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运用一种建立在多步计算水平上的CBS-QB3理论方法对光气与氧原子反应体系中生成的中间体之间的异构化反应机理进行了理论研究,计算结果表明M1-trans(ClC(O)OCl)是一种最稳定的中间体构型。  相似文献   

运用一种建立在多步计算水平上的CBS-QB3理论方法对光气与氧原子反应体系中生成的中间体之间的异构化反应机理进行了理论研究,计算结果表明M1-trans(ClC(O)OCl)是一种最稳定的中间体构型。  相似文献   

语法化是人类语言发展过程中普遍存在的现象,“(V+O1)+O2”结构中的动宾动词“V+O1”是由古代汉语和现代汉语中的动宾短语发展演变而来的,这些动宾短语经过结构上的凝固,意义上的融合、磨损,然后在较高使用频率的推动下,完成其词化过程,固化为动宾动词。  相似文献   

运用不定方程组的特征以及整除的性质等初等方法,证明了不定方程y(y+1)(y+2)(y+3)=19^2k x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)无正整数解.  相似文献   

“(V+O1)+O2”(动宾组合+宾语)结构是20世纪80年代以后使用日渐增多的一种语法现象,它在其特定的流行区域里,因其独特的语用价值而得以存在、使用和广泛流行。  相似文献   

设a是大于1的正整数.本文运用初等数论方法证明了:方程a4x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)=y(y+1)(y+2)(y+3)无正整数解(x,y).  相似文献   

已知圆 O_1:x~2 y~2 D_1x E_1y F_1=O 和圆 O_2:x~2 y~2 D_2x E_2y F_2=0.本文就圆 O_1与 O_2在相交、相切和相离的不同位置关系时分别说明方程:(1)(D_1-D_2)x (E_1-E_2)y F_1-F_2=0的几何意义.命题1 如果圆 O_1与圆 O_2相交于 A、B 两点,则方程(1)表示经过 A、B 两点的直线(即  相似文献   

设n为正整数,S为大于1的正奇数.找出了所有可使1+((4n(n+1)S2)/(S2-1))为平方数的正整数n.  相似文献   

设a是一个给定的正整数,且4a^2+1是一个素数,利用乐茂华和Bugeaud Y关于不定方程X^2+(3a^2+1)^m=(4a^2+1)^n的解数的深刻结果,得到了该方程具有m为偶数或n为偶数的正整数解x,m,n所需要的条件,进而推出:当a是大于1的奇数时,上述不定方程仅有两个正整数解。  相似文献   

The influences of the PbO-B2O3-CuV2O6 (PBC) additives on the microwave dielectric properties of (Pb0.5Ca0.5) (Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 (PCFN) ceramics were investigated as a function of sintering temperature from 950 ℃ to 1 100 ℃. The sintering temperature of the specimens with the glass could be lowered from 1125 ℃ to 1 025℃ without the degradation of microwave dielectric properties. The microwave results showed that the dielectric constant cr was not significantly different while Qf values decreased with the increase of CuV206 content of PBC glass. For the specimens doped with PB-CV0.1 glass (81% PbO-9% B203-10% CuV2O6) and sintered at 1 025 ℃ for 3 h, the microwave dielectric properties of Qf=4 823 GHz, Cr=107.1 with TCF=+15.03 ×10^-6/℃ were obtained.  相似文献   

多项式整数值中的完全方幂问题是数论中引入关注的研究课题.最近,BenczeM.提出了找出所有可使1+9/2n(n+1)是平方数的正整数n的问题.本文利用Pell方程的解的结论,对k2-8为素数时进行了研究,找出此时所有的可使1+1/2k~2n(n+1)是平方数的正整数n.  相似文献   

Objective: Detecting the expression and mutation of human telomeric repeat binding factor (hTRF1) in 10 malignant hematopoietic cell line cells on the base of determining its genomic structure and its four pseudogenes to clarify if h TRF1 mutation is one of the factors of the activation oftelomerase. Methods: hTRF1cDNA sequences were obtained from GenBank, its genome structure and pseudogenes were forecasted by BLAST and other biology information programs and then testified by sequencing.Real-time RT-PCR was used to detect the expression ofhTRF1mRNA in 10 cell line cells, including myelogenous leukemia cell lines K562, HL-60, U-937, NB4, THP-1, HEL and Dami; lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines 6T-CEM, Jurkat and Raji. Telomerase activities of cells were detected by using telomeric repeat amplification (TRAP)-ELISA protocol. PCR and sequencing were used to detect mutation of each exon of h TRF1 in 10 cell line cells. Results: h TRF1 gene, mapped to 8q 13, was divided into 10 exons and spans 38.6 kb. Four processed pseudogenes of hTRF1 located on chromosome 13, 18, 21 and X respectively, was named as ψhTRF1-13, ψhTRF1-18, ψhTRF1-21 and ψhTRF1-X respectively. All cell line cells showed positive telomerase activity. The expression of hTRF1 was significantly lower in malignant hematopoietic cell lines cells (0.0338, 0.0108~0.0749) than in normal mononuclear cells (0.0493, 0.0369~0.128) (P=0.004). But no significant mutation was found in all exons of hTRF1 in 10 cell line cells. Four variants were found in part of intron 1,2 and 8 ofhTRF1. Their infection on gene function is unknown and needs further studies. Conclusion: hTRF1 mutation is probably not one of the main factors for telomerase activation in malignant hematopoietic disease.  相似文献   

王园园 《海外英语》2011,(7):376-378
With the development of reformation in China and the expanding of foreign exchanges,as the main composition of western culture,western festivals become a fashion in China.It has a special and far-reaching influence on our native festival culture and the young greatly.While many people especially young people celebrate western festivals,the Chinese traditional festivals seem fading out.This is an urgent problem that needs to be solved.This thesis is closely tracking the trend of the modern time and grasps this urgent and universal problem to conduct the research.On the basis of the investigation and analysis,this thesis aims to find out the underlying reasons of western festivals’ popularity in China and offer some sensible and effective corresponding countermeasures to this problem.  相似文献   

将给定的化学反应设计成原电池是电化学教学的基本内容之一.目前,文献[1,2]中关于反应H +OH-=H2O(1)的电池仅给出一种形式.笔者认为,题给反应是一特例,它所对应的原电池实际上有多种形式.本文绘出符合该反应的两种类型的原电池,以期对初学者及同行教学有所稗益.类型一:由对H”和OH一均能可逆的同种电极构成的简单电池.(Pt)(2)(Pt)(3)(Pt)(4)(Pt)(5)(6)(Pt)(7)(Pt)(8)(Pt)(9)(Pt)(10)(11)类型二:由同一元素的不同氧化态组成的多个对OH-或H 可逆的电极构成复合电池.(12)(13)上…  相似文献   

前n个自然数平方和公式^n∑(k=1)k^2=1/6n(n+1)(2n+1)·(2n+1)的获得,有不少巧妙而有趣的方法,第一个推导出这个公式的人是古希腊数学家阿基米德。之后,又有许多数学家通过不同的途径得到同样的结果。本文向读者介绍其中十种著名的推导方法。这些方法思路迥异,殊途同归,各有巧妙,但无不闪耀着数学家智慧的光芒,无不彰显着数学科学独特的美丽,无不昭示着数学学习的巨大魅力和快乐。  相似文献   

替硝唑的改进合成工艺中的重要中间体1-(2-乙硫基乙基)-2-甲基-5-硝基-1H-咪唑的合成,以硫脲和溴乙烷代替一般工艺上的乙硫醇和金属钠制得,收率71%。  相似文献   

本文利用Pell方程,给出了不定方程(x(x+1))/2=y^2的一切正整数解.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to compare the obedient/disobedient behavior in secondary + 1 level students. Objectives of the study were: (1) to study and compare the obedience/disobedience in secondary + 1 level students on gender basis; (2) to study and compare the obedient/disobedient behavior in secondary + 1 level students in relation to their stream (arts/science); and (3) to study the interactional effect of gender and stream on the obedient/disobedient behavior in secondary + 1 level school students. ODTS (obedient-disobedient tendency scale) by Mehta and Hasnain was used for the present study. The results reveal that males are disobedient in their behavior, whereas, females show the mixed behavior, i.e., both obedience and disobedience; arts students are disobedient, i.e., both boys and girls in comparison to science stream students; gender and stream have a significant interactional effect on the obedient/disobedient behavior of secondary + 1 level students.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Polypropylene is one of very important syn-thetic resins. In general, people pay more attentionsto the development of catalysts with high isotacticspecificity for propylene polymerization (Wang etal., 1995; Soga and Shiono, 1997). However, withthe development of the various use of polypropyl-ene (Jiang and Wu, 1999; Tiemblo et al., 1999),such as use of atactic polypropylene as an additivefor building top grade highway recently, peoplebegan to make efforts to synthesize…  相似文献   

赵振宇 《海外英语》2013,(23):182-185
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a world-famous masterpiece in children’s literature.The adventure stories in the novel deeply attract the child readers in different countries in the world.The use of puns in the work adds to its aesthetic value.In China,many scholars have translated it.The research topic is the application of Nida’s theory of functional equivalence in the pun translation in children’s literature work Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the degree of equivalence in Wu Juntao’s translation.The person who does the research has read the original work and the translator Wu Juntao’s translation of this book,analyzed the translation of puns in the book,read the relevant journal articles on the theory of functional equivalence and thought about the academic views in them.On the basis of text reading,translation analysis and reference analysis,the following conclusion has been made:According to the basic points in the theory,in the work,Wu Juntao’s translation of the puns has basically achieved the equivalence between the original text and the target text in readers’responses,language style and language meaning.  相似文献   

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