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结合2010-2014年广东高考理综化学反应原理的试题特点,从多重表征的角度来分析其命题方向及其对教学实践的导向,探讨多重表征在高中化学教学中的功能,并提出多重表征的教学建议。  相似文献   

主要借鉴MAS问题编码的方法,对化学中宏观表征、微观表征、符号表征两两之间的转换以及三重表征间的转换问题,以测试的形式,就学生在单维转换中表现出的差异进行了因素分析,并对某一转换水平在单维、多维转换中的转换能力作了比较,以期为提高学生三重表征思维提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

文章简述了映象表征的含义、心理机制等,阐述了依据对映象表征的研究。化学教学应针对不同类型化学知识选择相应的表征方式,以便取得较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

化学三重表征自提出以来就对全球科学教育,尤其是化学教育的研究产生了广泛而深刻的影响,三重表征也因此被尊为此领域最有力量、最富有成效的思想之一.随着化学教育理论的不断发展,约翰斯顿及其他众多研究者对三重表征进行了多次修改和完善,并出现了多种演绎版本.通过对国外三重表征的来源与发展进行梳理,审视目前三重表征被多重演绎的现状...  相似文献   

学生运用宏观、微观和符号表征的能力是理解许多化学概念和现象的关键。在现实教学活动中,教师应该积极引导学生理解化学反应方程式的描述和解释过程中宏观、微观和符号表征的使用。  相似文献   

本文对四重表征进行介绍,并根据离子反应概念教学中存在的问题,利用四重表征进行离子反应概念的建构,提高学生四重表征能力,突破了离子反应教学的难点。  相似文献   

数学核心素养是指学生在数学学习过程中形成的数学思想、思维品质和关键能力。多重表征在培养学生核心素养方面发挥特殊的作用。多重表征不仅是数学思想的,也是学生应该发展的一种关键能力。基于数学概念、数学规则、数学问题解决等不同知识类型的教学,探索多重表征的转化、顺序、选择、主体、呈现等在小学数学教学中的应用,试图通过小学数学教学中的多重表征发展学生的数学核心素养。  相似文献   

王宝斌 《化学教学》2016,(12):41-45
在“化学反应的表示方法”一课中,采用了“识、明、破、练、解”策略组织教学:认识化学方程式,明确方程式的书写规则,突破化学方程式的配平难点,练习书写常见的化学方程式,理解化学方程式的含义,从而帮助学生把握化学学科的思维特点——“三重表征”思维,实现认识的科学化和规范化.  相似文献   

化学学科发展经历宏观水平和微观水平,化学符号是全世界通用的化学语言,宏观—微观—符号是化学学科独具的特点,化学教学中要充分利用这个特点,从宏观—微观—符号水平进行教学,即化学三重表征教学,促使学生形成化学学科特有的思维方式。  相似文献   

社会科学领域的问题解决研究及其教学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会科学的教学似乎是一大难题,社会科学领域的问题解决研究(以认知心理学中兴起的专家一新手比较为研究范型),提出了社会科学领域的知识与问题解决的能力的关系的问题,为社会科学教学的改革提供了一条崭新的思路。 一、社会科学问题解决的有关研究概述 任何问题都有初始状态和目标状态,从初始状  相似文献   

解题兴趣是影响解题活动的重要因素.在解题教学中培养解题兴趣,是培养学生解题能力的有效途径.因此,需要关注解题兴趣的来源.从兴趣分类的角度阐述解题兴趣的来源,为解题教学提供借鉴.  相似文献   

问题表征与学科问题解决的研究现状及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
问题表征的过程是将外部刺激转化成内部的心理符号,从而有助于问题解决。学科问题表征体现出明显的层次性和动态性。目前,学科问题解决主要关注问题表征的影响因素、问题表征的方式与策略的关系以及表征的发展性研究等几方面。在教学中,要重视专门知识的作用,启发学生运用多样化的表征方式以促进学生对问题的理解与解决。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Engaging learners in the excitement of science, helping them discover the value of evidence-based reasoning and higher-order cognitive skills, and teaching them to become creative problem solvers have long been goals of science education reformers. But the means to achieve these goals, especially methods to promote creative thinking in scientific problem solving, have not become widely known or used. In this essay, I review the evidence that creativity is not a single hard-to-measure property. The creative process can be explained by reference to increasingly well-understood cognitive skills such as cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control that are widely distributed in the population. I explore the relationship between creativity and the higher-order cognitive skills, review assessment methods, and describe several instructional strategies for enhancing creative problem solving in the college classroom. Evidence suggests that instruction to support the development of creativity requires inquiry-based teaching that includes explicit strategies to promote cognitive flexibility. Students need to be repeatedly reminded and shown how to be creative, to integrate material across subject areas, to question their own assumptions, and to imagine other viewpoints and possibilities. Further research is required to determine whether college students'' learning will be enhanced by these measures.  相似文献   

从应用题到解决问题,这绝不仅是名称上的变化.弄清楚这其中变化的实质,有助于我们更好地继承应用题教学宝贵的、成功的经验,也有助于我们更好地开展解决问题的教学.该文立足于应用题和解决问题的内涵,探讨解决问题的教育价值,并结合当今小学数学教学实际,提出了解决问题的教学建议.  相似文献   

中学生数学解题表征的一次调查测试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
问题表征是指问题或任务在问题解决者头脑中是如何呈现、如何表现出来的.问题表征依赖于人的知识经验,也受到注意、记忆和思维的影响.中学生问题表征处于3个不同水平:(1)程序性表征;(2)发展的表征;(3)概念性表征.经常要求学生解释数学表达式的意义,是促进学生概念性理解的重要手段.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in 26 fourth-grade students' early conceptions of rational number representations as a function of receiving one of two curricular interventions. The first group of 12 students received a curriculum that emphasized constructing knowledge through extended problem solving with a single perspective of the rational number domain based on part-whole relations. A second group of 14 students received a curriculum that emphasized a more conceptually diverse multiple perspective view of the domain through problem solving with operator and ratio relations. Analyses of the students' rational number knowledge before and after the interventions indicated that students in the single perspective group produced organizations of knowledge that more frequently diverged from a formal domain analysis than those produced by students in the multiple perspective group. Further, students in the single perspective group increased their focus on superficial surface features. Alternatively, students in the multiple perspective group demonstrated an increased focus on operations that more frequently reflected the underlying mathematical relation conveyed by the representation. The findings indicate that an early exposure to more diverse perspectives of rational numbers assists students in developing more interconnected and viable representation knowledge for rational numbers.  相似文献   

From a theoretical viewpoint, educational interfaces that facilitate communicative actions involving representations central to a domain can maximize students’ effort associated with constructing new schemas. In addition, interfaces that minimize working memory demands due to the interface per se, for example by mimicking existing non-digital work practice, can preserve students’ attentional focus on their learning task. In this research, we asked the question: What type of interface input capabilities provide best support for science problem solving in both low- and high-performing students? High school students’ ability to solve a diverse range of biology problems was compared over longitudinal sessions while they used: (1) hardcopy paper and pencil (2) a digital paper and pen interface (3) pen tablet interface, and (4) graphical tablet interface. Post-test evaluations revealed that time to solve problems, meta-cognitive control, solution correctness, and memory all were significantly enhanced when using the digital pen and paper interface, compared with tablet interfaces. The tangible pen and paper interface also was the only alternative that significantly facilitated skill acquisition in low-performing students. Paradoxically, all students nonetheless believed that the tablet interfaces provided best support for their performance, revealing a lack of self-awareness about how to use computational tools to best advantage. Implications are discussed for how pen interfaces can be optimized for future educational purposes, and for establishing technology fluency curricula to improve students’ awareness of the impact of digital tools on their performance.  相似文献   

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