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Conclusion Even though the collaboration between the state university and the government research center ended inconclusively, the authors examined the collaboration with an attempt to provide sound guidance for future collaboration projects. Based upon the findings above, many of the challenges that the technology collaboration faced become clearer. A primary problem was an unclear definition regarding the type of collaboration that was being developed. Goals and project timelines were not agreed upon or clearly communicated between all participants. Many graduate students chose to contribute to the project because it appeared to be an attempt to engage teachers and researchers in working collaboratively to design and develop a usable and engaging product for the classroom. This type of collaboration, however, requires authentic participation by all parties. As the project progressed, many teachers felt that they had increasingly limited input into the design of the multimedia modules. For example, teachers raised many concerns related to interface design and lesson content, but later learned that these items were non-negotiable. Teachers began to feel as though their role was more of an apprentice or an intern learning from rather than with the research center. Lack of clarity regarding roles conspired with a host of issues related to partnership development to obstruct the overall product from being completed. As a result, it is impossible to gauge whether the modules designed via the partnership will have a greater impact on student learning than those created solely by the research center. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine whether participating teacher practices changed. None of them had the opportunity to pilot test the modules within their classrooms and a very small percentage completed all quarters of participation. The greatest challenges of the project related to whether or not the needs of the two institutions involved and of the graduate students were fulfilled. The technology collaboration was an honest attempt to involve teachers in the development of science curriculum and technology on a national scale. There exists great potential in linking the skills of teachers with the resources available through the research center and the authors were personally invested in getting involved in the collaboration. Critical to the success of such collaborations is effectively utilizing the skills of all participants, and essential to the measure of its success is the overall ability of the project to meet stakeholders’ needs.  相似文献   

John C. Cairns 《Prospects》1989,19(4):549-558
Former Director of the Centre for International Programmes, University of Guelph, Ontario (1974–85); of the Division of Adult Education (1972–74) and of the Literacy Division (1968–72), Unesco. He has considerable experience with adult education and literacy programmes in less developed countries, notably in South and South-East Asia.  相似文献   


This paper discusses two modifications to the conduct of computer‐conference‐based master's degree courses: a maximum length for conference messages was suggested and, more importantly, conference moderators, or topic leaders, were appointed from among the student cohort. Drawing on previous work on conference moderation, it is argued that the differing power relationships between student and student and between instructor and student result in a context in which instructor and student moderators can perform complementary functions to ensure a more productive conferencing environment.  相似文献   

This article reports on a collective self-study from our multiple and unique experiences of teaching self-study research in the Netherlands and the United States. Through the methodology of dialog, we merged what we learned from our individual studies which resulted in six guidelines for a pedagogy for teaching self-study research. Without claiming that the six guidelines have full applicability to all teaching contexts, we offer instead a discussion of the complexities and value of framing a pedagogy of self-study research. This study provides a conceptual, theoretical, and practical base for further studies to build a knowledge base on this topic.  相似文献   


As conservative political ideologies have shifted U.S. correctional policies toward a justice model orientation, efforts to escalate the “pains of imprisonment” have become increasingly prevalent. Although these attempts to enhance the punishing aspects of incarceration are primarily driven by political grandstanding and emotional appeal, it is not uncommon for today's postsecondary students to enter the classroom with punitive attitudes similarly based on rhetoric and emotion. Yet correctional students cannot be expected to develop an empathetic appreciation for the intrinsically punishing nature of confinement itself through traditional classroom techniques that rely exclusively on the cognitive dimensions of learning. In an effort to broaden personal perspectives on punishment by engaging the affective domain, students in an introductory corrections class participated in a simulated 48-hour confinement exercise. The intent was to enhance empathy for the intrinsic discomfort of imprisonment through experiential learning. The results not only point clearly in that direction, but also manifest parallels with the actual pains of confinement experienced by inmates in the real world.  相似文献   

汶川地震的救援工作暴露出在突发事件应急医疗卫生救援中医疗拣选(triage)的不足。虽有一些研究注意到这一重要教训,但更多的研究仅讨论了相关医疗技术问题。医疗拣选作用的发挥更主要地依赖于在突发事件应急管理体系建设中相关管理问题的改进。首先,在不同的突发事件(对应不同的医疗资源稀缺程度)和不同的时间阶段中,应当应用从医疗需要原则到救治率原则等不同的医疗拣选原则。其次,在应急管理体系建设中,应采取改进现有应急预案、应急法制和应急机制等措施,强化实践中医疗拣选不同原则的应用,从而实现医疗拣选的有效实施。其中最重要的改进措施是应急预案中医疗拣选程序的具体化和制定医疗拣选的法定标准。  相似文献   

In October 2015, Korea launched its first massive open online course (MOOC) program entitled K-MOOC. This study analyzes the K-MOOC learner data provided by the National Lifelong Learning Agency. The data include the 272 courses implemented between 26 October 2015, and 31 August 2017 and the participants who took the said courses. The number of participants in the K-MOOC courses in the same period stands at 289,163. The average completion rate of K-MOOC was 9.3%. It is not far below the average completion rate of MOOCs in general, which is known to be 10% or lower. A comparison between Korea’s K-MOOC and the United States’ edX, which consists of similar courses to the former, shows that the most visible difference between the two lies in the average number of participants per course. An average K-MOOC course is taken by 1,063.1 participants, whereas an average edX course serves 15,341.5 participants. Moreover, there were 91% of participants who accessed the K-MOOC courses from their host country, whereas it was 29% for edX.  相似文献   

The two research projects described and discussed in the special issue provided much needed longitudinal empirical data to show the curricular influence on classroom instruction and student learning outcomes. The findings have helped to advance our understanding of whether the reform curricula can bring about positive changes in classroom instruction and student learning outcomes and how such changes might be sustained. In this article we synthesize the results from the two studies and discuss several lessons learned from the projects about investigating and understanding curricular effects on the teaching and learning of mathematics.  相似文献   

Compelling arguments for reform of statistical practices have been made in many disciplines, in some cases over several decades, but achieving reform has proved difficult. We discuss how reform has progressed—or not progressed—in psychology, medicine, and ecology and describe case studies of attempts by pioneering journal editors to change statistical practices. Lessons for those seeking reform in education include the need to recognize the importance of journal editors and of provision of articles, books, and software that give practical guidance to researchers wishing to use the recommended statistical techniques. Research is required on recommended techniques so that statistical practice can become evidence based. Also, improvement in statistical practice should be encouraged along with improvement in the way a discipline theorizes. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 441–449, 2007.  相似文献   

Doctoral students' inexperience in publication writing poses a challenge to higher education faculties. The approach detailed here to collegial writing—professors and students working as colleagues—offers one response. The assumptions guiding the course are followed by an elaboration of its key structuring components. The article concludes with a discussion of five lessons essential to the replication of a similar publication writing workshop in other settings. Among them are adopting a process model, electing a nontraditional course mode, employing cooperative learning as the dominant strategy, and drawing on schoolwide faculty to broaden perspectives on publication.Margo A. Figgins, Assistant Professor of English Education at the University of Virginia, directs the University's Young Writers Workshop, co-directs the Central Virginia Writing Project and, as a poet, works with Virginia students and teachers through the state's Artists-in-Education program.Harold J. Burbach is Associate Professor of Education at the University of Virginia.  相似文献   

Recognition of the need to maintain continuity through daily interruptions in an organization is not found often in the literature. The design and development of a knowledge harvesting process and tool as a means to address employee separation was investigated. The lessons learned suggest that a knowledge harvesting tool must be adaptable to the needs of the organization, be understood by the users, and be usable by the user and the organization.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusion The above discussion should make my position clear-that the issue of appropriate media is dependent on the quality of the personnel. Skilled personnel can perform a variety of tasks such as arguing the case for a more central role for media and technology in instruction, developing low-cost alternatives, giving support to the minority with “high tech”, selecting and adapting imported media and technology to fit local conditions, and exploring traditional non-technological options for the purpose of enhancing learning. In my view, the option of training personnel is a bottom-up approach to the question of media and technology. This approach gives the practitioners the knowledge which is required to make choices, to innovate, and to select. Given such power, the practitioners are in a position to argue the case for more media resources; they are able to generate effective and responsive learning environments, using the available media and technology. Such effectiveness and responsiveness is surely what cultural appropriateness of media and technology is about. The program of teacher education that we are developing at the University of Zimbabwe is intended to produce competent media producers and users. By offering courses in media and technology to prospective teachers, and offering training to key media personnel working in other training colleges, we hope to develop the skills of our teachers to a point where they can be innovators in the process of developing culturally appropriate media and technology.  相似文献   

Recent advances in treatment modalities and the manner in which services are organized have made it possible to serve children with severe emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) in a more responsive and less restrictive manner. Current approaches rely on collaboration among child‐serving agencies as well as between parents and service providers. In this article, we explore the role of schools in collaborative efforts on behalf of children with EBD. The demands on school personnel in local school districts are examined, the elements required for effective collaboration are articulated, and an exemplary model of comprehensive collaboration is described. Impediments to effective collaboration are summarized, and suggestions for how to create and sustain reliable partnerships are offered at the level of individual provider and child‐serving organization. Attention is given to contextual factors, such as financing and organizational structure, and also to programmatic issues. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 419–428, 2006.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the research trends in the context of postgraduate programmes in the field of Educational Technology (ET) in Turkey between 1996 and 2016, and to uncover the possible factors that influence these trends from the perspective of ET faculty members. This study was informed by critical theory and employed the critical inquiry method. In the first phase, content analysis technique was used in order to explore trends in research methods and topics in theses completed in ET postgraduate programmes in Turkey. In the second phase, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 faculty members regarding the possible influential factors. The findings of the content analysis indicated that ET research was dominated by quantitative research designs in the examined theses. Critical methods were overlooked and social, cultural, and political issues were largely silenced. The findings of the interviews showed that the factors that have been influential on ET research trends were the social impact of the research, personal interests and skills, disciplinary and departmental culture, and feasibility concerns. This study presents implications for better ET research by addressing blind spots of the field and providing suggestions for ET postgraduate students, ET scholars, policymakers and practitioners in a global context and other developing countries since the resulting trends in Turkey were found similar to international trends in the field.  相似文献   


Universities across the United States offer classes taught entirely over the Internet. Teaching with this medium, however, is still relatively new so faculty and administrators need to understand the salient issues that attend to course offerings in a “virtual classroom.” This paper discusses the benefits and challenges that arose when a Substantive Criminal Law course was developed and taught on the Internet in the Fall of 1997. Pedagogical and technical issues that arose during the development and implementation of the course are addressed. Policy recommendations are also suggested.  相似文献   

Although traditional departments of anatomy are vanishing from medical school rosters, anatomical education still remains an important part of the professional training of physicians. It is of some interest to examine whether history can teach us anything about how to reform modern anatomy. Are there lessons to be learned from the history of anatomical teaching in the United States that can help in the formulation of contents and purposes of a new anatomy? This question is explored by a review of US anatomical teaching with special reference to Franklin Paine Mall and the University of Michigan Medical School. An historical perspective reveals that there is a tradition of US anatomical teaching and research that is characterized by a zeal for reform and innovation, scientific endeavor, and active, student‐driven learning. Further, there is a tradition of high standards in anatomical teaching through the teachers' engagement in scientific anatomy and of adaptability to new requirements. These traditional strengths can inform the innovation of modern anatomy in terms of its two duties—its duty to anatomy as a science and its duty toward anatomical education. Anat Sci Educ 3:202–212, 2010 © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This paper considers how some secondary schools in England have been able to respond to the conflicting demands of school improvement policies, as measured by high academic standards and the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. It begins with a discussion of the context in which all English schools are currently operating and a summary of the extent to which research on school effectiveness and school improvement has influenced research on inclusion and vice versa. Key findings from our work in secondary schools committed to inclusion are presented and discussed in light of teacher, subject department and whole school responses to pupil diversity. The paper concludes with a conceptualisation of inclusive schools as those that meet the dual criteria of enrolling a diverse student population and improving academic standards for all.  相似文献   

循证是从群体到个体,从普遍到特殊,寻找经验理论证据,而审慎、明智地做出实践决策的过程。循证教育学(Evidence-Based Education)是沟通教育实践和理论的桥梁。笔者基于循证教育学视野下探析闽南农村中学信息技术教学现状现存问题,循证于已有的教育科学理论经验证据,从而提出并论证提高闽南农村中学信息技术教学实效性方案。  相似文献   

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