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In order to discuss the temporal structure of mathematical research, this essay offers four related definitions of a mathematical object from different times and places. It is argued that in order to appreciate the differences between these definitions, the historian needs to understand that none of them made sense in mathematical practice without a technical framework, referred to but not explained in the definitions themselves (an "epistemic configuration of research"); that the dynamics of the epistemic objects of mathematical research are secondary to the dynamics of these epistemic configurations as a whole; and that the dynamics of epistemic configurations of mathematical research do not follow law-like processes. Very different types of change may happen, and some of them link the dynamics of epistemic configurations with events and developments far beyond the bounds of the research field in question. These insights have historiographical consequences that require us to rethink the kind of temporality ascribed to mathematics.  相似文献   

During the 1970s and 1980s, a team of Automated Theorem Proving researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago developed the Automated Reasoning Assistant, or AURA, to assist human users in the search for mathematical proofs. The resulting hybrid humans+AURA system developed the capacity to make novel contributions to pure mathematics by very untraditional means. This essay traces how these unconventional contributions were made and made possible through negotiations between the humans and the AURA at Argonne and the transformation in mathematical intuition they produced. At play in these negotiations were experimental practices, nonhumans, and nonmathematical modes of knowing. This story invites an earnest engagement between historians of mathematics and scholars in the history of science and science studies interested in experimental practice, material culture, and the roles of nonhumans in knowledge making.  相似文献   

沈雪英 《科教文汇》2011,(12):87-89
本文根据作者多年来的初中教学实践,通过以活动为载体,安排学生数学学习实践活动;以情境为载体,激发学生数学学习兴趣,以儿歌故事为载体,培养学生数学学习爱好;以各种教学工具为载体,鼓励学生开展探究式数学学习;以知识结构图为载体,帮助学生建构数学知识体系等适合初中课程设计、适应初中生心理特点的教学方法,激发和提高初中生数学学习兴趣和能力,提升数学教学效果。  相似文献   

全波 《大众科技》2013,(5):169-172
通过视觉化教学策略的实际教学案例分析,探索了借由这种新策略提高数学教学有效性的方式对教师教学、学生学习的影响。结合视觉化教学软件的使用,在教学实践和课题研究中这种策略都体现出良好效果,提供了教学的一个新的思路,也具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

彭莉 《大众科技》2013,(5):264-265,259
新修订的《数学课程标准》提出在数学教学中应联系学生的生活进行数学教学的思想,提出要学习有用数学的理论。《新课程标准》提出数学教学必须从学生熟悉的生活情景和感兴趣的事物出发,为他们提供观察和操作的机会。在教学中力求联系生活进行教学,让学生联系生活学数学,在教学上这一理念主要体现在以下几点:一、导入生活化,激发学生学习兴趣;二、解决生活问题,感受数学价值;三、演示生活场面,回归实际生活。教师应积极响应新课改,数学教学应生活化。  相似文献   

At least since the seventeenth century, the strange combination of epistemological certainty and ontological power that characterizes mathematics has made it a major focus of philosophical, social, and cultural negotiation. In the eighteenth century, all of these factors were at play as mathematical thinkers struggled to assimilate and extend the analysis they had inherited from the seventeenth century. A combination of educational convictions and historical assumptions supported a humanistic mathematics essentially defined by its flexibility and breadth. This mathematics was an expression of l'esprit humain, which was unfolding in a progressive historical narrative. The French Revolution dramatically altered the historical and educational landscapes that had supported this eighteenth-century approach, and within thirty years Augustin Louis Cauchy had radically reconceptualized and restructured mathematics to be rigorous rather than narrative.  相似文献   

邱小琴 《大众科技》2013,(4):156-158
学生是学习的主人,因此在教学中因高度重视学生主动性和主体性,导学式教学法来源于教学实践,已形成完整的理论体系,符合课程改革的要求,文章在对导学式教学法的内涵和特点进行分析的基础上,对导学式教学法在小学数学教学中的应用进行了探讨,希望为小学数学教育探索出新的发展途径。  相似文献   

Patterson G 《Endeavour》2007,31(2):50-53
One of the central dogmas of modern science is that the world around us can be understood in terms of microscopic chemical entities known as atoms. It may come as a surprise that this notion has only been widely acknowledged since the 1910s. The French physicist Jean Perrin had a hand in many of the key developments that led to the emergence of the atomic doctrine. His life story relates how new technologies were used to 'see' these invisible particles of philosophy and how scientists were able to determine their size and composition. The indivisible atoms of the ancients were replaced by the highly structured elements of chemistry.  相似文献   

蒋凤春 《大众科技》2013,(5):237-238
中职学校分层次数学教学,以成功教育为理论依据,以因材施教为基本原则,实施学生的分层,教学目标的分层,教学过程的分层,课堂练习分层,作业的分层,测试的分层,让学生体验到成功的快乐,分层教学在理论上还须不断探索,在实践中不断完善。  相似文献   

文章在评论柯瓦雷、韦斯特佛和弗洛里斯·科恩等三位科学史家编史纲领的基础上,指出科学革命是一个有结构的动力学进程,该结构由数学化表征、本体论承诺和发现型实验三大主题交织而成。这三大主题之间的相互限制和相互促进,构成了科学革命的主线。自然的数学化只能从数学表征这个角度来理解,并且不能脱离其他两大主题而独立发展。数学化表征既依赖于我们关于物理实在的本体论承诺,同时又启迪着我们去修正原有的本体论承诺。  相似文献   

刘则渊  陈悦 《科学学研究》2018,36(8):1345-1352
中国科学学的40年是与改革开放同俦,与科学春天同步的40年。以钱学森倡导在中国建设科学学为开端,它经历了兴起、学科化与建制化的最初十年;然后经历了科学学研究拓展到“技术创新”领域的第二个十年;随后又经历了与多门新兴学科交叉而复兴的第三个十年,尤其是在知识经济、循环经济和科技政策方面的理论拓展研究;在最后一个十年,科学学又回归到自身的方法研究,掀起了科学计量学本身及其与信息可视化结合的科学知识图谱发展高潮。这四个十年的发展,揭示了中国科学学遵循着由上至下,由实践到理论,由理论到方法,由方法再到实践的螺旋式与时俱进的发展模式。随着科技政策战略性地位的日益提升,信息技术的日益发达,中国科学学正经历着新一轮的上升期,即科学学的又一春。  相似文献   

傅心文 《科教文汇》2014,(6):167-167,169
在注重素质教育的新型教育体制下,各种教学研究工作更加致力于关注数学教学课堂。新课程的高中数学教学中,向量的学习章节是极其重要的一个部分。新课改后,向量逐渐成为数学解析几何中常用的一种图景。通过对高中向量教学的深入研究与探讨,一方面可进一步增强学生的数学计算能力,能够很好地理解数学学习里数形结合的思维方式;另一方面,还可将数学学习与日常生活有机结合,使学生体会到数学知识与日常生活密不可分的关系。本文阐述高中数学向量教学的重要意义,介绍几点新课程下搞好向量教学的有效措施。  相似文献   

近年来对称性理论的发展达到空前的繁荣,尤其是对称性原理在量子理论中已经成为不可替代的指导性原理。我们通过对称性的发展来谈论物理学课程的创新与实践,有着两个方面的作用和意义。一方面,可以强调对称性在物理学课程的教学中的积极作用;另一方面,找出物理学课程中潜在的创新点,用来指导实际的课堂教学。  相似文献   

王雅萍 《科教文汇》2013,(16):67-68
高职数学是一门重要的基础课程,而很多高职院校的学生学习数学的积极性不高,甚至有厌学情绪。本文提出了以下几点建议来提高学生的积极性:介绍数学发展史,故事引入相关概念;设置问题情境,加强数学与实际生活的联系;采用灵活的授课方式,提高学生主动性;借用数学软件包教学,降低数学应用过程中的运算量和难度;采用多元化评价制度,多角度激励学生。  相似文献   

Ankeny RA 《Endeavour》2003,27(2):87-92
The history of science tends to be recounted as a story of progress from early goals and discoveries to a unified outcome, in some sense implicit from the beginning, and often due to technological advances. The sequencing of the human genome is no exception. As a crucial part of the Human Genome Project, the history of genomic sequencing is typically presented as a direct result of the discoveries of the structure of DNA and its coding function, together with practical factors such as the development of techniques which made large-scale sequencing possible. However, the history of sequencing is inevitably a more complicated story, not only about molecular biology, but also about the evolving culture of scientific practice at the end of the 20th century.  相似文献   

对高等师范院校数学专业教育实习的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全面素质教育的实施,中等数学教育改革已对传统的高等师范教育提出了新的更高的要求。同时,高等师范教育也要适应素质教育的需要,着力培养具有创新精神和实践能力的复合型人才。要实现这个目标,就必须深化高等教育教学改革,加强教育实习这一实践教学环节的工作。  相似文献   

奉永文 《大众科技》2012,(6):212-213
课堂管理是一种协调和控制的过程,是管理的一种特殊形式,是指老师在教学活动中有目的、有组织地通过协调课堂内各种人际关系,吸引学生参与课堂活动,使课堂教学效果达到最优化的过程。而数学课程对于中职生来说是较难学的一门课程,要上好数学学科,并达到预期的效果,授课老师除了备课、上课之外,还要对课堂管理下功夫。  相似文献   

刘则渊  韩震 《科学学研究》2004,22(2):129-136
以赵红州主编的《大科学年表》中1540-1950年的3487件科学事件作为统计样本,得出了近代科学事件和数学事件随时间发展的总体趋势,并讨论了近代三次科学革命和数学革命的特点和联系;进而给出近代数学高潮形成和转移的规律分布,对近代数学高潮、哲学高潮以及科学中心期进行了比较研究。同时结合历史背景,对近代数学的发展进行了分析。  相似文献   

Economists typically define innovation as a process or practice that is new to an industry; hence they emphasize a firm's speed of innovation relative to other firms in the industry. Organizational theorists, on the other hand, usually focus on the number of products or processes that are new to the firm; hence, they emphasize innovation magnitude. This study builds a bridge between these two approaches by exploring the link between two dimensions of innovation—speed and magnitude—and two measures of a firm's performance—objective financial reports and executive ratings of perceived effectiveness. We propose that each dimension of innovation will be associated with a different measure of firm performance. Using data from the commercial banking industry, we find interesting results that partially support our predictions based on the theory that different dimensions are indeed linked to different measures of performance. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

农产品网货品牌培育节俭式创新路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李志国 《科研管理》2019,40(6):234-242
品牌建设贯穿农业全产业链,是推动农业农村高质量发展的持久动力,但发端于网购、成长于网购的特色农产品网货品牌还较少受到学者关注。本文采用双案例研究方法,首先提出了整合品牌定位理论、品牌叙事理论和电商运营理论的农产品网货品牌培育节俭式创新理论框架,然后利用研究假设对“夔山里二娃子”和“小七陈卤”两个来自草根创业的农产品网货品牌进行了案例分析研究。研究发现互联网嵌入为农产品网货品牌节俭式创新创造了机遇,精准定位帮助农产品网货品牌占领消费者心智,品牌故事是农产品网货品牌与消费者之间的情感纽带,体验口碑是农产品网货品牌持续成长的动力。本文的结论丰富了网货品牌培育机理的理论认识,对于区域农产品电商产业发展、农产品电商草根创业者如何建立“大品牌”实践路径具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

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