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文章以高职院校改革陈旧的人才培养模式,培养高素质技能型人才为背景,研究高职院校人才培养的意义和现状,探索高职院校培养高素质技能型人才的途径,以期促进高职教育面向社会和企业,又快又好地发展。  相似文献   

高职复合技能型人才培养的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对在高职教育改革发展的新形势下如何培养复合技能型人才,鲒舍交通行业对复合技能型人才培养的要求和学院自身专业建设以及课程改革经验,提出了高职教育复合技能型人才培养应谊为"专业技能教育+特长模块教育+职业能力培训教育"的观点.并通过江苏交通建设发展对复合技能型人才培养要求及学院培养复合技能型人才采取的方法,说明了培养复合技能型人才是高职教育发展的趋势之一.  相似文献   

国学教育是高等教育中人文素质教育的重要内容。培养技能型人才的高职院校,开展国学教育必须有自己的方向和特色,即重在提升高职学生的职业素质,以国学教育来支撑职业教育,塑造并提高学生职业素质,高职院校才能真正培养高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展和世界制造业梯度转移,具备高水平的技能型人才越来越紧缺,高职教育因能够满足就业市场对技能型人才的需求而发挥重要作用.伴随着全球化进程的加快,掌握与专业技能相匹配的英语的高职学生更加抢手.因此,本文对高职生英语教学现状进行分析,总结归纳高职英语教学的特点,从而为探索高职英语教学的捷径提供参考,以不断提高高职英语教学质量,培养高质量、多层次的高职学生.  相似文献   

高职院校“培养高技能人才、应用技术研发和服务社会”三大目标契合了中国经济社会发展方式的转变和产业经济结构优化和调整的客观现实需要;以市场机制和市场手段为主要导向的高职人才观推动高职教育探索多层次办学和培养多层次多元化技能型人才;科教强国战略和一流大学创建强烈呼唤示范性高职院校向职业技术大学转型.  相似文献   

职业技能大赛在高职院校中的开展,是当前高职教育以能力为本位办学思想的集中体现,有助于高职院校技能型人才的培养。高职院校要结合职业教育的优势和特征,在课程改革和教学实践活动中,灵活组织和举办各类职业技能大赛,调动高职院校学生学习、练习、使用和创新技术的积极性与主动性,提高学生对新技术、新市场和新环境的适应性,切实提高学生的动手实践能力和就业能力,顺利实现高职院校技能型人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

高职教育强调技能型人才的培养,原有高职教育的传统观念的根深蒂固、自身定位不明确等因素在一定程度上制约着高职教育的实践模式的发展。企业与高职院校挂钩,各取所需,互利互赢,不失为高职院校技能型人才实践能力培养模式的一个新的思路。  相似文献   

高职人才培养目标是真正体现以市场为导向,本着以人为本的理念,培养出高素质的技能型人才。这需要高职教育工作者重视市场调研,了解市场对人才的需求,培养企业需要的高级技能型人才;加强校本课程的开发与社团建设,培养学生的"软技能"和"特色竞争力;"促进校园文化与企业文化的对接,培养学生良好的职业角色意识。  相似文献   

积极培养技术技能型人才是高职教育新的历史使命。为围绕这一使命和目标,以广州南洋理工职业学院为例,探索了民办高职院校通过创新人才培养模式、服务区域产业经济发展、区域间协同育人等举措,培养技术技能型人才的路径、运行机制和主要发展理念。  相似文献   

高职院校不同于大学本科教育及以上学历教育,其培养的人才多是技能型或者是技术型人才,立足点是为了适应社会经济发展和市场的需要。高职院校始终坚持"立足岗位,服务就业以满足市场需求,培养出应用型专业人才"为目的,但是目前高职院校依然存在较多问题,尤其突出的是只注重学生的理论教学和岗位实践的结合,忽略了对学生身体素质的重视,没有意识到身体素质对于学生长期从事技能型职业的重要性。基于此,本课题就高职院校开设职业实用体育课程展开了研究。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,企业对高职文秘人才的要求越来越高,而现行高校在文秘人才能力培养的机制上还远远落后于市场经济发展的步伐.因此,高职高专教育为顺应市场需求,首先要在学生实习实训的能力培养上下工夫,以“市场为导向,能力为核心”,通过对学生基础能力和秘书技能应用能力进行强化培养训练,进而向校内外提供秘书服务,使学生在秘书服务的过程中完成实习实训,锻炼能力,积累经验,真正实现人才与市场需要的接轨.  相似文献   

技能形成是劳动者获得技术、技巧和能力的过程,成就这个过程的是一个复杂的制度安排,涉及到政府、行业企业、劳动力市场、劳动者等多个利益相关者,且有着较强的路径依赖。技能形成的路径有内部技能形成、外部技能形成和内外融合技能形成三种。回溯历史,在手工劳动阶段,学徒制占主导,是典型的内部技能形成路径;在大工业生产阶段和现代大生产下,正规职业教育作为外部技能形成路径满足了经济体量扩张的需求;随着外部技能形成中劳动力习得技能与生产脱节的劣势凸显,内外融合技能形成路径因兼具双重优势而成为未来的演进趋势。生产力发展水平和技术进步、经济体制和劳动力市场制度是技能形成路径演进的前因变量。  相似文献   

Research in industrial nations suggests that formal math skills are associated with improvements in market and non-market outcomes. But do these associations also hold in a highly autarkic setting with a limited formal labor market? We examined this question using observational annual panel data (2008 and 2009) from 1121 adults in a native Amazonian society of forager-farmers in Bolivia (Tsimane’). Formal math skills were associated with an increase in wealth in durable market goods and in total wealth between data collection rounds, and with improved indicators of own reported perceived stress and child health. These associations did not vary significantly by people's Spanish skills or proximity to town. We conclude that the positive association between math skills and market and non-market outcomes extends beyond industrial nations to even highly autarkic settings.  相似文献   

具有强烈的市场意识是澳大利亚TAFE取得成功的一个重要原因.其以行业为主导,确保教学不脱离市场的实际需求;以课程为纽带,寻求职业教育与市场需求的结合点;以技能为核心,培养适合市场需求的实用人才;遵循市场规律,以顾客为中心,突出服务意识;以培训作保障,突出质量意识等特色鲜明的市场实践对中国高等职业院校办学具有深刻的启迪作用.  相似文献   

Canadian society is characterised by a plurality of immigrants and Canadian migration policy and corresponding recognition approaches are strongly geared to economic criteria, qualifications and skills. This paper addresses the question how immigrants who have acquired their highest qualification outside Canada are able to use their foreign qualifications and skills in their current job. The analyses are conducted to verify the assumptions of human capital theory as well as the lack of transferability of human capital across country borders. To answer these questions a labour market success index is developed, which is used as a dependent variable in regression models. The results show that traditional operationalisations of human capital (years of education, years of work experience and skills) have a positive effect on individual labour market success. At the same time, being born abroad and having acquired one’s highest qualification abroad in comparison to Canada, especially in a Non-Western country, has negative effects on the overall labour market success of an individual. Detailed comparisons regarding different indicators of labour market success also prove these comparatively negative effects. The results demonstrate the limited explanatory power of human capital theory and the necessity to complement it with Bourdieu’s concepts of social and cultural capital.  相似文献   

技能短缺是指是指劳动力市场上没有足够数量具备市场所需技能的人才.目前,虽然我国总体劳动力供给大于需求,但高技能人才持续供不应求,技能短缺覆盖范围不断扩大.针对这一状况,作为技能人才的主要供应者,我国高职院校应以培养高技能人才为目标,提高整体办学水平.建立灵敏的劳动力市场供求反应机制,推进校企合作办学,避免结构性人才浪费和教育高消费.  相似文献   

This paper examines employers’ perspectives about university graduates’ skills and preparation for employment in post-Soviet Tajikistan. It explores the mismatch between the skills university graduates acquire and the skills required in the job market, and addresses some of the underlying reasons for the perceived skills mismatch. Thematic analysis of interviews with employers’ and secondary data suggest that the quality of higher education has declined considerably over the past two decades, widening the gap between the skills acquired by university graduates and those required by employers. The findings show that despite a rapid expansion of the higher education sector in Tajikistan, an increasing number of individuals are obtaining degrees, but fail to demonstrate a basic understanding of their field of study. I argue that while the skills mismatch derives from the challenges faced by the education system, a latent labor market and a weak economy are also contributing to the skills mismatch. The goals set by politicians and policy-makers, envisioning the internationalization of education and the preparation of the graduates to be responsive to the local and global labor market needs, seem far from being achieved in the near future. Employers’ perspectives suggest that the reform of the education sector without the creation of more decent job opportunities will likely exacerbate the current skills mismatch in Tajikistan.  相似文献   

Several studies employing decomposition methods have argued that skills only play a minor role in explaining cross-country differences in wage inequality. In this paper, we build upon the work of Leuven, Oosterbeek and van Ophem (2004) and extend the decomposition analysis to take account of the relative demand for, and supply of, skills. Doing this confirms that skills do matter and are likely to be at least as important as labour market institutions in explaining international differences in wage inequality.  相似文献   

为适应媒介融合背景下新型新闻传播人才培养的需要,拟构建“院社台站联合”的人才培养模式。其核心是搭建高校(新闻院系)与地方媒体(报社、电台、电视台、网站)合作的“1+1+2”人才培养框架,并阐述人才培养的“目标体系”“内容体系”和“方法体系”。强调高校与地方媒体共同谋划、全程合作,实现真正意义上的“院社台站”互动,建设具有强大育人功能的人才培育场。  相似文献   

伴随着我国科技和经济的快速发展,人们对医疗保健的需求越来越高,市场对护理专业人才的需求量不断增加,因此需要采用科学的方法促进护理专业的教学改革,尤其是实践教学改革。而参加护理技能大赛是提高学生实践技能最好的方式。基于此,需要建立完善的护理技能比赛制度,以岗位要求为基础优化教学内容,规范护理技能操作,更加全面的护理技能考核,等等。以此提高护理专业学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

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