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家庭教育的启蒙性与持久性,决定了家长在残疾儿童教育中的重要地位。随着时代的发展,残疾儿童家庭教育面临新的挑战,当前残疾儿童家庭教育存在残疾儿童家长对家庭教育关注程度不足、家庭教育指导人才缺乏、家庭教育内容片面、家庭教育指导缺乏系统性等问题。建议从学校、家庭、社会协同开展家庭教育的角度,完善残疾儿童家庭教育支持的法律体系,加快高校家庭教育专业人才培养,重视新时代特殊儿童家庭家教家风建设,发挥学校和社区在家庭教育中的作用,并集中社会优势资源开展家庭教育网络培训与指导,从而提高残疾儿童家庭教育育人成效。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童接触的第一个环境,家庭养育方式对学龄前儿童发展有重要影响,改善家庭养育现状有助于改善农村学龄前儿童的生存环境,促进其健康发展。本研究采用问卷法和访谈法,从家长教育观念、家长素养、亲子互动和家庭教育指导等四方面通过对陕西农村地区1161名0-6岁儿童家长的调研发现,农村地区学龄前儿童的家长重视家庭养育,存在重智倾向,家庭养育受家长生活环境和家长实践智慧的影响,家庭教育指导难以满足家长不断增长的养育需求等。据此,通过依托社区建构0-6岁儿童的家庭教育指导服务体系,发掘社区本土资源提高家庭教育指导的实效性,建立政府主导的联动机制保障家庭教育指导的可持续性发展等策略,建构适宜于农村的家庭教育指导服务模式。  相似文献   

小学中高学段学生家长面临着孩子生命成长的关键期,家庭教育指导服务为家长提供专业、科学的育儿策略,对促进家庭、社会的和谐发展有重要意义。通过对13个省份1193名小学中高学段学生家长的问卷调查发现,小学中高学段学生家长对家庭教育指导服务的认知不足、不同结构类型的家庭在家庭教育中遇到的问题不同、家长缺乏专业的指导服务、家长对家庭教育指导服务内容的需求不同。提升小学中高学段学生家长家庭教育指导服务水平,需要政府推动家庭教育指导服务,社区支持家庭教育指导服务,学校提供专业的家庭教育指导服务,家长积极参与家庭教育指导服务。  相似文献   

李立忠 《文教资料》2008,(25):110-111
学校教育与家庭教育有着不同的功能与要求,学校教育必须与家庭教育相结合,才能真正取得成效.在家长的教育能力与素养有待提高的情况下,学校教育有必要向家庭教育拓展和延伸,主动承担起指导家庭教育的职责,科学地指导家庭教育,使家长更理解忖教育,以达到家庭教育的最优化、理想化,实现教育的合力,促进青少年全面、健康、和谐的发展.  相似文献   

社区家庭教育指导服务阵地为家长直接提供家庭教育指导服务,是家庭教育指导服务体系的重要组成部分。该研究基于课题组对我国家庭教育指导服务体系建设情况的调研,选取其中社区家庭教育指导服务体系的相关群体的数据,对我国社区家庭教育指导服务阵地的基本建设情况、人员队伍组建情况、开展指导服务工作的现状及效果,以及工作中存在的问题进行了分析。基于调研结果,提出对我国社区家庭教育指导服务体系发展和提升的策略:发挥政府的主导作用,加快社区家庭教育指导服务阵地的基础建设,并提供配套支持和保障;优化内部工作管理制度,寻求专业资源支持;关注家长的需求,发挥社区的优势,为家长提供专业便捷的家庭教育指导服务;通过社区整体文化环境建设,增强社区与家庭联结。  相似文献   

何韵 《当代家庭教育》2023,(17):213-215
随着我国教育事业的发展以及教育改革工作的不断推进,不仅要求各级学校加强教育指导,同时还要求家长掌握有效的家庭教育方法,通过家庭教育与学校教育的双重影响,促进青少年的健康成长。家庭教育具有独特的优势,如及时性、持续性以及影响深远等,但是在实际的家庭教育中,大多数的家长并未掌握有效的家庭教育方法,导致家庭教育的效果并不理想。小学班主任应注重对家长的家庭教育指导,发挥出班主任的指导作用,提升班主任对家庭教育的指导力,从而达到优化家庭教育质量的作用,促进小学生的健康全面发展。基于此,文章主要就小学班主任在家庭教育中的指导作用以及有效指导策略进行了分析,旨在提升班主任的家庭教育指导力,让家长掌握有效的家庭教育方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

家庭教育功能对提高青少年自我保健能力起重要而关键的作用,父母承担着家庭教育的重任,父母的文化水平、教育能力在家庭教育功能中起决定性的因素。提高父母的文化水平、增强他们的教育能力是至关重要的。加强对父母家长卫生知识的普及教育,加强社区卫生服务力度,为社区居民家庭提供健康教育服务,实现健康教育家庭化,使儿童、青少年从小就养成良好的生活行为方式,掌握自我保健知识,促进我国人口可持续发展。  相似文献   

前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基指出:"最完备的社会教育是学校教育与家庭教育的结合。"家校合作是家庭与学校以促进青少年的全面发展为目标,家长参与学校教育,学校指导家庭教育,相互配合、相互支撑的双向活动。现代教育呼唤现代教学手段,家校合作  相似文献   

一、研究背景(一)国家及市辖区对家园共育建设提出了政策要求《幼儿园工作规程》提出:“幼儿园应当主动与幼儿家庭沟通合作,为家长提供科学育儿宣传指导,帮助家长创设良好的家庭教育环境,共同担负教育幼儿的任务。”《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》规定:“中小学校、幼儿园应当将家庭教育指导服务纳入工作计划,作为教师业务培训的内容。”“中小学校、幼儿园应当根据家长的需求,邀请有关人员传授家庭教育理念、知识和方法,组织开展家庭教育指导服务和实践活动。”  相似文献   

孟庆  汪淙 《贵州教育》2009,(15):23-25
随着社会经济的发展和信息化水平的不断提高,将幼儿教育溶入家庭、社区,促进教育与社会的融合,形成社会-幼儿园-家庭三位一体的教育网络已成为学前教育发展的趋势。在新的历史条件下,保教质量的提高单靠幼儿园教育本身难以奏效,必须站在新的高度,充分整合利用家庭、社区教育资源,充分发挥家长、社区的教育作用,实现幼儿园教育与家庭教育、社区教育的同步协调发展。  相似文献   

通过对单亲子女学业研究成果的梳理,辨析了家庭结构、经济压力、家庭冲突和社会环境等因素对单亲子女学业的影响,指出贫困、家庭结构缺陷、家庭冲突和情绪并不直接导致单亲教养失败。家庭情绪、父母对子女的学业期待与参与程度、提供资源和支持是影响学业成就的间接变量,学业自我概念是直接变量。通过分析可以看出,同伴交往、单亲家庭的社会支持、文化环境对单亲子女的成长影响更多;对单亲子女人格和社会情感的教育更重要。  相似文献   

自《科尔曼报告》公布至今已经过去了半个世纪,但对于学生学业成绩来说,学校投入与家庭投入哪个更重要的问题在国内外学术界依然没有达成共识。本文利用我国东部和中部5省16个城市中小学校大规模测评数据,采用广义教育生产函数方法,运用两水平线性模型,分析了学校投入和家庭投入要素对教育产出(以学生学业成绩为代理变量)的影响效应。同时,采用Shapley值和Owen值分解技术,识别出对学校教育产出有较大影响的投入要素,得出以下4个方面结论:第一,除生师比之外,办学条件和教师质量等学校投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第二,父母参与、父母教育期望等家庭投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第三,对于小学平均学业成绩而言,来自家庭的相关投入更重要;对于初中平均学业成绩而言,则是来自学校的相关投入更为重要。第四,相比学校办学条件,教师质量对中小学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大;而且,相比小学,教师质量对初中学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大。基于实证研究结论,提出提高我国中小学教育生产效率的5点建议:一是调整义务教育资源配置结构,优先保障初中阶段学校教育投入;二是改善义务教育阶段教师的工资待遇和工作环境,以吸引更多高素质人才投入义务教育事业;三是通过校外教师专业发展培训、校本教研合作等途径切实提高教师队伍的教学策略水平,尤其要重视提高初中教师的教学策略水平;四是政府和相关部门应尽快出台有关家庭教育的制度规范,强化父母在家庭教育中的主体责任,督促父母积极参与子女教育生产过程;五是学校和社区应广泛开展家庭教育讲座和家庭教育实践培训活动,引导家长树立正确的家庭教育观,掌握科学的养育子女的方法,以提高学校教育和家庭教育联合生产的效率。  相似文献   

The controversy surrounding sex education and condom availability programs in schools in New York City and throughout the US continues because parents worry that such programs encourage teenagers to engage in sexual behavior. But the reality is that more and more teenagers are engaging in sexual behavior anyway. The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development found the 17% of girls and 29% of boys engaged in sexual intercourse by the time they were 16 years old. Many parents are ready to blame sex education and condom availability programs for these figures; these parents issue calls for "chastity education." Opponents of sex education also believe that these programs violate the rights of parents to education their children about moral behavior and religious values. But the truth is that these programs do not preclude the right of a parents to teach a child anything. They simply prevent the use of the public schools to impose religious beliefs on students. Those who argue that the mandate of schools is only to teach academic subjects forget that public high schools are the best place for sex education and condom availability programs because the schools are full of teenagers and of adults who are trained and willing to counsel them. Few educators would argue that schools should not teach values, and sex education and condom availability programs provide an excellent way to help teenagers understand not only human sexuality, reproduction, and the spread of disease but also social relationships, the development of cultural norms, and the role of responsible citizens. At the same time that we encourage sexual abstinence among young people, we must also teach about sexual responsibility. Sexual responsibility today means using a condom to prevent pregnancy and disease. If teenagers are embarrassed in their efforts to acquire condoms, pregnancy and diseases will be the result, not abstinence.  相似文献   

作为社会转型期产物的留守儿童面临着身心健康、接受教育、天赋、个性发展等发展权难以得到保障甚至被侵犯的危险。粤西北及东南乡村地区的调研数据显示,留守儿童的身心健康发展权、受教育发展权、信息知晓发展权、天赋发展权等方面受到较大的负面影响,急需家庭、政府、学校、社会形成多方联动的留守儿童发展权权益保障体系。在家庭层面,父母加强关注留守儿童的情感需求与天赋个性;在政府层面,大力发展农村经济,建立健全教育帮扶机制;在学校层面,优化硬件设施与教师结构,加强网络信息教育;在社会层面,充分发挥社会综合协助职能,加强帮扶的针对性与长期性。  相似文献   

素质教育是一项社会系统工程,单靠学校或教师教育,解决不了实施过程中诸多客观问题,必须有赖于政府统筹协调。政府在促进素质教育发展方面还需要设计和执行更多有效的措施。  相似文献   

新时代,有理想、懂担当、敢作为成为青年一代的必然要求,德育工作的重要性越来越突出。做好德育工作的最佳时期莫过于少年儿童时期,这要求小学教育工作者勇于承担责任,深刻认识小学德育工作的重要性,坚持教育的社会主义方向,将德育摆在素质教育的核心位置。具体而言,学校可以从以下几方面开展德育工作:一是守护好校园教育主阵地,开展融入生活的情景教学、突出择优示范的榜样教学、注重自我管理能力培养的责任教学;二是维护好家庭教育主通道,指导家长开展科学的家庭教育;三是利用好社会教育大课堂,让学生在社会实践中提升思想品德修养。  相似文献   

在埃塞俄比亚中小学教育中,无论是教育过程还是教育结果,女生都明显处于弱势地位。其中既有经济原因,也有社会性别观念和暴力等因素。要有效减少教育中的性别不平等问题,埃塞俄比亚需要从以下三方面去努力:第一,积极采取措施发展经济,增加教育投入,提高人们的教育支付能力;第二,提高家长的受教育水平并使人们认识到女孩接受教育的重要性;第三,采取有效措施减少针对女童的暴力行为。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation of collaboration between schools and adult education providers in relation to some case-study examples of ‘parent education’ and ‘family literacy’ programmes. It examines how these organizations' different conceptions of their purposes and their under-pinning values can lead to different outcomes particularly in relation to their conceptualization of the role of the ‘parent’. It argues that schoolteachers and adult education staff come from distinct cultures and have different ideas about education and learning. They have, however, distinctive and complementary roles to play in promoting learning and education and creating a fairer social order. Using a parent centred, dialogic approach positions parents as people with an important contribution to make rather than as ‘problems’ that need to change to the school's way of seeing things. The paper suggests that whilst learning alone cannot abolish inequality and social divisions it can make a real contribution to combating them, not least by tackling the ways in which social exclusion is reinforced through the very processes and outcomes of education and training. If parents can be helped to challenge deficit views of the culture of their homes and communities then a small step has been taken in enabling their voices to be heard in the learning of their children and in their own educational development. For this to happen, however, some of the control that professionals have imposed on schooling for so long will have to be released and parents would need to be regarded as people with important contributions to make as collaborating educational partners.  相似文献   

The number of supplementary schools in England serving minority communities continues to grow. They are popular with the parents of such communities because they often feel their children are disadvantaged in mainstream schools and not afforded the opportunities or the learning environment that is conducive to their children achieving their full potential. Simultaneously, over the past 10 years or so there has been an increasing political focus on local communities and issues of cohesion; both of which were high priorities for the last government. Schools were viewed as key to helping the government deliver these political agendas. The current coalition government also foregrounds the role and responsibilities of communities as part of its ‘Big Society’ concept. This paper explores the positioning of supplementary schools in relation to notions of ‘cohesive communities’. It draws on findings from a study commissioned by the Department for Children, Schools and Families on supplementary schools, which aimed to establish their level and type of provision, impact, and to a lesser degree, their role in the community and the cohesion agenda.  相似文献   

Background: Existing evidence suggests a relationship between family social contexts, family relationships and interactions, children’s social and cognitive development and educational outcomes. Interventions that assist families in relation to parenting and supporting children’s development can have positive effects on both parents’ skills and the educational progress of their children.

Purpose: This article reports on a study conducted in an area with high levels of social and economic deprivation in Scotland, which aimed to investigate the nature and effectiveness of the services in place to support poor families. The project focused on capturing the experiences of parents and what they perceived as effective support from the nursery and school staff in terms of getting them more involved in their children’s learning.

Sample: There was a particular focus on the four-to-seven-year age group, thus covering the crucial transition from pre-school (or non-school) provision to primary school. A sample of three Early Education & Childcare Centres (EECCs) and three schools were selected. The schools and EECCs were all from areas of high social deprivation and had a high proportion of children on free school meals.

Design and methods: The study was qualitative in design and included in-depth semi-structured interviews with 19 service managers and practitioners, six focus groups with parents and six activity groups with children. Data were analysed using both pre-determined and emerging codes.

Results: While all parents recognised the value of education for their children’s social mobility and opportunities and were keen to engage in activities, they remained aware of the limited resources they could draw upon, mainly in terms of their restricted academic competencies, specialist knowledge and qualifications. The desire to help their children overcome their families’ economic circumstances was also hampered by the absence of strong social and kinship networks that they could draw upon.

Conclusions: We draw on concepts of social and cultural capital to examine parents’ positioning in relation to their children’s education. The conclusion highlights parents’ strategic orientation to school/nurseries, often seen as a resource of cultural capital, and calls for a more positive discourse of parental engagement in relation to disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

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