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刘坚先生和曾广顺先生各发现1例“VO过”式,曹小云先生又发现了近20个例子。笔发现明清白话小说中还有一些例子。我且发现,近代汉语中有“V得O过”式,与“VO过”式有相似之处,一般是在南方方言区内流行;但有不同之处,近代汉族中还有“V得O着”式,只是不如前两种格式用得多。目前尚未发现有“V得O了”式,但据刘坚先生所说的时态助词的发展规律,应该也能从献中找到这种格式。  相似文献   

对郑金生、张同君先生译注,由上海古籍出版社出版的《〈食疗本草〉译注》存在的误校、误注、误译问题,列出十则进行商榷,指出其失误之处,以期对该书的修订和读者准确把握该书有一些参考作用。  相似文献   

最近,拜读了上海师范大学学报刊载的朱建明先生所撰《马致远生平材料新发现》一文,颇受启发。对朱先生所持观点,我表示赞同。但朱建明先生对马致远乡里的考证,尚有未详之处,为有助于研究的进一步深入,特不避浅陋,将八三年旧作披露,试为之补。  相似文献   

2006年,上海教育出版社出版了孙绍振先生的《名作细读》,该书一面世,便引起了语文教育界的极大关注,不少中学已经将其作为教学必要的参考与学生阅读书籍。  相似文献   

《毛泽东与中国文化》一书中若干问题的讨论李义凡《毛泽东与中国文化》一书(李鹏程先生著,人民出版社1993年4月第一版。以下凡引自该书的内容,只注页码),是国内研究毛泽东的又一部很有份量的学术专著。该书把毛泽东作为一种文化现象,放在中国文化的历史框架中...  相似文献   

南京晓庄学院陶行知研究院王文岭撰写的60余万字《陶行知年谱长编》于2012年底由四川教育出版社出版了。胡晓风先生生前即已为该书写序,中国陶行知研究会会长朱小蔓教授、南京晓庄学院陶行知研究所所长徐志辉教授皆慨然题序。该书付印之际,著名作家、与陶行知研究早有前缘的马识途先生欣然题写书名,亦为该书增色添彩!早在1980年代初陶行知被平反后,便有三种版本的《陶行知年谱》先后问世,为随后近30年学习、  相似文献   

本文意在探讨沈子善先生四十年代编著的《王羲之研究》一书的价值,不仅以当时间世的朱杰勤编著的《王羲之评传》一书为对照,参考至八十年代中期研究王羲之的书目,说明阅读该书对王羲之及其书艺能有较明晰的概念,而且说明该书尚有在材料汇列、问题梳理、参证名迹等方面的特色,指了该书是近现代王羲之研究的代表性成果。  相似文献   

在《宋书》中,“未详”类词语多用于特指问句、选择问句和正反问句的句首,从整个句子的语气来看,可以分为两种类型:一类全句变为陈述句,前加“未详”类词语表示存疑;一类全句仍为疑问句,用“未详“类词语引出问句.提醒听话者注意,探问事实和催促听话者作答。从中我们可以管窥现代汉语间接问句的前身。  相似文献   

清代学者徐松撰著的《登科记考》 ,原来只有清末刻本 ,今日读者不易见到。北京中华书局 1984年出版了赵守俨先生的点校本 ,对刻本加以标点、分段 ,对于所引资料有疑问的地方 ,查对原书作了校正 ,避清讳的字均予回改 ,这为学人治学提供了极大的方便。但书中存在一些标点、校勘错误 ,并为北京燕山出版社 2 0 0 3年出版的孟二冬先生的《登科记考补正》所沿袭。因此 ,本文予以订正 ,供该书的使用者和出版者参考  相似文献   

张岩、于丽娟编著的《现代实用写作及精彩范文》(学苑出版社1992年版)一书,书前有刘锡庆先生的一篇序文。对该书的内容和写作过程我是知道得比较清楚的,但是读了序文以后,除了使我得到一些教益而外,有些问题(主要结合该书内容)想跟刘锡庆先生商榷一下。  相似文献   

Lepola  Janne  Kajamies  Anu  Laakkonen  Eero  Niemi  Pekka 《Reading and writing》2020,33(5):1351-1373

This is a study of early picture book comprehension, its determinants and later development through primary school. More specifically, picture book comprehension was analyzed longitudinally from age 5 to age 9, delineating the unique contributions of vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation to the initial level as well as to the growth of comprehension. A total of 90 Finnish-speaking children participated in the study. The children’s narrative picture book comprehension was assessed at age 5, age 6 and age 9. Vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation were evaluated at age 5. Latent growth curve modeling showed a pattern of decreasing achievement gaps in narrative picture book comprehension. Vocabulary and metacognitive knowledge uniquely contributed to the concurrent level of narrative picture book comprehension. The results further showed that metacognitive knowledge and task orientation were positive and statistically significant predictors of the growth of picture book comprehension over and above the initial level of narrative picture book comprehension. These findings add to our knowledge about the development of inter-individual differences in narrative picture book comprehension and the roles of vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation in it. They also suggest a novel way to assess the narrative comprehension potential among students with compromised working memory or decoding ability.


《纪效新书》中蕴含着丰富的军事思想。学术界对军事思想的研究主要集中在:一是对原书或原书部分章节进行整理;二是对书中内容的整理;三是对其中蕴含的军事思想的整理。通过上述梳理发现,学术界对《纪效新书》的研究虽多,但是还有进一步深入的必要。  相似文献   

清代才子汤谐的《史记半解》,选取《史记》原文68 篇内容进行评注,是《史记》研究的重要选本之一.汤谐从探究行文笔法入手,既在细节处进行分析,又能依行文脉络来划分原文段落,语言妙趣横生,全书倾注其毕生研究所得,高瞻远瞩,是阅读与研究《史记》的重要参考资料.  相似文献   

书籍的设计虽受制于内容主题,但绝非狭隘的字解说或简单的外包装。设计应从书中挖掘深层涵义。觅寻主体旋律、安排节奏起伏,在时间艺术中体现空间感受;运用理性化的意识捕捉住表达全书内涵的各类要素;到位的书籍形式、严谨的字排列、准确的图像选择、有时间感受的余白、合理的色彩配置、个性化的材料运用……构筑现代书籍装帧艺术设计的新观念、新形态。  相似文献   

隋树森编的《全元散曲》作为散曲研究的材料很完备,但在使用过程中发现其中仍有诸如断句、脱韵、字词讹误、次序颠倒等等不少疏失之处,试依据曲律、曲韵对其中的字句脱漏、讹误、颠倒及其他一些讹误进行校勘,以期为研究者提供些参考。  相似文献   

《广东新语》的作者是屈大均。但该书中的端州山水章却标明是何磻所撰述,端溪砚石章则标明是高兆所撰述。无论从题目名称抑或从具体内容来看,此两章与全书的撰述体例及与屈大均谋篇设目的宗旨不相吻合。经分析可知,此两章文字原非《广东新语》所有,是屈大均受某些特殊原因所驱使或出于某种考虑,才将它们加插到《广东新语》中去的,添加时间是在康熙二十六年之后。由于此两章文字的撰写时间及其被收入《广东新语》中去的时间皆可考,故凭此能说明《广东新语》在康熙二十六年时已经刊刻成书的说法欠妥。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to test the effects of indirect contact through book reading on the improvement of Italian students' attitudes, stereotypes, and behavioral intentions toward immigrants. The results indicated that adolescents who read a book concerning intercultural topics, compared to those who read a book unrelated to intercultural themes or to those who did not read any book, showed improved intergroup attitudes, reduction in stereotyping, more positive intergroup behavioral intentions, and an increased desire to engage in future contact. Furthermore, the effects of indirect contact were mediated by increased inclusion of other in the self and reduced group identification. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Preschoolers’ reasons for ranking the beauty of 30 children’s book illustrations were investigated through individual interviews. Most frequent response criteria for beauty were associated with familiar objects or surroundings, action, color, clothing or accessories, water or ice, body features, and babies or small things. Children’s book illustrators should avoid confusing and unfamiliar images when appealing to the preschool child’s interest.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined the association between interactive book reading quality and prekindergarten children’s gains in language and literacy skills over the course of an academic year for 96 teachers and 417 children across multiple locations in the United States. Two moderators were examined, namely, children’s initial skill level and teachers’ classroom organization during an interactive read-aloud session. In keeping with prior research, interactive book reading quality, measured by examination of teachers’ extratextual talk, was positively and significantly related to children’s development of both language and literacy skills. Interactive book reading quality was not significantly moderated by children’s initial skills, with the exception that interactive book reading quality appeared most beneficial to children’s print knowledge for children entering prekindergarten with relatively low skill. The unique contribution of this study is that the association between interactive book reading quality and children’s expressive vocabulary was dependent on an organized classroom during the book reading session. Practice or Policy: The quality of teachers’ talk during interactive book reading may matter for children’s vocabulary development only when reading sessions are characterized by relatively high classroom organization. Classroom organization should be an important consideration while planning for interactive book reading sessions.  相似文献   

成书于三国时期的子书《诸葛子》,至迟于宋初亡佚。该书的作者当为东昊诸葛恪,而非诸葛亮。清人周广业、严可均、马国翰、王仁俊四家辑有《诸葛子》,文本各不相同。该书撰人或阙名,或题诸葛恪,王仁俊辑受目录《诸葛武侯集解》的影响而径题“汉诸葛亮撰”,综合运用目录学、版本学、校勘学的方法,对佚文进行整理和解读对推进三国诸葛家族研究有一定意义。  相似文献   

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