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一、读英语,在每部电话下面用阿拉伯数字写出电话号码: 1 .three eight伽e four three six 2.t、vo 3 .five 4 .six One SeVen nlne nlne SeVen eights议 three one five eight four three IWO SeVen 5,three seven five six eight one IWO ~eight nine four 嚷馨履馨 嚷馨幢馨  相似文献   

统编中学英语教材第一册第十六课中有几个算式:算式英语表达方式(1)2+2=4 Two plus two isfour.(2)9-3=6 Nine minus three issix.(3)4×2=8 Two times four is  相似文献   

One, one. There is one sun.Two, two. There are two shoes.Three, three. There are three trees.Four, four. There are four doors.Five, five.There are five knives. One, two, three, four, five!  相似文献   

上期答案:一、Golf Volleyball Row Cycling The high jump二、five fish,four pairs of pants(trousers),six oranges,three knives,two glasses,three pairs of socks,three pairs of shoes,three jackets,two bot-tles of ink,a hat,four caps,a woolly hat  相似文献   

1.把号码中的阿拉伯数字,用英语一个一个地读出来。如,5486731读成:five,four,eight,six,seven,three,one.2.如遇到号码中有0,0读成O的字母音。如,6740531读成six,seven,four,o,five,three,one.3.如果遇到有两个相同的数字在一起,也可以读成double['d蘧bl]。如5486773读成five,four,eight,six,doubleseven,three.()怎样用英语读电话号码@支振彪  相似文献   

1.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?2.What’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?3.What question can you never answer"yes"to?4.How many sides does a house has?5.What never asks any questions but always gets answers?6.What is four feet on four feet waiting for four feet?7.What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks?  相似文献   

English Riddles     
1. What always has one eye open but cannot see?2. What has four legs, a back and two arms but no body?3. How can you spell 'hard water' in three letters?4. Everyone can divide it, but no one can see the division. Whatis it?  相似文献   

下面这些数学符号是同学们在学习中经常用到的,你知道用英语怎么说吗: 符号例读法+ 2+4 two plus (and ) four - 6-3 six minus three ×5×7 five times seven (five multiplied by seven ) ÷8÷2 eight divided by two = A=B A equals B (A is equal to B) ≠C≠D C does not equal D (C is not equal to D)  相似文献   

一、把互为相反的两个数先结合相加 例1 计算(-6 1/2)+(-37 3/4)+(+6 1/2). 解原式=[(-6 1/2)+(+61/2)]+(-37 3/4)=0+(-37 3/4)=37 3/4.  相似文献   

一、多项式的乘法 例1若(x2+nx+3)(x2-3x+m)的展开式中不含x2和x3项,求m和n的值.解析一些学生一看到题目,他们会毫不犹豫地利用多项式的乘法将(x2+nx+3)(x2-3x+m)展开,得(x2+nx+3)(x2-3x+m)=x4-3x3+mx2+nx3-3nx2+mnx+3x2-9x+3m=x4+(n-3)x3+(m-3n+3)x2+(mn-9)x+3m.  相似文献   

New Teacher     
George comes fron school on the first of September. "George,how o'id you like your new teacher?"asked his mother. "I o'io'n't like her,Mother,because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six tco……" 9月1日,乔治放学回到家里。 "乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?"妈妈问。 "妈妈,我不喜欢,因为她说3加3得6,可后来又说2加4也得6。"  相似文献   

黄云 《今日中学生》2016,(Z3):53-54
AThere are three brothers,the eldest says:"I have four nephews(侄儿)and one niece(侄女)."The second says:"I have four nephews too,but Ihave two nieces."The third says:"I have four nephews as well(也),but Ihave three nieces."Do you know how many sons and daughters each of them has?B Mr.Wang buys a new pair of socks,however,there is a hole on each sock.  相似文献   

no three no four(不三不四)people mountain people sea(人山人海)long time no see(好久不见)power line(电源线)moming three night four(朝三暮四)want money no,want life one!(要钱不给,要命有一条!)money or life? (要钱还是要命?)  相似文献   

韩吞见 《云南教育》2007,(11Z):30-31
一、发散思维。引出课题 师:请同学们自己找出一条理由,将-4,+3,+4,-3分成两组. 生1:我将-4,-3分在一组,将+4,+3分为另一组,就是将负数分为一组,正数分为另一组.  相似文献   

A Number Song     
请跟我一起说,请跟我一起做:One two,one two,I can do.Three four,three four,I will show.Five six,five six,I like cakes.What nice cakes!Seven eight,seven eight,How big the lake!Nine ten,nine ten,A running hen.大家跟我从一数到十:one,two,three,four,five,six,sev  相似文献   

利用判别式△=b^2-4ac能判断关于x的一元二次方程ax^2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的根的情况,笔者类比发现利用△4=(p/4)^4-(q/3)^3也能判断方程x^4+px+q=0的根的情况?不妨约定△4=(p/4)^4-(q/3)^3为方程x^4+px+q=0的根的判断式,可以得出下列三个结论:  相似文献   

不可忽视判别式 18 提示:事实上,当k=-5时,原方程无实根.本题隐含条件为△=(k-2)^2-4(k^2+3k+5)≥0,即k∈[-4,14/3].y=-(k+5)^2+19在[-4,-4/3]上单调递减,则k=-4时,x1^2+x2^2取得最大值18.  相似文献   

(2010年广东省初中学业考试数学第21题)阅读下列材料:1×2=1/3×(1×2×3-0×1×2)2×3=1/3×(2×3×4-1×2×3)3×4=1/3×(3×4×5-2×3×4)以上三个等式相加,可得1×2+2×3+3×4=1/3×3×4×5=20读完以上材料,请你计算下列各题:(1)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+10×11(写出过程);(2)1×2+2×3+3×4+…+n(n+1)=__;(3)1×2×3+2×3×4+3×4×5+…+7×8×9=__;近几年来,中考数学试卷中出现了大量的阅读理解题.新课标注重培养学生的自学能力,强调学习方法的指导、学会学习、重视发现、  相似文献   

Unit One 1.表示频率的副词与短语(用how often提问) always总是every day每天usually通常once a week每周一次often经常twice a week每周两次sometimes有时three times a week每周三次hardly ever几乎不曾four times a week每周四次never从不three or four times a week每周三、四次  相似文献   

崔秀利  丁伟超 《辽宁教育》2009,(10):63-64,15
Function (功能):Recognising and counting num- bers 1-12 Teaching points (重点): 1. Vocabulary:many, how many, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve  相似文献   

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