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Background: There is some apparent confusion regarding similarities and differences between two popular physical education (PE) pedagogical frameworks, that is, the Constraints-Led Approach (CLA) and Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU).

Purpose: Our aim in this commentary is to detail important theoretical and pedagogical concepts that distinguish these approaches, as well as to recognise where commonalities exist.

Findings: In particular, we note that TGfU had its roots in the 1960s in the absence of a substantial theoretical framework, although several attempts to retrospectively scaffold theories around TGfU have subsequently emerged in the literature. TGfU is a learner-centred approach to PE in which teachers are encouraged to design modified games to develop the learner's understanding of tactical concepts. In contrast, the CLA has arisen more recently from the umbrella of Nonlinear Pedagogy (NLP), emerging from the empirically rich theoretical framework of ecological dynamics. The CLA adopts a ‘learner–environment’ scale of analysis in which practitioners are encouraged to identify and modify interacting constraints (of task, environment and learner) to facilitate the coupling of each learner's perceptual and action systems during learning. The CLA is a broader framework which has been adapted for the design of (re)learning environments in PE, sport and movement therapy. Other key distinctions between the approaches include: the overall goals; the way in which the learner and the learning process are modelled; the use of questioning as a pedagogical tool; the focus on individual differences vs. generic concepts; and how progressions and skill interjections are planned and implemented.

Conclusions: Despite such distinctions, the two approaches are somewhat harmonious and key similarities include: their holistic perspective of the learner; the proposed role of the teacher and the design characteristics of learning tasks in each. Both TGfU and the CLA have a powerful central focus on the nature of learning activities undertaken by each individual learner. This clarification of TGFU and the CLA is intended to act as a catalyst for more empirical work into the complementarity of these juxtaposed pedagogical approaches to learning design.  相似文献   

逆向教学设计体现了"关注学生的学习结果与发展"的课程理念,符合我国基于标准的体育教学的应然诉求。逆向教学设计按照"逻辑逆向"设计路向,注重学生对学科持久性价值观念的理解,以评价先行自然地嵌入,促进目标、评价与学习活动的一体化。在进行逆向体育教学设计中,学习目标以学科核心素养的培养为预设基点,学习目标以学生理解的方式为陈述标准;学习评价设计建立在明晰学习目标与学习评价关系基础上,选择并应用与学习目标达成高度匹配的评价指标和方式;学习内容选择以"四维一体"准则,进而选择灵动的教学活动方式与方法,力求实现体育教学效果的最佳化。  相似文献   

施志香 《体育科研》2004,25(2):68-70
通过对崇明县登瀛中学2003届三(6)班进行教学改革实验研究发现初中体育课自编、自带、自锻的"三自"活动,不仅能激发学习兴趣,培养参与意识,发挥主体作用,提高教学效果,而且对初中的体育素质、体育能力、体育意识、锻炼习惯和融洽师生关系,建立和培养良好的班风、学风等诸多方面具有一定意义和作用.  相似文献   

普通高校体育理论教学方法与考试方法的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,加强大学体育理论教学的呼声一直很高,付诸实践和探索却很少,体育理论教学效果很不理想,为了真正在健康第一的指导思想下实现:“求知创新”和“终身体育”的思想,我们对高校体育理论教学方法和考试方法进行实验研究,希望从这里探索出一条面向未来高校体育理论教学改革的路子。  相似文献   

合作学习教学模式是目前已开发出的比较成熟的教学模式,被人们誉为“近十几年来最重要和最成功的教学改革”之一。通过在正德职业技术学院2007级女生排球选项课中进行了合作学习的实验研究,并对实验结果分析,揭示合作学习教学模式不但能够有效提高教学效果,提高学生体育学习兴趣,而且还能加强当今社会所必须具备的合作与创新的意识。  相似文献   

Representative learning design provides a framework for the extent to which practice simulates key elements of a performance setting. Improving both the measurement and analysis of representative learning design would allow for the refinement of sports training environments that seek to replicate competition conditions and provide additional context to the evaluation of athlete performance. Using rule induction, this study aimed to develop working models for the determination of high frequency, representative events in Australian Rules football kicking. A sample of 9005 kicks from the 2015 Australian Football League season were categorised and analysed according to the following constraints: type of pressure, kick distance, possession source, time in possession, velocity and kick target. The Apriori algorithm was used to develop two models. The first consisted of 10 rules containing the most commonly occurring constraint sets occurring during the kick in AF, with support values ranging from 0.15 to 0.22. None of the rules contained more than three constraints and confidence values ranged from 0.63 to 0.84. The second model considered ineffective and effective kick outcomes and displayed 70% classification accuracy. This research provides a measurement approach to determine the degree of representativeness of sports practice and is directly applicable to various team sports.  相似文献   

随着当今知识更新速率的不断提升和技能要求的不断提升,思维模式和学习能力的培养相对于知识性教学更为重要。当今高校体育的学科介质价值和作用在人才综合素养培养成效中的意义已越来越重要,我们必须要充分认识高校体育教学价值和其对人才素养发展的意义。本文采用干预性实验手段,探究了多维融合发展模式在高校体育教学中的价值和其在人才思维及学习力培养成效,通过实验结果探究该模式对高校体育学科及教学长远发展价值。  相似文献   

选择初中一年级学生为研究对象,将其分为强化左侧肢体体育训练为主的实验班和按常规以右侧肢体训练为主的对照班进行了为期近1年的实验。通过合理安排体育教学内容、方法和手段对儿童少年运动和智力潜能的开发和儿童健康成长的影响进行研究探讨。对实验前后各项运动处方指标,心、智能力及学习成绩的综合测试和统计结果发现:强化左侧肢体体育训练的实验班,在左、右和双侧肢体运动技能、智力、心理和学习成绩上,以及运动技能与智力和学习成绩的相关性上,均比以强化右侧肢体体育训练为主的对照班明显的要高。这表明均衡地发展双侧肢体运动技能,更快、更好地开发儿童少年运动和智力潜能,培养“全脑型”人,是当前中学体育教育改革的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

This paper overviews the importance for sports biomechanics of movement variability, which has been studied for some time by cognitive and ecological motor skills specialists but, until quite recently, had somewhat been overlooked by sports biomechanists. The paper considers biomechanics research reporting inter- and intra-individual movement variability in javelin and discus throwing, basketball shooting, and locomotion. The overview does not claim to be comprehensive and we exclude such issues as the theoretical background to movement and coordination variability and their measurement. We overview evidence, both theoretical and empirical, of inter-individual movement variability in seeking to achieve the same task goal, in contrast to the concept of "optimal" movement patterns. Furthermore, even elite athletes cannot reproduce identical movement patterns after many years of training, contradicting the ideas of motor invariance and "representative" trials. We contend that movement variability, far from being solely due to neuromuscular system or measurement "noise"--as sports biomechanists may have previously supposed--is, or could be, functional. Such functionality could allow environmental adaptations, reduce injury risk, and facilitate changes in coordination patterns. We conclude by recommending that sports biomechanists should focus more of their research on movement variability and on important related topics, such as control and coordination of movement, and implications for practice and skill learning.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a symposium celebrating the 26th anniversary of the publication of "A Schema Theory of Discrete Motor Skill Learning" (Schmidt, 1975) held at the annual conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity in June 2001. We provide a brief historical context for schema theory and a review of the development of the mechanistic approach to motor learning in general. We explore recent findings in mental practice, observational learning, augmented feedback presentation, and the variability of practice that are inconsistent with schema theory and provide a rationale for the importance of cognitive activity in motor learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to document crucial factors associated with students’ learning of biomechanical concepts, particularly between high- and-low achieving students. Students (N = 113) from three introductory biomechanics classes at two public universities volunteered for the study. Two measures of students’ learning were obtained, final course grade and improvement on the Biomechanics Concept Inventory version 3 administered before and after the course. Participants also completed a 15-item questionnaire documenting student learning characteristics, effort, and confidence. Partial correlations controlling for all other variables in the study, confirmed previous studies that students’ grade point average (p < 0.01), interest in biomechanics, (p < 0.05), and physics credits passed (p < 0.05) are factors uniquely associated with learning biomechanics concepts. Students’ confidence when encountering difficult biomechanics concepts was also significantly (p < 0.05) associated with final grade. There were significant differences between top 15% and bottom 15% achievers on these variables (p < 0.05), as well as on readings completed, work to pay for college per week, and learning epistemology. Consequently, instructors should consider strategies to promote students’ interest in biomechanics and confidence in solving relevant professional problems in order to improve learning for both low- and high-ability students.  相似文献   

太极拳概念的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析讨论了目前几个有代表性的太极拳"概念",在确定太极拳概念的内涵和外延后,按照逻辑学法则给太极拳下定义:以太极学说为理论基础,以掤、捋、挤、按、采、捌、肘、靠、进步、退步、左顾、右盼、中定十三法为运动技术核心,包括套路、推手、散手和功法的武术徒手项目.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、特尔菲法、问卷调查法、实验法和数理统计法,对建立在MOODLE环境的天津医科大学体育网络教学平台在蛙泳选修课中的应用效果进行一学期的实验研究。在选修蛙泳的学生中随机选取实验班和对照班,实验班实行蛙泳课堂面授和网上自主学习相结合教学模式,对照班沿袭课堂面授和课下完成练习任务的传统教学模式;期末对实验班和对照班学生的蛙泳技术、体能、理论知识、游泳学习态度和情意表现与合作精神五个方面进行实验前后差异性检验。结果表明在蛙泳技术、理论知识学习和学习态度方面上实验班学生显著好于对照班。认为MOODLE平台有助于学生自主学习、掌握技术,提高交流协作能力,可以作为体育教学的辅助工具。  相似文献   

中小学体育课程目标统领内容与教学设计的关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新一轮中小学《体育与健康》课程改革中,“目标统领内容”与“体育教学设计”的关系,由于受到“目标在任何一个层面上始终引领教材内容”这一论断的影响,使得广大一线教师在实际教学中特别是在教学设计中出现了理论上和实践上的偏差。通过对“目标统领内容”理念在不同层面教学设计中的含义、体现和把握的分析,试图给一线教师在新课程理念下的教学设计中如何把握目标统领内容提供参考。  相似文献   

对基于智能手机建立大学生个人体育档案系统进行了探索研究,详细论证了以智能手机为终端,为大学生建立基础信息、课堂教学、课外锻炼、综合评价等模块化的个人体育档案,能够为大学生设计差异化的体育学习锻炼方案,在课堂内外跟踪记录大学生锻炼情况并提供健身指导,能够让大学生实时查阅自己的健康信息,积极参与体育锻炼,养成长期自觉坚持锻炼的习惯。  相似文献   

双任务中内隐运动技能学习对提高保持成绩的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本实验研究的目的是,调查在双任务条件下一个运动系列能否被不觉察地掌握,内隐学习是否比外显学习更有效地增加保持.36名实验对象被随机分为内隐学习组或外显学习组.要求所有被试通过敲击一个键盘上的F和J键,来移动计算机屏幕上的横杆,去接住一个下落的小球.一个固定的5种小球下落曲线的系列被安插在每组15次练习的中段.同时,实验参加者需要数每组练习中的所听到的嘟嘟声的数目,以作为第二项任务.在掌握该技能后的24小时进行3次保持测验.ANOVA分析发现固定小球下落曲线段的接球成绩随着练习的增加而提高,但是练习对随机段没有作用.尽管两种练习条件下,运动技能学习成绩没有差异,但内隐学习组比外显学习组在模拟接球的保持测试和第二项任务中表现较准确.这些结果显示内隐学习是一个改善运动技能长期记忆的有效手段,并且与外显学习相比,它在练习中占用较少的认知资源.  相似文献   

通过对比分析体育与健康课程标准修订稿和实验稿,解读了体育与健康课程标准的变化:课程名称统一为"体育与健康";课程理念由过去的"以学生发展为中心,重视学生的主体地位"变为"以学生发展为中心,帮助学生学会体育与健康学习";"五大领域"整合成了4个学习方面,即把心理健康、社会适应合二为一,变成了心理健康与社会适应;实施指导更加具体和实用。但在课程内容、目标、评价等方面仍存在定位和操作性的困惑。  相似文献   

采用实验法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对情境教学法在学龄前儿童武术教学中的实施效果进行研究,旨在为武术启蒙教学的研究提供参考。结果显示:试验后,实验班与对照班身体素质均有提高,但实验班三项测试指标的均值均高于对照班,立定跳远具有显著性差异(P<0.05),坐位体前屈具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。实验后,实验班与对照班学生在武术学习兴趣上存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01),在武术学习主动性上存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。实验班和对照班"十二生肖拳"技术考试成绩存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。从学生间合作交流、学生与教师互动、学生课堂参与、学生学习效果和特色加分等五个方面对两个班武术课堂进行评价,运用情境教学法的武术课堂教学评价为"优",运用传统教学法的武术课堂教学评价为"良"。  相似文献   

实验以15名具有Choking现象的篮球专修课学生为对象,采用组别*测验时间(2*3)的双因素混合设计,以每组10个罚球线定点投篮的命中数为实验因变量,对实验组进行"如将纸团扔进纸篓那样"的投篮技能内隐学习干预,控制组则不加干预。结果表明:实验组和控制组的Choking指数存在显著差异(F(1,13)=7.146,p=0.019,η2=0.355),测验时间对Choking指数有显著的影响(F(2,26)=9.882,p=0.001,η2=0.432),组别和测验时间对Cho-king指数存在显著的交互作用(F(2,26)=5.524,p=0.010,η2=0.298),内隐学习是干预Choking现象的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

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