 web pages) to a large number of web users (135 subjects) asking them to assign only a single genre label to each of the web pages. Users could choose from a list of 21 genre labels, or select one of the two ‘escape’ options, i.e. ‘Add a label’ and ‘I don’t know’. The rationale was to observe the level of agreement on a single genre label per web page, and draw some conclusions about the appropriateness of limiting the assignment to only a single label when doing genre classification of web pages. Results show that users largely disagree on the label to be assigned to a web page.  相似文献   

Harvey J 《Endeavour》2003,27(2):57-62
Darwin came to realize that he could never devise an experiment that would demonstrate the development of new species by crossing hybrids. Instead, he turned to the problem of sterility within a species. The difference between Darwin's experimental and theoretical approach and that of French scientists working in the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris can be shown most vividly by tracking Darwin's experiments in botany and his interest in those of Charles Naudin on hybrid plants. In his discussion of Mendel, Robert Olby has provided an interesting analysis of Naudin's hereditary concepts. I have approached some of the same work here with an emphasis on the question of sterility raised by Darwin, not simply between hybrids but within members of the same species and the light that he thought this could throw on both heredity and the origin of species.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104829
Systematic evaluations of publicly funded research sometimes use bibliometrics alone or bibliometric-informed peer review, but it is not known whether bibliometrics introduce biases when supporting or replacing peer review. This article assesses this by comparing three alternative mechanisms for scoring 73,612 UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) journal articles from all 34 field-based Units of Assessment (UoAs) 2014–17: REF peer review scores, field normalised citations, and journal average field normalised citation impact. The results suggest that in almost all academic fields, bibliometric scoring can disadvantage departments publishing high quality research, as judged by peer review, with the main exception of article citation rates in chemistry. Thus, introducing journal or article level citation information into peer review exercises may have a regression to the mean effect. Bibliometric scoring slightly advantaged women compared to men, but this varied between UoAs and was most evident in the physical sciences, engineering, and social sciences. In contrast, interdisciplinary research gained from bibliometric scoring in about half of the UoAs, but relatively substantially in two. In conclusion, out of the three potential sources of bibliometric bias examined, the most serious seems to be the tendency for bibliometric scores to work against high quality departments, assuming that the peer review scores are correct. This is almost a paradox: although high quality departments tend to get the highest bibliometric scores, bibliometrics conceal the full extent of departmental quality advantages, as judged by peer review. This should be considered when using bibliometrics or bibliometric informed peer review.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104712
Household sector innovation is significant in scale and scope. Thus far, it has been studied in isolation and with mixed evidence regarding the role of personal resources (consumers' income and discretionary time). We recognize that household sector innovation is embedded in the broader phenomenon of do-it-yourself (DIY) by consumers, as the literature reveals conceptual similarities, parallel motivations, and antecedents. The main distinction is that, whereas DIY goods may replicate existing products, household sector innovation is restricted to goods embodying a novel function. We explore if studying household sector innovation and DIY in an integrated framework helps to resolve previous inconsistent evidence on the role of personal resources. Based on a neoclassical model in which agents optimize their time allocation, we hypothesize that income and discretionary time positively relate to their DIY output, but—given that agents develop DIY goods—we hypothesize that income negatively relates to innovation. For discretionary time, we formulate a research question regarding its effect on innovation which we answer empirically. Our findings suggest that consumers with more personal resources derive more process benefits from DIY but that these benefits crowd out individuals' focus on the function of their objects, hence, the likelihood of developing innovations. Survey data from the United Arab Emirates (n = 2728) confirm our suppositions, showing that the relationship between personal resources and household sector innovation is more refined than suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

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