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现阶段,很多大学愈来愈注重创业教育,因为创业教育能够直接反映各大高校教育改革的发展状况。目前,美国斯坦福大学已启用先进的创业教育模式,其教育模式已经发展到成熟阶段,为广大学生配备创业教育界专业化的师资团队,并定期为学生举办一系列多姿多彩的创业活动,丰富他们的课外生活。但我国高校与国外的一些高校相比,创业教育还不够成熟,需要我国各大高校不断改进教育模式,完善教育体系。  相似文献   

介绍并剖析了美国斯坦福大学电子工程专业本科培养目标、推荐课程方案与课表以及暑假实践培养项目,总结了对我国高校电子工程专业人才培养的若干启示。  相似文献   

本文探讨了德国 5 0年代以来关于天赋儿童促进的论争和措施发展 ,同时指出 ,对于天赋儿童采取特别的促进方法也是教育平等的一个方面 ,应该成为正常的教育的一部分。  相似文献   

近年来.香港面向特别资优学生的良师启导计划.按主办单位的不同主要有两种:一是教育局主办的特别资优学生培育支持计划中的良师启导计划.二是教育局委托香港新一代文化协会科学创意中心主办的未来科学家培育计划。  相似文献   

人的天赋是人的发展潜能和一切可发展性。教育本乎于人的天赋:人的天赋是教育的原材料,发现人的天赋是因材施教的根基,最大限度地释放人的天赋是理想教育的本相。  相似文献   

本文针对某问题少年教育现状中存在的问题 ,从家庭、学校、社会、问题少年个人等四个方面来分析原因 ,最后提出了相应的对策  相似文献   

天赋与遗传有关.遗传是基因的功能。基因(Gene,Mendelian factor)是指携带有遗传信息的DNA或RNA序列.也称为遗传因子.是控制性状的基本遗传单位。基因通过指导蛋白质的合成来表达自己所携带的遗传信息.从而控制生物个体的性状表现。虽然,基因与人类健康、生活方式和外界环境之间的关系还有许多不为人知的秘密.但一些相关的研究对于人们改进现行的教育仍有重要的启迪价值。  相似文献   

笔者于2004—2005年在加拿大多伦多市访学期间,不时听到当地华人移民谈起子女的教育问题。他们几乎一致认为:国内中小学生的负担太重;而这里的中小学、特别是小学生,负担又太轻。因此重视子女教育的中国家长们纷纷送子女上课外补习班,而这是一笔不小的额外开支。如果子女在某方面比较出众,家长就盼着他们能通过测试,进入“有天赋学生班”(Gifted Class)。但能进入这种班级的学生只占学生总数的2%左右,并不容易。由于笔者的孩子也在学龄阶段,所以就对这种班级很感兴趣。再经过进一步收集信息和资料,就写成了以下文章。  相似文献   

斯坦福大学英才青少年教育计划是一个致力于开发与提供基于多媒体计算机的远程学习课程的持续项目,包括远程教育、夏季学院、学校计划与在线高中,在国内外产生了广泛的影响。本文亦提出了斯坦福大学英才青少年教育计划对我国英才青少年教育的五点启示。  相似文献   

青少年对将来要做什么工作是否有一个清晰的认识?职业生涯教育在其形成这些认识的过程中又扮演着什么角色?美国心理学家班尼对这些问题做了专门研究后提出,应该对中学生进行职业生涯教育。  相似文献   

韩国基础教育改革中的英才教育计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国面向21世纪基础教育改革的一个重要转折点在于颁布《英才教育振兴法》,实施英才教育计划,为国家需要和学生个性发展奠定基石。随着英才教育计划的深入开展,韩国面临着诸如师资、选拔以及与高等教育相接轨等问题。近年来,韩国兴起的基础教育改革不断深入,特别是通过英才教育的改革为普通教育改革奠定了基石。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


The article explores how using constructivist techniques can make teachers more effective. When teachers use illustrative methods to introduce new material, students are better able to make the concepts their own. Several activities and their possible application across disciplines are discussed.  相似文献   

Metaphors are devices that people employ for both poetic purposes and rhetorical elaboration and belong to the realm of extraordinary language. Metaphors are used to connect abstract ideas and information to more concrete experiences, thus making these experiences more familiar and easier to understand. Moreover, metaphors are more than symbolic intellectual processes; they influence the conceptual understanding of our experiences and help define our everyday realities. For education, there is an important and relevant practical connection between the metaphors that teachers employ and their beliefs about teaching and classroom practices. This stems from the notion that metaphors guide one’s mental framework. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the metaphors influencing teachers in gifted education, this study specifically asked teachers to describe both their metaphors concerning gifted students as well as those influencing their teaching. In this study, nine different themes were identified. This research demonstrates a clear connection between reported metaphors and how gifted students receive their education from teachers. Participants’ answers demonstrate a strong connection between their metaphors and their classroom practices. However, strict adherence to one’s root metaphor increases the chance for dogmatism in the classroom and can lead to potentially incoherent classroom differentiation and a potential disconnect between classroom practices and the actual pedagogical needs of the gifted learner.  相似文献   

斯坦福大学分别在2012年和2013对通识教育进行改革,并于2013年秋季学期实行新的通识教育方案,包括思维与行为方法、有效思考、写作与语言等四类必修课.本研究对2011-2013年通识教育方案进行了分析和比较.研究发现,在改革的过程中,斯坦福大学始终秉持通识教育理念,不断深化对通识教育内涵的认识,基于不同的通识教育哲学观建构了个性化的课程体系.新的通识教育方案实现了从学科到能力的转变,注重培养学生的思维能力与有效表达能力.  相似文献   

In this article the current empirical research on morality and giftedness is reviewed with an emphasis on moral sensitivity. The component of moral judgment has been the most studied aspect in morality. Although high-ability students have been shown to be superior in moral judgment when compared to average-ability students, morality includes other components as well, such as sensitivity, motivation, and character. Furthermore, the critics of Kohlbergian research argue that moral reasoning does not necessarily lead to moral behavior. The gifted students might be able to give “correct” responses in the Defining Issues Test (DIT) test but their actual moral behavior cannot be predicted based on these test results. Hence, the limits of interpretation of these findings need to be acknowledged. The component of moral sensitivity is introduced with case studies regarding Finnish gifted students and Finnish Academic Olympians. The beliefs and values in academic work ethics of the Finnish Academic Olympians are discussed to give examples of how ethics can be combined with excellence in science. Some implications for the moral education of gifted students are suggested based on the research findings.  相似文献   

Education for gifted children is currently one of the hottest educational issues in Korea. Much money and effort are being invested in this area of education. Recent announcements by the Korean Ministry of Education state that all children should be educated to the level of which they are capable, and the current program for gifted students should be and will be extended. However, there is little attention paid to the actual substance of gifted education in Korea. What is happening in the name of gifted education? What is the meaning of giftedness and gifted education? How and in what respects can the gifted program be differentiated from general programs? What are the problems and concerns in serving gifted students? What are the effects of gifted programs? These are the main questions of the present qualitative study. For the purposes of this ethnographic study, the ISEP science gifted education center in Korea was observed for a six-month period, and 10 professors and 50 students at the ISEP were interviewed in depth. The results of the study are as follows. First of all, the ISEP science gifted education center provides differentiated learning environments and teaching methods. Second, through these differentiated learning experiences, students improve their thinking skills and creative problem solving abilities, as well as developing positive self-esteem. In addition, the formation of human net works, the special meaning of the ‘gifted’ label, and the acquisition of personal knowledge were seen to be some of the major educative possibilities on offer at the ISEP gifted education center. However, some professors’ low levels of motivation, the absence of individualized educational plans, bureaucratic management, weak student commitment to set tasks, and a lack of opportunity for students’ social activities were clearly limitations of the ISEP gifted education center. The results of this study will contribute to, specifically, the search for new ideas to improve the operation of gifted education as well as helping to surmount the hidden problems lurking beneath the surface of the current gifted education practices in Korea, and, more generally, to enhance our understanding of the diverse gifted educational practices in operation worldwide.  相似文献   


To examine the usefulness of the Slossen Intelligence Test (SIT) and the Quick Test (QT) with poor readers, the relative validities of the SIT and the QT were examined by comparison to the more comprehensive Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). Intercorrelations of fifty-six poor readers, scores on all three tests were obtained. SIT and WISC (Full Scale) IQ’s (r =. 60) were significantly more closely related than were QT (Total) and WISC (Full Scale) IQ’s (r = .49) although scores from both of the brief tests were significantly correlated with WISC scores. The results are discussed in terms of test characteristics, and implications are drawn in terms of purpose for testing.  相似文献   

Drawing from a 14-month ethnographic study at an elementary school in the US South, I examine the role that the gifted and talented (GT) program played in racial socialization at the school. I use the principle of Whiteness as property (Harris, 1995 Harris, C. I. (1995). Whiteness as property. In K. Crenshaw, N. Gotanda, G. Peller, &; K. Thomas (Eds.), Critical race theory: The key writings that formed the movement (pp. 276291). New York, NY: New Press. [Google Scholar]) to analyze space as curriculum, the physical and social spaces of a school that structure how particular student bodies are positioned in relation to power and privilege. I argue that the segregated GT structure perpetuates racial inequities that young children are taught to accept and emulate. I conclude with implications for practice and future studies about the role of GT in racial socialization.  相似文献   

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