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Assuming that learning is an inherently social process, this research explores interpersonal variables that affect teaching. Specifically, does the interpersonal teaching style affect student impressions of the instructor? Eighty-five undergraduates viewed one of three ten-minute videos that portrayed either an authoritarian, authoritative, or neutral style. While the content remained constant, the videos differed in many ways. Students rated the authoritative style as most positive and the authoritarian as least positive. These results are consistent with socio-instructional theories of learning and imply that style is as important as substance in teaching.  相似文献   

功能派翻译理论以译语文本及译入语读者为中心,从新的理论视角提出翻译是一种目的性行为.它的目的论、忠实性法则及连贯性法则可以阐释商务口译中变译现象存在的可行性及其适度性,给商务口译变译研究提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

运用中国心理卫生杂志1993年增刊出版的《心理卫生评定量表手册》中部分通用心理卫生评定量表进行甘肃不同区域城乡居民大样本测验发现;有些量表中的某些词语确实不适合中国人;多数事件不适应农民,也不适合文化程度比较低的人群。主要原因是中国是一个人口大国,民族大国,由于历史的、地理的、文化的差异,区域之间、文化程度之间差异很大,农村人口占大多数,国民整体文化程度比较低。现行的测验多数是以城市人群为北背景编制的,特别是许多测验都是引进外国学者的版本,本土化修订者都是大学教授,缺乏对国情的了解,编制时对调查对象的文化程度、生活状况所知不多,难免出现一些学院派特点。所以必须充分考虑我国民众心理研究的适用性问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate unidimensional models that can handle semiordered data within scale items (i.e., items with multiple ordered response categories, and one additional nominal response category). We apply the models to scale data with not applicable (NA) responses to compare the model performance to conditions in which NA responses are treated as missing and ignored. We also conduct a small simulation study based on the operational study to evaluate the parameter recovery of the models under the operational conditions. Findings indicate that the proposed models show promise for (a) reducing standard errors of trait estimates for persons who select NA responses, (b) reducing nonresponse bias in trait estimates for persons who select NA responses, and (c) providing substantive information to practitioners about the nature of the relationship between NA selection and the trait of measurement.  相似文献   

在马克思主义中国化的过程中,由于复杂的原因,产生了一些偏离马克思主义基本原理的错误思想倾向。文章分析了这些错误思想倾向产生的原因,指出了这些错误思想倾向的危害,提出了避免这些错误思想倾向发生的基本对策。  相似文献   

离退休老年人因其社会角色、经济地位、人际环境急剧变化,致使其心理冲突加剧,心理问题较其他老年人更为复杂多样。如任不良情绪和恶劣心境长期积累,势必影响身体健康、家庭生活和社会稳定。政府和社会要关心他们的生活和健康,离退休本人也要采取积极的调适方法,愉快地度过晚年。  相似文献   

教育人口是指受过教育的人口总称。教育人口作为一个新兴的领域,它的研究是跨学科的。教育人口学的研究,目前仍处于初创阶段,研究内容仍以"教育与人口的关系研究"为主。无论作为领域或学科,教育人口研究对知识增进与问题解决兼具价值。教育人口研究需由跨学科形态走向学科形态,并不断深化和拓展教育人口学的研究范围。  相似文献   

农业是苏联国民经济中的薄弱环节,长期处于停滞不前的状态,并成为苏联社会健康发展的严重障碍。科学地总结和理性地分析苏联在农业问题上的利弊得失,对于当下的中国裨益甚大。  相似文献   


Three key researches bearing on YTS are analysed: that of the IMS (Institute for Manpower Studies) which provided the training rationale for YTS; an important economic analysis (Chapman &; Tooze 1987); and Raffe's long‐term study derived from the SYPS (Scottish Young People's Survey). A series of ‘contradictions’ are examined which are likely to undermine YTS, the most serious being MSC's ambiguous role as a manager of both employment and unemployment. The IMS rationale is defective and ideologically based but has become institutionally entrenched. In practice it proves counterproductive, particularly with regard to the OTF (Occupational Training Families) system. Because of this YTS does not meet real labour market needs; there has been a reversal of the roles of supply and demand. Raffe argues that improving the quality of YTS has no bearing on its success or failure. He stresses the ‘primacy of context’ over content, arguing that unless labour market contexts are changed, YTS cannot succeed. In the educational context a ‘vicious circle of low status’ is identified with YTS which it will be hard to break. Recommendations are made which include (a) a second year which is industry — rather than occupationally‐based; (b) unconstrained movement across OTFs in order to reduce a counterproductive bias in that system; (c) YTS should be financed by government and not by employers in order to combat uneven coverage of training endemic in the ‘voluntary’ system; (d) there should be an expansion of the ‘credentialling’ sector of YTS; (e) and/or an expansion of higher status places in the ‘contest’ sector. YTS is then set against current changes in MSC and government policy regarding education and training.  相似文献   


The literature on qualitative research offers the novice two strategies for learning analysis: (1) “trust” that you will “somehow” make sense out of qualitative material, or (2) follow a predetermined set of analytic steps and stages. A problem with the first approach is that it does not take into account the wide variety of qualitative analysis projects researchers undertake or differences in how individuals approach the interpretation of qualitative material. A problem with the second approach is that it does not maximize the learning potential possible from making explicit and sharpening the learner's own interpretive framework. In this paper we describe a third alternative: a collaborative-comparative approach to analyzing qualitative materials. This approach uses a group-based model of learning and explicitly capitalizes upon differences in group member interpretive styles to enhance learning qualitative methods of research.  相似文献   

David White 《PRIMUS》2019,29(9):997-1038

In an increasingly data-driven world, facility with statistics is more important than ever for our students. At institutions without a statistician, it often falls to the mathematics faculty to teach statistics courses. This paper presents a model that a mathematician asked to teach statistics can follow. This model entails connecting with faculty from numerous departments on campus to develop a list of topics, building a repository of real-world datasets from these faculty, and creating projects where students interface with these datasets to write lab reports aimed at consumers of statistics in other disciplines. The end result is students who are well prepared for interdisciplinary research, who are accustomed to coping with the idiosyncrasies of real data, and who have sharpened their technical writing and speaking skills.  相似文献   

新时期构建高校学生教育管理模式的新视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解放思想,更新观念,主动适应形势发展需要,积极构建新时期高校学生教育管理新模式,成为高校学生教育管理改革的核心内容。通过重构逐步实现职责划分的“模块化”、工作格局的“立体化”、队伍建设的专业化、教育管理的人文化、行为调控的法治化和信息管理的现代化,将具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

从语言文字的角度来说,翻译就是译者首先作为读者对文本进行理解、阐释,再将其以目的语文字形式传介给其他目的语读者的过程。现代阐释学中,“理解”是与原作品对等的、积极发问和主动探索的过程,因而文本理解,即文本阐释在翻译中就显得尤为关键。现代阐释学没有给“理解”活动作出界定并不意味着文本阐释的空间是无限开放的,它也具有一定的理性和尺度,超越了这个界限,翻译就会泛滥甚至失去意义。  相似文献   

词汇教学新思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英语词汇的使用在语句中呈现一定的模式,这种模式,即预制语块实际上是词汇与语法在一定程度上的结合。文章首先给出预制语块的定义和分类,分析其主要特征,然后从二语习得的角度,论述了预制语块在词汇记忆口头交际以及书面话语等方面的优势,旨在找到一种词汇教学的新思路。  相似文献   

关于教育融资的新思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育是基础生产力,应优先发展。在财政投入不足的情况下,可考虑发行教育彩票加以补充。发行教育彩票对优化社会资源配置、促进国民经济发展、减轻财政分配压力、完善市场结构等具有积极意义。发行教育彩票不会造成不公平、不稳定和传统美德的还丧失。教育彩票筹资应主要用于高校扩招、扶持民族教育、补充“两基”工作投入的不足、补育国家对部分高水平大学和学科的投入、支持教育部人社科重点研究基地的建设五个方面。要增加彩票发行额度,单列教育彩票发行指标,在发行方式上要采用传统与现代相结合的方式,突破地区限制,实行跨区发行,并且加强发行管理。  相似文献   

试从康德的生平和其教育哲学思想的理论来源和现实土壤入手,分析康德教育哲学思想。康德的教育哲学思想是其批判哲学体系的重要组成部分。康德从人性论、认识论和道德论出发论证人类受教育的可能性、认识能力的能动性和道德教育的必要性。康德的哲学教育思想为近代中国开展"德育"、"智育"、"美育"提供了哲学依据,即使在今天也具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

语文创新教育需要课堂上的创意教学,而今天的语文创意教学更需要一种新思路--在教育理念、观念上放开,在实施课堂教学过程中放手,在训练学生创新思维方面放飞.广大语文教师应做到实施教学不怕调整思路,启导学生不惜"白费时间",组织研讨不惧"捅漏出乱",训练思维不忌"逆行犯上",引导想象不怕"翔飞千里".最终达到学生思维放飞的标志是视野愈加开阔,自主思维活跃,思维层次深入,突破思维定势,敢于挑战权威.  相似文献   

A short analysis of the purposes and achievements of electrical engineering laboratories is given. As a result of this analysis, the conclusion is drawn that laboratories, as presently conceived, fail to accomplish their objectives. The new approach proposed is to limit the objectives as well as the laboratory time, which would result in an advanced electrical measurements course with an associated laboratory to demonstrate the lecture material.  相似文献   

大学英语口语教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会不断发展和经济全球化的日益深入,英语应用能力成为考量人才的一个重要指标。因此非英语专业大学生英语口头表达能力的培养成为英语教学的关键。较以往传统英语教学模式偏重读写能力的训练而言,新形势下的大学英语教学应给予口语教学充分的重视,调整口语教学在整个教学安排中的份量,所以研究并改革英语口语教学应作为大学英语教学改革的第一步。本文针对我国非英语专业大学生口语能力薄弱的现状,提出了在学生本身英语基础知识比较差的条件下如何改革,帮助学生拓展英语交际能力的思路。  相似文献   

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