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言语交际策略是个体根据特定社会习俗,通过语言表达和理解意图,从而实现交际目标并获得良好社交效果的一种能力。它是言语、社交习俗和元认知三种知识成分的有机结合。以往研究表明,与一般儿童相比,学习不良儿童在言语交际策略的理解与运用上均存在一定程度的缺陷。言语交际策略研究,将为进一步探索学习不良儿童社会技能缺失的原因,以及社会认知发展的内部规律提供新的视角,因而具有理论价值与实践意义。  相似文献   

以自编修订的《儿童元认知问卷》,对420名儿童(其中学习不良儿童96人)进行测试,结果发现:该阶段非学习不良儿童元认知发展上六年级显著高于四、五年级,不存在性别差异;学习不良儿童元认知发展不存在年级差异,他们在元认知整体水平以及六个维度上均显著落后于一般儿童和成绩优秀儿童;此外,以小学四年级学生为被试,考察了开展元认知训练的意义。研究发现,元认知训练可以较好地促进该阶段儿童元认知水平的提高,元认知训练对学生学业成就有着积极影响。  相似文献   

刘明祥 《数学教学研究》2001,(5):F002-F002,3,4
元认知概念是在 2 0世纪 70年代初 ,由美国心理学家弗莱维尔首先提出来的 .它的研究在理论上丰富和发展了心理学的学习理论 ,在实践上对开发学生智力 ,特别是解决“教会学生如何学习”等问题有着十分重要的意义 .本文结合数学学科特点 ,探讨元认知在数学教学中的作用 ,以及如何培养数学元认知能力以提高学生的数学学习水平 .1 元认知的含义元认知是对自身认知活动的认知 ,包括对当前正在进行的认知过程 (动态 )和自我认知能力 (静态 )以及两者相互作用的认知 .主要包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个成分 ,它们是相互联系、密不可…  相似文献   

元认知理论与化学教学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
元认知理论是 2 0世纪 70年代中叶由美国的心理学家弗拉威尔 (J·H·Flavell)提出的关于儿童认知发展的心理学理论 ,在这里弗拉威尔首先使用了元认知 (metacognition)的概念。元认知的提出可以使我们从更深的层次上理解人类学习和解决问题的过程 ,把握学生进行有效学习的实质 ,因而它对于教育教学实践具有重要的指导意义。近年来 ,随着终身学习、学会生存、使学生学会学习等一些新教育理念的提出 ,元认知已成为世界范围内教育心理学研究的热点问题之一。一、元认知理论元认知是指人类对其自身认知活动的认知 ,即认知…  相似文献   

应用现代教育技术培养学生元认知能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弗莱维尔在《认知发展》一书中指出:“元认知就是主体对自身认知活动的认识,其中包括对当前正在发生的认知过程(动态)和自我的认知能力(静态)以及两者相互作用的认知。”元认知的实质就是对认知活动的自我意识和自我调节。元认知包括元认知知识、元认知体验、元认知监控。元认知的学习能力可分为三个方面八个维度:(1)学习活动前的自我监控;包括计划性、准备性;(2)学习活动中的自我监控,包括意识性、方法性。执行性;(3)学习活动后的自我监控,包括反馈性、补救性、总结性。一、优化电化教学课堂结构模式,实施阅读理解监…  相似文献   

元认知是任何以认知过程与结果为对象的知识,或是任何调节认知过程的认知活动,它之所以被称为元认知,是因为其核心意义是对认知的认知。从元认知的角度考虑,学习过程不仅仅是对所学材料的识别、加工和理解的认知过程,也是一个对该过程进行积极监控、调节的元认知过程。认知过程的有效性在很大程度上取决于元认知过程的运行水平。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童的学业成绩低下,除了与本人的学习动机、态度有关之外,还与他们在学习过程中的认知加工缺陷有关。他们在学习过程中表现出较多的认知障碍:感觉统合失常、注意发展障碍、工作记忆容量有限及信息加工缺陷、长时记忆知识结构不良、元认知水平低等。  相似文献   

初一学生数学问题解决中的动静态元认知研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
元认知有相对静态和动态的形式,这两种不同的形式影响着数学问题解决.初一的优、中、差生静态元认知水平没有显著性差异,但其动态元认知水平差异显著.静、动态元认知与数学问题解决能力、数学学业成绩显著相关,但动态元认知和数学问题解决的关系更为显著.  相似文献   

依据现代教育家对儿童学习心理的研究:兴趣、情感、动机、目标等对促进学生学习、发展有重要作用,学习动机中最现实、最活跃的成分就是认知的兴趣。要使这种学习兴趣能持久,需要教师在教学中不断发掘教材中的情感因素,为学生创设情境。发展学生的元认知能力,传授元认知知识,丰富元认知体验,加强元认知监控,可以帮助学生掌握科学的学习方法,使其能对学习进行调节和控制,从而提高课堂学习效率。  相似文献   

元认知对于学习不良儿童提高学业成绩具有重要意义。本文通过剖析元认知能力与学业成绩之间的关系,深入探讨学习不良儿童的元认知特点,并就如何对学习不良儿童进行教育干预提出见解。  相似文献   

学习困难学生对词语思维加工的元认知实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了 15名学困生和 15名优秀生对词语思维加工的元认知特点。结果表明 ,学困生对词语思维加工的自我调节、自我监视和自我控制能力显著低于学习优秀学生。二组被试各自在知觉驱动思维加工自我调节能力和概念驱动思维加工的自我调节能力的差异显著。但各自在知觉驱动思维加工与概念驱动思维加工的自我监视和自我控制能力差异不显著。学困生在语词思维加工过程中的自我评价能力比优秀生弱 ,且差异达到了显著水平。  相似文献   

A two‐factor theory is proposed in an attempt to explain the difficulty that children with math disabilities have in mastering the basic number facts. The theory is based on the premise that weak cognitive representations lead to poorer retrieval of information from long‐term memory. Two groups of children with disabilities are discussed: those with math disabilities alone (MD) and those with co‐morbid math and reading disabilities (MD/RD). It is proposed that weak phonological processing abilities underlie the learning difficulties of MD/RD children, and that weak number sense is a causal factor in the math‐fact learning difficulties of MD only and some MD/RD children.  相似文献   

元认知是个体对自己认识活动的自我意识和自我监控,元认知发展水平是影响学习困难学生的重要因素之一。认真探讨数学学习困难学生的元认知发展特点,提出如何促进数学学习困难学生的元认知发展的教学策略。  相似文献   

课程论的"大"字情结先后经历了从教学论析出独立,与教学论齐头并置,试图涵盖教学并与教育同义三个历史发展阶段。其立论基础是教学观中的生本说,生本说中的学习论,学习论中的材料学,进而以广义材料学来自我证成并逻辑自洽。这一立论基础不仅致使其在理论认知上存在多因化约一因、静态涵盖动态、主动演化被动等问题,也致使其在实践上导致教师能动性降低,教材结构性削弱,学生学习混乱性加剧,学科发展无序性增强等问题。为此,应当再度审视作为活动的教学与作为学科的教学论的本份与职责坚守,重申教学活动构成的教师、学生、课程三个基本要素,共立教学语义构成的教、学两维界定,析明教学论学科构成的教导论、承习论、课程论三类研究,并将课程锁定在静态层面、将教师锁定在动态层面、将学生锁定在动静交构的双向互动层面。  相似文献   

从元认知的角度分析高中数困生的成因及其转化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高中数学学习困难生的元认知水平不高主要体现在:(1)不能很好地预期或计划自己的学习,(2)不能自觉地使用有效的学习方法,(3)缺乏对学习的有效监控,(4)缺乏对学习的某个阶段及学习完成之后的评价、反思习惯.为此,实际教学中可以运用以下策略帮助他们实现转化:(1)加强学习方法的指导,(2)加强学习过程中的监控、调节训练,(3)注重学习完成后的评价、反思.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the diagnosis of a comorbid learning disability is dependent on the method used for making the LD diagnosis. This study investigated that proposition by studying the effects of using three approaches to the assessment of learning disabilities in a sample of 177 six- to thirteen-year-old boys referred to outpatient mental health clinics for behavior problems. The use of these three procedures to diagnose comorbid learning problems produced significantly different results. All methods identified significant numbers of children in the clinical population as learning disabled; however, each method identified children with differing characteristics. Consistent with predictions from measurement theory, the commonly used simple standard score discrepancy method was more likely to identify children with above-average IQs as learning disabled, whereas a regression approach identified learning disabilities more consistently across the ability range. These results were interpreted as supporting the use of regression approaches to diagnose co-occurring learning disabilities, as that method is less likely to be biased by the child's intelligence test score. The implications of the use of each method in research investigations is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine the social perceptual skill deficit theory in explaining the low peer acceptance of children with learning disabilities. The quality of tests measuring social perception was also examined. Thirty 9- to 12-year-old children with learning disabilities and a matched control group were given two measures of social perception: a laboratory task and a behavior rating scale. The behavior rating scale was completed by the children's teachers. In addition, the Peer Acceptance Scale (Bruininks, Rynders, & Gross, 1974) was administered to assess peer status. Results showed that the children with learning disabilities differed significantly from their nondisabled peers on each of the three measures-the children with learning disabilities obtained lower social perception and peer acceptance scores. However, the relationships between sociometric status and social perception varied as a function of task. A small but significant correlation wa found between the behavior rating scale and peer status. The laboratory task was not correlated with either the behavior rating scale or peer status. Results are discussed in terms of the psychometric properties of laboratory versus naturalistic measures of social perception and the importance of establishing the external validity of social skill measures by correlating them with outcome measures such as peer status.  相似文献   

A forward-gating procedure employing highly familiar monosyllabic words was used in auditory testing of age- and gender-matched children with learning disabilities and normally achieving children aged 8 to 11 years. The portion of the word presented, or "gate," was longer on each successive trial. Nondisabled children identified an average of one more word than the children with learning disabilities, but the mean duration required for word identification did not differ between groups. Better receptive vocabulary scores were associated with identification of words at shorter durations only among the children with learning disabilities. The two groups of children had similar numbers of different meaningful-word and different non-word incorrect responses. The children with learning disabilities exhibited poorer fine-grained auditory discrimination than a control group of nondisabled children. The study concluded that auditory closure skills for the gating task were as good among children with learning disabilities as among nondisabled children, but that sensory discrimination problems may contribute significantly to the learning difficulties of the former group.  相似文献   

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