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Despite the importance of faculty retention, there is little understanding of how demographic variables, professional and institutional worklife issues, and satisfaction interact to explain faculty intentions to leave at a national level. Using the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:1999) database, this study proposes (a) to extend our previous conceptualization and understanding of those issues that comprise the dimensions of faculty worklife, satisfaction, and intentions to leave, (b) to examine relationships between these three dimensions, and (c) to determine the extent to which demographic variables and the quality of worklife have an impact on satisfaction, and faculty members' intentions to leave. Using structural equation modeling, the findings indicate that the perceptions faculty members have of their worklife have a direct and powerful impact on their satisfaction, and subsequently their intentions to leave. That is, a combination of worklife perceptions of faculty members' professional and institutional issues and satisfaction initiates individuals' behavioral intentions and the desire to leave for another position and/or career alternative.  相似文献   

This study attempts to unravel the complex relationships between faculty entrepreneurialism and teaching. Specifically, this study (1) compares the extent of entrepreneurial activities (i.e., using funds for research and consulting activity) across disciplinary fields and levels of teaching commitment and (2) examines the relative effects of faculty entrepreneurialism on commitment to teaching. Using a national database of four-year college faculty, research findings demonstrate variations of teaching commitment with respect to disciplinary fields and forms of entrepreneurial activities. More important, this study reveals rather strong negative relationships between using funds for research and teaching commitment. Such findings have important implications for policy makers, administrative leaders, and university faculty as they seek to balance the institution's instructional mission in light of the increasing trend toward entrepreneurialism.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高校中层干部员工沉默行为对其离职意向的影响。方法:应用中国背景下编制的《员工沉默行为调查问卷》,以江西省高校45名中层干部为研究对象,通过相关分析、路径分析、结构方程模型等技术对数据进行统计分析。结论:(1)高校中层干部沉默行为的主要类型为默许沉默;(2)高校中层干部沉默行为与工作年限和学历有关;(3)高校中层干部沉默行为对其离职意向具有正向影响。  相似文献   

高校海归教师是归国留学人员的重要组成群体,他们知识储备丰富、国际化视野宽广。本研究基于跨文化再适应视角,采用问卷调查的方式,对41所一流大学建设高校的1417名海归教师回国后的科研表现及其主要影响因素进行调查分析。调查结果显示,海归教师对其在课题申报和成果发表方面的评价不高;其在海外学习和工作期间的适应情况、对院系工作氛围的认同程度以及与海外导师、同事或同门开展合作的频率,对海归教师的科研表现具有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

This article reports on the impact of organized research centers on professional effort, productivity, and perceptions of work satisfaction for life sciences faculty members at research intensive universities’ medical schools in the U.S. Results indicate that senior center-affiliated faculty members taught less but worked more total hours than peers not affiliated with centers. Senior affiliated faculty members were more productive than their non-affiliated peers and were more likely to be principal investigators on externally funded grants. Center-affiliated faculty members were more likely to be dissatisfied with their mix of activities and workload but more likely to be satisfied with job security and autonomy. Implications beyond this context are suggested. Sarah A. Bunton is a Senior Research Associate at the Association of American Medical Colleges in Washington DC. She received her B.A. from the University of Chicago, her M.A. from the University of Minnesota, and her Ph.D. in higher educational policy also from the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include postsecondary faculty work life and satisfaction, higher education organization, and student development. William T. Mallon is Assistant Vice President and Director of Organization and Management Studies at the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Mallon received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Richmond and his M.Ed. and Ed.D. in higher education policy from Harvard University. His research interests focus on the ways in which academic medical centers recruit and retain faculty and administrative leaders and the interorganizational relationships among medical schools, teaching hospitals, and parent universities.  相似文献   

高校教职工岗位聘任制环境下的心理调适   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校教职工在岗位聘任制环境下心理应激程度不断增强,一旦超过适当限度,可能对工作效率产生消极影响。管理者可通过完善制度、加强思想政治工作、改善生活工作环境等措施将应激控制在适当强度,有利于高校人力资源的可持续开发和工作效率的提高。  相似文献   

作为美国大学治理的重要组织机构,大学评议会饱受诟病,缘于其有效性未能充分实现。而评议会有效性有赖于组织结构、组织文化和组织关系的整体优化和良性互动。唯其如此,才能使教师积极主动地参与到大学治理中去,以保证大学教师的权益和共同治理理想的实现。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来美国大学非终身教职教师权益保障已成为困扰美国学术职业发展的重要问题。非终身教职教师无法享有与终身教职教师平等的地位和待遇,影响了他们教育教学工作的积极性和人才培养质量,引起人们对高等教育师资水平和教学质量下降的担忧。美国大学教授协会通过引导高校规范大学非终身教职教师聘任标准和程序,公布谴责名单制裁高校侵权行为,建立教师学术共同体进行集体维权等措施,在保障非终身教职教师的权益及维护高等教育质量方面发挥了重要作用。美国大学教授协会的经验值得我国参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This article describes and assesses “Research Circles” as a mechanism for enhancing faculty collegiality and research. Recently established on our campus, these circles, composed of three to four faculty members, have had a particularly powerful effect on the new faculty members' adjustment to their tenure track positions, especially since they entered a context that might otherwise have been challenging: a new interdisciplinary upper-division campus with high expectations for teaching excellence. Based on the end-of-year evaluations, journals, and focus groups, the co-authors described themes that emerged from their participation in these circles. Circle participation not only facilitated faculty writing throughout their first year, but it also fostered the development of an interdisciplinary community which nurtured creativity and risk taking in writing. All authors are currently teaching in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) at The University of Washington, Bothell (UWB). Except for Diane Gillespie, Professor and Associate Director of IAS, all other authors are Assistant Professors in IAS. Diane Gillespie received her Ph.D. in cultural and psychological studies in education from The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Her interests include critical pedagogy, narrative psychology, and cultural diversity. Nives Dolšak received a joint Ph.D. in public policy and political science from Indiana University. Her interests include public policy, environmental policy, and international relations. Bruce Kochis, received his Ph.D. in Slavic languages & literatures at the University of Michigan. He focuses on global human rights policy, discourse analysis, and political theory. Ron Krabill received his Ph.D. in sociology and historical studies from New School for Social Research. His interests include comparative media, politics and social movements with a special emphasis on South Africa, as well as the study of peace, conflict, social justice, and human rights. Kari Lerum received her Ph.D. in sociology from The University of Washington. Her interests include culture, organizations, sexuality, qualitative methods, and visual studies. Anne Peterson received her Ph.D. from Washington University. Her interests include urban politics and policy and the distribution of natural resources at the local level. Elizabeth Thomas received her Ph.D. in psychology from The University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign. Her interests include community-based resources for adolescent development, cultural psychology, and the social context of learning.  相似文献   

教授治校是一种源自于西方的大学内部管理模式,中国的大学教育在向西方学习的过程中,移植、借鉴了教授治校制度。它先是由北大开始,后来在清华大学被发扬光大,清华大学的教授治校制度能够长期延续和维持,是有其特定的历史情境和内在原因的。教授治校制度直到今天仍然是大学改革的方向。  相似文献   

随着双一流建设的推进,为激发高校学术组织创新活力,中国部分高校逐渐进行学部制改革。学部作为学术分类管理的平台,对指导学科分类、深入民主管理具有重要作用。面对中国工科研究型大学工强文弱的状况,应通过构建人文社科学部来引导和推动人文社科建设,但在学部建设过程中要注意克服发展定位不准、有效融合不够、院部职能协调不清等问题,要对学部进行有效定位,重视其运行模式和组织架构设计。  相似文献   

民办高校随着自身的发展,在管理体制上逐步实现了二级管理。但由于时间短、经验少等原因,存在一系列较突出的问题。民办高校院(系)办公室应实行人本管理,对内注重提高办公室工作人员的整体素质,增强他们的工作责任感和使命感,对外要树立“以师生为本”的观念,逐渐形成院(系)办公室管理工作廉洁高效、热情服务、严格管理等文化氛围。  相似文献   

院级教学质量监控体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学质量是高校教学永恒的主题。加强教学质量管理,必须构建各级教学质量监控体系。文章对教学质量监控的内涵和特征进行了研究,指出了目前教学质量监控中存在的问题,并结合学院实际,探讨了院级教学质量监控体系的构建。  相似文献   

新建本科院校师资队伍建设策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实施新建本科院校发展战略急需高素质师资队伍提供保障和支撑。客观地分析了新建本科院校师资队伍现状及其存在的问题,提出了新建本科院校师资队伍建设的路径和策略。  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of faculty members at comprehensive universities in scholarship of teaching and learning publishing activities in four disciplines. Compared to to their publishing rates in research-oriented journals, comprehensive university faculty members were more involved in publishing articles and serving on editorial boards for pedagogical journals. Over the past three decades, the relative involvement in the scholarship of teaching and learning journals by faculty members at comprehensive universities and liberal arts colleges has increased whereas participation by faculty members at research universities has declined.  相似文献   

浅谈高校教师教学方法创新途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学方法是教学过程中活跃而重要的因素.它既是体现教师主导作用的重要渠道,又是影响学生发挥主体作用的关键因素.教学方法是否得当,关系到教学质量的高低和教学效果的好坏,影响到人才培养的质量.结合调查数据,分析影响高校教师教学方法创新的因素,从转变教学理念、建立科学合理的教学管理机制、发挥教学名师的榜样作用等方面探寻高校教师教学方法创新途径.  相似文献   

对韩国37所国立大学(综合类19所、理工类7所、师范类11所)的教师业绩评价有关规定进行政策文本分析发现,部分综合类高校和理工类高校在对教师进行业绩评价时,制定了考虑学科特殊性的评价方案,但大部分师范高校尚未制定考虑学科特殊性的评价方案.国立大学教师评价方案呈现出以下特点:重研究成果数量,轻质量;重国际学术期刊,轻国内...  相似文献   

伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的教师申诉制度主要由四个部分构成:第一部分是关于学术型教师的普通申诉制度;第二部分是关于行政型教师即后勤和行政职员的申诉制度;第三部分是对行政型教师申诉中的听证程序的特别规定;第四部分是学术型教师涉及歧视问题的申诉制度。这四个部分不仅体现了美国公立大学的教师申诉制度的一些共性,也反映了其自身特色。该教师申诉制度对于从实体和程序上进一步完善我国公立大学的教师申诉制度具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学学术人员薪酬管理制度的研究与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创建世界一流大学是近若干年来我国重点高校在办学和建设中始终不二的追求,建设世界一流首先要了解世界一流,向世界一流取真经、求经验.本文以美国高校学术人员为研究对象,抽取10所美国顶尖高校样本,总结提炼其在管理制度,尤其是薪酬分配上的规律性做法,借鉴他们的管理特点,以期为我国高校教师工资管理改革提供一定参考.  相似文献   

Portfolios are used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are the documentation of one's professional development for others and the improvement of one's own performance over time. This article discusses the concept of the faculty development portfolio and, in doing so, outlines the work of faculty development professionals. It also identifies characteristics of effective faculty development professionals and defines the steps involved in creating a faculty development portfolio. These steps include how to conceptualize, gather, and present evidence of items that can be used as a framework for faculty developers to consider when documenting their professional development for summative and formative purposes.  相似文献   

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