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腐败是为了谋取个人利益而对权力的滥用。廉政建设必须紧紧抓住对权力监督这个根本环节,才能取得实效。当前我国的权力监督存在着诸多薄弱环节,导致腐败大面积发生。我们必须以改革创新的精神。建立和完善权力监督机制,使监督真正发挥其应有的反腐效力。  相似文献   

论研究生导师的有效指导   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
指出研究生教育质量的提升,在一定程度上取决于研究生导师指导的有效性.认为研究生导师的有效指导意味着把研究生带到知识前沿、形成研究问题、指导方法和规范、引导批判和创新;研究生导师指导的有效性反映在指导的适时、适度和适当等三个方面.提出研究生导师的有效指导应注意提高导师素质,建立和谐互动的师生关系.  相似文献   

This article discusses peer supervision as a vehicle for increasing student responsibility for self-assessment and peer assessment, and increasing independence and interdependence among students for professional and personal growth. The article also explains a model currently in use in a master's degree program in counseling. Included are rationale, definition, implementation, evaluation, and recommendations for use.  相似文献   

"弱势群体"报道的舆论监督思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,新闻舆论监督成为新闻界探讨的热点,而且研究领域也不断拓宽,但有关“弱势群体”报道的舆论监督的探讨文章不多。本文试图对“弱势群体”报道的舆论监督特点以及“弱势群体”报道中舆论监督方面存在的问题进行初步分析和探讨。  相似文献   

探索高校审计有效监督的途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
深化高校审计工作,适应新世纪高等教育事业的快速发展是当前高校内审机构和内审人更的责任。通过优化审计环境、创新监督思路、夯实工作基础、加速队伍建设等途径,将进一步焕发内部审计的生机和活力,实现高校审计卓有成效的监督。  相似文献   

培训要引入工程化思想,实现培训项目化。坚持学术性与实践性并重。以高质量的供给推动学习需求,培训内容要在教师认识能力之内,但又要在其知识结构之外,最大限度地发挥培训的引领作用。  相似文献   

Effective counseling supervision features the establishment of clearly defined mutual expectations. The following article is a critical review of the literature on trainee expectations in supervision that divides the research into three areas: expectations about structure, expectations about communication, and expectations of the supervisory relationship. Implications for supervisors are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the process of peer supervision. The criterion used was counselor trainees' growth in facilitative functioning. The study sought to ascertain whether the facilitative counselor trainee was also the effective peer supervisor, to provide information on evaluating the peer-supervisory experience, and to shed light on the most effective techniques of supervision. Peer supervisors were found to be effective in improving the performance of counselor trainees in the core dimensions of empathy, respect, genuineness, and concreteness. A significant positive correlation was found between peer supervisors' level of empathy in the counseling relationship and the trainees' ratings of supervisors on the relationship questionnaire. No significant correlation was found, however, between the trainees' ratings of their supervisors and the improvement demonstrated by the trainees in the core conditions. In addition, no significant correlation was found between the extent of the trainees' improvement and the supervisors' level of functioning as counselors. The relationship between trainees' responses to the supervisor role-analysis form and their improvement in counseling skills suggested that the most effective supervisors were structured, didactic, and more technique oriented.  相似文献   

加强党内监督的力度,提高监督的实效性,是党内外人士极为关注的问题。本文探讨了监督的本义和实质,阐明了监督缺乏力度的内在原因,进而论述了强化党内监督的应有措施。  相似文献   

The perceptions of enrolled students are an important part of academic programme review. However, identification of appropriate students and scheduling of suitable times can be difficult. By obtaining faculty assistance in selection of students and scheduling focus groups as breakfast meetings, a high level of attendance and participation was achieved.  相似文献   

金融控股集团是一种重要的金融市场经营组织形式,虽有特殊的市场角色与功能,但其治理结构与约束机制必须建立在公司法的一般规范基础之上。其经营模式是"集团统一决策、子公司负责落实",具体路径分为控股公司治理层次、控股公司对子公司治理层次、子公司治理层次三个层次。同时,由于存在从治理向管理的跨界,应强化金融控股公司的外部约束机制,以保护子公司小股东和债权人的利益,即依法保障小股东退出权,并为子公司小股东配置置换母公司股权的权利。  相似文献   

Many public and private agencies lack a systematic process for evaluating the quality of counselor supervision. The Effective Supervision and Consultation (ESC) model is proposed as a guide for counselor educators who are helping agencies build effective supervision programs. The ESC model is presented with an emphasis on the assessment, training, and evaluation components of consultation services in counselor supervision.  相似文献   

远程教育机构实行教学督导制度,建立自我约束的教学质量监控机制,有利于确保远程教育教学质量.实行教学督导制度应当建立专门的督导机构,组织稳定的督导队伍,明确督导的具体任务,实行有效的质量监控.教学督导具有教学指导、质量监控、信息反馈三大功能.有效发挥教学督导功能的重要前提是建设一支高素质的督导队伍.督导人员应当具有较高的理论水平、丰富的教学经验、强力的管理能力和务实的工作作风.  相似文献   

刘恩峰 《德州学院学报》2007,23(3):83-85,105
国内外会计丑闻不断暴光,给会计工作带来了巨大压力.结合工作现实,揭示会计监督弱化的根本原因及表现,建立有效内部控制,强化会计监督的对策,进一步强化会计工作维护社会经济正常运转的重要作用.  相似文献   

This study seeks to provide current survey data from qualified psychologists about effective supervision, in view of increased fieldwork supervision demands, due to restructured initial professional training. A model of effective fieldwork supervision emerges in which a well‐managed and communicative partnership between trainee psychologist and supervisor is formed, in the context of the psychological service, its partners and clients. The authors anticipate that this may support the supervision needs of qualified colleagues, and speculate upon what additional provisions might be relevant in Years 2 and 3 when trainee psychologists will have a dual role as university students and practitioners within services.  相似文献   

高校创先争优活动是党的建设的一项重要的经常性工作,文章论述了高校创先争优监督保障长效机制的重要意义,研究了高校创先争优监督保障长效机制的要义蕴含,并提出了实施高校监督保障长效机制的主要策略,使高校创先争优活动的监督保障机制建立得更加完善。  相似文献   

齐晓钰 《柳州师专学报》2006,21(1):68-69,89
目前我国政府对非营利组织的监管存在监管失效问题,主要表现在三个方面:有效监管理念缺失;监管体制不合理;监管法律体系不健全、法制化程度低。要实现政府对非营利组织的有效监管,必须解决好以下问题:树立有效监管理念;变革监管体制;健全监管法律体系。  相似文献   

2017版新课标中提出了18个任务群,核心是注重对学生语文素养和综合实践能力的培养.在语文阅读教学中,探讨有效建构自主学习、问题性学习、情境性学习的支架,从而帮助学生开展有效阅读,提升语文阅读综合能力.  相似文献   

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