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During the 1960s, a growing contingent of left-leaning voices claimed that the social sciences suffered mistreatment and undue constraints within the natural science-dominated federal science establishment. According to these critics, the entrenched scientific pecking order in Washington had an unreasonable commitment to the unity of the sciences, which reinforced unacceptable inequalities between the social and the natural sciences. The most important political figure who advanced this critique, together with a substantial legislative proposal for reform, was the Oklahoma Democratic Senator Fred Harris. Yet histories of science and social science have told us surprisingly little about Harris. Moreover, existing accounts of his effort to create a National Social Science Foundation have misunderstood crucial features of this story. This essay argues that Harris's NSSF proposal developed into a robust, historically unique, and increasingly critical liberal challenge to the post-World War II federal science establishment's treatment of the social sciences as "second-class citizens."  相似文献   

行为科学的现状和发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
行为科学是指用科学的研究方法 ,探索在自然和社会环境中人的行为的科学。半个世纪以来 ,世界各国成立了许多有关行为科学的研究机构 ,对不同领域的问题开展了大量研究。当前的信息化和经济全球化 ,向行为科学研究提出两个重要的前沿问题 ,即信息化条件下个体与组织的行为适应、经济全球化带来的文化冲突与融合。美国已正式宣布 2 0 0 0— 2 0 10年为“行为的 10年” ,我国也应加强行为科学的研究。最后展望了 2 1世纪行为科学的发展趋势  相似文献   

摘要:社会科学研究依赖于正确的、不断发展的方法论指导。当代社会科学问题的系统复杂性特征,正不断向社会科学研究方法论提出新的挑战,并且进一步要求我们进行科学哲学的反思与探索。文章通过分析当代社会科学研究中方法论面临的挑战,提出学科综合集成以及交叉融合是建立当代社会科学研究方法论体系的重要原则,并结合国内学者开展社会科学研究的实践,提出了推动我国社会科学研究方法论创新的建议。  相似文献   

This essay describes the emergence of "hormone" herbicides from academic plant physiology research in America in the late 1930s and 1940s, attending especially to the role of interactions between university scientists, industrial concerns, and government (particularly agricultural) agencies. The importance of an intellectual shift among the physiologists to viewing hormones as plant toxins rather than growth stimulators, spurred by wartime events, is discussed. The essay concludes by exploring the postwar marketing of these hormones as agrichemicals and as lawn treatments for suburban consumers, placing these in the economic and ecological context of other contemporary developments in farming technique.  相似文献   

Margaret Cavendish (1623–1673) was the first woman to publish on scientific subjects in English. Gender limited Cavendish's membership in the emerging scientific community; to circumvent this restraint, Cavendish used patronage rituals to establish the legitimacy of her scientific role. Through gifts of her books, and acknowledgement of their traditional authority, Cavendish sought recognition of her status as a natural philosopher from Oxford and Cambridge. At the same time, she challenged the superiority of the new experimental philosophy. She hoped her critique of the modern thinkers would force them to acknowledge her as a peer. Cavendish's experience demonstrates the role of patronage in the scientific community, and how social conditions limited the role of women in science.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes how the university arrived at its present crisis regarding research and teaching, especially in the sciences. The medieval university began as a teaching institution for training in three professions: law, medicine, and theology, along with a preparatory arts program. In the 19th century, universities in absolutist German states added research in natural and social sciences. However, the cultures of research institutions and teaching schools proved difficult to integrate outside of Germany. Moreover, our present market economy and democratic polity differ dramatically from the cultural contexts that gave rise to earlier models. We therefore need to rethink the future of teaching and research in contemporary universities to determine how the enterprise might be sustainable in any recognizable form. The goal of this historical and critical inquiry is to better understand how contemporary university teaching and research might be supported, given today's very different political and economic circumstances.  相似文献   

参考文献表的编排有多种体例形式,并且不同体例中参考文献各著录项的表达也不尽相同。由于期刊大都倾向于采用自己所特定的参考文献著录格式,因而目前已有的参考文献软件并不能给予作者很多帮助,即作者如果将其稿件由某期刊改投到另一种期刊,通常需要改动其中的参考文献表格式和正文中的相关部分。在众多的参考文献表格式中,有两种最为主要。其一是在人文科学中较为常用的哈佛体系(即著者一出版年体系),该体系规定正文中给出引文的作者和出版年,文献书目中的引文按著者姓名的字母顺序和出版年的先后排列。另外一种主要的参考文献表是数字体系(顺序编码制),即正文中给出引文的序号,参考文献表中的各篇文献按其在正文中出现的先后顺序排列。科技论文和医学论文多采用该种体例。本文列举了上述两种体例的格式,并对比了二者的优缺点,认为著者.出版年体系可以使学术论文的读者很方便地了解作者所引用的工作是由谁完成的,而数字体系(顺序编码制)因为简洁,从而可以使读者更为通畅地阅读论文。  相似文献   

蛋白质是生命活动的载体和功能执行者,蛋白质科学研究已成为生命科学的核心领域。本文从国家战略需求和世界科技前沿的角度分析了发展蛋白质科学的必要性,并针对我国蛋白质研究现状和存在的问题,从蛋白质科学研究基地、队伍建设以及蛋白质科学研究计划的部署和实施等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

The discipline of endocrinology emerged over roughly the same period in Britain, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and elsewhere, and its practitioners across the world shared research practices and agendas to a considerable degree. Yet the discipline's institutions, networks, and social practices were firmly embedded in the particular social fabric of concrete locales, and they were built on specific local traditions, resources, and patronage. Through analysis of the origins and early progress of Soviet endocrinology, this essay uncovers numerous factors and multiple actors involved with the institutional development of the discipline in the first decade of Bolshevik rule. As elsewhere in the world, the medicinal use of animal tissue extracts--organotherapy--paved the way for wide acceptance of the ideas of the nascent science of endocrinology by both the Soviet medical community and the general public. Organotherapy also supplied the new discipline with "seed" institutions, technologies, and personnel--the veterinarian Iakov Tobolkin and the therapist Vasilii Shervinskii. But the specific institutional, political, economic, and ideological landscape of Soviet Russia shaped the discipline in a particular way.  相似文献   

姜春林  郭琪琴  张光耀 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):198-206,封3
[研究目的]科学合理的人文社科学术著作评价指标体系能够为优秀成果评选、职称评定、项目评审及人才评价等学术评价活动提供理论依据与方法参考。[研究方法]以高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)第3届至第7届获著作奖的27个学科的2175本著作为对象,做指标特征分析。综合考虑各项原则,遴选出5个一级、11个二级、28个三级评价指标,并进行学科分类。使用专家调查法、层次分析法、熵权法确定不同学科分类指标权重,完成评价指标体系的构建。以申报第8届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)中的人文类、社科类和综合类的577本著作为实验数据,对指标体系进行了实证验证。[研究结论]哲学、社会学实证结果与实际获奖情况比较一致,管理学则与实际获奖相关性不高。从学科属性、数据源等方面分析了原因,提出应加强书评数据库建设和著作全文本分析的建议。  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the history of science in Israel has attracted much scholarly attention. Historians of science, science and technology studies (STS) scholars, and Middle East/Israel studies experts have focused on specific scientific disciplines or periods, analyzing the uniqueness of science and technology in Israel. This article explores what characterized Israel’s scientific activity precisely at the time of the state’s birth, and examine how the perception of science as key to Israel’s survival was constructed and reinforced in that formative phase. The focus here is on the natural sciences, as the perception of the natural sciences’ importance and their contribution to building the state and its security differed essentially from that of other disciplines. As this article demonstrates, the challenges that the natural sciences faced during Israel’s War of Independence were far more difficult than those faced by the social sciences and the humanities. This study analyzes scientific activity that took place in one single year, beginning with the establishment of the Science Corps in March 1948, two months before Israel’s declaring independence, until the end of its War of Independence in February 1949. As this study shows, both the war effort and the civilian activities strongly influenced scientific research and implementation in the nascent state.  相似文献   

李莉 《软科学》2007,21(1):76-79
从制度变迁视角,以实施农村家庭承包责任制改革、推出新型农村合作医疗制度为分界点,将新中国成立以来农村医疗保障的发展历程划分为前农村改革阶段、农村改革阶段和后农村改革阶段,研究不同历史阶段政府在农村医疗保障事业中所承担的财政责任,并指出政府在农村医疗保障中承担财政责任的轨迹是:从间接支持到回避责任,再到直接承担责任。  相似文献   

During the course of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government secretly attempted to acquire a monopoly on the patent rights for inventions used in the production of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. The use of patents as a system of control, while common for more mundane technologies, would seem at first glance to conflict with the regimes of secrecy that have traditionally been associated with nuclear weapons. In explaining the origins and operations of the Manhattan Project patent system, though, this essay argues that the utilization of patents was an ad hoc attempt at legal control of the atomic bomb by Manhattan Project administrators, focused on the monopolistic aspects of the patent system and preexisting patent secrecy legislation. From the present perspective, using patents as a method of control for such weapons seems inadequate, if not unnecessary; but at the time, when the bomb was a new and essentially unregulated technology, patents played an important role in the thinking of project administrators concerned with meaningful postwar control of the bomb.  相似文献   

论文分为三个部分,第一、二部分回顾了中国系统科学和复杂性的哲学研究进展、路向、贡献和问题;第三部分分析了中外系统科学和复杂性研究的差异以及意义,提出了未来系统科学和复杂性研究的一些重要研究问题和可能的路向。  相似文献   

经过一个多世纪的发展,心理科学已成为当代前沿性学科。社会的发展催生了心理科学,而心理科学也在社会发展的关键时期发挥着巨大作用,并有效地促进了社会的稳定和发展。当前,我国心理学正面临快速发展的机遇与可能。应考虑集成社会科学、心理和行为科学、脑科学、遗传学、信息科学等多学科研究,针对我国社会和谐发展中的重要心理学问题,分别从个体、群体和文化层面,开展心理健康,重大社会事件的应对、影响社会和谐的心理因素与认知机制等重要问题的研究。  相似文献   

杨珠  王旖旎 《情报探索》2013,(11):39-41
对入选《中文核心期刊要目总览》1992—2011年6个版本的高校社会科学学报进行统计分析。结果表明:除1996年版外。入选的高校社会科学学报的数量和比例逐版增加;在综合性人文、社会科学学科中分布的期刊数量最多,在体育学科中占的比例最高:从总体上看高校社会科学学报入选专业性期刊的比例十分有限;各版的继承率逐版增加,已基本形成了一个逐步扩展并日趋稳定的高校社会科学学报核心期刊群。  相似文献   

开滨 《现代情报》2018,38(1):162-168
[目的/意义]利用科学叠加图进行跨学科的研究,可以非常直观地从全领域的宏观层面对学科之间的引用关系及跨学科现状进行研究。[方法/过程]基于CSSCI中23个学科对我国人文社科领域的科学叠加图的制作过程进行了探讨研究,具体包括我国人文社科领域基础图、科学叠加图的制作以及Rao-Stirling跨学科指数的计算。[结果/结论]对我国图情学和山东省6所高校CSSCI发文这两个实例进行了实证研究。结果表明,基于CSSCI构造的人文社科领域科学叠加图较好地展示了学科的引用情况,Rao-Stirling指数较好地显示了跨学科的水平,因此可以将其作为一种展示我国人文社科领域跨学科研究的可视化方法。  相似文献   

Redrawing the map: science in twentieth-century China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This essay argues that science in twentieth-century China is a rich topic that can be productively integrated into research and teaching on the history of modern science. It identifies major issues of science in twentieth-century China and demonstrates that they can prove useful to any scholar who wishes to consider science in a comparative and trans/international context. The essay suggests two important steps for a fruitful investigation into the topic of science in twentieth-century China: first, revising the historiographic assumptions and categories that underlie much of the conventional historical narrative of modern science; and, second, breaking free from the tunnel history of national science. To illustrate these points, the essay examines a series of case studies of science in modern China and discusses the relevance of such subjects as scientific nationalism, Maoist mass science, and transnational scientific networks for the understanding of science in the twentieth-century world.  相似文献   

李田心 《科学中国人》2013,(12):122-125
英语naturalscience和socialscience中的两个science字形相同,词义截然不同。naturalscience的science的词义是“科学“.naturalscience因此翻译成“自然科学“完全正确:英语“(natural)science(自然)科学”是“science科学“的简称。英语中.科学指的是自然科学.自然科学即科学。socialsciencea的science的词义不可能是”科学”了.“科学“已经被自然科学独自占用了.将socialscience翻译成“社会科学”,这个“社会科学”的含义就是”社会自然科学“了。把naturalscience和socialscience翻译成”自然科学”和”社会科学”犹如将storybook和notebook翻译成”故事书”和”笔记书“。英语权威词典和百科全书都说socialscience的science的词义是人文社会学中的”学”或“学科”。“学“或“学科”与”科学”是截然不同的两个概念,因此socialscience译成“社会科学”是误译。  相似文献   

客观、科学的人文社会科学发展水平评价体系对提升人文社会科学发展水平具有较强现实价值。文章构建了高校人文社会科学发展水平评价指标体系,然后利用AHP法和熵权法组合赋权确定了指标权重,建立了高校人文社会科学发展水平评价模型,并选取财经类高校的截面数据进行了实证分析。根据评价结果,提出了优化高校人文社会科学发展水平的措施。  相似文献   

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